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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 23 KB, 228x346, 514BAyopO7L._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8091390 No.8091390 [Reply] [Original]

Is this faggot a hack or is he on to something?

>> No.8091394

Give us a synopsis, fag.

>> No.8091402

Hack. I'm not even one of those raving feminists that bitches about anything masculine, but Donovan is just ridiculous.

>> No.8091406

It's total garbage. Not sure why /pol/ added it to the essential Reactionary reading list. I mean, besides /pol/ being full of retards that is.

>> No.8091420

why dont you try what it suggests and come back to us with the results?

>> No.8091425

What is it about

Looks spoopy

>> No.8091441


What is their reading list? Do you have a pic?

>> No.8091443

someone post the what i expected image.

>> No.8091444


>> No.8091450
File: 15 KB, 236x302, 78cc8eab8cd1ebe271555387decb3375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn't he just say that men are most well when they're an integral part of a tight knit group that gets up to somewhat intense and dangerous business, with the family unit being a separate thing from that and buttsex not making sense as part of the family unit? The first part is just truth and the second part is at least a compelling case.

>> No.8091460


Donovan uses evolutionary psychology as the basis for outlining how and why male mind works they way it does.

Essentially, men evaluate each other based on a set of masculine virtues which are the traits men would require in their allies in any type of shit hits the fan situation. Our minds evolved for a neolithic world, and we still think the way we would need to think if we were living 100K years ago.

He says the reason men are in an existential crisis (massive suicide, depression rates) is that we live in a way that our minds our ot evolved to live in. We require a small tribal group (150 or less persons, dunbars number) that we can act as a guardian and hunter for.

Donovan suggests that we form small tribal gangs (much like immigrant communities, small towns, or organised crime gangs) within larger society to stay sane.

>> No.8091463


Is the "what I got" image unsubtly homoerotic?

>> No.8091465

So its all a pretext to have massive gay orgies.

>> No.8091479
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I'm pretty sure hes the dide who posts nippe pics on /k/

>> No.8091738

The only correct answer to OP's question.

>> No.8091748

Yes, pseudo-scientific "just so" stories to justify gay orgies

>> No.8091790

From his bio: Jack Donovan is an American author known for his writing on masculinity and for his criticisms of feminism and gay culture.

Wow he sounds so educated and insightful.

>> No.8091964

The only interesting thing is he does so while being openly gay

>> No.8091972

Hahaha wait what, this guy just got significantly more hilarious.

>> No.8091975

Joe Rogan for rightists.

>> No.8091983

Isn't Joe Rogan the Joe Rogan for rightists?

>> No.8091999


Whatever value one could garner from this treatise on evolutionary psychology **hint: fuck all* * its still going to be used to justify broad conclusions about the gynocentric society and the conspiracy of cultural marxism by autistics pseuds who have never read a book in their life trying to justify the modern MRA attitude of MUH MASCULINITY. All the while sitting on their asses not even trying to make changes about themselves that would make them more masculine, because itz da femnists fault, you can't even sneeze without being accused of rape! MUH GHOSTBUSTERS

>> No.8092004


>> No.8092007

Are you upset? You seem upset.

>> No.8092019
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>> No.8092035

The thing is I agreed with what you were describing until you hit the last bit, does he honestly suggest that?

My response to the insights that you describe would be to try to address this evolutionary baggage as the issue and not the solution.

>> No.8092042
File: 7 KB, 170x200, spook buster.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's very spooky

>> No.8092115

true desu

>> No.8092154

Or it could motivate someone to go into a different line of work, join a rugby team or care more for their local community in some way. Just a thought.

>> No.8092198

I read the book and a few others in my search for masculinity and am now 6 months into SS. That crab in the bucket mentality ain't gonna get you far

>> No.8092214

You started dressing up as a Nazi?

>> No.8092227

>I'm gonna get healthier and learn some discipline!
>No U R Nadzi

>> No.8092233

SS is starting strength by mark rippetoe, you read that so you can stop being a twink faggot

>> No.8092243

>these retards

>> No.8092532

he doesn't suggest that. He says men can be men in their primal state in those societies

>> No.8092714

If this is the best book the alt-right can muster, it is time to kill yourselves my mans.

>> No.8092922


I think he's saying that this "baggage" isn't a problem. It's who we are and it's worse to try to change how our minds work, than to just live life the way we evolved to live it.

>> No.8092925

Oh you probably browse/pol/ of your reading that. Yeah, don't ever read /pol/ books they are a severe waste of time

>> No.8092927
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Yoy sound butthurt, lad

>> No.8093002

just read aristotle for fucks sake

>> No.8093011

>men spending a significant portion of their time on the internet building their internet fandom and arguing with post-modern feminists have anything to say about manhood

Not to say that they're wrong, but everything they say that is right can be found by better authors. And not all they say is right.

>> No.8093027

this man knows

>> No.8093046

You need to calm down.
You're right, but you need to calm down.

>> No.8093193

>All the while sitting on their asses not even trying to make changes about themselves that would make them more masculine

Your whole post was one long shitty sentence and you should feel bad. Secondly why the fuck would I want to be masculine, I'm a woman. This writer sounds like a cocksucker, that is all.

>> No.8093219

On to something, but not something that you can't find also in Sun and Steel, Storm of Steel etc.

The evolutionary psych I also don't appreciate, seeing as it is a very bourgeoisie mode of thinking rather than the essentialism I've preferred to adopt.

>> No.8093325

The people dismissing out of hand are odd. Like I think the book is mostly wrong, but why would post on this website without trying to understand a perspective of a huge amount of people who post here. Well, the argument in the OP is pretty specific, but I mean the NRx/PUA/fascist theory in general. Like it makes sense if you're a liberal/communist and you're here to understand a different opinion, but if you're not, that means your here for some weird pathological reason. Like the normal liberal/communist watering holes have rejected you because you're a shitty person / idiot, and then you hang out with right wingers just so you can have the feel of being smarter than someone.

>> No.8093343

>very bourgeoisie mode of thinking rather than the essentialism I've preferred to adopt

What does this mean? Why the word essentialist in particular? Does that mean the bourgeoisie is somehow anti-essentialist?

>> No.8093346

your joke wasn't funny you double nigger

>> No.8093358

All forms of materialism is necessarily bourgeoisie.

>> No.8093402

/lit/ has a community of posters that do not go to the rest of 4chan

>> No.8093480

This is obvious bullshit. /lit/ is right wing as hell and deeply involved in the rest of board culture. Obviously there's etiquette for keeping discussion on their respective boards, but if you're not right wing or a weeaboo, you're here to hang out with them. If you can't even admit this, you most certainly have the above described personality problems.

>> No.8093491

Fuck off newfag

>> No.8093493

/lit/ is actually more right-wing than most of /pol/ 2bh

>> No.8093516

Nice to know that all the new women that have joined us hasnt changed the fact that only like 10% of the people here read the books they discuss.

If you subscribe to his virtues of masculinity you will at least take something out of the book. Courage, honor, mastery, strength are virtues that any male should aspire too.

>> No.8093522

>Courage, honor, mastery, strength are virtues that any male should aspire too.

>> No.8093530

they aint bad "spooks" tbqhwf

>> No.8093534


>> No.8093543

enjoy your memes

>> No.8093557

Nope, you're the newfag. I've been on 4chan since 2006 and have browsed this particularly board since it started. You're probably mad because I pointed out you pretend to yourself and others. Sorry!

>> No.8093563

/lit/ has always been anarchist or leftist, fuck off

>> No.8093565

>It's the im an oldfag defense

>> No.8093570

What garbage, this is by far the most christfag/monarchist board.

>> No.8093581

>maybe if I pretend it's true I'll drive out the regulars and have my /pol/ 2.0

>> No.8093583

times are changing OLD MAN

>> No.8093584

Sounds like you don't even know what those words mean because you're an insecure idiot who doesn't spend enough time with actual leftists and anarchists.

>> No.8093590

>the current year

>> No.8093593

Considering that right up to the day that /his/ opened that faggot constantine could have 300 post threads where Catholics bashed Orthodox posters over the filioque, and that Evola gets way more respect than Marx, and the amount that the essential right wing lit guide gets posted with Junger in it, I would say you are awkwardly posturing.

>> No.8093595

>hurr I make zizek memes therefore I'm communist
>hurr I make stirner therefore I'm a anarchist

literally what the /lit/ fake left believes

>> No.8093605

isnt it orthos bashing cathos over the filoque

>> No.8093609

I AM the creative nothing
>and that Evola gets way more respect than Marx
You see more Foucault and Stirner threads than conservative garbage.

>> No.8093610

to be fair the bashing seems pretty consensual

>> No.8093613

I think you're exaggerating a bit. Marx and Evola are equally respected and reviled here, I think. But considering that Evola is such a weird, marginal figure while most educated people read at least some Marx, that clearly points to /lit/ being right wing.

>> No.8093630

Wow, I have you down so good I can predict your posts.

>> No.8093638

along the same lines, the respect given to Spengler for what is ultimately a dated hand-wringing spaz out is pretty stunning.

>tfw Toynbee doesnt get nearly the same respect.

>> No.8093724

>I make stirner
What did he mean by this?

>> No.8093731

Supposed to be "stirner memes"

>> No.8093737

>hurr just because I haven't read him or any other anarchists means others haven't
>I project my insecurities on others

>> No.8093750

Real anarchists consider stirner a marginal figure and don't really give a shit that 4chan likes him. Your post was literally preemptively owned, I'm not sure why you're still posting.

>> No.8093759

>Real anarchists

>> No.8093764

You spent 10 years of your life in this shithole? Why didn't you commit suicide?

>> No.8093805
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>for what is ultimately a dated hand-wringing
fuck, I'm triggered

>> No.8093841

Probably because I've mostly graduated from it. Mostly just lurk to keep up with alt-right / animu culture.

>> No.8093885

I do not anymore. Just Google 4chan pol reactionary and you're bound to find it.

>> No.8094240


Who then?

>> No.8094264



Most of pol is natsoc/ancap/newfags

Lit is more hard line reactionary. I think it's because everyone embraces the start with the greeks meme, and is exposed to the world of tradition. Lit is farther right than fascism.

>> No.8094272
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>> No.8094279

I don't get this image.

>> No.8094293

In your dreams, nazifag.

>> No.8094327

>Right wing

>> No.8095276
File: 1019 KB, 1500x984, 1456479004467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Way of Men is in the ironpill chart

The man cannot escape the path because the only way out is through the doors that will not open for anyone with a certain type of privilege. Then in the sixth room he is faced with the option of accepting the Jewish lies and becoming blue pilled or he can but on the fedora, like the one /pol/'s board-tan wears, and go into the next room. Here the man finds a few dubious infographics which cause him to become redpilled. Now that his eyes are opened he must chose between the two ideologies which once dominated /pol/, libertarianism or national socialism.
And of course art credit goes to Ben "emptying my nine at the welfare line" Garrison

>> No.8095283
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/lit/ also has its own reactionary list you can find in the sticky

>> No.8095294

No, you're right /lit/. What a silly book. Why would anyone suggest men are made for brotherhoods, for conquest, for survival.

Men are made to virtue signal and fight for utopianism with low test upper body strenght.
That's what's up.

>> No.8095320
File: 33 KB, 511x496, bernie rally.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everybody else BTFO t b h

>> No.8095855



>> No.8095927



>> No.8095952


>anyone who doesn't placate me and reassure me that my taste in milquetoast watered-down literature is at all enviable is a low test SJW-pandering sell out of a man

Just fuck off back to /pol/ already you identity politics peddling dunce; you're as witless as they are with your endlessly goofy polemics.


Same goes for you two dipshits.

>> No.8095971

Rogan is anti-religion and socially pretty liberal
He's openly opposed to SJW culture and trans-people competing in sports of their new gender but that just makes him a moderate pro-traditional-masculinity American liberal

>> No.8095975


>that just makes him a moderate pro-traditional-masculinity American liberal

that's a very long way of saying "reasonable"

>> No.8096006

>uses evolutionary psychology
How do you "use evolutionary psychology". It's not like you can set up a 50 thousand year experiment or go back in time to do some participant observation of neolithic community.

Evo psych is just bad sociology. It's no better than brainlessly claiming that everything is a social construct.

>> No.8096016

being this triggered, c'mon now.

>> No.8096017

Or what's more likely is that it'll make them into an insufferable twat who complains on the internet all day about how it's the feminists' fault.

>> No.8096052


>you get completely son'd and all you can sheepishly say to save face is stop being t-t-triggered pls

All you /pol/ dinks are cornballs. Seriously. You Horseshoe Theory personifying idiots are just as bad as the SJW and you don't even see it.

Go home. Cornball.

>> No.8096068

So you judge ideas by their likely effects on stereotypical people you've cooked up. Seems reasonable.

>> No.8097127
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>not an arguement

>> No.8097231

Rogan's in the nra and complains about transgenders on every podcast

>> No.8097269

>muh Evola

>> No.8097270
File: 69 KB, 640x640, HospitalSide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read it earlier this year. I wouldn't structure my life around the ideas, but it has some truthful statements that nobody else in contemporary times wants to recognize. He shuts down the idea that a stay at home dad who chauffeurs the kids around all day is good at being a man. May be a 'good man' but not 'good at'. People like Sadam Hussein and George Zimmerman may not be 'good men' but arguably very good at being men.

Also the idea that the reason thwre is such an adverse reaction to gays among males is that flamboyantly gay men, by acting feminine, openly denounce and reject the status quo and thereby threaten the functionality of the tribe or community

>> No.8097391

Tbh if you listen to him talk his biggest gripe is that manly men are rare and should be there to slap betas on the butt and say good job after a game.

It's really not about grr I'm really alpha but society won't let me

>> No.8097445

>The Way of Men is in the ironpill chart
>has no clue about the goldenpill

>> No.8097451

> He shuts down the idea that a stay at home dad who chauffeurs the kids around all day is good at being a man.

>Also the idea that the reason thwre is such an adverse reaction to gays among males is that flamboyantly gay men, by acting feminine, openly denounce and reject the status quo and thereby threaten the functionality of the tribe or community

You realize that "flamboyantly gay" men are the minority in the homosexual community?

>> No.8097457
File: 479 KB, 1083x769, da homos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i get recommended Way of Men and Yurope every time I open amazon despite owning them both.
it;s like amazon is telling me to read them again

>> No.8097510

Gay man here. No they aren't. They are the overwhelming majority. Why do you think gay men are 90% bottoms? Why they universally fetishize "straight-acting"/"masculine" men?

>> No.8097577

Wouls you mind explaining your point?
E.g. going through the Prussian virtues, Courage and Honor strikes me of the weakest morals. It's something you want to have in others around you, but why in yourself, really?

>> No.8097879
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On good men vs those who are 'good at being a man, take a look at these passages:

There is a difference between being a good man and being good at being a man. Being a good man has to do with ideas about morality, ethics, religion, and behaving productively within a given civilizational structure. Being good at being a man is about showing other men that you are the kind of guy they’d want on their team if the shit hits the fan.

To protect and serve their own interests, the wealthy and privileged have used feminists and pacifists to promote a masculinity that has nothing to do with being good at being a man, and everything to do with being what they consider a “good man.” Their version of a good man is isolated from his peers, emotional, effectively impotent, easy to manage, and tactically inept.
Flamboyant doesn't always mean colorful, loud and obnoxious. It is very easy to tell if a man is gay - whether he intentionally or involuntarily gives off the indications varies, but usually when somebody comes out of the closet there's a reason their circle of friends and family are not surprised. To add to Jack Donovan's views on homosexuality, I suggest reading this passage:

Flamboyant dishonor is not a failure of strength or courage. Men who are flamboyant dishonorable are flagrant in their disregard for the esteem of their male peers. What we often call effeminacy is a theatrical rejection of masculine hierarchy and manly virtues. Masculinity is religious, and flamboyantly dishonorable men are blasphemers. Flamboyant dishonor is an insult to the core values of the male group. Flamboyant dishonor is an openly expressed lack of concern for one's reputation for strength, courage and mastery within the context of an honor group comprised primarily of other men... Flamboyant dishonor is a little bit like walking into that room full of men who are trying to get better at jiu-jitsu and insisting that they stop what they are doing and pay attention to your fantastic new tap-dancing routine. The flamboyantly dishonorable man seeks attention for something the male group doesn't value, or which isn't appropriate at a given time.

>> No.8097894

I hate how fkn shit lit is

>> No.8098669

I agree. When I was younger and trying to figure out what being a man meant, I read this. It was a good start. I enjoy some of his speeches in A Sky Without Eagles.

He always comes off as a pretentious asshole in interviews.

>> No.8098799

He is a cocksucker.