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/lit/ - Literature

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8119684 No.8119684[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is there a required reading chart for the Alt-Right?
If not can we make one

>> No.8119687

None. Just browse /pol/, watch Milo videos and post dank memes. That's all there's to it really.

>> No.8119688

Let me grab a wall smeared in my shit you'll be eating for the coming year now that I'm back. Hang on.

>> No.8119692

Exactly ;)

>> No.8119717

just find more hinduboo bullshit like Evola and Devi.

>> No.8119721

Do the opposite of this and find a gun to shoot yourself with

>> No.8121600

Just Google Red Pilled books and ignore the salty faggots in this thread and their faux intelligence.

>> No.8121611

The alt-right trilogy is

The Protocols of The Elders Of Zion
Mein Kampf
Ride The Tiger

>> No.8121618
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The meme trilogy:
Art of the Deal, Mein Kampf, Crippled America

>> No.8121624

Elliot Roger: My Twisted World
Donald Trump: Art of the Deal
Adolf Hitler: Mein Kampf

that's literally it. everything else comes from youtube videos. If you're feeling really adventurous you can read one of Stefan Memelymeme's shitty books

>> No.8121626
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Alt right faggots would HATE Evola if they actually read him. Same with Spengler, Guénon, etc.
"The Green Book" by Colonel Muammar Muhammad Abu Minyar al-Gaddafi, once you're ready to graduate from meme ideology

>> No.8121627

what else is on his bookcase?

>> No.8121629

/lit/ is dead

>> No.8121631

>Alt right faggots would HATE Evola if they actually read him. Same with Spengler, Guénon, etc.
why is that?

>> No.8121632

Halo novelisations

>> No.8121635

Good thing they don't actually read.

>> No.8121638

reactionary anti-capitalism, for one thing.

Spengler, if I recall correctly, favoured a variant of socialism (though hardly a 'workers state')

>> No.8121650
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They're all critiquing what would be alt-right "core beliefs" from the right so to speak. In my experience, alt right poasters are also adverse to magical and essentialist thinking, especially the chink-worshipping HBD crowd.

>> No.8121655

I spend some time of /pol/ (Regrettably, there are certainly better ways to spend my time) and here's a list of some of the more legitimate books they seem to appreciate:
The Ego and Its Own
1984 and Animal Farm
Brave New World
The Wealth of Nations
Race and Economics (Other Sowell works as well)
The Prince
Hemmingway (They the like the mythos surrounding Hemmigway's masculinity)
Hope that helps, pretty basic stuff desu.

>> No.8121663

The European traditionalists are diametrically opposed to /pol/ in many ways. /pol/ is pretty much a product of the liberal proprietarian tradition 'anarchocapitalist' muh fetishisation of 'science' paradoxical obsession with 'free speech' blended with crude social Darwinism. While Evola/Guenon/Dugin go full on feels, mystical gobbleddigoook, occultism, an interest or at least reluctant admiration for Islam and turning back the clock to the Middle Ages. Though, If implemented both systems are likely to result in a psychotic totalitarian regime

>> No.8121684

Because they're against mob rule, which means no Hitler, no Trump, no Fascism in general. /pol/ talks shit about how much they'd love an autocracy, but they're just the kind of middle class aspirants that traditional aristos hate.

>> No.8121692
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/pol/ is by the way, together with the software engineer/middle-manager spergs of #NRx the lowest of the low of the internet right, I'd even say stormfront and dailystormer do better because they're at least consistent and not weak soy-titted spergs

>> No.8121731

do people from /pol/ just stop growing/advancing after the 8th grade?

>> No.8121732
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>> No.8121734


>> No.8121736
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>> No.8121740
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>> No.8121749
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>holding up classics of Western civilization
>joins an oriental cult dedicated to destroying Western civilization

>> No.8121753
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>impying islam is not a revival of archaic aryan values
It was the aryan man that brought the veil to the middle east, not the other way around!

>> No.8121756
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The Koran is LITERALLY written in Arabic.

>> No.8121764
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So what? They still took the values they learned from the aryans, the ones who created classical greece by cucking the original brown manlets and revived them for arab nationalism. Good ideas!

>greece != western civilization
>"western civilization" = fat gay germans (bog niggers) amassing shekels, effeminate and gay!

>> No.8121765

I appreciate the recommendations old boy, much regards.

>> No.8121771

>this fucking pic
set yourself on fire and donate the books to your local library since you won't be needing them

>> No.8121777
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>1437 in the year of the Hijra
>still not an ironic islamposter
kys habibi

>> No.8121778
File: 93 KB, 575x618, Good Shepherd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So what?

Arabic has nothing to do with the Occident.

>greece != western civilization

You are in the minority in holding that opinion.

>> No.8121791

God bless.

>> No.8121823

>Christcuck literature
No thanks, that shit has nothing to do with the alt right. Modern leftists are fundamentalist Christians in all but name.

>> No.8121912
File: 29 KB, 426x318, littlegnon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a reading list which is more particular to NRx:

Politics by Aristotle
Power by Bertrand de Jouvenel
Democracy: The God That Failed by Hans-Hermann Hoppe
War and Peace and War by Peter Turchin
Human Action by Ludwig von Mises
Public Opinion by Walter Lippmann
The Crisis of the Modern World by Rene Guenon
Tao Te Ching

Other strains of Alt-Right are probably more fiction friendly. If anyone emphasizes Evola, just ignore them.

>> No.8121917

NRx and alt right are different

>> No.8122597

Not really a socialism. Its more of a state-capitalism or corporatism. But yeah the alt-right take their economic ideas from Austrianfags like Rothbard and Hoppe so they would hate that.

>> No.8122602

Why does the finger mean?

>> No.8122620

NRx deserves some respect because they have actual original theories and they're honest about their intentions.

>> No.8122642

/pol/ is the worst thing to happen to 4chan

>> No.8122693

HBD and NRX are for dweeby super-autists who worship "muh IQ" because they resent the many wedgies they received from their highschool jock bullies.

Frogtwitter is the true soul of the alt-right.

>> No.8122699


this and mein kampf t b h

>> No.8122711

Frogtwitter core:

Lifting weights and having unprotected sex with Tinder sluts

>> No.8122741

My disgust with these terrorists can't be expressed with words.

>> No.8122756


Actually, you'll find the real Alt-Right would like to reinstate the divorce between Social Conservatism and Economic Conservatism; namely because the latter (Free Markets, Corporatism, etc) fucks the former over every time.

You can blame Reagan/Thatcher/etc for fooling people into thinking that business cares about anything other than profits and pleasing shareholders.


The main trouble with the 'Alt-Right' is that they are merely a reaction; to the Identity Politics of the Left. The 'Real Left' started Identity Politics, as a means to an end; but has now shit itself upon realizing that Identity Politics has begun to eclipse their long-term, economic goals.

The 'economy' trumped the 'social' for conservatives/Righties; the opposite happened for Lefties.


They don't care about 'free speech'/etc. They're just beating the Left at its own game, with their own beliefs/sacred cows. It works.


>Because they're against mob rule, which means no Hitler, no Trump, no Fascism in general.

They're not against mob rule; just the rule of an uncultured mob. Give them a cultured mob, aristocrats, and they're quite happy.

>> No.8122767


Just to add, and for example: Evola's chief criticism of Mussolini's Brown Shirts is that they weren't cultured enough.

>> No.8122791

>they're just the kind of middle class aspirants that traditional aristos hate.
Who gives a shit about these people? They haven't been relevant since the war ended, nobody cares what they have to say anymore

>> No.8122951

I don't think you actually read the authors mentioned above

>> No.8122957


I dont like the guy but he has nothing to do with fascism, more like corporatism with some light nationalism and popularism.

>> No.8123033

Fascism is just populism to the nth degree

>> No.8123045

but it isnt there yet, not by a long shot.

i honestly view the trump campaign rhetoric as moderate republican due to social issues with trump wisely removing his filter as a way of acknowledging the reaction against PC culture, which has frankly worked.

>> No.8123114

The economy trumped social issues for the right as they couldn't defend their view of social issues.
The opposite happened with the left after the fall of communism.

>> No.8123140
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"Marked for Death" - Geert Wilders

>> No.8123364

One finger raised in the air is the gesture of Takbir, a.k.a. "ALLAHU AKBAR!"

>> No.8125253
File: 135 KB, 1024x1062, CiN8QCQUkAE36HT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This masha'Allah habibi, there is no God but Pepe and BAP (PBUH) is his prophet!

With apologies to @tseliotrodger

>> No.8125256

As evidenced by the fact this thread has more than 2 replies

>> No.8125338

/lit/, viewed as a community, makes absolutely no sense.

>> No.8125429

One part gommies who read stirner, one part magician, one part wahabis, one party Nazi, all parts autism.

>> No.8125432
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A spectre is haunting /lit/

Why is it that /lit/ keeps getting raided by tools from /pol/?

There is no reading chart for the "alt right". Closest thing there is is the "edgy teenager book list". It requires no reading, you just keep it on your bookshelf to scare visitors you invite to your home by letting them know you're edgy.

Just continue watching videos by professional provocateurs like Sargon and Milo. Listen to some Alex Jones and Stefan Molyneux rants, and then continue shitposting and try to maintain moral authority at all times; however, remember to always contradict yourself while doing so.

>> No.8125448
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>mfw magician and wahhabi, while actually nordic, not a muslim and believe Jesus was the son of God

>> No.8125451
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>being a white male isn't a crime

>> No.8125454

>>>8125432 (You)
>>being a white male isn't a crime
Not sure what you're on about

>> No.8125461

Then you are either dishonest or embarrassingly ignorant.

>> No.8125471

I've been reading about the Sophists lately and the alt-right actually reminds me of them. They're really good at looking enlightened and provocative but when you actually break down what they're saying it's all bullshit dressed up as real philosophy.

>> No.8125472

>>>8125454 (You)
>Then you are either dishonest or embarrassingly ignorant.
No, I literally do not understand how your post reply is relevant to mine. Explain.

>> No.8125482

I am not your teacher. I can't teach you elementary school critical thinking skills for free.

Give me your skype name and we can set up weekly sessions and develop a payment plan.

>> No.8125486

>alt right
Gaddafi was a pan africanist leftist and an anti-imperialist, what the fuck are you on

>> No.8125503


Gaddafi was third positionist at best.

>> No.8125504

>Mein Kampf
>The Myth of the 20th Century
>The Turner Diaries
>various IQ bell curve pamphlets

For real though, stop calling yourself alt-right. That's not an ideology, it's a meme. You can frogpost on twitter all you want, but you're no better than SJWs until you actually figure out what you believe in and find a way to express it eloquently.

>> No.8125522

Is this an attempt to hide the fact that you are unable to develop any argument of substance? Perhaps you're seeing flaws in your own ideology and are now second guessing yourself.

>> No.8125582

>he believes Plato on the sophists

it's 2016, time to stop listening to that broad chested beardy baby who got BTFO one too many times by a superior rhetorician and had to retreat into his magical realm of the forms.

>> No.8125895
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>the 'challenging the dominant culture is only acceptable when it comes from the progressives' meme
It's funny to watch you guys throw such a shitfit about being the establishment now. Being marginalized, struggling against the powers that be is such a vital part of your ideology that when you're actually embroiled in the very institutions you claim are oppressive, you have no recourse against people like Milo but to writhe like a serpent and call them 'edgy'.

>> No.8125928
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>thinking mainstream society is actually progressive

You're literally stupid if you think this

>> No.8125937

spooks aside it is though?

>> No.8125943


Your whole ideology is spooks.

>> No.8125944

When's the last time a corporation colluded with a government to censor progressive opinions?


>> No.8125945

Government=/=society as a whole

>> No.8125954
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That progressives are 'mainstream society' is not what I said, faggot. I said the progressives were the establishment, which they are.

>> No.8125958
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>I said the progressives were the establishment, which they are.
Neoliberal capitalism isn't progressive, cucklord.

>> No.8125986
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>Neoliberal capitalism isn't progressive

>> No.8125999

>progressives were the establishment

Dumbest thing I've ever read.

>> No.8126006

I'm not alt right
yes it is

>> No.8126010
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>multi-billion dollar corporations collaborating with western governments to guide conversations in a direction progressives like
>b-but we're not establishment or anything!