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/lit/ - Literature

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8095215 No.8095215 [Reply] [Original]

Post a better written book

>Protip: you can't

>> No.8095220


What do I win?

>> No.8095221
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>> No.8095225

Is lolita boner inducing? I really don't want to read something like that.

>> No.8095228


>> No.8095231

sex scenes are not explicit at all actually.
i didn't think of it being morbid at all but controversial

>> No.8095280

i wish

>> No.8095289

>I don't like boners

if you want to be a eunuch all you need is a pair of scissors.

>> No.8095298
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You guys didn't get boners from reading Lolita?

>> No.8095323
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Every time I see someone reading this book in public I give them a dirty look and mouth, "you disgust me", while grimacing.

They usually pack up and leave, heads hanging, nearly in tears.

Pedos aren't even beta, they're omega.

>> No.8095332
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>> No.8095373
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For me the most arousing part was when young Humbert tries to fuck his cousin or friend or whoever that was on the beach in France. It's been a while, but doesn't he have trouble getting Lo to do anything more interesting than the missionary position? Doesn't he have to bribe and cajole her all the time? At some point he starts to do something unconventional and then she says "Just what do you think you're doing, mister?!"

If I'm going to have a loli sex slave she's going to do as she's damn well told.

>> No.8095478


Boy Toy by Barry Lyga

>> No.8095484

I did. Kek.

>> No.8095535
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checkmate atheists

>> No.8095558
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>> No.8095809

Jesus Christ, Lolita is neither erotic nor dramatic, it's a fucking comedy.

>> No.8095838

unrelated, but
>at the gym
>girl in pink yoga pants bends over
>magnificent ass, keep stealing peeks
>turns around, see her face
>she looks like she's 10 or 11

what the fuck, I'm not even a pedo, she had a full grown woman's ass and she wasn't fat, she had tits too. Fucking estrogen in the water is doing strange things.

>> No.8095846

well, it's the same dude...

>> No.8095859

doesn't matter if it's well written or not
it's a disgusting book

>> No.8095881

so did I, for a time

the sex scenes weren't explicit though and the brief moments of eroticism are outweighed by the way it tears apart the people around him
its a depressing book

fuckin nabokov
its obvious he was making a statement if you study the literary theory

>> No.8095900

>i am a normie
>i have no taste
>i am incapable of critical thinking
you could have just said this tbqh

>> No.8095906

women are maturing faster these days
it's only logical to be attracted to a woman who had her menarche

>> No.8095917

Even Nabokov admits it.

>> No.8095918

yeah but what the fuck is patball

>> No.8095919

Patball is a non-contact competitive ball game played in many forms using one's hands or head to hit the ball against a wall - the objective being to get the succeeding player out. The game is popular in school playgrounds during break-time. Patball is played with a tennis ball, or other similar-sized specific patball, and the preferred hand, rather than any form of racquet or bat. The hand is used to "pat" the ball at the wall with the objective of making the ball un-returnable, similar to squash. In some variations of the game the use of the foot is also allowed.

>> No.8095920

Lit is so fucking confusing

First the book is only good if has outstanding themes.

Then it's only good if it has complex meaning.

Then it's shit if doesn't have prose.

If it has all three it's overrated.

If it has all three and isn't overrated it's boring. What the fuck.

>> No.8095923

>H-hey guys let me rationalize pedophilia and blame modernism!

>> No.8095925

it's ALMOST like one answer doesn't work for everything

>> No.8095928

What's confusing is that there are people who don't understand the concept of different people having different opinions. Do you come from /pol/ or something?

>> No.8095930

My posts are squash compared to your champion game

>> No.8095931

It's ALMOST like Lit pretends that it does, causing the whole fucking problem in the first place, and at the same time asserting that literature is completely objective.

>> No.8095932
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I don't need to rationalize pedophilia, you need to rationalize your attraction to "underage" girls

>> No.8095933

>Then it's shit if doesn't have prose.
That's called a notebook, dear. You're supposed to write in it to make the prose appear.

>> No.8095936

It's confusing that people say that there is a constant in literature but simultaneously shit on and praise a classic novel. How?

>> No.8095938

nihlism, reasons, etc

>> No.8095944

Pretty sure I'm condeming pedophilia, and you are trying to rationalize it.
Wow what a fucking great meme. If you aren't trolling, I meant that a book is suddenly shit if it doesn't have a perfect prose, but it has all the other qualities of good writing.

>> No.8095947

who cares man why would you take anything anonymous posters say seriously
and I'm not saying that ironically. I mean very seriously, you should be actually learning in your classes or in your literary community, this place is not to be trusted

>> No.8095950

>Nihilism as an excuse

I've got depression, can I just start calling myself Hemingway now because I want to kill myself?

>> No.8095956

I don't have either of those.

>> No.8095958
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Hey, you're the one attracted to an 11 year old. Whatever helps you sleep at night.

>> No.8095960

...prose styling is what divides the literary genre from the other categories, and its the only category which can't be achieved by another medium. it would be retarded if how you wrote it was not important enough to write off a book- if you don't believe me, you're going to have to read palahniuk's pygmy until it turns into english.

>> No.8095968

>nihilism as an excuse
how is that even possible? you can do whatever you want, sugartits, there are no right answers.

>> No.8096005

Best book i've ever read. Nabokov's prose have ruined other books for me the same way a black cock ruins white dicks for a white girl

>> No.8096150
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>ends tragically

>> No.8096573
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>thinking the end of a story represents the whole in spirit

>> No.8096584

How was lolita a comedy, other than a few comical moments it wasnt very funny

Am i being memed?

>> No.8096596

I guess I just found it funnier than you did. The whole thing was comedic from the beginning to me. To list the main things, Humbert Humbert is a great narrator. Excellent word-play, complete narcissist, total asshole. The scene in which Delores' mother dies is especially comedic, just kinda the way Humbert brushes it off. My favorite part of the entire book is when he shoots the pornographer, but the guy won't fucking die and even plays the piano just bleeding out.

>> No.8096600

You obviously never read Proust, or Sabato's Report on the Blind in On Heroes and Tombs

>> No.8096610

Humbert was quite panicky leading up to the death and was more relieved by the death

I don't personally think it was comical but the book is very open to interpretation which I guess is one of its greatest qualities

>> No.8097742
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>it's another 4chan accepts pedophilia as a totally normal aspect of life
I know its a Lolita thread but seriously? and i thought /tv/ was bad

>> No.8097751

How did you not find Lolita hilarious? Maybe you need to remove that stick from your ass.

>> No.8098675

It's all relative senpai
Today's taboo is tomorrow's norm

>> No.8098711

Not this. Pedo scum

>> No.8099283

Alison Rapp will make sure it happens

>> No.8099409

It's not really a contest, where there is one pyramid of knowledge where the winner sits on top. You'd like it to be that simple, but alas ...

However, it is among the best.


>> No.8099450

William Shakespeare is on the top.

>> No.8099453

Cool that they rate The Anatomy of Melancholy so high

>> No.8099632

I definitely feel like it's the best book I've ever read, but I haven't read as many books as I'd have liked.

One thing I always wondered, though...

The beginning of the book stresses that all of the characters in the memoir go by aliases so as to obfuscate their true identities, with the one exception being Dolores's first name as it's so integral to the wordplay Humbert Humbert uses.

But what about her last name? There's a part in the story where Humbert points out the specific location of her name in a list full of students, who are arranged alphabetically by their surnames. Does that mean her last name really is Haze, or something similar?

I know it doesn't matter, in the end.

>> No.8099663

He even makes puns on the surname "Haze". That note at the start is just Nabokov playing a trick on you.

>> No.8099681
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it bones your brain

>> No.8099714

Personally I prefer Nobikov's memoir, Speak, Memory.

It contains some of the most startlingly beautiful sentences ever composed, and his reminiscences of the Russian countryside chasing butterflies as a boy have such a sparkle to them.

>> No.8099716

do you use your trip to get cheap responses or do you really have some sort of mental disability