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/lit/ - Literature

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8120042 No.8120042[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Emma Watson has chosen the comic book Persepolis for her feminist book club to read during June.

Is it worth reading, /lit/?

>> No.8120060

depends on what you mean by "worth reading".
I would say so, then again I enjoy comics.

I didn't know Emma had so many freckles

>> No.8120071

Nope. We /lit/states should start an anti feminist redpill book club made up entirely of highly triggering UN-PC texts by dead white males. You know, as a middle finger to the SJWs and political correctness. Who's with me lads?

>> No.8120077

>named in panama papers
ayy lmao

>> No.8120079

>it's an 'OP wants to people to agree with him that feminism and women are shot' episode

>> No.8120089



We are being oppressed by the liberalarchy and need to smash the system!

>> No.8120092


>> No.8120095

>using the term "redpill" unironically
eh. I really don't care. I have a hard enough time motivating myself to do the things that I enjoy to care about what other people are doing with themselves.

Persepolis is more anti-establishment/punk rock themed than muh feminism themed

>> No.8120097

>taking a whole month to read a book
>it's fucking fiction

Step it up Emma. You've already graduated.

>> No.8120099

too cute. Be still my heart

>> No.8120107

kek /pol/ maybe if you teach them how to read

>> No.8120119
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>Taking a whole month to read a comic
>3 sentences a page

One book a month that is a fucking comic book.

>> No.8120124

>'A relevation... you will remember it for a very long time'
Funny that, I read it a few years ago and don't remember a thing, other than the art being simplistic and at least one character being mainly identified by a mole somewhere on their face

Already exists, western canon it's called

>> No.8120147
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this is disgusting

>> No.8120159
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she's aging well I think, I'd still pee in her butt

it literally takes an afternoon to read, it's a fun look at Iran during the revolution, there's no reason not to read it

>> No.8120165

who is that boy?

>> No.8120166
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>> No.8120168

>for some reason people were disgusted by my whale body
>but then i found a hugbox fetish tumblr page
>it felt so empowering to find a place where i couldn't ever be criticized for anything
>now i masturbate on webcam with another obese shut-in

>> No.8120169


isnt this the one that wrote comics about furry acceptance and pissing fetishes?

>> No.8120193

Those nails give her away, you can't turn many pages and stay that well groomed.

>> No.8120203
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>feminist book club

>> No.8120214

>Shoggoths and Sensuality dot tiff

>> No.8120227

I have it at home and honestly it's a pretty good comic. not even particularly feminist or something. It's actually pretty objective on what happened in Iran. Read it if you can, and I think it's even worth a buy. The movie is okay too

>> No.8120397

I ejaculate on her gamine face.

>> No.8120419

Yeah it's a good read

First you need to learn how to read, then you need to get an education, then you need to go back to /pol/ because I still don't want crossie scoundrels like you posting on /lit/.

>> No.8120448

>western canon
My sides

>> No.8120455


>> No.8120518

it's really good, but I didn't really see the feminist themes. it's more focused on the effects of the Iranian Revolution. the "muh oppression" that most people will read into it because of the setting and time period are largely exaggerated in their minds I would imagine. still an interesting read and would recommend it, but reading specifically for feminism you could do much better.

>> No.8120795
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Has she apologised yet for stealing a role that should rightfully have belonged to a POC?

>> No.8122179
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>mfw middle-class liberal feminism

>> No.8122193
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>all the retards biting this bait

>> No.8122197
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Why do women value sensuality above all else?
Why do they take it gratis that every women is entitled to sexual gratification and then deny this for men?

>> No.8122201
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>he unironically hasn't realized the bestial and satanic nature of the female race yet

>> No.8122209

>implying that everything isn't centered on power and the pleasure it is gained/denied from it

>> No.8122218

meme-tier as fuck

>> No.8122223

Saw the movie, liked it. I see no problem with it.

>> No.8122229

Dar aan film zaban-e farsi kodjast?

>> No.8122258

It's not very well drawn or even well told, but it was made by an opressed muslim POC refugee woman so I rate it 11/10.

>> No.8122319

Not my proudest fap

>> No.8122329

she is so pretty

>> No.8122332
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>ywn be her

>> No.8122340

it is babbys first graphic novel,
or the only graphic novel a girl will read

which is fine, graphic novels are just fun for a few hours between books.

>> No.8122344
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You know what to do with such books.

>> No.8122374

>doing anything for fun

Pleb alert

>> No.8122381

Film was awful, found the main character really self-regarding and irritating.

>> No.8122428

so basically the western canon

>> No.8122434

damn Ron got cucked by the looks of his >daughter

>> No.8122458

It is babby's first autobiographical look into the Iranian Revolution (and, broadly, times of revolution and turmoil in general) but it's got a solid look and the people in it are realistic enough.

I would very much recommend giving it to younger people in one's life. It handles the broader troubles of 'growing up' while also providing an historical look at a region that very few people born after it happened know much about.

>> No.8122700


>> No.8123993

the most unrealistic bit about that cartoon is that the sex shop is run by a little grey haired old lady

i hate those cartoons from that site. they make fun stuff seem so tedious and self righteous

>> No.8124003

girls love sandman desu

>> No.8124029

theres no better way to flex your feminist muscle pun intended than by cucking your nerdy-ass ginger husband

>> No.8124032

Because of his sister, mainly.

>> No.8124037

I liked the first part better.

>> No.8124104

oh god her jumper looks so soft and snuggly

>> No.8124154

Why do women love refugees? Is it a mother instinct?

>> No.8124162

Because most white men are pussified numales who don't know how to please a woman. White women feel instinctively drawn to virile Arab and black men who are forceful rather than meek. Basic Evo-psych

>> No.8124169


Have some sympathy. It must suck being a fat girl. Yeah it's their own fault but still.

>> No.8124172


>hahahahahahahahaha jokes on u /pol/, i got a gf who will probably dump me instead of me doing it to her, but enjoy ur virginity ;) ;) ;)

>> No.8124195

>insults the intelligence of others and postures as a regular poster on /lit/
>in the same post where he describes a comic book written for thirteen year-olds as "a good read"
Nice try, pseud.


>> No.8124209
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Except for they don't.

>> No.8124225

No statistics allowed, that's cheating

>> No.8124227

White men are providers; willing to buy expensive shoes for a woman and raise her cuck-spawn as their own. But no white woman can resist the primal allure of the BBC.

>> No.8124254
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Not when there will be a generation of single moms to ward them off

>> No.8124263

Need a better source than that, and several, to substantiate your claim.

>> No.8124264

when the women-to-men "highest response rate" of all is 9.3%, there is a lot that remains unsaid about this picture

>> No.8124272

Just admit it: You wouldn't believe the data if YHWH himself came out and fucked your mouth with it.


>> No.8124287


Honestly, I'm starting to think every girl wants at least one black dick in her before she commits.

>> No.8124296

It's not women's fault that the world is filled with thirsty, desperate men who'd do anything just to touch a vagina.

>> No.8124345

Yeah but they never commit to that dick do they.

>> No.8124389

It's really meh desu
The arts okay but shit gets boring once she hits adolescence and then keeps going downhill imo

>> No.8124412

The bitch gets cucked by a gay man lol
Best part of the comic imo

>> No.8124419


>> No.8124429


I know it's an unpopular opinion around here, but I honestly believe that "fat acceptance," or rather some aspects of it, catch a lot of flack that they don't deserve. As a student at one of the country's most liberal colleges, I've found that the vast majority of these people don't actually believe that being fat is a good thing. Rather, the idea seems to be that we treat fat people like humans, rather than as pigs. While it might seem like this type of thinking would result in more people being obese, there is actually evidence that it cuts DOWN on obesity because people actually believe themselves to be people worth improving rather than "fat, degenerate animals." If anyone has the time, I'd be happy to link to some good journal articles.

>> No.8124434

Holy shit. Look at her eyes. Look at the forced smile too scared to even show teeth, look at the sapped out eyes that are completely vacant of love. Jesus christ she literally looks completely enamored with validation seeking and her eyes scream "please someone love me" with only the fucking screen looking back at her.
TL;DR the poor thing needs therapy.

>> No.8124435

feminism schmeminism

>> No.8124447

Is the movie worth watching at all?

I had no idea it was even a movie until this thread. What is the animation like

>> No.8124457

she's young, smart, attractive and very very rich
pretty sure she doesn't need any validation from you

>> No.8124462

i think she looks cute, i'd cuddle with you, emma

>> No.8124464

she's a female, dude.

>> No.8124478

>haha women are so stupid

oh do fuck off you silly little boy

>> No.8124506
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>> No.8124516

Doesn't make you feel loved, makes you feel adored and envied.

>> No.8124521

Stop being purposefully cringey

>> No.8124531

I refuse to treat someone with such little self control as a human
Addicts are trash
Obese people are food addicts and they should be treated as such

>> No.8124538

>lol my parents didn't feed me loads of sugar and fatty foods when I was a kid
>it's their fault
The majority of overweight people who are very very fat did not ever have a fighting chance.

>> No.8124547

That's pure excuses human trash make for themselves
Nothing is their fault

It's all society, it's all their parents, it's all their situation
These people are complete trash and deserve no sympathy
Unless their parents forced sugar down their gullets even into adulthood they have no excuse

Ignorance is no longer an excuse in this age
They know they're being bad but they want to remove their agency in the matter
They get angry when people look down on them

>> No.8124565

I'm curious. I saw a mother feeding her 2 year old that was already fat fried chicken. Did that child have a fair chance? Do victims of child abuse need to realize that their anxiety is irrational and wake the fuck up?

All I hear from you is "wahhh peoples' problems are their own wahhh"

>> No.8124591

>Did that child have a fair chance?
He will once he becomes older
If he chooses to stay fat and unhealthy I give him no sympathy

Similarly if a victim of child abuse let's it control every aspect of their life I look at them with pity but not as an equal
In life when a human goes through some kind of trauma they have a choice
Will they be a victim or a survivor? The most I can muster for the victim is pity

All I hear from you is "people have no control of their life" which I disagree with
Youre just making excuses for other people's weaknesses

>> No.8124601

Also you're seemingly making the assumption that every fat disgusting blob was fed fried chicken in excess every day
I can guarantee the majority weren't

>> No.8124614

Majority, as I have stated.

All I hear from you is "people have no control of their life" which I disagree with
Youre just making excuses for other people's weaknesses
That's not what I'm stating. I'm stating that you do not understand the difficulty that comes with not having control of the first 16 years of your life. You are a fool

>> No.8124636

Youre right I don't
I honestly don't see what's wrong with it
If that person is so weak or maybe the difficulty so high that they can't get over it then they should just kill themselves

Youre making this imagined scenario, to begin with and I'm just telling you I have no sympathy for the obese

>> No.8124706

this isn't /jp/ or /a/ you turbo autist

>> No.8124883


I understand where you're coming from. It's really hard to be sympathetic to people who, on the outside, appear to be just fat/crack-head fucks that don't have any self control. The thing is, psychologists have been doing research on this kind of thing for a long time now and they've found that it's much more complicated than that. What happens to us as children gives us deeply ingrained neural (that's physiological, not psychological) pathways that dictate who we are as adults. It's why kids who are in orphanages often have difficulty coping with life even after they've been adopted. Without the foundation, the healthy habits and self control many of us now have just isn't there. Whats more, we've actually found some aspects to be genetic. For a similar example, the grandson of an alcoholic is much more likely to be one even if his dad doesn't touch the stuff. I know it sounds like I'm making excuses, but it's just what careful research has shown. Let's not feels>reals on this one.

>> No.8125293

>there is actually evidence
Where are the proofs?

>> No.8125334
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>treat fat people like humans

>> No.8125335


>> No.8125347

I'd set her palace on fire if you know what I mean