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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 44 KB, 569x506, worrywojak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8095244 No.8095244 [Reply] [Original]

Hi /lit/

Can I get in legal trouble if I submitted a story to a competition and won first prize but under a false name and identity?

They are asking for a photograph and short bio and I'm panicking a lot, but I could use the money also.

>> No.8095264

uh, no

>> No.8095345

Mate have you ever heard of pseudonyms, are you memeing or did you really win a contest?

>> No.8095347

Was it a minority/woman only contest or something?

Worst they can do is just give the prize to the next in line, don't worry.

>> No.8095368

It was a contest for any writer under 25. I sent two stories, one serious one under my real name and one under the name "Owulu Babanogga" and claimed I was an immigrant from the Sudan. The second one won first place but they want a photo and a bio from me before they decide to announce it formally.

>> No.8095378

I need some proof if I'm going to take this seriously.

>> No.8095388

This is bait.

But you can always argue it is a heteronym as Pessoa did.

Say you were heavily influenced by him or something.

>> No.8095389

take your /pol/ fantasies elsewhere, friendo

>> No.8095391
File: 92 KB, 250x250, cosmostanza.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Owulu Babanogga

>> No.8095398

get a black guy to pose for a picture and pretend to be you

give him like half of the reward ofc

a month later announce that it was you, a white guy, all along. you'll be the hero of /lit/.

these kinds of ruses have been done before and they all end in hilarity.

>> No.8095407

Just send them a Stirner-esque drawing and for your bio say you are the unique one.

>> No.8095420

>get a black guy to pose for a picture and pretend to be you
>give him like half of the reward ofc

Are you a cuck or something? Just find some random niggers Facebook

>> No.8095449
File: 26 KB, 992x444, comp_email.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is the email telling me I'd won. I haven't responded yet or filled in the question form. What should I do here?

>> No.8095454


Dude, you have the upper hand here. This exact same thing has happened to several writers and poets, search around.

In their case, when they were found out, they just shrugged and said, "Well, you are the shallow assholes who picked your winners based off race rather than merit." and in the end it's the contest winners who looks like dipshits.

You could just send a fake photo, and bio (say something about having to beat a wild dog to death for trying to eat your infant sister btw,) and if they ever find out, so what? They're the ones who will ultimately look like idiots.

>> No.8095460

Do what >>8095454 said, that's pretty much the best course of action.

>> No.8095463
File: 65 KB, 526x526, sudanesethomas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here. I searched my first name and then "Sudan" on facebook and found this guy. Should I use this pic?

>> No.8095467

Oh shit wait I told them I was a woman, I'll look through his friend list for girls.

>> No.8095468

I meant contest people, not winners, btw.

>> No.8095474

Tell them you're a trans woman, and send them that picture. Fuck that might open up some sort of extra dimension.

>> No.8095477
File: 42 KB, 720x960, sudaneselady.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here.

How about this one?

I'll just shave the bottom off so it seems more recent.

>> No.8095479

that definitely looks like a trans

you really have something to go with here anon

>> No.8095486

This thread is approaching maximum kek very quickly. Let's just hope it's not a troll.

>> No.8095487
File: 390 KB, 470x514, ayylmao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is without a doubt the best thread I've ever seen on /lit/. That pic should be fine, go ahead and use it.

>> No.8095488


There was some poet a while ago who got a bunch of stuff published using a chinese name, but he eventually got busted as being a white guy.

He did the same thing and just said, "Yeah, well I tried getting it published under my own name, nobody cared. Slap a chinese name on it and it's golden, so who's the real scammers here? Me or the disingenuous morons who published it?"

Actually, now that I think about it, he didn't get busted, he actually came out and just admitted that's what he did, just to prove the point.

>> No.8095491

What about my biography? I read the wikipedia entry for Sudan earlier and it seems like there's actually two different Sudans now. I think I may say I was involved in the civil war or something. My issue is whether legally they can embarrass me or sue me. I have quite a distinct last name (my real one) and I'd hate for employers to see that I pulled this shit.

>> No.8095504

dont go overboard here anon.
at best, say you were a refugee who migrated to europe via Libya, where you made the sex change operation that you always strived for

>> No.8095506

You can say you were a child soldier, and one day a bunch of guys held you down and bayoneted your penis so bad that it created a fake pussy and you've considered yourself a women since.

>> No.8095517
File: 99 KB, 230x244, Sam1888Edition[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

write them that your indigenous religion forbids you from photographing and that you had to fast for a month and to make substantiation sacrifices to appease your gods after they took your pic when you moved to the usa

send them a hand drawn picture of yourself (not this one)

>> No.8095533

a very shitty drawing preferably

>> No.8095536

OP here. Thanks for the advice so far. For anybody curious this was the first paragraph of the story that won, which I wrote in under a day:

>"I woke up with the sun in my eyes. Around me the desert crickets chirped and in the distance some elephants approached the water hole to escape the oppressive heat. Then I remembered it. My dream! How strange it had been. My father, a serpent, and....yes, the Man of Shadows. I wiped my eyes and got out of my hammock. In a nearby hut my mother and sister were chanting an ancient song while preparing dinner. I ran towards the hut but when I neared my father stepped out and blocked the doorway. "Did you have a nice sleep Babu?" he asked with curiosity. "Yes father," I replied hastily. For now I thought it best to keep this mysterious dream to myself."

It turns out the father is just a malevolent spirit demon who eventually reveals itself after a snake bites it / him. The real father returns home at the end and tells his family he has just had the strangest dream.

>> No.8095542

I don't know about the sex change thing, it seems a little too farfetched. I'm just a pale virgin teenager living in the suburbs. I don't think I'll be able to pull all of this off convincingly.

>> No.8095545

I feel sick, please let this be a lie, also don't most comps make you submit your work with no names attached?

>> No.8095548


Christ....that sounds awful.

You even make horrible beginner mistakes like:
>he asked with curiosity

Yeah, he asked, so obviously he was curious. why not, "he asked?".

You could pull a real big dicking on these contest people. If this is half as bad as it looks, you could reveal yourself and say, "Ha! See you dickhead gave a terrible story first place based solely off the authors race!" and blow all their credibility out of the water.

>> No.8095549


Here's a link to interviews with Sudanese girls. Just get some answers and a pic from here.

Change it around a bit so they can't just Google it.

>> No.8095551
File: 31 KB, 650x366, gass9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8095556

I don't know, I've only started sending my stuff out this year. They asked for a name, age, location and "something about yourself" which I guess was intended to be quirky or something.

>> No.8095561

I'm going to be Google exact match searching stuff from this thread come 5th of June and if it's not fake I'm going to cry.

>> No.8095572

Can you tell us the prize? if you win we'll find out anyway. I just want you to be lying / the prize to be an irrelevance.

These things aside I am pleased you senpai

>> No.8095593

You realize you've already sabotaged yourself by posting on here, as well as posting the first paragraph of the story, so it can be easily found online if you do win, and every spiteful douche on here is going to squeal on you, right?

>> No.8095624

Who the fuck cares? Ca$h money, bitch

>> No.8095685

Yeah, that whole $200 is sure worth destroying your literary credibility for life.

Also....this would be a brilliant idea to destroy someone else's cred, if op wasn't actually the author, but just trying to destroy someone else.

>> No.8095711

>there are actually people falling for this bait

>> No.8096054

>there are actually people who are this unfun

>> No.8096061
