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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 13 KB, 145x200, books-2014-1391968957[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8101717 No.8101717 [Reply] [Original]

1. The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
2. 1984
3. Dune
4. Slaughterhouse 5
5. Ender's Game

Do you agree with this list?

>> No.8101724

I agree, that is probably reddit's top 5 books. I don't know, I've never been there.

>> No.8101725

Hitchhiker's Guide and 1984 are alright but they're not the greatest of all time.

>> No.8101730

yes, the

>> No.8101732

You aren't fooling anyone.

>> No.8101739

>No Harry Potter
>No to kill a mockingbird
>All authors are white males

Right in the childhood, sirs. This list is like the opposite of bacon

>> No.8101741

its missing finegans wake

>> No.8101742

great post

>> No.8101760

Is this legit?
I know we trash Reddit a lot, but aren't there like English majors and professors and....normal people there? I was under the impression that they weren't as bad as we made them out to be but damn. this is like the Lunchables Ham n' Cheese Crackers of literary food.

>> No.8101770

Yeah, full of people who read for enjoyment instead of people who read for shitpost material on a mongolian cave painting website.

>> No.8101779

There are great subreddits and shitty subreddits there (Askhistorians for example is great, r/books is horrendous). The site deliberately selects for posts/content with appeal to popularity (via the upvote system) so naturally the most prominent content will be that which appeals to the broadest range of people; the vocal majority. That's why a lot of reddit seems stupid and memey, because majority of people are very stupid and memey

>> No.8101806

r/askhistorians is utter garbage. You need to fuck off back to plebbit, son.

>> No.8101811

yes overall reddit is about as pleb as it gets. Filled with pseuds, but at least on /lit/ you can call them faggots. Some subreddits are great though

>> No.8101816

Another list from /r/books

Catch-22 by Joseph Heller - (10/11 Lists)
Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov - (10/11 Lists)
The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald - (10/11 Lists)
Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison - (9/11 Lists)
Slaughterhouse-5 by Kurt Vonnegut - (9/11 Lists)
The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger - (9/11 Lists)
The Sound and The Fury by William Faulkner - (9/11 Lists)
1984 by George Orwell - (8/11 Lists)
Beloved by Toni Morrison - (8/11 Lists)
The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck - (8/11 Lists)

>> No.8101822

>1. lmoa everyone on reddit loves this book so it's the best
>2. I read this in high school and could actually kinda understand it
>3. lmoa everyone here loves this book so it must be good
>4. I read this book in high school and actually kinda understood it
>5. I read this book in elementary school and remember liking it

>> No.8101825
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>check out /r/literature
>its basically /lit/ with upvotes

You guys are like Canadians pretending they aren't like Americans

>> No.8101827

mein gott
pure ideology

>> No.8101835

i cant tell who is the male in that picture.

>> No.8101844

What a surprise, the reactionary roots run deep. Enjoy festering in stupidity

>> No.8101851

Every single one of these books is also on the /lit/ starter pack

>> No.8101857

What on earth are you talking about, plebbitor?

>> No.8101872

I don't even visit the site particularly often, but I'm not such a slave to dogma that I can't see that reddit has some worthwhile content. But if you just want to rub your keyboard on your ass cheeks and shitpost all day, I won't stop you

>> No.8101879


Exactly, it's where reddit stops and /lit/ starts. Although I never would start with the /lit/ starter pack ,its too pleb.

>> No.8101884

What is your favorite book? I know you won't answer me.

>> No.8101888

Locus Solus

>> No.8101889


Orlando Furioso, are you upset redditor?

>> No.8101890

He probably will, but will just respond with a book universally respected on /lit/ like The Recognitions or Absalom Absalom

>> No.8101904


Okay look above you.

>> No.8101906

the prose in Locus Solus is trash and the concept is Huxley-tier

>> No.8101914

are you quite impressed with yourself?

>> No.8101915


Predictable, a pretentious and crude pick. It's doubly embarrassing because you read a translation. Thanks for proving my point kid.

>> No.8101918


I proved you wrong, what more is there to say.

I'll post something more obscure next time, your whole point was to show that people on /lit/ are no better then /reddit/ but you came up short unfortunately.

>> No.8101926

No you proved my point quite well.

>> No.8101932
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>> No.8101933

You have clearly left your heart at plebbit. I'm sure your buddies miss you.

>> No.8101937

Infinite Jest

>> No.8101971

Infinite Jest is hugely popular on Reddit, probably because of the extreme user overlap between Reddit and 4chan.

>> No.8101983

now this a starter kit

>> No.8101984

like I said, I don't go on reddit often, but I'm not some cromagnon partisan that can't think freely to save his life, so I'm comfortable acknowledging that it's sometimes a useful source of information. But please, continue with your empty millenial attacks

>> No.8101987

more like a tryhard kit. Considering a lot of the works on it require prior reading in the Western Canon, it is a pretty stupidly named list of books

>> No.8102009

>everyone is a dumb cunt like myself

>> No.8102016
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>> No.8102030

>projecting this hard

>> No.8102036

Shit, this is hilarious. It should be /lit/ starter kit.

>> No.8102040

Yawn, this thread. I can feel myself growing beyond the scum muck of the /lit/ mole-people

>> No.8103531
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Modern art.

>> No.8103545

I don't know what /lit/ top books will be this year. Infinite jest is now hated, Pynchon considered a hack, Joyce is a poop fetishist. Gaddis and Gass are getting there in the meme ranks

>> No.8103572

Finnegans Wake is legitimately my favorite novel. It transcends being a novel and breaks free from the chains of its medium being the message. I don't like plots either.

>> No.8103585

Finnegans wake is not even a novel. The Yellow pages are more a novel than FW

>> No.8103591

Over 9000 internets to you, good gentle sir/mad'ame

>> No.8103607

I said that it transcends being a novel, that's why it's my favorite. But if I were to choose a traditional novel I'd go with The Golden Bowl.

>> No.8103659

People here like r/literature though. It's r/books that's a mess.

>> No.8103662

That's the joke m8

>> No.8103675

>1. The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

fun book

>2. 1984

breaking the conditioning

>3. Dune

Decent sci fi, ok espionage and mystery.


>4. Slaughterhouse 5

Focuses on the wrong issue.

Should be concerned with hormones and antibiotics not mechanized slaughter. Although animals should be butchered by hand.

>5. Ender's Game

Meme book.

Obvious predictable plot twist.

>> No.8103686

>hating hitchhiker

fite me faggots, I will take on each and every one of you even if it means ending up as a bloody pulp on the floor

but not before I take an good amount of you with me, you bunch of closeted transsexuals

>> No.8103691

>Focuses on the wrong issue.
>Should be concerned with hormones and antibiotics not mechanized slaughter. Although animals should be butchered by hand.
Have you even read the book?

>> No.8103718

Not bad, better than most pleb site lists

1. Humor and damn interesting soft sci fi
2. The only good "lel totalitarianism" book from back then, way better than Brave New World or Fahrenheit IMO.
3. Well its one of my favorites so I would be lying if I didn't say I didn't like it
4. Great intro to surrealist literature and concisely presets ideas such as social alienation, the effects of war, the lack of care we have for victims of war and suffers of mental illness, swaggering American imperialism etc, Its also damn funny, probably funnier than Hitchhikers
5. Never read it but apparently its top notch, and its nice to see that reddit doesn't dumb on works of art just because the author is a bigoted retard

>> No.8103721


>> No.8103729
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fucking eliot rodger manifesto.

>> No.8103730

Tastless fuckhead detected

>> No.8103745

why didn't you like these books?

>> No.8104065

>1. The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
>2. 1984
>3. Dune
>4. Slaughterhouse 5
>5. Ender's Game

It was all going so well.

>> No.8104453
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>Focuses on the wrong issue.
>Should be concerned with hormones and antibiotics not mechanized slaughter. Although animals should be butchered by hand.

>> No.8105848

>its basically /lit/ with upvotes
no, /r/literature is way better than this shithole, there people actually talk about literature, here is just ego and shit post in every single thread

/r/books is shitty tho

>> No.8105897

>Focuses on the wrong issue.

>Should be concerned with hormones and antibiotics not mechanized slaughter. Although animals should be butchered by hand.

Did this actually just happen?

>> No.8105900

>swaggering American imperialism

Oh fucking stop it.

>> No.8107531


>> No.8107584

I know this is a meme, but why would War and Peace be on there? Tolstoy isn't challenging, he just has long books.

>> No.8109278

>Focuses on the wrong issue.
>Should be concerned with hormones and antibiotics not mechanized slaughter. Although animals should be butchered by hand.
i'll join the kekking

>> No.8109282

in what possible way is that better

>> No.8109286

because it's more fun if you doubt it for part of a second than if it's just all meme

>> No.8109296
File: 24 KB, 495x495, Pepe-The-Frog-Enough-06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. The Curious Case of Dr. Jeckle and Mr. Hide
2. Brave New World
3. The Shadow over Innsmouth
4. The Things They Carried
5. Lolita

>> No.8109404
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It really isn't.

>> No.8109478

>implying that it isn't sexist

>> No.8109484

Isn't that a theme? What about that guy in the hospital who is writing the history of the American air-force and is just glossing over the fire bombing?

>> No.8109485

Memes aside I want to start reading more, I don't browse this board. Is the /lit/ starter pack a good place to start?

>> No.8109630

Get out whilst you can anon
Dont listen to them
dont read DFW or Joyce

You can still be happy you know, stay away

>> No.8109650
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Where else should I go anon?

>> No.8109658

1984 is a classic, the problem with it is WHO reads it.
Dune is probably the best non-literary fully genre fiction work of science fiction and fantasy, excluding Tolkein and Lem
Ender's Game is a good entry level Sci-Fi novel on the cusp of YA and Not
Slaughterhouse V is vastly overrated with mid level prose, but is a good story
Hitchikers Guide is shit

>> No.8109700

>Judging author's out of their own time

>> No.8109723
File: 203 KB, 368x368, the riddler.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go to /r/books
just get the FUCK away before these autists poison your mind and you start reading meme shit man FUCK this place. NEVER read anything Greek

go read Kafka

>> No.8109796

Why do you guys care so much about what redditors think? It's the common opinion in 4chan that reddit is utter garbage plagued by quirky plebs xD, i don't understand why give those known morons time of our day when we could be discussing descartes or borges.

>> No.8109802

>No Gravity's Rainbow or Infinite Jest
I'm ashamed.

>> No.8109807
File: 220 KB, 1200x900, 1460047220276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've already been spoiled, my tastes in other mediums alienate me from others. Do not cry for me anon, my death was already long ago. I face the memes now without fear, I am ready to go beyond.

>> No.8109809
