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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 527 KB, 882x442, theonlymemetrilogy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8109300 No.8109300 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw /lit/ has never read the best meme trilogy

>> No.8109336

Heh, I remember being in high school and being as impressionable as you, kid.

Listen, do you genuinely think those books constitute good literature? Any mature intellectual laughs at the mere suggestion.

Now, sweetheart, listen closely: If you want to have your mind blown by the best literature ever written, you need to step up your game significantly.

You're but a kid; you won't 'get it' until you face the realities of life.

Come back and post on this board when you can handle and appreciate the genius of Gravity's Rainbow and Infinite Jest

>> No.8109337
File: 14 KB, 238x192, 1462849097899.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw the meme trilogy is a meme

>> No.8109374

Are you the one other poster I see here posting about The Devil to Pay in the Backlands. We should get a thread up, one of my favorites.

>> No.8109386

none of this shit is on the western canon

i certainly will not read them you should be ashamed of reading third world rants

>> No.8109579

>It's another 7-1sil tries tobe relevant in literature episode

The only good thing to come out of Brazil is Acai and big asses.

>> No.8109822

No, but it's one of my favorites too. I don't think a thread about it would live enough though.

>> No.8111396

I think that there's only a handful of people on here, I've only seen it mentioned 2 other times, both of which I'm certain was the same person. It's a shame, but it's about just as hard of a book to come by as Women and Men, although there's a lot of .pdfs out there for The Devil to Pay in the Backlands.

>> No.8111851
File: 1.46 MB, 3840x2160, 1464552984615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The one in the middle is good, i've never read the other two.

>> No.8111874


There's another of us. I think it might be thread time.

>> No.8112304

I've downloaded pdfs of the first two recently, but I've never heard of the third. Thanks for the rec, I guess. It's funny how much people dismiss other countries' literature without having even read it.

>> No.8112790

the burrito trilogy

>> No.8112799

There's a shitload of brazilians and some portuguese on /lit/, besides at least one british guy who studies lusophone literature

>> No.8113158

I've read the first book. It was also translated as Epitaph of a Small Winner, and had bitter humor. Bras had a small treasure because he didn't bring a child into this forsaken Earth.

>> No.8113257
File: 608 KB, 437x592, memequads 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The memequads are the rightfull succesor and you know it.

>> No.8113570

OP is dumb but you sound like you just finished your first year in undergrad.

>> No.8113602

is this how /lit/ really are? a bunch of edgy teenagers that will dismiss great works of art just because they are from a certain country?
this is so fucking sad and pathetic, nobody here really seens to love books and literature, just post memes and shitpost everyday fucking second of the day. You guys shit reddit all you want, but at least r/literature have content and people that actualy like to read. Fuck this retarded place, it triggers me so much

welp that being said the book in the middle is one of my favorites, really amazing and powerful, the one on the left is fun, best thing Assis did except for his short stories, but I don't think it is THAT great. Didn't read the one on the right tho.

>> No.8113657

>My eyes on the ceiling, nudity in the room; pink, blue or violet, the impenetrable room; the individual room, a world, a cathedral room, where, during the breaks from my anguish, I gathered a rough stem into the palm of my hand, the white rose of desperation, since, among the objects the room had sanctified, the objects of the body came first; I was lying on the hardwood floor of my bedroom in an old village boarding house when my brother came to take me home; my dynamic and disciplined hand, just prior to his entrance, had been running slowly over my wet skin, my poison-filled fingertips touching the newborn fuzz on my still-warm chest; my head rolled numbly as my hair moved in thick waves over the damp curve of my forehead; I rested one of my cheeks on the floor, but my eyes grasped very little, remained practically immobile behind the swift flight of my lashes; the knocking on the door came through gently, settled in meaninglessly, like cotton-silk tufts nestling in the sinuous curves of my ear, where, for a few minutes, it slept; the repetitive noise, still soft and gentle, did not disturb my sweet drunkenness, nor my drowsiness, nor the dispersed, sparse, comfortless whirling; later my eyes saw the turning doorknob, but the spinning was forgotten inside my retina — a lifeless object, a vibrationless sound or a dark breeze in the basement of my memory; the pounding at that moment set the lethargic objects in that bedroom off balance and into desperation.

Ancient Tillage is really great.

>> No.8113686

i have greater works of art to read, friend. sorry

>> No.8113718

come back when you are over 16

>> No.8113744

i'm 100% serious. why would i read some translated joyce-like fiction when i have joyce himself? and i know french too. english and french literature can provide me with quality literature for more than 10 lifetimes. even when i read translations i do not commit to style heavy prose authors like you faggots claim this rosa guy to be. not reading bunda literature for the sake of diversity either. get over it

>> No.8113800

>'m 100% serious. why would i read some translated joyce-like fiction when i have joyce himself?
if you think rosa is anything like joyce, well, you already proved my point uncultured swine, also if you didn't already read joyce by now this only makes you even more pathetic
trashtalking something you didn't even read or know, sounds pretty retarded

>> No.8113852

i'm taking point of allegations made by hues in other threads like "rosa is our joyce" and so. as i said i don't care for favela or bunda literature, keep your struggles to yourselves. at least argentina and chile have some noteworthy culture, jesus.

>also if you didn't already read joyce by now
can you buy a bit of reading comprehension at some favela, please?

>> No.8113905

you see, you are one of the reasons this board is so full of faggots, most of people here talk like you and have no clear interest in culture or literature, see, thats your pointts
>wont read bunda literature
>wont read if isn't praised
>wont read for the sake of diversity
can't you see whats wrong with those arguments? really?
this board won't bat an eye if its to read translated Proust, Homer, Virgil, Kafka, Kawabata, Saramago, Mishima and so many others, but when its a translation of something they don't know it WILL be a reason not to read, and the other way around is also true, if you read a translation of your beloved Joyce or Pynchon the thread will be nothing but shitposting
You also make claims like this:
>made by hues in other threads like "rosa is our joyce" and so
You don't even know about the author or his work, is just parroting people opinions because it suits you, its so sad and pathetic, saying Brazil don't have a noteworthy culture is so wrong when you see other countries praising earlier works of Brazil's music and literature, even Argentina and Chile

Also, why spend time with a little fag like you that doesn't even care about art and culture? go back to /a/ because at least there you will be with your equals

>> No.8113908

This is /s right?

>> No.8113940

Back to where you belong.

>> No.8114021

I tried reading De Assis. It's not great at all. I really dont know why he is constantly talked about when it comes to Brazilian literature.