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/lit/ - Literature

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8106084 No.8106084 [Reply] [Original]

I'm looking for fiction with the following themes:

Natural order
Societal homogeneity over heterogeneity
Nature conservation/worship (Blood and Soil)

Any recommendations don't have to have all characteristics and feel free to recommend works that have characteristics I didn't mention but are similar to those I mentioned.


>> No.8106115

just start with the greeks you'll be fine

>> No.8106126
File: 71 KB, 1854x280, Greek Philosophy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Literally this.

>> No.8106127


That was a spicy mehmeh! Have some gold!

>> No.8106134


>> No.8106140

Storm of Steel by Junger
Growth of the Soil by Hamsun
Beyond Sing the Woods by Gulbranssen
Things Fall Apart by Achebe

>> No.8106146
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starting with a slight angle variation on the classic smug pepe

>> No.8106151
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and another example of smugness deconstruction

>> No.8106153

Faggots by that one gay jew. It's exactly what you're looking for.

>> No.8106155


>> No.8106162
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>works that have characteristics I didn't mention but are similar to those I mentioned.

>> No.8106170


Upboated for defending our safe space :^)

>> No.8106176

If anything, giving him real /pol/fag recs would be doing that because you homos think this entire site is your alt-right hugbox.

>> No.8106193
File: 158 KB, 583x703, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Our whole society is a marxist PC gulag. That's why we need our Danger Space (opposite of safe space), a zone strewn with Truth and Redpills.

>> No.8106194


Awful lot of homophobia for a hired SJW!

You and your ilk are the cyber analogs to Trigglypuff, lmao.

As for op Starship Troopers and Lord of the Rings are good starts.

>> No.8106200

One form of histrionic whining isn't any better than another. You're just as bad as the ess jay dubyous and deserve to be ridiculed exactly as much as they do.

>> No.8106205

Looks like the gist of this image is "it is wrong to cry and be passionate about something"


>> No.8106207

>responding to bait
check my 6

>> No.8106209


>H-How dare he poke f-fun at my emotions!

Logic and reason's for chumps, amirite?

>> No.8106220

When you cry because people disagree with you and your passion is convincing people that you're actually a wolf and/or that obesity isn't an indicator of poor health, then yes, those are "wrong" (inb4 Stirner)

>> No.8106222

They kind of are, t b h. No one reasonable ever gets anything done these days. Sane people are ignored is the new nice guys finish last.

>> No.8106228

hello trollo

>> No.8106229

>One form of histrionic whining isn't any better than another.

Trolls have invaded this thread posting nonsense and not offering literature recommendations. If you are uninterested in these topics there are many other topics for you to engage in, just like if Trigglypuff wasnt interested in hearing the views of speakers at a presentation, she could have gone to another.

>> No.8106231

>All these cucks and nu-males getting btfo
Leftists losing is the greatest tradition of all

>> No.8106233

muh boogeyman
at least acknowledge the people who disagree with you aren't all obese dragonkin furry, most of them do because you're obnoxious

>> No.8106263

If you mean high profile, Tom Clancy's better novels are all right wing. The Hunt for Red October, Red Strom Rising, Patriot Games, Clear and Present Danger, and Without Remorse are all good.

There's also William F. Buckley, of course.

But it's a myth to think all writers and creative people lean to the left. This isn't even true in Hollywood. It's just that squaky wheel get all the grease. I've seen estimates that even Hollywood is 40% conservative. In most forms of fiction writing, the left wing, right way numbers break down roughly the same as they do outside of writing.

I've met just as many right wing writers as left wing writers. Most just don't make a show of it. Even science fiction has a healthy share of consrvatives and libertarians.

I think teh perception that the creative fields are filled with those on the left comes about because those on teh left tend to write books, make movies, etc., that expouse their philosophy. Most of those on the right tend to write books and make movies that are simply entertaining.

Though I do sispect that genre matter. Most of the right wing writers I've known write in the mystery/suspense/thriller fields, and most of the left wing writers I've known write in either "literary" or SF genres.

The best right wing books are NOT nonfiction, they are simply books where the writer doesn't believe he has to fill every page with his own personal philosophy.

By and large, I read both types of writers, but when a writer starts beating me over the head with politics or social agendas at the expense of story, I stop reading. Kim Stanley Robinson is unreadable for me simply because everything he writes screams his personal view on everything, and I don't give a damn about his views. I read novels for an entertaining story and good characters, not because I want to hear some idiot expouse political and social agendas.

In other words, I don't care if you're left wing or right wing, don't try to send me a message, don't tell me your philosophy is the correct one, don't try to send me a message that you think will change the world. Shut the hell up and just tell me an entertaining story filled with good characters. It's the story and the characters I want, not your opinion on the world, on Bush, on Clinton, etc. I'm all grown up, I watch the news and read newspapers each and every day, and I probably know at least as much as you do about what's happening in the world. Likely more. I don't need a fiction writer putting a slant on it.

Just tell me a good story, fill it with good characters, and get rid of the notion that I'm going to adjust my philosophy, or change my beliefs, because of anything you write. Preaching to the choir never has done any good, and that's all such writers do.

>> No.8106269



>tfw you'll never live in a traditional classical greek societ

>> No.8106271


literally nobody is going to read this, what the hell were you thinking?

>> No.8106272

>triggered /pol/fags desperately trying to save face
I can see the cum dripping from your assholes. The only reason degeneracy triggers you is because you crave it so badly. Real men just laugh at all that bullshit because it doesn't affect them in any way.

>> No.8106277


>Real men just laugh at all that bullshit because it doesn't affect them in any way.

Yeah, those fags you see in your local Starbucks (with whom you are included) are not real men.

Sorry bub.

>> No.8106284
File: 23 KB, 228x346, 514BAyopO7L._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Way of Men - Tribalism
Anything by Wendel Berry - Land/Man relationship


>> No.8106285

Lol, life imitates image boards, or is it the other way around... thank you to all the hall monitors of the year for doing your damndest to throw a blanket on this outbreak of wrongthink...

A lot of Mikhail Bulgakov's work leans right. Heart of a Dog comes to mind. You might want to try some of Solzhenitsyn's fictional work, too, although these are really pretty balanced.

>> No.8106296

ITT: tards feeling persecuted

>> No.8106310

The Fountainhead?

>> No.8106311

i read it you cock sucking faggot

>> No.8106320


Agreed, fuck these drumf voting pieces of shit that want fascism in the usa

>> No.8106321

fuck off falseflagging trumptard

>> No.8106322

Is this bait? Because i simply can't believe that there are still people who believe in such ideas in first world countries. How frustrated with your life do you have to be in order to actively look for fiction which promotes "cultural homogenity" or anti-egalitarianism? I mean, even using the world anti-egalitarianism in such a positive context is a sign of immense overestimation of oneself and a superiority complex. Are you saying we should go back to feudalism or what? Because that's what came before equality.

>> No.8106326


>> No.8106328

sounds good to me, but anyway, got any recommendations ?

>> No.8106334
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>empirical science largely vindicates materialism and the reductionist hypothesis
>therefore physical appearance should determine your worth as a human being
>anybody who defies this and holds up intellect as an independent virtue is obviously just a self-serving cynic who would see civilization in ruins
Jesus Christ, I thought it was only postmodernists who were in the habit of hiding such utter unreasoning non-sequitor with linguistic juggling

Timid young centipede does not approve

>> No.8106339


And here we see the pseudo-intellect in its natural environment, the self-professed "Bernie Bro" or better yet "informed non-voter" engage in pathologizing of ideas contrary to their worldview.

>Is this bait? Because i simply can't believe that there are still people who believe in such ideas in first world countries.


t. Karl

>> No.8106340
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Conservative authors don't tend to write "literary fiction." The genre itself does not tend to lend itself to conservative values and outlooks because it is generally more "emotional" than "cerebral." Conservatives fair better in more cerebral genres such as satire. Most of your great satirists tend to lean to the right (or at least vociferously away from the left): Evelyn Waugh, Herman Wouk, Jane Austen, G.K. Chesterton, C.S. Lewis, Tom Wolfe, Thackery, Jonathan Swift, Nathaniel Hawthorne, George Orwell, Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. (to a degree), etc.

It's tricky to label a "right wing" novel because "right wing" is hard to define. There are 100 shades of conservative, and conservatives argue among one another like cats and dogs; they love intellectual wrestling matches with one another. Do you mean "libertarian"? Well, then, Ayn Rand certainly comes to mind. Anti-communist? You've got Alexander Solzyhneitzhen. You've got George Orwell, but he was a socialist, which is usually considered leftist.

I disagree with the general agreement that novels should not have intellectual content. The novels that have impressed me the most deeply have all had philosophical content--The Brothers Karamazov, Middlemarch, The Fountainhead, Animal Farm, 1984, Brave New World, etc.

But it is true that, in general, left leaning people are more likely to slip thier idealogy into music, film, literature, and indeed every day conversation than are right leaning people. So there may be many more right leaning novelists out there--you just don't know it because they don't make a point of it.

I think almost by defintion, it would be hard to write a great "conservative" novel. I mean that literally. The definition of conservative: "tending to oppose change. Traditional or restrained in style."

Well, if you reject almost all of the great satires...this might be true. The thing is, conservatives only oppose change when the left is not the status quo. And since the left is the status quo in the media and the arts and the academy...well, conservatives are gung ho about change. And they are happy to mock the changes that the left has brought in--thus the satire.

>> No.8106348


Ayn rand valued ramanticism and the heroic, but I think op is looking for traditionalism and tribalism

>> No.8106357

>George Orwell
>tend to lean to the right

I stopped reading there because I realize you have no idea what you are talking about and don't want to pick up misinformation from a retard like you

>> No.8106368

This. Of course, he is a fan of Ayn Rand so rubbish is to be expected.

>> No.8106374


Literally in next paragraph:

>You've got George Orwell, but he was a socialist, which is usually considered leftist.

And in the first paragraph, he vociferously leaned away from far left (1984)

Fucking typical know it all idiot. Stick to spamming memes and unsolicited political commentary.

>> No.8106383

>leaned away from far left

Animal farm too

>> No.8106387

why are people ruining this perfectly fine /lit/ thread?


>> No.8106403

why do you even post in this thread you fucking retard?

>> No.8106408
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>> No.8106412

>it's a lets falseflag as /pol/ posters and ruin a thread to prevent /pol/ posters from ruing threads, thread

You mean /lit/ posters get out?


Source: shitposter

>> No.8106420
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>> No.8106421
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Seriously? Why would you want books on all that /pol/ trash?

Just leave our board honey, don't let the door hit you on the way out.

Toodles, mwah.

>> No.8106425

Joe Haldeman, The Forever War
Robert E. Howard, Conan stories
H.P. Lovecraft, anything really, but particularly the “Cthulhu cycle”

>> No.8106430

>And since the left is the status quo in the media and the arts and the academy



>> No.8106432

Totalitarianism isn't "far left" - you epic fucking dumbshit.

>> No.8106438
File: 496 KB, 500x377, zMyq1Cb.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't encourage these people.

They have outdated views and aren't welcome on our board.

If you agree with any of their views, please see the related gif.

>> No.8106439

>Totalitarianism isn't "far left"


Totalitarianism is a political system where the state recognizes no limits to its authority and strives to regulate every aspect of public and private life wherever feasible.

It can be right or left.

What was the ending of animal farm? Wow some are more equal, revolutions fuck up, etc.

He was talking abouta USSR

>> No.8106450


Ill give you 7/10, not too bad.

>> No.8106457

OP could check out Ernst Jünger. His best work (in my opinion) isn't fiction but a memoir, but he does have fiction as well. He had a great influence on Heidegger, he would surely fit the bill for OP.

Communism/socialism is, even in the Stalinist form. Particularly so it was in the age when people actually supported the shitty regimes, even overseas. Orwell did criticize that form of system. Playing the "that wasn't true far left!" card is about as pathetic as neoliberals claiming that free market capitalism works but there just hasn't been a real free market so far. Just accept that even good causes can end up bad.

Hard to say, maybe they'll become better if they start to get educated.

>> No.8106463

Neoliberals, Marxists, Anarchists and cuckservatives are all part of the same United White Genocide Front. Whenever globalism comes under attack, their differences suddenly dissapear and the wagons close in around the thought criminal.

>> No.8106465

Marxists are anti-globalism you /pol/tard.

>> No.8106475

all neo nazis and /pol/lacks hate cops

did you even research before making this unfunny garbage?


>> No.8106476


>> No.8106477
File: 1.86 MB, 470x295, ea2a2fec-7d7a-4a2c-b662-b3f9ff70348b.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Excuse me bitch. Not everyone on this site wants to stick to the rules of your right wing hug box, don't be surprised when you see people who aren't sucking Donald Trump's dick. Don't assume I'm trolling because I'm not licking the boots of authority, or being horribly racist to people who've done nothing wrong aside from be born the "wrong" colour.

Incase you idiots haven't realised, we should judge people as individuals, not on their race or some arbitrary thing like that. Now, please honey, leave, you're kind of views aren't welcome here.

>> No.8106479

Okay this is getting so shitty that I'll abandon this thread now.

>> No.8106480

you aren't welcome on this website

all anonymous imageboards across the web are almost always right-wing, from the Japanese ones to the German ones.

Fuck off and die

>> No.8106484

Fuck off, retard, /lit/ is a community of posters that don't browse the rest of the site.

>> No.8106485

>therefore physical appearance should determine your worth as a human being

Not what he's saying though, the video de-contextualised it too much.

>> No.8106487

actually we do? Please go back to where you came from, you aren't welcome here

>> No.8106492

That comic is an awfully logical and reasonable comic, you raise a good point.

There's nothing logical or reasonable about using personal insults to dismiss anyone with whom you disagree, whether that be calling them a racist or calling them a cuck.
People who resort to name calling so often should be laughed at.

>> No.8106493
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Just to let you know, real men have no need for right wing politics to feel male, because they have confidence, tolerance, and respect - the three male traits. No real man would ever value what OP posted. Oops! Hit a nerve?

>> No.8106495

Are you sure about that? Since when is the working class uniting over nationalism to defeat capitalism everywhere not globalism?

>> No.8106496

No we don't, you aren't one of us

>> No.8106498


>> No.8106501

>Communism/socialism is, even in the Stalinist form.

Leftism, at its core, is about dissolving concentrated power of all kinds - economic, political, social. It's about tearing down hierarchies. Autocratic rule requires concentrating power in the hands of a few, and is thus the very opposite of a leftist utopia.

>Orwell did criticize that form of system.

Yeah, because he was a leftist.

>Playing the "that wasn't true far left!" card is about as pathetic as neoliberals claiming that free market capitalism works but there just hasn't been a real free market so far. Just accept that even good causes can end up bad.

No, that analogy doesn't work. When free marketeers object to the current state of affairs, they say it is not pure enough in its implementation. In contrast, leftists do not criticize Stalinism for not going far enough; rather, they object to the very notion of totalitarianism.

>> No.8106503

You, me, and that other guy have all read it. So that's 3.

>> No.8106504

been posting here since the beginning

Go back to redit

>> No.8106509

Discrimination is based on logic and statistic. Science teaches us that some races of people have lower IQs and are more prone to criminality. It's indisputable. The difference between right wingers and leftists, is that we choose Reals over Feels. Leftism is but an infantile denial of truth and science, Transgenderism, marxist economics, egalitarianism and 'anti-racism' it's a patters

>> No.8106510

Quit lying, you aren't fooling anyone.

>> No.8106511

>one of us

haha oh wow

>> No.8106515


Awful, you went overboard.
3/10, best I can do.

>> No.8106516

>you ain't welcome here
Unfortunately for you, no matter how much you disagree with someone, terriritorialist statements will never work on an anonymous message board from seeing things you don't like or disagree with (which in this case is actually probably trolls). If you can't deal with that and need to call me a cuck, either do that or go outside. Whichever makes you happy. You lose either way.

>> No.8106518


>> No.8106519

why are you even posting in this thread?
Fuck off and die

>> No.8106523

kys retarded reactionary

>> No.8106524

lol nah

I'm staying here and i'm not going anywhere :) go be autistic somewhere else though lol

>> No.8106525

>Playing the "that wasn't true far left!" card
What, in your mind, are necessary and sufficient conditions to consider something "far-left"?
Which, of course, you should at least have in an approximate sense or you're clearly using it as an utterly meaningless political slur

>I'm looking for fiction that either treats the traditionalist and naturalistic fallacies as a valid intellectual framework or that I can misconstrue as such.

>> No.8106526
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Lmao. Look at all these keyboard warriors trying to look macho.

Try getting some sex in your life. Ooh better yet! Get a life!

>> No.8106529
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my man

>> No.8106532

You mean:

My racist, reactionary Japanese guy who's culture I appropriate?

>> No.8106534


>> No.8106536
File: 14 KB, 205x246, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The alt-left doesn't visit this site, the lack of a downvote button is too triggering.

>> No.8106539

Literally everyone posting in this thread is trolling

>> No.8106540

ie. fascists are mentally ill and their politics are merely an expression of their fucked up psychosexual hang ups

>> No.8106541

not him but i don't "appropiate" his culture, i just like his style. He was a very interesting man

>> No.8106544

>the media and the arts

Neoliberalism is dominant in foreign policy and international finance not the media and arts rofl ...

>> No.8106545

Um, if you're not him, then, er, don't reply to me?


>> No.8106547

what are you still doing in this thread, manlet?

>> No.8106550

Yes, because I enjoy an author, I not only endorse but EMBODY every single bit of them, flaws and all.

The same way listening to Michael Jackson records makes me a child molester.

>> No.8106552


I'm 5 foot 8, hardly fucking short...

It's funny how right wingers put on so much importance to such arbitrary things.

>> No.8106554


>> No.8106555
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>Danger Space
Are you sure there isn't a better way to phrase that?

>> No.8106559
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>tfw you want to get to sleep but the shitposting too good

>> No.8106562

right-wingers are physically stronger than lefties

Is this why you call those arbitrary things? Because you are a tiny dicked skelly? lmao

>> No.8106569

this mutual shitposting seem like a gay orgy

>> No.8106571

And left-wing are intellectually stronger than righties
Pleb pseud

>> No.8106572

Am gay, can confirm

>> No.8106574


>> No.8106575

go read some more YA novels if you need to personally identify with authors and protagonists in order to enjoy a piece of fiction

i get it, everything you do, every piece of art you experience, every morsel of food you ingest, is actually a way for you to define yourself, a way to signal to others who you "are" (wish you were)

you're like some kind of science fiction monster that absorbs the traits of whatever it touches. it, itself, completely self contained, is a formless mass of nothingness. you are a blob of a person.

>> No.8106576
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I'm convinced /lit/ doesn't actually read. There is no excuse for this kind of unadulterated stupidity, which was provoked just because an OP requested books with themes that offend you.

Oh well, this kind of obnoxious backlash is causing such phenomena as pic related. At least stirnermemers don't shoot themselves in the feet, you might want to think about returning to your meme-roots.

>> No.8106578
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>5 foot 8

Lmao, when will they learn.

>> No.8106579

good luck getting laid with your "superior intellect" you manlet

sword > pen

>> No.8106581

I wouldn't actually want go be strong, nobody gives a shit about strength anyway.

New masculinity has no room for "hurr I can pick big thing up and put it down hurrr"

>> No.8106586

>not seeing the memes
Everything here is a meme

>> No.8106587
File: 85 KB, 960x695, cuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aut-right the thread

>> No.8106589

Mate everyone in this thread is on at least 8 levels of irony. Nobody is being sincere.

This is just a shitpost withing a shitpost. This is:

>> No.8106590

the alt-right isnt even a thing in Europe

>> No.8106591

The pen kills millions while the sword kills few, cuck

>> No.8106596
File: 10 KB, 375x315, 11032471_1153651571328377_7386583763890257738_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>new masculinity

>> No.8106597

Why do they use cuck as an insult?

If being a cuck means I care about my fellow humans, and I'm not an ignorant racist, then fuck it I'm a proud cuck.

>> No.8106599
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This is what cucks and manlets actually believe.

>> No.8106601

itt: niggers & jews

>> No.8106602

Yeah it is
Most of the modern populist parties in yurop are supported by the young over the old

>> No.8106612

>Why do they use cuck as an insult?

Because they are autistic virgins

>If being a cuck means I care about my fellow humans, and I'm not an ignorant racist, then fuck it I'm a proud cuck.

That includes you apparently

>> No.8106613

What is more pleasing than watching you wife get annihilated by big black nigger cock

>> No.8106619

And the dialectic moves on. The backlash creates a backlash of its own and so on. Eventually we all become memes

>> No.8106620

Cuckery is thinking man's fetish
Obviously it's the kantian thing to do, as it pleases all

>> No.8106624

The whole idea of getting cucked being a bad thing stems from the sexist idea that I would own my wife's vagina, which is wrong.

But anyway, I think marriage is outdated, so I can't answer.

>> No.8106625
File: 389 KB, 1972x892, 1446256187318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OYYY VEYYY get out of my aut-right safespace SJWs!!

>> No.8106633

6/10 it looks forced

>> No.8106634

nigger detected

how does it feel to be an ugly fat lip ape?

>> No.8106635


Good good let the butthurt flow through you..

>> No.8106638

gamergate was a turning point for 21st century politics. 10 years from now we're gonna have a gamer gate movie, survivors invited to meet the president etc.

>> No.8106640

Trump will be the emperor at that point

>> No.8106642

>Science teaches us that
I don't think you know the first thing about what science is.
>some races of people have lower IQs and are more prone to criminality
Yes. This is an observation.
> It's indisputable
Empirical evidence itself can be more than disputable on the grounds of conflict of interest or lack of methodological rigor, and it takes an extremely careful and extremely disciplined eye to draw only conclusions well and truly supported by the data.
Then, every conclusion and consensus is tentative and open at all ties to dispute on the grounds of new evidence, fabrication/misconduct or misconstrued evidence.

HRT and reassignment surgery have resulted in lower suicide rates than for those treated by counseling alone and left untreated, which are comparable. Though it remains about 20x higher than that of the general population. Empirically speaking this is a more rational method than the old one, though not perfect (>inb4 utopian fallacy) and dismissing it out of hand is pure muh feels.
You are either ignorant of the extremely limited predictive power of policy-level economics or you just don't care, and I honestly can't tell which is the more optimistic to assume of you. Nothing truthful, nothing scientific. Denying historical materialism is also quite feely with as much empirical support as it has
Tell me, in your own words, what you are using this word to mean. Because you're probably not using it the same way and it will betray your profound ignorance of these ideologies. Again, based on feels, not their real content
What? You aren't lumping us in with the SJWs are you? You know our frameworks are incompatible, right? Maybe if you took the time to understand the actual foundations of far-left thought instead of dismissing it entirely by feels
The most "anti-racist" thing you can do is stop exaggerating the extent of racial oppression and realize fundamental class unity and that coercive material relations are the root cause of all genuine identity oppression

>> No.8106643 [DELETED] 
File: 624 KB, 640x640, 4bdb1419-7e50-4078-b1ad-c3966df6c360.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm done shitposting now lads. See you next week.

>> No.8106645
File: 87 KB, 1231x930, 1444686232729.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Stop making fun of me you fucking unvirgin normie this is our safespace!!!! Normans Raus!

>> No.8106654

>itt: summerfags summering

>> No.8106657

it's the perfect fetish for the hateful

>reduce your wife to a sex toy, free to be abused at your whim
>reduce her partner to an unthinking, pheremone blinded animal with a penis of bestial qualities
>have your wife defiled with the animal penis
>all of this is performed for your pleasure

"yes, yes my property. feel the discomfort of the dirty man's equine penis in your small, girlish vagina. imagine the shame of a black man touching your body?! do it for me. feel the pain. perform for me like a whore in a porno film."

>> No.8106663

Thread's over now. Shitposting has died now the King Shitposter has left.

All boring and low quality now.

>> No.8106664

Explains why /pol/tards like it so much.

Minus having a wife/girlfriend part, that is pretty unrealistic

>> No.8106667

Fuck off Michael Arnold

>> No.8106668


What was the last book you read?

>> No.8106674

You could write a thesis on the psychoanalytical implications of /pol/'s cuckold obsession.

Isn't Authoritarianism linked to repressed masochist urges?

>> No.8106677

Letters From a Warzone - Dworkin

Too intellectual for you, mind.

Oh it would be quite a thing!

>> No.8106678

>tfw basically a neostalinist
>tfw no bf to pin me down, fuck me hard, and beat me to a pulp

>> No.8106680

>Societal homogeneity over heterogeneity

Hurr durr

>> No.8106681

>Isn't Authoritarianism linked to repressed masochist urges?
I call my boyfriend "sir"

>> No.8106682

>psychoanalytical implications

>le Frankfurt school faec :^)

>> No.8106684

Hurr durrr

>> No.8106687


Summarize it in 250 words.

>> No.8106689

This shithole is worse than reddit nowadays

>> No.8106690

Sorry for being too intellectual.

I don't need to do anything you tell me. Read it yourself, you might actually learn something.

>> No.8106718
File: 41 KB, 310x500, 51emVZ-Xa0L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this a good textbook as an intro to physics?

>> No.8106719

Both of those statements are basically true, insofar as free market capitalism means no government intervention into the economy, and "the left" means liberal and, liberal means what it originally meant - the political ideals of the enlightenment, which in a word phrase amounts to belief in a true social contract and freedom for all.

The former is true because it is impossible, without the abolition of state altogether. States always require taxes. There is a reason the natives were called savages by colonizers, other than to strip them of the right to life - they had no government, because they had no real currency, and the one doesn't exist without the other. Even when money isn't fiat, the best you get is a commodity or representative currency, which is also established by governments. You also always neex taxes for a government to operate. That's why most so called libertarians want free market, but very rarely do they go all the way with it, because that would be fucking crazy. They just want freerer than now, basically.

Obviously soviet russia and china don't have a firm social contract in a modern sense if there isn't real democracy. It's not as if that, like free markets, isn't something that if taken to the complete logical extreme, could be self destructive, and is more of a spectrum since there's never pure direct democracy (not athens, sorry, no women and slaves lol). But when you're the Soviet Union, and there's no voting, and there are gulags to punish those who say something, or you're China and people just can't leave the people's communes, it's hard to argue there is anything to do with liberalism there.
But I understand that those definitions aren't as concrete as I put them and the words are used in different ways. Either way, that's the most clear way to use those words.

>> No.8106722

You want fiction with racist themes?

Sorry, we don't cater to arseholes.

>> No.8106727

>I don't need to do anything you tell me.

Exactly, you can't. Maybe you deserved that black eye.

Carry on with your shitposting like an intellectual!

>> No.8106732



Check your fucking privelege OP

>> No.8106748

Mihai Eminescu
Auguste Villiers de l'Isle-Adam
Verner von Heidenstam
Ion Creangă
Duiliu Zamfirescu
Rudyard Kipling
Knut Hamsun
Luigi Pirandello
Giuseppe Ungaretti
Saunders Lewis
Cyriel Verschaeve
Josef Weinhaber
Hanns Heinz Ewers
Gunnar Gunnarsson
Louis-Ferdinand Céline
Paul Morand
Jacques Chardonne
Marcel Jouhandeau
Jacques Laurent
Yukio Mishima
Jean Raspail
Michel Déon

>> No.8106750

Fuck off to /pol/

>> No.8106752
File: 125 KB, 500x333, sjwicon1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>basing the world-view of your years as a young adult on a dissatisfaction with the current trends in popular culture

this is a good idea

>> No.8106754

Baron Giulio Cesare Andrea Evola
Junger heinlein

Sir Oswald Mosley
Julius Evola
Léon Degrelle
Cornelius Codreanu
Giovanni Gentile
Oswald Spengler
Giovanni Papini

>> No.8106758

Calling it a danger space when it's structurally identical to a safe space is at least comical.

>> No.8106766


Cry more you weak fucking cuck faggot!

Op: read The Kybalion by William Walker Atkinson, then start reading The Arcane Teachings. If you like WWA, then check out his other books, Science of Breath, Mind Power and Pyschomancy were pretty good IMO, but he has lots of books on many topics. If you don't like how WWA writes, try Initiation Into Hermetics by Franz Bardon and then The Universal Master Key.

For practical stuff, read Energy Work by Robert Bruce alongside this and do the exercises everyday. Montalk has several short, but very great articles on various topics, check those out as well.

For the more political side, start with Julius Evola's Revolt Against the Modern World. If you enjoy his work, then read his part autobiography part illumination of his life and his perspective and why he wrote he wrote Path of Cinnabar. Another good book is The Lighting and the Sun by Savitri Devi.
That's a step in the right direction

>> No.8106772
File: 459 KB, 500x281, tumblr_n3c4mnp9K21t753qyo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off to /pol/
Fuck off to /pol/

>> No.8106779


>> No.8106784


>irony the post

The Sparrow
The Book Of Strange New Things

A canticle for Leibowitz

Speaker for the Dead

>> No.8106790
File: 149 KB, 485x513, 1452422838501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's some docs you might like OP

Philosophy of War:
WW2 Seen from space
A War like no other
Did Stalin start ww2?
Confessions of an economic Hitman
Former KGB Agent Yuri Bezmenov Explains How to Brainwash a Nation
PSYWAR - The Real Battlefield is the Mind

>> No.8106814

>learning from YouTube

This explains a lot.

>> No.8106819

>muh big White dick is strong, as was my grandfather's and his grandfather before him. All is good in the world because I have big muscles.

>> No.8106833
File: 5 KB, 308x164, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


take your pick

>> No.8106837


Fuck off to /pol/

>> No.8106845

The Iliad and The Odyssey by Homer
Tragedies of Aeschylus
Tragedies of Sophocles
Tragedies of Euripides
Histories by Herodotus
History of the Peloponnesian War by Thucydides
Dialogues by Plato
Works by Aristotle
Letter to Herodotus and Letter to Menoecus by Epicurus
Ancient Romans

Treatises of Cicero
On the Nature of Things by Lucretius
Aeneid by Virgil
Works of Horace
History of Rome by Livy
Metamorphoses by Ovid
Parallel Lives and Moralia by Plutarch
Germania and Dialogue on Oratory by Tacitus

>> No.8106849

Kill yourself.

Wow, never thought I would mean this one day.

>> No.8106852


>reading racist Greeks

Explains a lot

>> No.8106866

Uh... that's kinda what I was getting at with my post. You must be confused.

>> No.8106872


Fuck off to pol

>> No.8106879

Those are old fashioned populist nationalist parties, but there is no pan-european "alt right" movement. Generation Identity comes close. They're both bastardations of the European New RIght intelectuallism

>> No.8106884


I thought you guys like this hack, no?

>> No.8106889

Why would we ? He's incompetent and spreads his incompetence, not to mention how much of a little bitch he is.

>> No.8106912

The "neoliberal" definition of free market does not mean no regulations, as some are necessary to correct market failures. The problem is politicians using the rhetoric, but not actually listening to the theory. For examples of the successes of neoliberalism I would look at Scandinavia. Neoliberalism does not mean no safety net, it means free markets plus social insurance.

>> No.8106930
File: 45 KB, 500x500, guns, germs and bass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm seriously loving the turn /lit/ is taking where we are able to discuss Traditionalism and topics/authors related to it.

This Marxist cesspool is finally living up to its meme of being patrician instead of discussing this bourgie scholasticism and Neanderthal Slovenes making dirty jokes.

>> No.8106931

I'd say it's a bad thing because you can't attract your wife enough to sleep only with you. Not an ownership thing, but an attraction thing. I.e not able to be the only partner she gives consent to from her own free will.

>> No.8106936

Starship Troopers is aggressively not those things, you mog.

>> No.8106942

>Sorry for being too intellectual.
Psychoanalysis is the epitome of pseudo-intellectualism.

>> No.8106967

Yeah its anti conquest and authority... lmao

>> No.8106968

someone who knows, answer me

>> No.8106971


Fuck off to /pol/

>> No.8106974

suck my cock and answer me first then i might.

>> No.8106983

Those are just normal rightists.

"alt-right" is a thoroughly American form of cancer. Absolutely no sense of value or aesthetic.

>> No.8107073

>Ever /lit/
They enjoyed burning libraries, for fuck's sake. They don't give a shit about culture. Their "aestheticism" is just a superficial bluff to feel better about their lack of culture.

>> No.8107118

This desu

That doesn't mean cultural marxism and globalism is the answer though

>> No.8107138
File: 219 KB, 463x293, 1463439113707.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Workers of the world, unite!

>> No.8107166

>They enjoyed burning libraries, for fuck's sake.

Proof? National socialist party members burned books but not by decree. It was students burning Marxist lit.

>> No.8107170

>Hello, subordinates! I'm *not* saying anything, and what I'm *not* saying, is that me and your superiors would really like to see these books burnt.

>> No.8107185


Nice historical analysis, it's really good and smart. I look forward to your PhD thesis

>making super-Kool claims without evidence, but they totally make sense because I mean... come on, it happened

By anon

>> No.8107191

pick one

>> No.8107205


>> No.8107224
File: 137 KB, 574x768, 2006BB5439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's why Mediterranean fascism is vastly superior to Germanic """"""fascism"""""".

>> No.8107229

Fucking hell, it's literally the SJW phenomenon.
Who is the "leader" of the SJWs? The party brass? Who gives out the marching orders and tells them to chimp out at Trump rallies and Dangerous Faggot stops?

An authoritarian cultural climate can exist absent an explicit top-down program. In any case decentralized grassroots propagation is absolutely crucial to its success. Remember the degenerate art exhibit? Notice islamic radicalization in the west, and how it happens, at all?

>Nice historical analysis, it's really good and smart. I look forward to your PhD thesis
You put your ideology to shame with that smug echo chamber born pseudo-rationality

>> No.8107289
File: 16 KB, 397x396, 1403103615024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck

>mfw Spengler will forever be claimed by nazis and shitty nationalists
>mfw Spengler will continue to be completely misunderstood and caricaturized unfairly
>mfw most of the /pol/fags that recommend him probably never even read him, much less understood his ideas

it sucks

>> No.8107293


SJW are almost like Red Guards without there being a Chairman to call them out in the streets or the 'blogosphere'.

I honestly think we are experiencing a sort of Cultural Revolution.

>> No.8107310

this "Cultural Revolution" has been going on since May 1968

>> No.8107312


Spengler once said: "Der Führer hat von meinem Buch den ganzen Titel gelesen."
Same for /pol/fags still. They read "Decline of The West" and they immediately have the same response as that Yockey fuck who go "EMPIRE WHEN?"

The book should have had a different title really. I read Spengler even thought this after the release. It causes too much of the kneejerk shit you see on /lit/: literally judging a book by its cover.
Like even Adorno reviewing Decline of The West had not actually read it properly because he said inane shit like "well if deh west wuz bout 2 die, y is it still here ;) checkmate oswald."
He never said the downfall was imminent, just that the phase of decline had set in.
Anyways, it's sad to see his name forever be associated with nazism or at least as the man who helped intellectually foster nazism.. Because really there's little in Decline of The West that made me support any right wing cause.. It's extremely Stoic in its outlook.

>> No.8107317
File: 470 KB, 1200x1252, leftist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the name of this statue?

Why is this particular statue so popular with the 'alt-right'?

>> No.8107334
File: 59 KB, 600x405, 1464708312328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The phenomenon we're seeing today is new and is mostly the result of social media allowing for such voices on the fringes to be heard more than ever before.
I've seen with my own eyes how Tumblr turned from proto-seapunk aesthetic blogs of girls loving cats into a bunch of hypersensitive "check muh pronouns" online red guards virtue signalling every single hour of the day and glorifying Beyoncé as a feminist icon.
It's really an American blogosphere phenomenon with some spillover in college cities in Europe.
It's very new to people and therefore you can't just say "it started in '68". It's not.

>> No.8107353

You sound spoiled.

>> No.8107360



>> No.8107366

>well if deh west wuz bout 2 die, y is it still here ;) checkmate oswald.
did adorno really said this?

Like goddamnit, Spengler literally said that the decline was barely starting and that the west had plenty of centuries of further history ahead of it

>Because really there's little in Decline of The West that made me support any right wing cause.. It's extremely Stoic in its outlook.
Exactly. I feel the same.
Its a shame his thought never got developed by further people.
Maybe, considering how things are developing, people will return to Spengler.
His narrative and analysis is incredibly enlightening on so many levels, it opens such a clear interpretation into the current affairs on economics, politics, society and current cultural woes...
I guess I'm falling into the same pitfalls of marxism, but with Spenglerian analysis and analogies
i still dont know if this is a good or bad thing

>> No.8107370
File: 72 KB, 638x800, SJW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Say what you want about the alt right, but at least it urges its members to start lifting.

>> No.8107379

you're simply looking at the immediate localized effects of a very long cultural, social and political shift in europe and the US
Review your historical analysis and narrative.
You'll see that SJW culture didnt sprang out of nowhere
When I say that it started in 68, I'm making a global assertion. The dynamics that brought us to present day, started back then, and its echoes are still being felt (stronger than ever)

>> No.8107395
File: 537 KB, 480x270, 1417820537210.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why is this particular statue so popular with the 'alt-right'?

>> No.8107403

nice pasta, this is why I love americans

>> No.8107407

bc it's corny
is probably breker

>> No.8107416


Yeah: http://www.unz.org/Pub/Encounter-1966jan-00025
His basic argument is "so much is happening, how can this be the end?"
Which is a value statement. "Much happening" can be considered as either good or bad. A corpse suddenly shows a lot of signs of life as well when it decomposes. I wouldn't call it very alive though.

And always this same Marxist nonsense whereby a guy who happened to be philosophizing before WWII - or was popular in his day - is suspected as being a forerunner of nazism.
For Nietzsche, luckily all charges have dropped, but for many they haven't.
Or the idea that not having any "land of plenty must be forged/the outcome of history" automatically makes you suspect and a capitalist roader.
It's tiresome, but that's the Marxist camp for you.

>Its a shame his thought never got developed by further people.

It did. By 'Neo-Spenglerians'. Types like Yockey. Who are, sadly enough, /pol/tards who glorify the late imperial phase... Which Spengler NEVER did. To him anything megalopolitan wasn't 'epic', but the contrary of it.

>> No.8107453
File: 81 KB, 720x611, le social justice face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


By that logic we might as well say SJW started with Zoroaster... I'm making a carricature now, but honestly.. Of course it can't spring from nowhere.
But to trace it back to 68 and as just an extension of that isn't helping us to get a grasp on the situation, because it's an extremely 21st century phenomenon with its own ethics that are very different from what was demanded or theorized in and around 68.
It's shaped to a great degree by the social media which helped it make such a decentralized grassroots phenomenon. Plus by the political and social events like the 2008 crisis ( which ended up being translated as a set of cultural issues and not as an economic failure ). Shit like Occupy, which failed because "my gott we n33d 2 thienk" or the fact that black thugs getting shot now get far more attention because of social media than before.. Resulting in the BLM nonsense.
Same for the alt right btw. The very fact every political movement gets a fedora hat attached to it goes to show how much it is shaped by people locked to their screens.

I'd even go as far to say that 68-ers are as much the target of SJW as anyone else.

>> No.8107501

>tfw /pol/ has taken over Chan culture
>tfw babbies can only bab in the wake of /pol/s expansion

>> No.8107505

the center of political discussion switched from actually discussing political economics and the objective failures of our heavily financialized and globalized economy (neo-liberalism) towards a dissolution into arguments about identity, in its myriad forms. A dissolution towards numerous identities through the influence of capital and the dynamics of modern life
This is what brought about the things you talk about.

When did this fundamental change happened?
When did the discourse of the left switched from actual critic of capitalism, towards a constant histerical bickering about identities?

That was my point.
that the 68'ers are now the target is irrelevant.

>> No.8107705

We really need to get rid of all those obnoxious fucks in some way.

>> No.8107723
File: 49 KB, 640x500, tfw ironic islam posting becomes sincere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These things are incompatible and incoherent. You only like the idea of these things because you are dissatisfied with the current societal paradigm. You either need to reconcile these differences and accept that you are one of more moderate stances or follow people like me off the cliff and start believing in magic and sympathizing with ISIS.

>> No.8107732


Nice explanation of their incoherence, Op's inner thoughts, and gullible belief that isis is anything other than a proxy army of Israel and the USA to destabilize the middle east, keep the military industrial complex churning out contracts, and a pretext to taking away domestic rights and increasing surveillance on a state and inter-state level for "safety."

>> No.8107736


>> No.8107737
File: 48 KB, 420x414, CjhwpxJUYAA8PCF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all of these things are fine, necessary and even good.

>> No.8107747

He's absolutely right about ISIS. And anyone who is not a shithead could understand it.

>> No.8107759


>>/little bitch/

>> No.8107781

no proofs, no concession

>> No.8107787

does this board have mods

>> No.8107811


i'm not going to lecture you on geopolitics and the surveillance state after you've shown your willingness to learn with your ebin tinfoil meme. ain't worth my time, fucking idiot. keep watching the news though, all the people who were against the second iraq war are tinfoilers too.

>> No.8108248

t. fucking white male!

>let us not discourse the topic at hand but resort to fallacies that evidently show that I am holier than thou and deserve to be granted entry to Heaven, owh btw I am an atheist ;) xD

>> No.8108269
File: 61 KB, 680x490, 931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>that's right...we need a danger space....
>welcome to my world...i will show you the real facts...

>> No.8108343


>> No.8108347

Are these good reads? Im just curious now.

>> No.8108359

I haven't read the other books, but Things Fall Apart is about nigs in a village being oppressed by the ebil Euros. It may advocate traditionalism and the importance of cultural preservation and societal homogeny for Africans, but definitely not for whites.

>> No.8108381

No, but it has a lot of irony-core shitposters. Nobody ITT was being sincere.

>> No.8108405
File: 46 KB, 615x550, Relationships and cereal are identical.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread mostly reads like some sort of university Humanities department collectively shitting itself, upon realizing that after years of branding their detractors as racists/sexists/bigots/etc, they are no longer quite so open to their ideas and start looking elsewhere.

The opposite direction, even.

>> No.8108446

Me as well. Solid post.

>> No.8108452

So you just want a non-faggot conservative author? I got you. Start with Rudyard Kipling: he had some of the best short stories based on these themes.

>> No.8108458

Wait, we can say desu now without getting filtered?

>> No.8108460

What the fuck.

>> No.8108463

More like it reads as a collection of cheeky shitposts ;)

>> No.8108472

What does conservative mean?

What are uniquely conservative views and values?

>> No.8108476

It means being a fucking virgin who should fuck off to /pol/

>> No.8109539

Hello, Reddit!

>> No.8109585


Here's some gold

>> No.8109597

Gates of Fire is great historical fiction, can't go wrong with the Spartans

>> No.8109628


>i-I was just p-pretending to be retarded!!!

>> No.8109631

He also said he enjoyed Brave New World and Ayn Rand, and the "le leftists taking over the media" meme

Opinion = Trash

>> No.8109637



>> No.8109653
File: 53 KB, 501x293, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this photo. Don't they look miserable? Oppressed by the patriarchal yoke of the traditional family unit? How could people stand the lack of diversity back then?

For chrissakes even the dog is happy! This is what leftists hate. I would give anything to turn back the clock and live in the 50s

>> No.8110029

That's an advert created to sell a product, and it seems to have worked on you.

>> No.8110193


>Situations/experiences like this never existed

Now tell me, who's really spooked?

>> No.8110198

means being a progressive but 20 years behind
it is not a meaningful ideology

>> No.8110367

>Say what you will, the sun is pagan. It says 'yea' to life. In its glorious rays it is ridiculously easy to forget the alleged beauties of another world. Under its scorching heat the snaky sinuousness of a basking cat seems more seductive than the image of a winged angel, and amid the gold is lavishes nothing looks more loathsome, more repulsive, than the pale cheek of pious ill-health. In short, it urges man and woman to a wanton enjoyment of life and their fellows; it recalls to them their relationship to the beasts of the field and the birds in the trees; it fills them with a careless thirst and hunger for the chief pastimes of these animals - feeding, drinking and procreation; and the more 'exalted' practices of self-abnegation, self-sacrifice and the mortification of the flesh are easily forgotten in such a mood.

>> No.8110380

I'm a conservative myself but yeah that's an advert and an idealised image.

>things like this never existed

Yeah they did, but they exist now.

>> No.8110420


Plato's Kritoon and Politeia come to mind.

>> No.8110452

don't forget Statesman

>> No.8110494

>Chan culture

>> No.8110503

conservatism has existed for thousands of years and thus there are no uniquely conservative values

conservatism is not an ideology

>> No.8110517
File: 427 KB, 790x1012, tumblr_lg8awhyneE1qbuewbo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


mfw I can't view in my country

>> No.8110554

Then what is it?

What are your goals?

>> No.8111178


You are a slave, as are the rest of EU subjects.

Better start voting for anti-EU parties and being active in local nationalist groups.

>> No.8111306

Won't be doing that.

>> No.8113007



>> No.8113011


Then don't whine when your overlords block wrong-think in your country, you weak fucking peasant


Section 7. Penal Sanctions
(a) The following acts will be regarded as criminal offences
punishable as aggravated crimes:
(i) Hate crimes as defined in Section 1(c).
(ii) Incitement to violence against a group as defined in
Section 1(a).
(iii) Group libel as defined in Section 1(b).
(iv) Overt approval of a totalitarian ideology, xenophobia
or anti-Semitism.
(v) Public approval or denial of the Holocaust.
(vi) Public approval or denial of any other act of genocide
the existence of which has been determined by an
international criminal court or tribunal.
(b)Juveniles convicted of committing crimes listed in paragraph

> (a)
will be required to undergo a rehabilitation programme
designed to instill in them a culture of tolerance.

Enjoy your re-education camps... snarky little flabby fuck.

>> No.8113024
File: 73 KB, 250x247, evola.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw nobody knows the very same thing happened to evola

>> No.8113095

Feudalism is preferable to liberal democracy

>> No.8113297

Only one whining is you, I'm cheering.

>> No.8114825


>> No.8114840

>i enjoy being a serf!

nice one my man, make sure to buy some nice trinkets and ikea furnishings for your fucking hovel

>> No.8114853
File: 483 KB, 2480x1020, 13323639_1692948017648069_1629095720908520823_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8114863

What the fuck, this is clearly nietzsche.

>> No.8114881
File: 58 KB, 580x326, hito-steyerl-fucking-didactic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek, that pic is from hito steyerl's work

>> No.8114886
File: 27 KB, 480x360, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Martin Prince was the original neo reactionary

>> No.8114913

>English Tories in the Georgian period are totally the same as this caricature of Spanish Inquisitors in the 17th century

>implying the French Revolution wasn't far more violent than the inquisition


>> No.8115832
File: 3.70 MB, 3200x4000, dostevsky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doestoevsky deals with a lot of these ideas in an odd way: read "The Brothers Karamazov".

>> No.8115844

Don't give over all of your critical faculties to people in power, no matter how admirable those people may appear to be. Beneath the hero's facade you will find a human being who makes human mistakes.

Enormous problems arise when human mistakes are made on the grand scale available to a superhero. And sometimes you run into another problem.

It is demonstrable that power structures tend to attract people who want power for the sake of power and that a significant proportion of such people are imbalanced-in a word, insane

>> No.8115848


(have you tried pol?)

>> No.8117621


>> No.8117741

>Joe Haldeman, The Forever War

Have you actually read this book? It's materialist, anti-war, pro-homosexual, pro-miscegenation propaganda.

>> No.8117895
File: 67 KB, 800x600, 6 foot vs 5 11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>5 foot 8
Keked pretty hard

>genetics and nutrition