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/lit/ - Literature

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8106686 No.8106686 [Reply] [Original]

I genuinely do not undertand how people with no artistic sensibility can withstand the gut-punches modern life throws at us at a daily basis. If it weren't for art, or creation in general, I would have ended myself.

Would you have ? I was reading Rilke recently, and he gave the following advice to Kappus : that if Kappus could not live without poetry (which means, killing himself if he couldn't write), then he truly was a poet. What do you think about this ?

>> No.8106692

I think it's passed your bedtime m8

>> No.8106693

You sound like a faggot

>> No.8106696

You sound like a contingent element of the world.

>> No.8106702 [SPOILER] 
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You sound like a dull NPC. Move along.

>> No.8106703

>I genuinely do not undertand how people with no artistic sensibility can withstand the gut-punches modern life throws at us at a daily basis
Same. I don't get it.
My best friend has no creative inclinations, but she loves life. It's like she's more "into it" than I am. Things seem worthwhile to her.
The only reason I can even get myself out if bed is because I want to work on writing. Writing makes me feel less shitty. Art convinces me to just put up with being alive and die naturally instead of killing myself

>> No.8106712

Ever tried getting your testosterone levels checked?

>> No.8106724

That's literally my joke transposed in video games, try calling my mom a whore next time.

So, in a way, I guess she's a consumer, a consumer of things that are created. I'm thinking of this because of how compulsive buyers act; for example this girl from my promo always indulges in shopping binges that are made possible by her parent's money, and after them she feels great. When she is depressed, she simply buys, and then feels better. Not because of the act of buying itself, of course, but because she can find something new in the things she buy (or at least, that is how I understand it.)

I think people who are interested in literature, or writing in general, procceed by the same principle applied differently : they seek new things (or possibly beauty) in creation and works.

>> No.8106726

>these are the people who call others "reddit"

>> No.8106734
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Pic related.

>> No.8106737

Are you insecure about your masculinity, anon ?

>> No.8106742

No, why do you ask?

Read Schopenhauer while your waiting for the results OP. He has some words on art you'll find relevant.

>> No.8106747

This is very reminiscent of Schoppy's or Kierkegaard's aesthetics.

Even though both of their systems were completely seperated from the class struggle, they also function as ways to move through and beyond the bindings that tether us not only to society, but also the world.

4chanX tells me that a poster suggests me to read Schoppy's aesthetics : I already have read The World, and have thoroughly studied its aesthetics. I'm moving on the fourfold root now.

>> No.8106783
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>> No.8106791

It's not about the meaning of life or even an existential crisis, it's about my daily routine being agreeable or not.

I've studied philosophy for five years and running for the teaching exam next year, I'm not phased about any existential questions.

What I mean is that without art, I am bored to death, and I do not know where else we can find enjoyment, apart from physiological needs transposed to art, which is culinary arts and erotism.

I'll take a look at your book though.

>> No.8106802

>What I mean is that without art, I am bored to death
Don't you like studying? Watching TV series? Being with a loved one? Teaching? Having a good conversation?

>> No.8106808

You're right, I should clarify : studying, teaching, having a good conversation, is in a way a form of creation. I transfer and manipulate knowledge, maybe I take it from the book and put it in my mind, maybe I put it in the kid's head, maybe I exchange it with a friend.

TV Series bore me, but of course that doesn't mean anything about their quality.

As per being with loved ones : that is not enough; hence for example the suicides of people that were loved or loved others.

>> No.8106820

10,000+ years ago, people like you would have been killed off in their teen years. You're living on borrowed time, anon.

>> No.8106825

Apparently, you do not know anything about history, biology, or society.

Please make a better attempt for your next post in this thread.

>> No.8106828

>You're right, I should clarify : studying, teaching, having a good conversation, is in a way a form of creation. I transfer and manipulate knowledge
Yes, but they aren't art. Art isn't solely creation.

>As per being with loved ones : that is not enough; hence for example the suicides of people that were loved or loved others.
That has nothing to do with your case.

>> No.8106842

Art is subsumed under creation, in the very first post I mentioned "creation in general". I also implicitly included this in the post you initially responded to, but that wasn't clear enough.

>that has nothing to do with your case

>> No.8106847


>> No.8106856

The majority is the population feels like I do, stop spouting memes.

>> No.8106893

People are not all alike. Some are just happy being human #135,294,590,295 or whatever and going about doing normal stuff, immersed in the society we have running.

My dad... great guy, friendly, always happy, outgoing... but the least creative person ever. Never read a book but gets happiness from drinking with friends at the cafe and watching mindless films and reality TV.

Some people don't need art.

>> No.8106915

There is a heightened sense of all that is good in life and a depth of feeling that goes along with the Rilkes of the world. it usually coincides with introspection and melancholy and a pity for mankind but not being able to get through a day "without art" doesn't mean literally without creating art, but without experiencing life in an artful, prayerful, poetic way.

big difference between that boat and clinical type misery + scribbling words on a page

>> No.8106916

You sound upset. Touched a nerve, did I?

>> No.8106922

Is that what anger looks like to you ?

>> No.8106928

>happiness comes from art & creative expression

Y'all niggas grasping at sankharas

>> No.8106962

Namaste bro

>> No.8106978

It's what an angry autist looks like, yes.

>> No.8107035
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>look up this word
>literally the proto-"spook"

Time to meme this shit into the ground.

>> No.8107150


>> No.8108162

Is it impossible for you to imagine that just as you find meaning in art, other people find meaning in other things in life? I would have thought an "artist" would have a better imagination

>> No.8108253

I used to play the cello, I was getting a performance degree at a good conservatory, one day I felt nauseous when I tried playing

I tried again and again but the nausea persisted, eventually I started feeling it whenever I listened to music, I stopped going to classes entirely after a while then resigned from the program. I haven't touched an instrument in 5 years and I get a twinge of pain whenever I look at one and desire nothing more than to play again

what do

>> No.8108254

I agree, but my entire life has been a malicious joke at my expense, so I don't know if I'd still agree if it was even remotely normal or fruitful in any way.

>> No.8108263

Take up a different artform? All of my plans and aspirations in life have gone to shit years ago so I just write the dankest memes I can think of for my own amusement.

>> No.8108266

I don't like anything else as much as I like music

I can listen again, and I listen to one of my favorites every day then feel very guilty about not playing, beyond the fact that I'm probably at a much lower level than I was I don't know what's stopping me.

>> No.8108268

Hey r9k! being an emo snowflake as always, I see! How's that surface level flavour of the month taste in "art" going for you?

>> No.8108273

Ok then, this is going to be a retarded suggestion, but have you tried practicing or playing while drunk or high? Maybe it'll loosen you up. Or kill you? You probably shouldn't take advice from me.

>> No.8108280

I can't drink, I'm an alcoholic.

Pretty much straight-edge too, other than smoke tobacco once a week for health benefits.

>> No.8108299

Ok, how about this, slowly start devising sexual fantasies about your instrument and build them up to the point where you develop a fetish for it. At that point you won't be able to keep your hands off it.

>> No.8108332

The only meaningful act for me is suicide. If I continue to live, its against my better judgment, creative outlet or none.

>> No.8108423

normies don't study their lives and setbacks as texts, they just live and move on, right?

>> No.8108461

damn you got clockwork orange'd

>> No.8108489

Anything in particular by him?

>> No.8108507


The guy may very well be on to something. Environmental pollution of xenoestrogens is thought to be the cause of the observed massive drop in male testosterone in the last 2-3 generations.

>> No.8108509


So would anyone that needs glasses. Lame point.

>> No.8108524
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>I genuinely do not undertand how people with no artistic sensibility can withstand the gut-punches modern life throws at us at a daily basis

>What is alcohol
>What is sex
>What is fast food
>What are affairs
>What is fun
>What are friends
>What are conversations

>> No.8108537

>fast food
Might want to rethink the ending yourself thing there.

>> No.8108545


Hey, I'm not saying they make me happy; just the plebeians.

>> No.8108556
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I used to think I'd like to leave some kind of legacy, do something which will be remembered after I die. But then when you realize that one day nothing will be left of the planet itself what's the point in caring about what fame you gather posthumously? Then onto life itself, what would you like from it? I'm guessing your friend would like a career or family, something like that. To her "art", all that might encompass this, and subjects like literature, history, and philosophy which raise questions about life, all of it, means nothing. Like those people who don't care about history and say "it's in the past, they're all dead, who cares". For a career, she'll be constantly chasing the next promotion. It will never be enough. Even if she were to reach the top in her field which she probably won't, she'd still want something more. If it's simply about the money and not about the title, then what can she do with money? She will buy a big house, expensive cars, expensive clothes, eat expensive food, and so on. But her life will ultimately be empty. Better to have money and be miserable than to be poor and be miserable, or live in a big house or however that saying goes. The problem here is that "what now?" will always be her question. Money doesn't make that go away. It just gives you more time to figure out what everything's all about. As for family, it's kind of like religion, "opium of the people". inb4 fedora. Think about it, you have to raise a child, another human being, for the next ~20 years. Unconditional care for this child. What happens if the child you raise becomes a person you cannot stand? Maybe you can say you still love the child, but it's effectively been a fruitless endeavor if this happens. If not, then what? Now you have another person linked to you for the rest of your life. A caretaker when you become old. You have still not tried answering any kind of questions you have about yourself or life in general. It all becomes a routine. And there's not even any real point in considering "i just want to have fun yolo lmao" for a woman because most of them will want a family, those who can't whether it's because they're unwanted by men or if they become too old, will live the rest of their lives being pretty miserable without ever finding anything worthwhile to do. Maybe taking care of pets or feeding the homeless. Or become Merkel and ruin a whole country.

Basically, the reason she and many others can withstand the gut-punches of modern life is because they have something they want to achieve in modern life. They want a career, money, family, and so on, and being alone, being alone with ones thoughts, is the scariest thing imaginable to them because it is so far removed from what they want. If they went there, they might start to question their motives and goals. So they don't.

>best friend
>no creative inclinations
this is the best you could do? You sure you're not just lusting after her?

>> No.8108584

I was a walking shell of a human being before I discovered the joy of reading. Probably would've ended it if I hadn't.

>> No.8108619


>You sure you're not just lusting after her?

If he's straight and single the "best friend" title was her choice, not his.

>> No.8108627

they have family and friends

>> No.8108648
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Most people have the soul-life of a potato. The absence of artistic sensibility is precisely what protects them.

>> No.8108656

You are such a tortured artist OP. A truly deep man.

>> No.8108664
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He needs to pull a Kierkegaard. Find the love of his life, be on the brink of feeling the effects of full true love, and then turn his back on it. Truly φιλοσοφία.

>> No.8108669

I think he's beyond that. Judging by his unique perception on the world, I believe him to be the lead philosopher of the current Zeitgeist.

A millennium ahead, people shall look back at his 4chan posts with the same respect and wonder as we view the fragments of Parmenides.

>> No.8108675


It's pretty obvious from the sound of his post that he's still young. Probably under 25. Go easy on the lad. I doubt he's as bad as you're making him out to be.

>> No.8108688


>I think he's beyond that. Judging by his unique perception on the world, I believe him to be the lead philosopher of the current Zeitgeist.

And the anon who wrote this is criticizing OPs snarky adolescence? Is that what is happening here?

Just to make sure we're on the same page.

>> No.8108698

I hereby announce that I look down upon thy comment and hereupon send this message down by boat, as the saying goes. Good day, good sir.

>> No.8108701

Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking

>> No.8108705


>yeah you got me, just stop now


>> No.8108708

Actually that wasn't me, I was mocking you because you write exactly like someone on reddit would.

>> No.8108710


Moot sold 4chan you fucking dork.

The haetmachine party is over. Try to deal.

>> No.8108719

At least you're not trying to deny it. What subreddit do you spend most of your time? Do you take screenshots from here and upload on the 4chan subreddit for epic karma?

>> No.8108732


What you don't seem to understand is that most oldfags (ie. the people who have been on this site far longer than you have) actually grew out of the haetmachine attitude and goofy internet culture pride years ago. People mellow out with age. If we post now we ironically seem "Reddit" to the younger kids who are still trying really hard to affect the culture of this place.

>> No.8108740

You're not an oldfag.

You're not even typing in pure lowercase

>> No.8108745

Why do you keep talking about the "haetmachine attitude" and "goofy internet culture pride"? That's all on you.
>If we post now we ironically seem "Reddit" to the younger kids who are still trying really hard to affect the culture of this place.
So you're saying you would like to post here like you do on reddit, ergo make this place the same as reddit? Why even bother coming here?

Yeah I highly doubt he is an oldfag. And even if he were why on Earth does he think that matters, as if it gives him an excuse for being an actual redditor.

>> No.8108749


Rilke like always is right.

Though I would expand this and say there is a way to live life as an art, that you make your own life as a testament to creativity, in the Nietzschean sense.

If you cannot do that, suicide or religion are your best bets.

>> No.8108752


>You're not an oldfag.

Like it's some magical hard-won achievement.
I just crapped out posts for years on end. It's not that hard.

But what I'm saying is true. You will mellow out when as you get older (if you aren't a total edgelord) and you'll find your newer manner of posting also taking on those dreaded Reddit characteristics like affability and not needing to be a little try hard faggot every second of every day.

>> No.8108759
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>and you'll find your newer manner of posting also taking on those dreaded Reddit characteristics like affability
Fucking hell you're an actual child.

>> No.8108761


>and not needing to be a little try hard faggot every second of every day.

You forget the other half.

In your case clearly the most relevant.

>> No.8108768

Not my fault you're having babby's first existential crisis or whatever it's called when a teenager thinks he's real smart with his fedora and tfw no gf.

>> No.8108775
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Moot sold 4chan.

>> No.8108780

Go back to your subreddits, I'm sure you'll be happier there.

>> No.8108784

You've got it backwards kid, it's difficult for creative types because society has no legitimate outlets for it, so we suffer.

Everyone else is content with bullshit (or at least, many people). I had a job as a bureacrat once, and realized the only way to survive it was to either be incredibly stupid or a zen master. I needed to be creative because that's my potential.

Most people have it, it's just never been watered and cared for. People have stagnated, become neurotic, lost hope, etc and never built their creative outlets thus they just do the usual. Of course many millions of such people are also incredibly miserable.

>> No.8108789
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I was here first. I think I'll stay.

>> No.8108826

Give me a fucking break you pretentious saps.

If books are so le noble ;_; then why do you only care about books with the stamp of a high revenue publisher?

If books are so le noble ;_; then why do you want shitloads of people to read your one? Isn't writing it a great reward?

>> No.8109097

Sam Hydemind

>> No.8109164

I UNDERSTAND why some people dont need art to survive, they dont find it interesting or it has no impact on them. But that doesnt mean that I dont judge them or find them incredibly boring and uninteresting.

I have two groups of friends. One absorbs everything at surface level, games, books, music, movies. And we basically just sit around and talk about high school or drink with people from high school.

The other is a group of artists who study art, like art, have taste and tries to expand their thoughts and their scope of what they find enjoyable. We talk about subjects more meaningful and confide in each other.

Group one seems less sad and happier with life, but I really dont envy them

>> No.8109172

so, you envy pseudos?

>> No.8109181

I dont envy them, I am one. I just enjoy meaningful conversations and talking about things other than some blockbuster I didnt even see