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/lit/ - Literature

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8088853 No.8088853 [Reply] [Original]

So in all honesty, what does /lit/ think of this guy?

>> No.8088858
File: 13 KB, 197x256, Fuck Off faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8088866

Same as we thought yesterday, last week, last month, last year. I wonder if it'll change overnight?

>> No.8088875

He's a hack.

>> No.8088880

>He is shit because of his popularity

>> No.8088884

He's entertaining, writes three-dimensional characters, but isn't a prose stylist.

I'd rather read him than Tolkien.

>> No.8088891
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his cap makes him look as a patron of the blue oyster bar

>> No.8088901

I like his books, but I think the cult of personality that formed around him is stupid. People who actually give a shit about the author probably aren't actually into lit. Also see Orson Scott Card.

>> No.8088906
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His work is a hybrid of fedora-tier faggotry and Joss Whedon pandering. Kudos to him for putting forth the vigor required to build a fictional world complete with a map and a timeline, but genuine effort does not a genius or great art make.

>gratuitous, pointless, unsexy sex and big boy cuss words in every other sentence to make it """adult"""
>M. Night Shymanamanamalan tier tweeeests
>le gurls can be murderous "heroes" 2!!! plus cliché poetic justice for anyone who thinks otherwise
>loudmouth, unsophisticated meme author who unironically wears that fucking bdsm gay guy hat everywhere

Equating it with 50 Shades of Gray would be an exaggeration, but it's definitely not /lit/. Even in its own genre it's subpar.

>> No.8088907

I read the trilogy, I read The Hobbit, I even read The Silmarillion. Tolkien is not a very good writer. I love the universe, I hate the prose.

>> No.8088934


Oh, I didn't mean to imply otherwise. Lots of people like Tolk for his worldbuilding, the mythological aspect, and his linguistic stuff, though. Personally I don't care about any of that; character and style are what matter most to me.

>> No.8088943

Even in the barren hell that is the fantasy genre he's very mediocre. He writes good TV though.

>> No.8089017

He's functional.

Would rather read Gene Wolfe desu

>> No.8090203

He's a modern Tolkien

>> No.8090341

terrible writer prose wise, but good overall setting and characters when it comes to GOT. I havent gotten into the other books, I've only read a portion of the first and could not bring my self to finish it, but the world was interesting.

>> No.8090916
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>time travel plots

>> No.8090923

Fat Fuck

>> No.8091072

I've never read the books, only seen two and a half seasons of the show. Honestly I think George had his dick in his hand every second he was writing. The whole think is a power fantasy.
One character distinctly the smartest, no other distinguishable traits
One character distinctly the biggest and strongest, no other distinguishable traits
One character distinctly the best sword fighter, no other distinguishable traits
One character distinctly the most evil, no other distinguishable traits.
Now watch them fight and fuck bitches.

>> No.8091085

How different are the books to the television series?
I'm looking for better characterisation with more depth.

>> No.8091179


The books are basically the show but with more detailed worldbuilding, deeper characters and more logical plot developments.

>> No.8091206

whenever I see one of these threads I just post this video and leave without reading the OP or any of the posts. I think I'll stay here for a bit, though. Do any of you squirt per chance?

>> No.8091226

you sir, are fucking retarded

>> No.8091253

He's pretty good at world building, and though I love his books the sex scenes are a bit meh.

>> No.8091256

/mu/ pls leave

>> No.8091311

Elegant. I like how you didn't just called me retarded, you specified that I was "fucking" retarded, so that there would be no misunderstanding as to where I was missing the brilliance of George's writing. Clearly his brand of masturbatory aids is for only the high-minded.

>> No.8091325


>> No.8091326

ASOFAI is good but not great fantasy for the first three books. After that it falls apart.

>> No.8091329
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>> No.8091344

his books read like television put to paper which is why got is so popular.

>> No.8091352

Balzac also wrote cock in hand, this is a valid method as long as you don't cum until you're done writing for the day.

>> No.8091362

thanks for putting your trip back on, kitty

>> No.8091372

He honored his ballsack.

>> No.8091385

I really like the books.

That said I wish he would get off his fat ass and write. It's disgusting the amount of time he takes and is taking.

Not to mention the fat fuck told his wife to burn his notes if he kicks the bucket which considering his lardy ass is any day now

>> No.8091400

Orson Scott card is excellent. Enders game easily second best sci-fi of all time second only to starship troopers

>> No.8091404

And more characters dead/alive than tv series. Which make a massive differences to the story like more Dragon cunts

>> No.8091407

I dislike his books, they're not the sort of trash that I can enjoy.

If you do enjoy his books, that's fine, just so long as you realize they're quite trashy.

>> No.8091466
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Genuinely love the Song of Fire and Ice series. Just wish he would finish them before he dies of a heart attack.

>> No.8091522

Yes. I loved Ender's game as well and Starship Troopers is one of my favorite books. I like most of Card's scifi, its a shame so many people get put off by his personal views which I don't even see in his books.

>> No.8091872

Scott Card made a couple of mildly homophobic remarks that wouldn't have even been noticed pre-tumblr. I agree, good writer and if he is somehow lacking as a person it doesnt show in his work. Heinlein was a proud fascist and one the worst writers ever published. Boring right wing drivel.

>> No.8092211

You guys never read ASOIAF, right?

>> No.8092258

>I've never read the books, only seen two and a half seasons of the show.
Just like all you haters.

>> No.8092745

>Not to mention the fat fuck told his wife to burn his notes if he kicks the bucket which considering his lardy ass is any day now

Considering what happened to The Wheel of Time, I support this decision.

The wife won't do it anyway, too much money to be had by having some other hack finish the thing, hell maybe even Sanderson himself.

>> No.8092749

>Heinlein was a proud fascist and one the worst writers ever published. Boring right wing drivel.

Not really tho, Heinlein's views were a little more complicated and nuanced than that and they visibly changed and evolved throughout his life.

I agree on his books being mostly excuses to preach whatever ideology he was into at that moment, but Starship Troopers is still good.

>> No.8092776
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I read Sandkings due to a suggestion here and it was pretty fucking good, but I have zero interest in his big medieval fantasy work.