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/lit/ - Literature

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8096803 No.8096803[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw retarded 20 year olds with the mental acuity and I.Q of toddlers are now again flooding this board with porn and /b/-tier threads due to it being summer

Why is Gen Zed such shit? I've never met a Gen Z'er who has even read a book in his/her/xirs entire life, unless it was tumblr fanfic or YA, which doesn't count as reading.

These people need to be gassed. A few lucky ones may be allowed to continue to reproduce based on whether or not they can pass a test of reading and understanding Plato's Republic and Odysseus.

Anyone else hate Gen Zed more than any other Generation? These plebs are literally zombies thanks to iPhones and social media.

>> No.8096806

I hate them as much as you do but keep in mind that Gen Z didn't start until 2004-2006 so they're at most ten years old.
Not really /lit/ material desu.

>> No.8096807

>frogpost saying a group of people should be gassed
I see you /b/

>> No.8096813

Really? I thought it was anyone born after 2000. Whatever even the college aged kids are fucking infantile in this day and age

>inb4 30 y/o NEET living in your mom's basement.

>> No.8096816

>le summerfags meme
>vying for e-cred by complaining about board culture

But that is a dank pepe you have posted

>> No.8096820

What was the last book you've even read, summerfag?

>inb4 /lit/'s meme trilogy.

Also just a reminder to report those summerfag posts that violate rules so these plebs get the B& hammer.

>> No.8096821

>I've never met a Gen Z'er who has even read a book in his/her/xirs entire life
I'm gen z and I'm reading Anna Karenina right now. Even the dumbest of my peers read books occasionally (for school). Go back to your nursing home.

Gen z is born roughly 1995-2012

>> No.8096827
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>Gen z is born roughly 1995-2012

Look at this pleb commenting on shit he doesn't even understand

>hur Anna Karenina

Required high school reading doesn't count, friendo.

>> No.8096829

>Gen Z'er reading a ~900 page book

weak, bait.

>> No.8096844

>Gen z is born roughly 1995-2012
lmao yes, fucking millenials. I wouldn't want upon anyone to be born between 1995-2012 -- no wonder they call them the Beat Generation. Fucking baby boomers (we call them this because we were grown up while they were still babies (i.e. 1995-2012) and now they're already booming into childhood and teen years, right?) Wow, these four years sure boomed so fast. But that's probably faster for us 'cause we're adults.

>> No.8096854

>Look at this pleb commenting on shit he doesn't even understand
Gen z is defined by the year it was born, not as "young people I don't like"

>Required high school reading doesn't count, friendo.
Required school readings are books, so they count.

>>hur Anna Karenina
t. serious, intelligent adult

>> No.8096855


Hunger by Knut Hamsun

also: worse than your summerfags boogeyman is the fact that everyone you've ever known or loved thinks you're a disappointment. If you have any emotional investment to this place, you're retarded. It's simultaneously a sewer and a haven. If it feels like the former, the best thing to do is just turn off the screen and start reading.

>> No.8096862

Millennials are 1985-2004ish and the Beat Generation was just a subculture of the Baby Boomers, but okay.

>> No.8096863
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>falling for such obvious bait

>> No.8096867

I'm saving this one; hope you don't mind.

>> No.8096879 [DELETED] 
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>projecting this hard

Sorry that I shattered your shitter so thoroughly that you had to go for personal attacks. At least you have the next three months to work on your rhetoric.

>Taking this long to Google noble lit prize authors and picking an obscure Norwegian author's book in an attempt to not sound like a pleb

Still a fucking pleb.

>> No.8096885
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Gen zer here. Why do you dorks like something as boring as books anyway, lol

>> No.8096886
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>projecting this hard
Sorry that I shattered your shitter so thoroughly that you had to go for personal attacks. At least you have the next three months to work on your rhetoric.

>Taking this long to Google noble lit prize authors and picking an obscure Norwegian author's book in an attempt to not sound like a pleb
Still a fucking pleb.

>> No.8096889


How'd you like Hunger? If you enjoyed it, I heartily recommend Pan. Hamsun's prose is exhilerating and very, very distinct. Originally, he wrote in an idiosyncratic blend of danish and norwegian, and as a danish native speaker I think that's pretty interesting. I just recently found an original 1917 edition of Growth of the Soil for 10 dollars in an antique shop, accidentally, after searching for any edition of it for months. Very stoked to get to it, but I'm reading Victoria first.

ya'll remember that /lit/ is for discussion of literature?

>> No.8096897
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These Gen Z tears are absolutely delicious. Do you fags always cry this much when someone offends your tender sensibilities?

>> No.8096901
File: 225 KB, 1366x659, ashitpostfellacrossthesky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grandpa, pls go. No one born in the past 25 years uses that word.

>> No.8096904


>obscure norwegian
>basically invented modernism as well as pioneering several of its techniques, most notably stream-of-consciousness

Pots and kettles friend

>> No.8096909

>basically invented modernism
Says who exactly, besides you?

>> No.8096912
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>says this in a thread by some old fuck crying and bitching about kids who offend his tender sensibilities

>> No.8096915
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>Waaaah Waaah, I know you are but what am I

Literally the argument of a 5 year old.

>> No.8096927


You idiots realize you could spend your time reading a book right now?

>> No.8096961

Hamsun is in no way obscure

>> No.8096995

>samefagging this hard
Anyways...You could have at least answered
before repeating your baseless statement.

Outside of PhD level European Lit, he's obscure.

>> No.8097006

>Outside of PhD level European Lit, he's obscure.
Utter nonsense.

>> No.8097011

>no rebuttal
>two word baseless reply

You sure showed me.

>> No.8097049
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Dweeb detected
Go back to reading, hahaha

>> No.8097058


Prove it.

>> No.8097075

hamsun is obscure?
i'm starting to believe in this summerfag meme

>> No.8097100

When did you first learn about him; just curious?

>> No.8097131

Not that anon, but I saw Hunger being recommended as a novella on Goodreads. Despite it not actually being one. But that's when I first checked it out.

>> No.8097140

>Not that anon, but I saw Hunger being recommended as a novella on Goodreads. Despite it not actually being one. But that's when I first checked it out.

Yeah well that kind of supports my point in that its not really canon in most classes or in the general lexicon of Western authors.

>> No.8097154

How would it? Goodreads isn't a place for obscure book talk. Most of the readers are YA lovers there.

Which I suppose would put it outside of canon, but that doesn't mean it's unpopular. I just checked, and it's got 22,000+ ratings on there, which is a pretty respectable amount.

>> No.8097160
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>people on 4chan feeling superior to anyone
>people on 4chan over 25 feeling superior to anyone

>> No.8097168

kek, m8, not him, but hamsun is well known. my local bookshop had more copies of his work than graham greene the other day when i browsed. he's well known as precursor to English stream of consciousness, and hunger is entry level. you're not well acquainted with literature, bookshops, or PhD level anything.

it gets worse when even /lit/, the shit hole that it is, regularly has threads with underageb&s discussing hunger and pan etc.

>> No.8097186

Just to give more detail than "a respectable amount," Hunger has about as many ratings as

The Decameron
Long Day's Journey into Night
The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie
Letters to a Young Poet
The Magic Mountain
The Postman Always Rings Twice
Daisy Miller

None of which would be obscure at all.

>> No.8097201

>thinking I've been f5ing this whole time, my life pivots around this uninteresting, fruitless discussion
>look through the replies
>"fuck u for reading this book"
>"fucking underageb&s reading Hamsun"

why? just why? do I have to go to the lengths of timestamping this so you'll shut up? You asked me what the last book I read was, totally out of nowhere, I answered.

>> No.8097216

>I answered.
>22 minutes later

Is your internet connection a potato?

>> No.8097229

>he's well known as precursor to English stream of consciousness
Says who you stupid faggot? You keep making baseless statements.

Guhh, I hate people like you. Especially since you don't use capital letters. That makes you either lazy or stupid. I'm not sure which, but I detest both.

>> No.8097265

m8, i just came in the thread. the reason why he got a nobel prize is because he's a precusor to English stream of consciousness. the reason why other nobel laureates like bashevis singer call him the opening to modernism is that this is such commonly accepted fact to not know it makes it look like you've read zero criticism and do not understand the history of literature. you're ragging on this other guy because you're too dumb to know you're dumb even in the babbystakes, let alone the big boy races. fuck off until you've read anything on the modern era; most people would be held to a higher standard of lurking than that, but i don't think it's realistic considering your argument is "citation needed"; usually in literature a failure to grasp a reference isn't a reason to spoonfeed the reader with footnotes and references until postmodernism.

>> No.8097277
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No, I lurked some other threads, I laid in bed in the dark for a little while (it was just approaching dawn in my region of the world), ate some food and read some other essays on the internet. Like I said I wasn't obsessively F5ing. I'm flattered and sorry that you pathetic idiots were hanging on my word though. I can't tell you how stupefied I am that the bulk of this thread is about me choosing this book. Never in my years (since 2008 if you're so interested) on 4chan have I been such a center of attention in a thread.

I'll give you some surrounding details about me choosing it.

1. I saw an infographic on /lit/ that suggested it. I had heard of the book years before during my reading of The Hunger Artist but I didn't pay any serious attention to it. I then checked the book out from my university's library.

Actually that's it. The whole story first to last, I can't think of any other pertinent details except that I genuinely think very little of the posters in this thread unless this is bait, and the notion you guys are somehow above anybody, summerfags, newfags, whateverfags is hilarious.

>> No.8097283

If you check the box at the bottom of the page, threads will auto-update for you.

>> No.8097290

relax m8, 4chan is whiteknighting your book choices, you should feel pretty not worry about this faggot who can't even starter lit.

>> No.8097292
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>all this self-absorbed Gen Zed desire to justify one's actions to an anonymous image board

Truly a cancerous generation.

>> No.8097304

lol, that really convinced me that you learnt yiddish to read bashevis singer and could read hamsun. it convinced me even further that you probably would take the old translation of hunger in english as good just because it's old, which is hilarious. you can start talking about a book you have read any time, grandpa.

>> No.8097311
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I have no hope for the coming generations. I don't know why I ever wanted to be an author.

>> No.8097353


>> No.8098259

20 year olds are gen Y though