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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 356 KB, 1000x650, better-than-food-google-plus-photo (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8115167 No.8115167 [Reply] [Original]

What's your opinion on better than food book reviews?

>> No.8115172

I like a lot of the books he does but I get nothing out of his videos.

>> No.8115184

I've watched every single one of his videos multiple times. He single handedly got me into reading, thanks to my friend from steam linking me to his youtube channel. I've bought a ton of the books he's reviewed.

>> No.8115197


Pretentiousness personified. Not a surprise since he majored in film.

>> No.8115203

Oh, so I guess pursuing your passion shouldn't be allowed because if you're not utilitarian about your approach to live and vote for donald trump you're pretty much just a pretentious hippy,. am I right? Fuck outta here, I know what kind of person you are.

>> No.8115204

LOOK AT THIS SHIT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GLbxtAr8E2U

it's so pretentious, and his name is CLIFFORD LeSargent, like what

>> No.8115208

> I know what kind of person you are.

Humor me.

>> No.8115211

>Humor me.


>> No.8115218

anti hippy conservative who thinks donald trump will make a great president, global warming is a hoax, and hippies and liberals are the scum of the earth. fuck outta here.

>> No.8115223




I'm actually an environmentalist, Trump is pretty funny but I'm not American so it's not very relevant. The rest is more or less correct.

>> No.8115256

Hey, Cliff.

>> No.8115259

omg I had no idea I was actually cliff sargent. What a mind fuck.

>> No.8115504

get coffee at the same place he did, pretty cozy spot

>> No.8115515

He says nothing interesting about the books but has good picks. Similar to us lads on /lit/ desu. it ain't an easy thing to do.

>> No.8115519

He's very intelligent and good at reviewing books. I recommend subscribing to him if you like books.. Please support him via Patreon to help with making great videos: https://www.patreon.com/booksarebetterthanfood?ty=h

Thank you.

>> No.8115524
File: 109 KB, 501x721, Kuroko.no.Basket.full.1295046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Omg are you cliff sargent himself? <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

>> No.8115530

No, I am not but I am a fan. I'm glad you like his videos.

>> No.8115536

They aren't reviews and watching him is a waste of time.
He also posts here.

>> No.8115563

he says in his introduction that he does exclusively positive book reviews desu senpai.

>> No.8115577

It's not the if the book is good or not, it's that it's about as insightful as a Wikipedia article.

>> No.8115702

Donald Trump is going to make America great again.

>> No.8115724

>not calling his channel cliffnotes

>> No.8115740

Has he ever done a contrarian negative review?

Praising consensus favorites like Borges and Nabokov is not that impressive.

>> No.8115850

>He also posts here.

Why would he waste his time

>> No.8115867

me on the left

>> No.8115869

He doesn't post here.

He only gives brilliant and original reviews.

No, it's more insightful that Wikipedia. These are original thoughts and opinions and words straight from my brain. Have you actually watched his video? If you have real complaints you should be more constructive.

>> No.8115875

Not sure if actually him or someone subtly pretending to be him pretending not to be him

>> No.8115879

Only good booktuber is bulletdeer and he isn't even a booktuber


>> No.8115901

Underrated post

>> No.8115911

>No, it's more insightful that Wikipedia.
I disagree, when I think about researching a book I'll consult Wikipedia and not Cliff.
>These are original thoughts and opinions and words straight from my brain.
Nothing original about them. It's the Wikipedia article with long pauses and theatrics and no insight on the book itself. I can read the general outline of the plot myself.
>Have you actually watched his video?
A dozen back when he first started posting here.
>If you have real complaints you should be more constructive.
Your opinions are boring, there is no insight and I get nothing out of it since it is all the same opinion on the endless praise on each work given in a theatrical reading of the Wikipedia article. I often wonder if he's actually read the book he's reviewing, because the lack of actual thought on the novel is astonishing. All those long pauses and all you can get is 'I liked it and this is the plot'.

>> No.8116669

He only seems to highlight books he likes.

>> No.8116681

Which is smart from a marketing perspective, but why would we be discussing should a crass pleb-oriented masscult charlatan here?

>> No.8116693

>why would we be discussing should a crass pleb-oriented masscult charlatan here?
It is smart from a marketing perspective.

>> No.8116704

>youtube book reviews

i'd rather go to goodreads

>> No.8116707

He is a big tease. I feel like he is always on the precipice of saying something insightful about what he's reviewing but he never gets there.

>> No.8116716

Donalds position on global warming is better than as shillerys, he was anti Iraq war when killery was pro war. And he was pro gay marriage when shillery was still saying 'muh sacred bond'

Even the most bleeding heart environmental fags should vote trump over Hilary.

Besides all that, it's unbelievable unrelated

>> No.8116807
File: 14 KB, 200x258, 1365711426975.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Pretentiousness personified.

I honestly don't see it. There is nothing overtly insufferable about him. He's just a guy who is trying to put out reviews about books that overlap a lot here, so that is where a lot of your ire is probably coming from. I don't really watch his channel but the few times I have he seems chill. I'd go to the pub and bant about books with him over a few beers.

>> No.8116892

He introduced me to a lot of book I'd not heard of before him and he's easy on the eyes.
My favorite booktuber by far.

>> No.8117110

He's like the Jeremy Jahns of literature. If you don't know who Jahns is that's not a compliment.


>> No.8117639

This guy reviews all the /lit/ memes- he certainly posts here and is possibly OP.

>> No.8117673


What a terrible terrible review.

>> No.8117683
File: 158 KB, 1920x1080, cliffnotes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's sexy kunt with great taste.

He's said once or twice that he doesn't much like DFW.

Does anyone know what he does for a living? He seems to be well off enough to travel around europe and he has a decent living space.

>> No.8117688

can you elaborate on whats wrong with jahns?

>> No.8118115

he's a trustfund kid

he's also steralised, cucked by himself

>> No.8118117

I'm OP and trust me, I'm not Cliff Sargent.

>> No.8118370

Dont watch his video on Georges Perec. you might want to kill your self.

>> No.8118427

Why does he put such emphasis every time he pronounces a french word? he doesnt speak it. Pretentious as fuck.

>> No.8120426


He is the Lindybeige of /lit/.

(That's either a compliment or insult, depending on your preference.)

>> No.8120451


>> No.8120592
File: 18 KB, 512x288, images (8).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>For only one dollar a page I, Clifford Le Sargent, will read your book and give it a glowing review.

>> No.8120748

He's ok, very pretentious.
His review of Submissions is the most deafening pretension i've ever witnessed.

>> No.8121255

He is handsome. Book reviews are okay, the only special thing about it is that he's better than 95% of booktubers.

>> No.8121269
File: 79 KB, 250x238, 1350058690214.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's the typical /lit/ poster
>trying too hard to 'not care'
>reading meme shit for difficulty sake
>poor as fuck,chump change motherfucker
>always complaining about lack of time yet perpetually broke
>compensating with 'knowledge'
>doesn't lift
>pretentious, unfunny and narcissistic

>> No.8121285

I can smell the jealousy from here.

>> No.8121301
File: 23 KB, 611x672, 1460520172653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go to sleep Cliff, I MIGHT pay yo 1.5 dollars per page for a review if you send me some of pictures of your pretentious and hairy boipucci, I bet it smells of leather and panamanian tobacco

>> No.8121318

L o l I'm not Cliff, but you should calm down.

>> No.8121358

He is really cute tvh

>> No.8121368
File: 12 KB, 211x212, 1449968408347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude we both know you are Cliff, I've sent you several emails about the boipucci thing. My novel is about 400 pages, you might get 600 dollars out of it, that's a lot of books you could buy Cliff.
You don't even need to show face, just boiipucci and if you want some extra bucks (I could easily do that ;) ) You just need to describe to me how your boipucci feels, smells , etc, be pretentious, and try to be funny like in your videos.
Email me, you know who I am, I don't judge

>> No.8121897

His channel isn't about giving a PhD-tier analysis of the books he's read. It's meant to be a comfortable, collaborative effort between him and whoever lands upon his videos. He casually talks about books, and then his fanbase goes and picks them up. It's supposed to make this literature accessible to anyone coming across his channel. He does a very good job of what he's set out to do.

>> No.8121906

yeah, you should just give in, Cliff, anon seems like they mean business.

>> No.8122038


I have watched most of his videos and enjoyed them. I was surprised when he said he was in his mid 20s as he looks about 40. The best book channel overall that I have found so far.

>> No.8122097

>Pretentiousness personified
I thought that was his shtick.

>> No.8122178
File: 409 KB, 1000x500, Feesh de leiktur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If there are Frenchies there


>> No.8122183

>he's also steralised
hahahahahahahahahahhahahahaha source ?

>> No.8122263
File: 129 KB, 656x600, 1352735928001.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good selection of books, but tries to hard to be funny. You get the feeling he thinks only plebs watch him.

>> No.8122759

one of his vids, can't remember the one. he's on painkillers there

>> No.8122842


Watched a few random videos, and I'm not sure about the pretentiousness part.

It's hard to talk about 'big' books without sounding you have something to 'prove'. Everyone knows that feeling trying to explain why this and that was awesome when most of the people nowadays don't actually read anything, and will look you funny for it.

Appears he sidestepped this problem by talking to the internet instead. From the reviews I saw, it seemed as though he just was really enthusiastic about books and they were a big thing in his life.

And to be honest, sometimes watching people talk about things they love is kind of hypnotic.

>> No.8122848

he just comes off like he's being himself. I think he has a good way with words, otherwise I wouldn't have watched every single one of his videos multiple times and bought half the books he's reviewed solely because of him.

Also, people saying he's pretentious... isn't caring about whether or not you come off as pretentious, pretentiousness?

>> No.8122861

J'ai lu son Eddie et l'ai beaucoup apprécié; son deuxième bouquin vaut le coup?

>> No.8124242

Si tu aimes les bouquins de tantes merdiques comme son premier, alors je dirais oui.

>> No.8124248


>> No.8124279

>tfw no /lit/ bro to make videos with