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8116202 No.8116202 [Reply] [Original]

Required reading before this guy?

>> No.8116225

the greeks

>> No.8116235
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>> No.8116243

Capital by Thomas Piketty

>> No.8116244
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Just read one of introduction/interpretation books or an entire course on this devil of a book, it's way too hard to grasp by simply reading prerequisites.

David Harvey is a master in both categories.

>> No.8116269

Read concurrently with some of these books:


>> No.8116356

that list is drier than my dead grandmother's box
just how I like my economics

>> No.8116382
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Yes, read the one that's actually right first

>> No.8116388
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>adam smith

>> No.8117156

Surprised no one has mentioned Hegel yet. Neither Marx nor Hegel make for light reading and I don't recommend wasting your time unless you want to devote your life to creating the worker's paradise.

>> No.8117164

The Constitution of the United States of America so you can get a brain

>> No.8117185

summer has arrived! grab your surf board, get your ray bans, we're hittin the beach and catchin some rays and waves!

>> No.8117186
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This is exactly the kind of trite and family friendly remark I imagine being typed out by a 55 year old woman in a facebook comment in response to her friend posting a Fox News article about Bernie Sanders' democratic socialism and captioned "ridiculous!!!!!! can you BELIEVE this?!?!?!?!"

>> No.8117227
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lmao'ing at ur image

>> No.8117918

no no no no

>> No.8117942

Nice argument.

>> No.8118070

if you found Capital hard to read then you have no business reading it
the David Harvey abridged shit is straight garbage

>> No.8118134

No no no. Picketty is a hack.

>> No.8118139

Hegel philosophy of history. Smith and Ricardo. Maybe the first part German ideology

>> No.8118140

"I HATE how much money these evil Jews have but I LOVE the way they got it!"

t. the stupidity of the average political /lit/ poster now

>> No.8118171

and what's a pre-req for hegel's philsoph you history

>> No.8118186

just because I want to read capital doesn't mean I do or do not sympathize with Marx's ideology

>> No.8118208

There is a third position

>> No.8118239

Volume 1 and 2 of Capital are a closed model which constitutes an inferior form of analysis distinct from the 3rd volume which functions on the basis of an open model of capitalism.

Remember when you're reading volume 1 of Capital Marx presentation was centred on the process of capitalist production itself without any secondary admixtures but the analysis of the value form provides insight into the intelligible structure of capitalism itself

By volume 3 he uncovers the means by which capitalist credit and monetary processes – the actual forms of the process of capitalist circulation – reflect the internal contradictions in the form of an accumulation of fictitious capital such that all the contradictions of capital otherwise adduced actually occur not in the hypothetical forms of their formal necessity, but as contradictions associated with the accumulation of fictitious capitals in the monetary/credit facets of capitalist accumulation itself... thus the internal contradictions of capitalist accumulation are manifested as monetary crises and crises of liquidity.

Capitalist accumulation is a specific form of human society, in terms of the fundamental relationship of man's productive labour to nature as man finds and alters it. This he situates within the empirical setting of the issue of rent... from here he adduces the general law of evolutionary human reproduction... and the treatment of the general notion of capitalist phenomena with respect to that general law.

If you really want to "get" Capital you should understand all this:

Kant's Critique of Practical Reason

The preface, introduction, and opening chapters through the "Organic" of Hegel's The Phenomenology of Mind

The opening chapter of Feuerbach's The Essence of Christianity and his Principles of the Philosophy of the Future

"Contribution to a Critique of Hegel's Philosophy of Right"

The concluding chapter of the 1844 Manuscripts

"Feuerbach," from The German Ideology and the "Theses on Feuerbach."

From Marx's Grundrisse, the Pre-Capitalist Economic Formations

The preface and appendix to the Critique of Political Economy

Marx's "Critique of the Gotha Programme"

>> No.8118253


>> No.8118410

champion of the working class right here

>> No.8118432
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>> No.8119910
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"Communism: A Postmodern Critique"

>> No.8119915

Mad /lit/ outsider

>> No.8119968
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Who's the outsider?
This is pretty on-point parody.
Clearly if we believed in massed and universal altruism as a driver of communist society and as something it is possible to achieve, there would be no need to agitate against capitalism in the first place.

Also here's another reading list

>> No.8120350

You sir are a funny fucker

>> No.8120399


>> No.8121589

>Volume 1 and 2 of Capital are a closed model which constitutes an inferior form of analysis distinct from the 3rd volume which functions on the basis of an open model of capitalism.

Wrong. Volumes 1 and 2 deal with the essential, internal logic of capital when analyzed into its two distinctive spheres: production and circulation. The analytic separation is not a clean one though and often, elements of production and elements of circulation will find themselves theoretically enmeshed with one another in Volumes 1 and 2. This is to be expected given that the object of analysis is itself the unity of both of these moments in the total reproduction of the social whole.

The fundamental architectonic of the Critique of Political Economy can be roughly sketched as follows:

Volume 1: The Production of Capital

Production should here be understood as both production in its immediate presentation, as capital is commonly understood (industrial production of goods) and production in the mediated, theoretically constructed sense. Capital as a social relation is something that is produced in the immediate production process but not reducible to it. Others have suggested that Marx may have had in mind a meaning closer to "The Constitution of Capital".

Volume 1 has as its first goal, analyzing the immediately visible logic of capital: exchange. Through an analysis of the exchange relation, Marx lays down the logic of the commodity-form, the contradictory dynamics of the value-form, and the necessity of value's appearance in the money-form.

Capital proper only appears once these terms have been placed in their necessary relation to one another. The question becomes, where does the growth particular to capital come from given that the objects of exchange are all transformations of equivalent values? The answer is that there is a special commodity, labor-power.

The bulk of Volume 1 details the manner in which labour-power is incorporated into the production of commodities as the condition for the realization of surplus value.

Marx ends by outlining some possible tendencies of long-term capitalist development and tracing the historical genesis of a social logic that presents itself as an ahistorical, structural whole.

Volume 2: The Circulation of Capital

Marx focuses here on what happens to the commodity. But first, he establishes the circuits of capital--the various forms value takes that when considered in their necessary unity constitute a relation of object-mediated social activity signified by the term capital. Capital is no thing, it's a form, a synthetic unity of many different moments.

Marx then establishes the needs capital has once in its commodity form to realize its value. Production may produce potential value, but it is only once commodities have been exchanged for money that value is realized.


>> No.8121609

That book is straight propaganda and total garbage.

>> No.8121610

Lastly, Marx very, very roughly schematically represents a highly abstract model that unifies production and circulation into a movement of total social reproduction. Here we see the contradictory, fraught movements of capital when its the form mediating total social reproduction. The production of capital clashes with the circulation needs of capital. Capital's own products are its necessary conditions for reproduction and yet the movement of that circle, from conditions to products is held back by the logic of value--that commodities as particular, material goods are faced with an autonomous expression of their value: money.

Volume 3: The Process of Capitalist Production as a Whole

Here, the work is operating at two levels of theoretical activity. It's tackling the traditional problems of political economy which only ever saw the surface of capital and laying claim to a scientific deduction of the necessary relation between the forms of appearance within capital and the inner essential relations that inhere to those forms and yet are invisible in the representation.

The problem is transforming value (an invisible relation) into its appearances as prices, profit, rent, interest, etc... The ultimate project is a critical one, a determination the ways in which capital conceals itself through forms that distort its logic but are its only ways of appearing and working.

>> No.8121619

>Worthwhile economic theory
Whoever wrote this list ought to kill themselves

>> No.8121625

There's no reason to read it unless you do sympathize. Every idea he puts forth is just bad. There's no reason any rational person or for that matter anyone with a basic understanding of basic economics would bother to read such utter garbage

>> No.8121634

says the trump voter l m f a o t b h f a m

>> No.8121647 [DELETED] 


t. marx poster

>> No.8121652
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