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/lit/ - Literature

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8105214 No.8105214 [Reply] [Original]

Im in a thrift store, each one of these are 0'50€,

Im pretty much a pleb, anything here worth picking?

>> No.8105237

Pick Malraux, Ortega y Gasset, Bulgakov and Faulkner. You're welcome.

>> No.8105242

>reading english novels in spanish

>> No.8105250

Thank you anon, i will

>> No.8105262
File: 1.81 MB, 3264x1836, IMG_20160531_174651902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also these ones.

Already picked Confessions of a mask

>> No.8105267

/lit/ - muh materialism and amazon reviews

>> No.8105273

beauvoir, celine, lawrence, zweig

>> No.8105295

Musil, Celine, Mishima, Zweig

>> No.8105297

yes. of all the /pol/, /his/, /r9k/, and /shittyphil/ threads, this is the one. this is the one you think is destroying /lit/

>> No.8105311



keep in mind the others are probably worth a read as well, I don't see anything I'd refuse to read there, but these are either favourites or authors I plan to read as soon as possible

>> No.8105315


What the hell type of thrift store is this? Where are the masses of Stephen King and Danielle Steel paperbacks? Why aren't those classics cheap worn out Wordsworth editions of something?

>> No.8105317

i dont recognize all the names, around 60%, and every single one i do recognize is solidi and worth reading. this leads me to believe this publisher has good taste and the rest are probably worth reading as well.

>> No.8105324

lol reading translations

>> No.8105361

Yeah where is this OP?

Looks patrician as heck

>> No.8105407

lol limiting yourself to languages you speak.

>> No.8105423

> reading translations

Learn some English, wetback. Don't be a monoglot.

>> No.8105435

Go back to these and pick up Miller's Tropic of Cancer too

>> No.8105439

>Everyone ignored Greene and Carpentier


>> No.8105454

Thank you anons, i bought bunch of those, I will probably return tomorrow to pick some of the rest, I have to check if the translations are good first.


It's a charity thrift store here in the Basque Country , there is a lot of good stuff but a lot of rubbish too. I visit it regularly and i always find stuff worth reading. I guess thats the only good part of living in a country where people dont read.

Behind me was a guy buying like 8 books of the Sword of the truth series, and three copies of Pillars of the earth for some reason.



English is actually my fourth language.

I will probably read those in english someday but i dont have enough money to buy all the books i want in the lenguages in want, and personally, fine with translations

>> No.8105459

>English is actually my fourth language.
forth chronologically or do you mean that you learned a second language and then studied a third language in that second language and then studied a forth language in the third language?

>> No.8105464

is basque country worthy of a vacation? My wife went in the mid 90s and said it was a shithole with some culture in the cracks

>> No.8105474

>having a wife and posting on /lit/
god, i wouldn't want that even in my worst dreams

>> No.8105475

I grew up learning Basque, Spanish and Portuguese, and then in my teens i started learning english by myself.

So i guess, it's my fourth cronologically and the one that im less comfortable with.

>> No.8105485

>says this in English

>> No.8105490

ya que eres español, pilla a Unamuno, Ortega y Gasset y Valle-inclán ipso facto. Rulfo no lo he leído, pero se supone que es bueno.
de aquí a Asturias y Baroja.

>> No.8105495
File: 3.52 MB, 3264x1836, IMG_20160515_165234488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The situation is completely different now than it was in the 90s, it's a great destination for vacations I think, specially the part of San Sebastian or Bermeo. If you ever come here dont forget to visit Gaztelugatxe or the Birth of nervion river.

Also is a great destination if you enjoy hiking, i took pic related last week

>> No.8105499

Seguire tu consejo, gracias ;)

>> No.8105734

the translations meme is going to far.

>> No.8105778

Why not? I'm not that anon but I also have a wife.

>> No.8105786

>if my shitthread is as not shit as other shitthreads, it's okay
this flawless logic, please contribute more to >>>/shittyphil/

>> No.8106907
File: 1.91 MB, 3264x1836, 20160601_022022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Came with the room anything worth keeping in here?
I liked redwall and shit so i might give that to my son. I read old man and the sea at community service to some blind people. I read huck finn my 2nd grade summer because my mom got it for me. I don't give a shit about cats, or jew stuff, and I've seen the movie about the vampires. I liked zane grey when adapted to movies, these look like they're going to be a far cry though.

>> No.8106963

Brian Jacques was okay as young teen.
your son might like that

>> No.8107216

Everything in there is pretty much readable.

>> No.8107228

twain and hemingway

>> No.8108982

All these books for 23 Euros? Buy all of them, then use the summer to read as much as you can!

>> No.8109013

do not lie

local people are anti-foreigner and beat them up

>> No.8109016


Una pena que en Asturias todas las librerías de segunda mano sólo tengan productos encarecidos artificialmente.

>> No.8109022

Actually the opposite

>> No.8109059

sorry, meant to quote >>8109013

>> No.8109063

No wonder they're so cheap, they're all in fucking Spanish. Don't do it mate, it's a scam. You'll get them home and not be able to read them.

>> No.8109099
File: 30 KB, 400x600, moravia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based commy intellectual who married a women 30 years younger than him...still really good

>> No.8109422

Compra el de Alejo Carpentier!!!!!!

>> No.8111213

Coge los siguientes: Valle-Inclán, Unamuno y Moravia


Azaña y Baroja


>Fucking english monolanguage speaking faggots giving a person that speaks four languages any sort of shit

Everyone knows that most of the books are alright to read translated unless its poetry. Sure if you want to go deeper read it in the original language but dont be a fucking condescending faggot when most of the people ITT cant speak more than 2 languages

>> No.8111247

Copp dat Mario Puzo cabron.

>> No.8111248
File: 322 KB, 4350x3300, 21983129381.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

time to duolingo up.

>> No.8111257

What kind of fuckin thrift stores are you going to?

>> No.8111345

They're selected collections from a newspaper: El País.

Same thing happens here in Portugal.

>> No.8111379

Hemingway and Twain. Literally throw away the rest.

>> No.8111392

>My wife went in the mid 90s and said it was a shithole with some culture in the cracks

How does it feel to be married to an uncultured and uneducated ape??

>> No.8111448

Pick up the whole set, that's an awesome deal.

>> No.8111689

Translation memes aside, please avoid reading Lolita outside of english.

>> No.8113536

The translation of lolita is great, at least in spanish

>> No.8113633

You'll be coming here the rest of your life, frequently or infrequently. Might as well have a wife in the meantime.