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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 73 KB, 640x756, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8107041 No.8107041 [Reply] [Original]

>ur gf sends this text

what do u do, /lit/?

>> No.8107043

I tell her she accidentally took a picture of the illuminati book and applaud her on buying catcher in the rye.

>> No.8107046

I'd say nice meme comma babe

>> No.8107047

Mirin 100% battery, also

>marry gf
>have kids and be the ultra-traditional, stoic father

>> No.8107048

wow that's a big leap from The Fault in our Stars

>> No.8107062
File: 259 KB, 2294x2215, dfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw your copy still says "the author lives in California"

>> No.8107063

I'm redpilled and realize I don't need women to make myself feel good. You've been brainwashed by cultural Marxism. Women only want money and they know no loyalty or true love.

Let the redpill set you free. The only love that is worth anything is the love to the white race and the deus vult movement.

Get over yourself, you're cucked by a degenerate culture to think women are worthwhile. Fucking loser

>> No.8107064

what does this mean

>> No.8107066

my ex, when i got her to read it, came on hot with this sociological analysis that was all "proto-fascist propaganda". you fuck her while explaining Orin's pickup techniques.

>> No.8107067

Complement her comma use.

>> No.8107069


>> No.8107077


>> No.8107084

Nobody here believes me when I say that the 20th anniversary edition looks like a fucking girly YA novel. Now this is proof.

>> No.8107095

Infinite Jest is a fucking girly YA novel lel

>> No.8107096

I asked this in the other thread, but which version of this book should I buy? Besides the cover art, is the new edition in any way nicer than the 10th anniversary one?

>> No.8107103

she knows all about the book, shes not a dum-dum

ikr, >implying the book isnt dum anyway

>> No.8107107
File: 452 KB, 1871x2560, 81a3oM3EcfL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's only better in the sense that it corrects a single page from the footnotes that was printed in a particularly fucked up fashion.

If that doesn't matter to you, no sense in not going with the tried and trusted meme edition.

>> No.8107122

thanks, i'll go with the tried and trusted meme edition

>> No.8107201

The old intro by David Eggers has this one line about how the book would "outlast" him that's really amusing in the context of DFW's suicide 2 years after it the intro was published.

>> No.8107213
File: 77 KB, 640x1136, 018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love eggs

>> No.8107579

who made this image

>> No.8107610


>> No.8107613

it was posted by Pynchon publicist on his twitter

>> No.8107628

Some people prefer the deckled edges too. Though I think they're just an excuse to hike up the price by 2-4 bucks.

>> No.8107634

how people can prefer that tumblr tier shit is beyond me.

>> No.8107641

meet more women, you'll meet a lot that are worth your time and that can love, don't care about money etc.

Yes the ones worth marrying are a minority but i don't understand how somebody could think all women are sociopaths just because generally women are.

>> No.8107648

I liked having them on The Disaster Artist, because the ragged appearance they gave the book suited what it was about. Other than that, it is just a faggy gimmick,yes.

>> No.8107716

nice meme, babe

>> No.8107803

Do both the hardcover and paperback have deckled edges?

>> No.8107835

Is there a 20th anniversary hardcover? The original hardcover from 1996 (the only one I know of) definitely didn't, but if there's a new one, I have no idea. The new paperback with the cover OP posted does for sure.

The meme paperback with the sky cover has regular edges too. It's only the new one with the TV eye cover that has deckled edges.

>> No.8107849

>you'll meet a lot that are worth your time
Not really.
If he's lucky he'll meet one, though.

>> No.8107912

i don't like that picture one stinking bit

>> No.8108030
File: 462 KB, 960x1280, fgf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

THIS thread cannot die

>> No.8108049
File: 192 KB, 501x445, 1457142182621.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>has a gf

you can't be /lit/ and have a gf at the same time

ONLY IF you've both finished the Western Canon. Until then, >pic related

>> No.8108086
File: 1.04 MB, 3264x2448, 534535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you'll give in eventually

>> No.8108098

broke up w her. give me the western canon list

>> No.8108102

Start with the greeks

>> No.8108125

What if my GF is a classics professor who reads The Greeks to me in the original Attic (old Ionic when appropriate) when I ball her? Huh? What then, wise guy?

>> No.8108215
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>> No.8108236

Looks like a caricarture of Anna Paquin. 0/10

>> No.8108245
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>ur gf

>> No.8108276

Literally impossible for a woman capable of a relationship to understand to begin with.

>> No.8108356
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guys we have to keep this thread going
get it stickied

>> No.8108383

Abridged version?

>> No.8108420
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>> No.8108464

Something went wrong I don't have a gf, please don't send me texts.

>> No.8108471
File: 73 KB, 205x212, 1432292547742.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Regretfully drop her for reading such low-quality memefiction.

>> No.8108483


Call her a meme loving fuck, spoil it for her, call her a reads-for-plot-pleb when she gets angry, break up with her and become a knight of faith

>> No.8108485


Sorry your mom's a slut.

Do you ever lay your hard truths on her?

>> No.8108486

>delete this

>> No.8108488


I actually really like this edition, I meme you not.

>> No.8108490

Actually, those are two independent clauses, so a comma would be wrong, you fucking fag. Either a semi-colon or a period would work.

>> No.8108512

Sounds like you're just salty you can't get any pussy. Maybe if you spent less time on gay image boards you would.

>> No.8108518


and i think i would say "desu" here but idk what the fuck it means

i tried looking it up

after which i knew LESS

>> No.8108564
File: 1.41 MB, 1400x1955, infinite jest 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't believe they didn't go with this cover.

>> No.8108572

O shit that's good

>> No.8108573

>idk what the fuck it means
fucking summerfags

>> No.8108594

it actually corrects a lot more than that, but ok

>> No.8108595

theres no 20th anniv. hardcover

>> No.8108596

>memetic resolution

>> No.8108921
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>> No.8109378

Nobody fucking cares pal

>> No.8109452

Wait a minute, Infinite Jest is meme fiction? Shit, I must have been tricked into enjoying it.

>> No.8109776


Ha ha--gotcha! Imagine how I feel--I read it and loved it, THEN found out it was a meme, then read it again to see where I'd been fooled and loved it even more the second time. When I read it the third time, I'm hopeful I'll have a miserable time, though.

>> No.8109797

I only read it because of the memes and wasn't disappointed. The Broom of The System and Brief Interviews with Hideous Men are a lot better though. Honestly, I think DFW got worse as he went along.

>> No.8109856

>those are two independent clauses
Not necessarily. She could be getting it because it's so nice.

>> No.8109878

Hairsplitting faggot.

You're right tho.

>inb4 tho not though

>> No.8111369

newer than new

>> No.8111376


>> No.8112076


I don't think The Broom of the System is anything he should have been as embarrassed by as he evidently was, but I think it was only a glimpse of things to come. His short fiction is radiant. I think he was fairly masterful in every form he took his hand to.

>> No.8112366

why do people hate this book so much?

>> No.8112434


You are an idiot

>> No.8112661

Pale King was pretty good though. my favorite part was when the professor gave the speech about heroism

>> No.8112974
File: 68 KB, 493x750, ijcover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The cartridge cover design is great. I liked this one too. Actually, looking at almost all the other submissions floating around out there, it's pretty fucking impossible to understand why they went with that Mitch Albom serif font kindergarten chalk drawing garbage. I won't even get started on the deckle edge choice, much less for a book whose structure requires you to flip back and forth.

>> No.8113019

a) hopefully not my gf
b) "(old Ionic when appropriate)" you might want to check if she's reading Lucian to you because that could go terribly wrong for you some night, especially if she's a plank

>> No.8113323

When I got my 20th ed in the mail I thought they'd fucked up the paper or something. Who the fuck would prefer that?

>> No.8113338

Post pic

>> No.8113365

>how the fuck are you?

I'll reply that

>> No.8113410

Save it, mi amigo. It's all yours

>> No.8113469
File: 4 KB, 240x144, 1457410013262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The only love that is worth anything is the love to the white race and the deus vult movement.

>> No.8113493

>what do u do, /lit/?
text, good luck bitch. let me know when you drop it.

>> No.8113501
File: 1.95 MB, 1488x2340, Infinite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually really like this cover. It's the 20th ed in the UK w/ no deckled edges.

>> No.8114585

Does anyone actually have the 20th anni ed and can take a picture of the edges?
I wanna see how bad it is

>> No.8114720
File: 1.95 MB, 4032x3024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not according to Strunk, White, and Kalman.

>> No.8116526

Fair, but that is also "listing."

>> No.8116563

>falling for /pol/ memes

>> No.8116729

I love deckled edges, why does everyone else hate them?

>> No.8116733

it's a meme

deckled edges make turing to a page in the middle of the book easier.

>> No.8116739

Butthurt heartborken friend-zoned beta fag detected.

>> No.8116754

I slide my finger across the top and turn by the corner. The materialist in me also really loves texture, so I really love how the edges feel on my fingers.

>> No.8116953
File: 97 KB, 600x800, 1434537185748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate deckle edge because it makes it harder to thumb to a specific page. When I flip through a book my thumb makes contact with all the pages, so I stop when I get to the page I need. Do that with a deckle edge and the pages will turn in chunks and you'll turn to the pages that stick out the most again and again. Imagine needing to frequently reference page 100 and always thumbing to 110 and having to flip back. That's gonna get fucking annoying after a while.

If it were 100 years ago and the deckle edge were an unavoidable result of the papermaking process, and it boosted the price of the book to remove it, I wouldn't have such a strong opinion. But literally the only function of deckle edge today is to look ye olde timey and pander to the kind of tacky, pretentious past fetishists who are willing to pay more for something because someone in a factory did extra work to make it look shittier. It's like buying pre-distressed jeans or being into steampunk. Face it: if you like deckle edge, you might as well just get it over with and fill your shelves with those hideous Barnes and Noble leather bound "collectible" editions and start your YA book review YouTube channel.

>> No.8116969

Pretty much, it's annoying functionally and jacks up the price for retarded kitsch reasons. There's literally no good reason for books to have them nowadays outside of the fact that pretentious hipster faggots eat that shit up like candy.

>> No.8117287

i want that in my lyf

>> No.8117303

Your elementary school librarians were supposed to have taught you this.

>> No.8117309

Assembling cheap bookcases from Walmart is a hobby of mine, 2bh pham.

>> No.8117327

Why is her arm so long?

>hideous Barnes and Noble leather bound "collectible" editions
Cry more, the HP Memecraft one is great

>> No.8117434

Aren't they all rigid and cheaply made though?

>> No.8117444

all the better to beat off the ball, my dear

>> No.8117467

I beat off plenty and my arms aren't that long.

>> No.8117528

It happened and I dumped her before stealing her copy of Frankenstein. Now, I'm reading the copy with all her shit annotations of Shelley's Romanticist classic as it pertained to her late-teen-aged-mind and realizing I dropped a nut-job. She had some big ol' titties and was pretty sweet, though, excluding the Borderline Personality Disorder.

>> No.8117534

BPD is never sweet except for the sex