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/lit/ - Literature

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8129989 No.8129989 [Reply] [Original]

What do you think of YouTuber books?

>> No.8129996

I try not to.

>> No.8129997

I don't.

>> No.8130001
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What do you think about contemporary Latin American literature ?

>> No.8130005

Oh god just looking at that makes me want to die

>> No.8130151


>> No.8130153


>> No.8130202

Didn't know any existed.

>> No.8130229

They're like "books" by D-list celebrities only worse.

>> No.8130237

pinnacle of western cannon

>> No.8130239

Glad you're posting this OP. I saw this shit at Target (and there are at least four others like it) and wanted to die.

>> No.8130263

>2070 paradigm shift
>a Youtuber writes a piece of literature that's actually decent
>everyone on /r9k/ is well adjusted, has a qt gf, and is moderately successful
>John Green reveals that his entire body of work was a biting satire of the young adult genre
>David Foster Wallace, Pynchon, and Stirner all come back to life to have a gigantic orgy with everyone on /lit/, thus claiming the virginities of thousands of twentysomethings
>same with Voltaire, Jesus Christ, Karl Marx and the entirety of /his/
>everyone on /x/ gets a hot chained up succubus to fuck whenever they want and wherever they want

>> No.8130286

I've never read one. They're all garbage.

>> No.8130293

>succubus threads on /x/
Every fucking time.

>> No.8130428

what is this even about?

>> No.8130511

>muh quirky interests
>muh sadness
>muh homosex

Based on context alone, I'm pretty sure it encompasses those things.

>> No.8130638

>>muh quirky interests
>>muh sadness
>>muh homosex

huh okay so why not just read moby-dick, it has basically all of those

stupid tumblr girls

>> No.8130642


>> No.8130678

i'm not even wrong

>> No.8130711

kind of genius...most of the audience is 16 and under so they either have the spending money to buy the books or their parents are more likely to get it for them bc books are good : )
sad how 70% of these purchases are likely driven by wanting to feel connected to them by giving them a tithe and the youtubers aren't even dreamy boy banders or proper stars, but I guess a lot of things are like that

>> No.8130721

100% of them. These books do well too

>> No.8130774

exactly how my sister got these books

I read the first two pages of like a dude named joey garica. It was quite hard to read, it went something like this.

"oh wow I can't believe I'm actually writing this book right now, its crazy how far I've gotten in life and now I wanna share my story with you"

I think its basically their videos in an audio transcript format.

>> No.8131678
File: 73 KB, 600x407, youtuber_books.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are the future and will become the pinnacle of western literature.
They will eclipse the western canon.

>> No.8131682

Que padre! xDDD

>> No.8131687


>ahora cualquiera saca un libro

>that is exactly the title

medium kek

>> No.8131689
File: 80 KB, 914x1091, 74846985.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just bee yourself. Im such a weirdo freak and even I made it

Truly inspirational.

>> No.8131696


I think that Dalas Azahar is a thought-provoking author, whose Philosophy Book shall have a profound impact on the current mainstream.

>> No.8131739

> Pewdiepie
> Amazing Phil
> Danisnotonfire
> Ashens
> Tyler Oakley
> Youtuber books are now a thing

I'd buy H3H3 as a curiosity if Ethan ever did a book like that but most of these are flavour of the month trash that'll end up in charity shops in 10 years time.

>> No.8131743

Nah, he's sorta right. It's about so much more, but yeah, there's elements of that stuff in there.

>> No.8132713

Never heard of too many of them.

The goodreads reviews on Pewdiepie's self help novel are pretty funny though.

>> No.8132879

I work at a bookstore and am befuddled by this trend. The books don't seem to sell that well, at least among the people at my store.

One YouTube star, Rosanna Pasino, did an event to promote her cookbook, Nerdy Nummies. People came from a fair distance just to see her speak, and there were a lot of strict policies about how the event would happen (e.g., you could only get a signed copy of the book if you had preordered the book). A lot of people came out, apparently, I was thankfully not working that day.

>> No.8132933

Their target audience is primarily kids. Don't know what's to expect

I kind of feel bad for pewdiepie. I mean he's filthy rich so any sympathy is quickly taken out of the picture, but it seems like even if he did want to make anything meaningful he will never be able to escape his reputation and his fanbase and will never be taken seriously

But whatever. dudes wiping his ass with money, it was his decision.

>> No.8132946

>what does /lit/ think of [thing /lit/ obviously doesn't like]
can we stop fucking having these threads?

>> No.8133055

Can you pull the stick out of your ass you insufferable faggot?

>> No.8133060

your awful shitposting threads aren't even fun, it's just the same shit repeated.

>> No.8133110

Im pretty glad somebody threw him a fucking bifrutas the other day

>> No.8133126

See >>8133055

>> No.8133508

I guarantee that none of you judgemental virgins have read a page of this book.

>> No.8133551

literally who

>> No.8133553
File: 177 KB, 960x540, 12540775_1302267139799046_6201575870808369944_n.jpg?oh=13b2f983536d56747922c084a793f01c&oe=57DAE237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't wait for How to Bomb The US Gov't honestly.

>> No.8133803

is the joke that he's getting fucked right now?

>> No.8133813

I just assumed it's a joke about how quirky and weird it is to binge on candy and food , but you've given some new perspective on it anon

>> No.8133936

h3h3 can fuck off with his repitition and shallow commentary, same with his israeli wife

>> No.8133946

>reddit hates on reaction videos
>for some reason loves h3h3

is it because h3h3 has some surface level concept of being "smart" that they're forgiven for being talentless hacks?

>> No.8133947


>> No.8134064

C'mon, anon: everyone knows it's his .exe videos that make him worth watching.


>> No.8134203

>implying it will ever come out

>> No.8134220

make sure to stay away from those psuedo-intellectual rhetoricians, Anon :^))

>> No.8134586

I think theyre ridiculous what could they say?

>> No.8135105

i can't imagine being stuck in the narcissistic k-hole of a youtube personality

imagine spending every waking moment of your life being totally concerned with a false projection of yourself

>> No.8135113

>imagine spending every waking moment of your life being totally concerned with a false projection of yourself
maybe you should write a book about that anon

>> No.8135924

hila is p. cute, bruh

>> No.8135978

I try not to think about them.

>> No.8136294

There aren't very many words I hate more than "youtuber" or "youtube celebrity".

>> No.8136735

Worse than John Green.

>> No.8136787

Ishmael was definitely gay for Queegueg.

>> No.8137530

Only modern queers have ever thought this