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/lit/ - Literature

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8101116 No.8101116 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: 15 year old you's favorite book

>> No.8101141
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>> No.8101143


>> No.8101146

city of god
the virgin suicides

>> No.8101150

i only read comics when i was 15

>> No.8101152

A Clockwork Orange.

>> No.8101153

Candide, Romeo and Juliet

>> No.8101160
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>> No.8101161

is it wrong I still consider these some of my favorites? even though I haven't read them for over 12 years.

>> No.8101165

i started coming to lit last year (someone linked it on r/books) when i was fifteen and pretty quickly the meme trilogy became my favorite books, so...

>> No.8101166

You could read them again to decide if you still feel that way.

>> No.8101167

I don't give a fuck what /lit/ says. The Perks of Being a Wallflower is still one of my favorite books. The movie was shit, though.

>> No.8101173

Sorry Anon, but you've just said way too much.

>> No.8101175
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>> No.8101177
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>> No.8101180

what's r books? and why are you so young

>> No.8101181

I'm open to reading the book, since I have it anyway. Is it cloying and terrible? Will I want to die?

>> No.8101183

>what's r books

I want r e d d i t to leave. r/books is the book board on r e d d i t. Now go back to r e d d i t you uncultured swine.

>> No.8101188

Let's be honest. Harry Potter. Probably the 5th one.

>> No.8101190

catcher in the rye
<3 <3 <3 <3

>> No.8101192

5th one is my favorite too I think. 3-6 were all marvelous tho.

>> No.8101196

It's not terrible, and I personally love it, but I can see why some people would think it's sappy or "hipster." Give it a shot. You might walk away surprised.

>> No.8101197
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>> No.8101198

I really hope your girls because any male that reads harry potter over the age of 9 is a total faggot. or any male that reads harry potter for that matter

>> No.8101199

Goblet of Fire was my personal favorite. Pretty damn good, tbqh.

>> No.8101201

some HP Lovecraft collection, probably.

>> No.8101205

Double doubles kek

>> No.8101206

I've seen the movie, and make no mistake that I was an arcade fire loving hipster during those halcyon michael cera days, but I'm worried that the parts concerning his family might just be emotionally heavy handed. Idk. Maybe I should just deal w/ it.

>> No.8101207

The Bible. unironically.

>> No.8101210
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It was Tolkien all day.

>> No.8101212

I read the series high out of my gord with my girlfriend at the time in my backyard two summers ago when I still lived in Chicago and I regret nothing

>> No.8101224


>> No.8101231

The parts with his family aren't so heavy-handed in the book as they are in the movie. The sister is about the only one who gets any prominent focus, but not as much as she did in the movie. As for the reveal, that was actually one of my biggest problems with the movie; they hit you over the head with it. It's not like that in the book.

>> No.8101237
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>> No.8101239

Interview with the vampire.

After that, all was left was poppy brite novels.
Summary of lost souls:
Bisexual trio of vampires run around banging dudes and chicks and knocks a chick up. Vampire must be part black because he bails on the mom.
Kid grows up in Maryland not knowing he's a vampire gets blowjays after school from his gay friend.
Kid gets bored and runs away.
Kid gets picked up by creepy albino preacher guy, has to end up blowing the guy. (Underage head or GTFO)
Gets picked up by a biker, biker shoots him full of heroin.
Wanders off,
Ends up getting picked up by the trio (including dad) in their van, doing drugs and blowing each other.
Meanwhile two bros who are gay for each other keep denying they want to have a flute-fest with one another.
Everyone ends up in New Orleans, two Siamese twin vampires kill an old arcane shopkeeper because they're bored.
Huge fight breaks out. Kid lets the gay bros kill his dad and he bails.
The end.

Shit fucked me up so bad I dug a grave in the forest, laid down in it, had a fap while biting myself, decided vampires were fucking stupid, burned the book in the grave, filled it in, went to play vidya and ended up fingering a chick from the "mathletes".

Fuck vampires

>> No.8101240

The Picture of dorian grey, or the Time Machine.

>> No.8101241

Thanks anon, wish we could have discussed this three years ago

>> No.8101247
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>> No.8101249

Dune and the long walk

god I was an idiot.

>> No.8101250
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>> No.8101262

The communist manifesto

>> No.8101275

Goblet of Fire is my favorite too. In my opinion the series peaked with GoF and went downhill from there.

But my absolute favorite (more than Harry Potter!) when I was 15 was Lord of the Rings. I'm actually rereading it right now. My copy of Fellowship is pretty beat up from when it got run over by a skateboard. Jesus I really do not miss high school.

>> No.8101309

Tale of Two Cities,

We read it as a class freshman year for English and my teacher made us all love it. Which is pretty outstanding considering we were tired 15 year olds reading Dicken's at 7:30am. Best teacher I've ever had, very unconventional.

We watched The Dark Knight Rises after and spent a few weeks drawing parallels, /tv/ would have lost its fucking mind.

>> No.8101316

women in da lake
or any raymond chandler

>> No.8101326
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This or Lolita

>> No.8101327

i dont think you can ever come back from whatever the fuck you did back then
therapy anon...

>> No.8101336
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No, sir. I was. I only wish I were kidding. I justified it by saying it was nostalgia.

>> No.8101371

This. R*ddit needs to GTFO

>> No.8101377

A tour de force from start to finish.

>> No.8101383

>fifteen last year


>> No.8101401

>meme trilogy


>> No.8101409


>> No.8101419

naked lunch XD

>> No.8101441

LMAO I jacked off to these books when I was 11

>> No.8101444

probably infinite jest because I felt like killing myself every day and couldn't be social

>> No.8101479

Bret Easton Ellis and Kerouac.

Also, Walking Dead, Fables, and DMZ comics.

>> No.8101489

Ok seriously though. How many people on this site are under 18? I'm turning 20 this month and it really seems like I can find any age between 15 and 50. It seems like this is a place where people of all ages come to bitch about their poor choices.

>> No.8101505
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>> No.8101516

I am 19 now but I have been here since I was 17 (or maybe even 16, I don't quite remember)

>> No.8101518

Ulysses. I understand how much of a meme reply that is, but Ulysses really was my gateway to literature. Though it was somewhat unconventional, I have 0 regrets about my backward path into literature.

>> No.8101528

Either Clockwork Orange or One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. I had to read both of them in 10th grade. They were the books that got me out of Stephen King and into lit.

>> No.8101540

gravity's rainbow
wish i was kidding, was a weirdo

>> No.8101570

Anything by Pratchett, I think. I read two or three a week.

>> No.8101678

The Trial. I was always patrician

>> No.8101686

Pic related.

As it's a topic ITT. I'm 18 now, been on 4chan since I was 12 -- started with /b/ though.

>> No.8101695
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>> No.8101701

Finnegans Wake

I was an insufferable avant teen who wore black turtlenecks everywhere.

>> No.8101797

I've been on 4chan since I was 14 but went on /lit/ when I was 16 and not much time has elapsed since then

>> No.8101863
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>> No.8101877
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>> No.8101941
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I find it so funny that the large majority of people who read this turn into/stay as insufferable sjw cunts

>> No.8101961

6 god damn years I've been here

>> No.8101976

Nine years here. Here forever, etc

>> No.8101990

Look who it is again, ID Heaven. I'm fed up with your shit faggot. The other day when you called me a newfag, yeah, haven't forgotten about that yet. Fuck you I've been on here for months and probably get on here more than you anyways. Don't you know that you make yourself look like a newfag when you call others newfag? Just because you learned how to hack your name and change it to "Heaven" does not give you the right to disrespect anyone at any time.

>> No.8102002

Don't you ever fucking reply to my post again.

>> No.8102006

fuck off to 9gag newfag

>> No.8102018

harry potter and the deathly hallows

>> No.8102100

Dude, what the fuck....

>> No.8102104

I was playing Final Fantasy and jerking to dickgirls when i was 15.

>> No.8102108

Harry Potter in general desu

>> No.8102110

This Heaven is the cancer that's killing /b/

>> No.8102124

When I met my girlfriend we were 16 and this was her favorite book. I wasn't into reading at the time and the first 60 pages were so dull I couldn't carry on

>> No.8102132

sweet, I joined in the death to cesspool transition

>> No.8102169
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>> No.8102171
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Found this on my sister's bookshelf. She hated it. I actually loved it.

>> No.8102174


How much do you suppose you understood of it?

>> No.8102181


Why is this chart using a meme from like 2006 to represent the year 2003?

>> No.8102188

Probably state of fear by Michael Chriton, or one Dan Brown's books... deception point I think

>> No.8102234

Probably 1984, not shitposting, i literally worshipped that book when it came out. That or the usual fanfare: A Clockwork Orange, Great Gatsby, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas

>> No.8102239

You should have stayed there. Enjoy your ban.

>> No.8102245

It's awful. Literally every page made me cringe.

>> No.8102261

Probably my favorite from that time was Gravity's Rainbow or Moby-Dick, both being part of a large list of books that my parents made me read.

>> No.8102265
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>15 year old you's favorite book

>> No.8102287
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I started Ulysses back then but that was too hard for me.

>> No.8102330
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>> No.8102350
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>tfw I first visited /lit/ a year later and felt validated in my love of this book

>> No.8102375

One of the best books ever written

>> No.8102545

>I literally worshipped that book when it came out
So you're 80?

>> No.8102577
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Probably this, came out when I was a junior. Before that it was Pet Sematary, I was very into horror novels at the time.

>> No.8103407

Wizard and Glass

>> No.8103450
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Probably this.

Dirk gently's holistic detective agency was probably a runner up.

Most of what I tended to read had "star wars" in the title.

>> No.8103577
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>> No.8103588
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>> No.8103648

I was really into Vonnegut. I read and reread everything he published and my favorite changed a lot, but it was probably Bluebeard or Cat's Cradle around then.
I also read a handful of short stories from Victor Pelevin that really stuck with me, and Omon Ra (never read any of his other full novels) was one of my favorites at the time too. Both authors were lent from my kickass older brother, who pretty much got me into reading.

>> No.8103652

Well heck I feel good about myself now

>> No.8103658

genuinely was "Crime and Punishment"

I read it at 14 and looking back hardly even understood it, but it'll always have a place in my heart as my intro to "real" literature

>> No.8103661


>> No.8103667
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who /9thgradeaustralia/ here

>> No.8103682

Does starting to lurk back in 2007 in fear and trepidation count?

>> No.8103722

Anything by Robert Cormier. We all fall down and chocolate war were the best books. Tenderness was pretty good too.

>> No.8103726

>Implying the long walk isn't the best Stephen King book ever written
>Implying you don't strive to be like mcvries

>> No.8103738

>Bret Easton Ellis and Kerouac.

>> No.8103746

I remember thinking that was fucking trash. Something about the narrator made me want to punch him in the dick. I'd probably think it was better if I read it now though.

>> No.8103786

2006 for me, baby.
I started out on /b/, and over the years I branched out. Now I pretty much never go to /b/, and browse /lit/ instead.

>> No.8103889
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The Memory of Earth

>Who was Nafai's girlfriend @ his mothers school?

>> No.8103893

This is me. I tried revisiting /b/ after about three years of avoiding it and holy shit, it really is full of 12 year olds. But I started lurking there in 7th grade, so I can't complain.

>> No.8103916

I have mixed feelings about the book. I love it personally, but the tumblr fanbase that only watched the movie, makes me cringe. I like that the book makes you feel depressed, happy, and quiet at times. I remember reading it when I was in my senior year in school and nobody every heard about especially since no one had ever checked it out at our library. It was my favorites and still is. It was honestly the first book though that made me cry like a bitch. desu senpai

>> No.8103922

This site is a gift that keeps on giving.

>> No.8104051
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>> No.8104081
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>I've been on this site for 4 years

>> No.8104084

Spot on

>> No.8104087

So the mixed feelings are just with the cultural phenomenon of the movie? Fair enough. It was sort of a John Green affair. I read like the first ten pages, I'm halfway curious. Being 22 a disadvantage.

>> No.8104092
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>Been here a decade

>> No.8104095
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Really loved the book at the time.Still do to this day. just an overly interesting book. Related to it alot when i read it cuz that summer i had no tv or internet

>> No.8104097

Well there is a difference John Green wrote some teeny cheesy romance shit. But Stephen Chbosky wrote a masterpiece (that took him 5 years) on dealing with anxiety and confusion at a young age. Which was a book that was banned for its themes in school. So no it's not John Green. Sorry not meaning to overrate this book it just has a place in my heart and I hate John Green

>> No.8104109

Thinking more about the film adaptations and their market base. I fully expect the book to eclipse John Green.

>> No.8104120

probably lotr

>> No.8104125

Well yeah, I liked the movie because they portrayed some of the major parts the best they could. But they cut out a lot of the book in the movie. I can see why some hated the movie though because of the new fans it made who had only seen the film

>> No.8104415

Either Blood Meridian or 2666

>> No.8104423
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These are all the books I inputted into Goodreads when I was 15.

>> No.8104426
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>> No.8104451

what do u read now

>> No.8104480

You sound like such a nu male

>> No.8104486


>> No.8104491

>only 4 years
Unless you mean in-game time[\spoiler]

>> No.8104494

I'm 18 but I first started browsing 4chan at 13 and most of my friends did around that age as well. Luckily, I'm quite sure there is a huge age difference between board, with /b/ being what we all browsed when we were younger.

>> No.8104583

Sci-fi mostly, Asimov and Clarke.

>> No.8104592
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>> No.8104598
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Still is.

>> No.8104625

We lean heavily towards 13 - 30, with most people being around 20 - 25 IIRC.
Yeah, this is pretty much me. Fourteen to go on boards like /tg/, then gamergate happened and I found /leftypol/, which lead into /lit/.

>> No.8104628
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>ITT: 15 year old you's favorite book

I, Robot And Other Short Stories or some such.
Loved Nightfall. It also had Bicentennial Man and a bunch of shorts combined as I, Robot.

>> No.8104630

Oh, another thing to note: when I first heard of /lit/ on /tg/ (and how it was super shit &c.) I decided to go on here and post about things I had absolutely no knowledge of, to see if people would take me seriously.

They did. So, the ramblings of an ignorant underageb& can pass for normal posting here. This isn't too surprising.

>> No.8104641

Either the Outsider which I read in French class or The Picture of Dorian Gray which I read in English class

>> No.8104643

Class isn't classy. You didn't go out and try to find stuff for yourself?

>> No.8104667

>Class isn't classy.
Am I supposed to try to impress you?
These were my favourite books when I was 15
>You didn't go out and try to find stuff for yourself?
The two aren't mutually exclusive
Analysis brings a different enjoyment of a text, and 15 year old me had shit to do and sloots to try to bang so I wasn't analysing on my own time

>> No.8104671

>Am I supposed to try to impress you?
I just wanted to make the pun.
>The two aren't mutually exclusive
But it's a bad sign that your two most favourite books were from class.
>15 year old me had shit to do and sloots to try to bang so I wasn't analysing on my own time
This board is for patricians only, anon.

>> No.8104677

Once again, spending hours poring over a text brings a deeper enjoyment than just reading through it

>> No.8104699

Robinson Crusoé, read the adaptation for school, thought it was the original book at the time. Read the actual few years later

>> No.8104700

Skulduggery pleasant
Got me into writing fanfics/shipping so it turned out great.

>> No.8104706

Nightfall and The Last Question are still some of my favourite Asimov stories.

>> No.8104729

this or hitchhikers guide

>> No.8104744

That's weird. When I read it, it put me off any sort of social justice movement for my entire life.

>> No.8104750

That was actually really well done

>> No.8104769
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Got me into Kafka pretty early.

>> No.8104979


>> No.8105015

mods pls

>> No.8105021
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Still one of my favs

>> No.8105546

i cant remember exactly but i know i reread these books several times between the ages of 14 and 17:
perks of being a wallflower
the catcher in the rye
slaughterhouse five
catch 22
the shining (i dont know why, probably because i was surprised by how different the book was from the movie, which i loved.}

>> No.8105567
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laugh at me

>> No.8105582

no, it is fine as long as you are reading better

>> No.8105866

I didn't like books or reading when I was 15.

>> No.8106468
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I barely remember anything that happened in it, all I remember was that 15 year old me really liked it.

>> No.8106482

i'm shocked nobody posted fight club as a shitpost yet

>> No.8106514
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>> No.8106530

Probably wouldn't even be a shitpost, I mean 15 year olds are exactly Palahniuks target audience.

Also, Ernst Jüngers In Stahlgewittern, I devoured Great War stuff as a teen.

>> No.8106996

Tropic of Cancer