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8087720 No.8087720 [Reply] [Original]

My name is Anon, and I'm an addict.

This is getting out of control, /lit/. I've been reading during every free moment but I'm still buying much faster than I could possibly read. How do you all fight the temptation to keep buying all the books you want? I always justify it by saying "I'd buy them eventually anyway" but it is out of control. My current backlog is now around 100 books.

This is just this week's haul (minus four more that aren't with me right now).

>> No.8087726
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Fucking 4chan and the rotated pics.

>> No.8087734

I just stop buying books, you fucking idiot.

>> No.8087738
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lol this is fucking retarded.

>> No.8087744

Just keep buying them. I have shitloads of books that I haven't read and I've already laid claim to the entire library at home. I steal books every time I go back and put them on the shelves at my place.

And my Dad can go fuck himself for putting the entire set of Harvard Classics my grandmother gave me in his garage and letting half of them get ruined by mold. "Oh you don't have space for them at your apartment, I'll keep them for you"

>> No.8087748

I don't see anything wrong other than your taste and inability to post pictures properly. I also have a perpetually growing backlog and it makes me happy to know I have such a choice when I choose the next book.

>> No.8087767


Oh you're no fun anymore!

>> No.8087778

I have a friend whose parents are English professors, actual readers, not pseuds, and their house has thousands of books. The basement, the living room, the study, the guest bedroom, the attic - all have packed bookshelves. Obviously they haven't read them all. They do the same thing you do, they buy faster than they read. Their kitchen table always has a stack of the latest acquisitions. Just call yourself a collector, or think about your kids. If you buy well-made books, you can pass them on to the next generation. You're putting together a personal library. As long as you're buying good books, I say don't sweat it, as long as you really do read, it's not a big deal.

>> No.8087802
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also: I love how OP has managed to post all three picture orientations of a stack of books which do NOT show (the most common version) of Spine-matter, to which the finer middle volumes are exceptions, in a right-side-up fashion. Even when he appears to have stacked them vertically on a table a la pic related.

What makes it even funnier is that although I an not a cell-phone pro, I would imagine that most cell-phone pictures are "default" portrait-orientation jpgs, so that you would merely have to point and shoot. But the alternate orientation of OP's more impressive looking middle-volumes seems to have deeply confused him to the point that he never posted what would otherwise be the most natural version of the picture.

>> No.8087812

I intended the pic to be that way (and it showed up that way in my photos) but then posted like it did in the first pic. I then rotated it to where I thought it would post the way they are stacked but then it posted in the orientation I actually turned it to. Then I said fuck it and put them like they would appear on a shelf.

Thats my story and I'm sticking to it.

>> No.8087827


No no, that's awesome. It's better that you don't post the fourth option by this point. :^D

also tbqh as long as you actually read and don't go broke I agree with the other guy.

>> No.8087832

>its an OP posts upside down picture of books episode

>> No.8087834


You know that great books exist outside of the memes, right? I've read some of every author in that stack except for Frank Delaney. The other seven are all fantastic authors and Delaney won me over with his Joyce podcast so I decided to give him a shot.

>> No.8087849


>> No.8087850

wat do ya think yer doin there boyo

>> No.8087853

Terrifying. I get obsessed with figuring out what book to buy next, making lists and thinking about it so much it hurts - going over and over again what book I should buy, scratching that one, then regretting it, making some changes here and there - that it also takes the fun out of my current reading, sometimes getting stuck in my head repeating the list of books that I will buy next, so that my reading is completely joyless. I lie in my bed sometimes while reading and I just look up at the shelf and stare at some of the books.

>> No.8087860

everyone does this

Just don't go over 3:1 unread/read ratio or PseudMan comes in the night and rapes your mother with halfhard cock

>> No.8087894


>that sweet feel when a) my excellent prose gets under "Chet's" skin, and b) "Chet" knows I'm right about what I actually wrote, the most important thing

>> No.8087907
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How'd I do

>> No.8087919

I like that one on the bottom left.

>> No.8087931

It's an everyman Moby dick

>> No.8087941


>non-annotated moby dick

you fucked up

enjoy googling what a mizzen-mast is

>> No.8087951



>> No.8088000

What edition of the Hart Crane is that?

>> No.8088014

Was literally just a dollar

>> No.8088017


OP I have about 60 books out from the library right now. I have probably 100 unread books on my shelf. I have to sell give away read books every once and a while to make room, I always save my favourites though. Girls love a big shelf, don't let the jealous kindle shelflets on here give you the wrong idea.


Ayyy I've been meaning to read The Gallery for while now.

>> No.8088022

lol loser

this is some reddit-style posting

>> No.8088038

You don't recognize a Library of America spine? There's 3 others touching it in that picture alone.

>> No.8088045

Library of America
ISBN: 978-1-931082-99-0
I hadn't seen it before so all I had was a crappy little paperback printing of The Bridge that I paid the same amount for as I did for this edition.

>> No.8088048

I have that set, the translations are public domain tier bad and the faux leather cover cracks like nothing. And there's stuff like how Don Quixote is the first part only. The English poetry three set is dope though.

>> No.8088049

I have the same problem. I usually just avoid book shops, and then get rid of the books I've no plans of reading.

>> No.8089391

I didn't even know that a library would let you check out 60 books.

>> No.8089526

Is The Gallery supposed to be good? I stumbled on it in a used book store when I picked up the nearest NYRB to tell my friend about the publisher, and had never heard of it so I put it back.

>> No.8089532

If you have the money to blow that often then I don't see an issue.

>> No.8089577

It doesn't even have to be much money. I rarely spend more than $50 a month on books and I have ~1,200 books now.

>> No.8089584

I'd estimate that I spend around $50/week on books. Typically it is weeks at $0 or $15 and then weeks at $100 or more. Three weeks ago I spent around $200 in a span of three days.

>> No.8089626

Are you buying new or used? How many books do you have total now?

>> No.8089628

>my excellent prose

>> No.8089642

You just described what I do all the time. I always start speeding up the amount of reading I do when I get to the end of a book just so I can start a new book again. And then halfway or sometimes not even halfway through it I already start thinking about the next book I'm going to read.

On the other hand, I have my buying addiction under control now. I still make lists and fret over what I want to buy next, but then I look at my backlog and simply tell myself no, you still have all these other books to finish first. Cue the closure of about 10 tabs on bookdepository.com. It takes some discipline, but I've got it working now.

>> No.8089649

Both. I buy most of my books at Half Price and other used stores when I can. Sometimes I want a particular edition or a hard to find book so then I have to spend a little more and get it from Abe or eBay.

I haven't been at this long since I only recently came into enough money to afford the habit. Before I would buy as I read or even borrow from friends and family. I'm currently at a little over 300 but growing rapidly.

>> No.8089660
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Library card + kindle

Saves you a bunch of money. I still buy books, especially long ones, but I'm so glad I have both kindle and library membership -- there are so many books that I ended up not caring about/disliking that I wouldn't want on my shelf.

(Also, if you gonna end up buying anyway, look for preowned items and other deals. Finding textbooks for $3-5 is awesome).

>> No.8089687

>there are so many books that I ended up not caring about/disliking that I wouldn't want on my shelf.
seems like you're just really bad at choosing what to read

>> No.8089724

sounds like you dont actually read alot, or are reading summer reading tier "safe" classics.

>> No.8089753

not really

>> No.8089931

Good luck with it, anon. HPB is great; it's pretty easy to get 10% off perpetually. Be sure to post in bookshelf threads so we can vicariously enjoy your progress.

>> No.8089936

LOL you're both such jaded fools

>> No.8090742

>I have about 60 books out from the library right now.
I know that feel all too well

50 out (the max) from local library system, 75ish from the an open-borrowing-partner county library, 10 (max) from my uni.

My room is p small, so I have a bookshelf stacked on my dresser, and even then I have around 200 books stacked up on the floor, probably an 8'x5'x4' display (though I'm bad at spatial awareness so that's prob very off)

>> No.8090778

I don't get this at all. Why would you check out 135 books from the library? Isn't that just preventing other people from reading them, some for months on end?

>> No.8090953


>tfw you have unlimited access to university library, can check out books for a year at a time and renew them indefinitely because you work there
>but if they email you saying someone requests one of your books you have to return it
>tfw they have an email address that you don't even remember the password to
>tfw house full of fat hardcover books from the uni library
>tfw playing a dangerous game

>> No.8090955

This is how I stop buying books.

Not having money

>> No.8091134
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I know this addiction. I ended up in a used book shop today and left $100 poorer. Snagged this 1st/1st though. Think I got ripped off on it but I wanted to support the store.

>> No.8091144

I hope, for your sake, you didn't pay too much for that. I picked up the exact same edition at my local "friends of the library" for 25¢.

They're mostly run by old people who don't want to be alone all day but don't know much about books.

>> No.8091153

1st printing in Fine condition? If so, you got a good deal (and real ripped someone off). I think the real value is probably around $25. I paid a little more than that. Cool store though that I really hope stays in business.

>> No.8091155

You got me there: it'd been baking in the sun for weeks before I picked it up. Also, the dust jacket flaps were taped (fucking...taped!) to the inside cover.

>> No.8091181

No you didn't, you wanted to satisfy your vanity by having a first edition

>> No.8091213

I have plenty of first editions. I'm saying it was overpriced FOR a first edition. I could have got the same online for less.

Not all of us are NEETs, anon. Some of us enjoy collecting nice things. My weakness is books but I make good money so I can afford it.

>> No.8091408

I've never bought a book in my life.

>mfw the normies bought into the irl book meme

>> No.8091492
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My uni library lets me sign out an unlimited amount of books, I have to renew them online every two weeks. I can renew a book 99 times before it has to go back. I have a great library.


I haven't read it, but the review it got here:


Made me want to read it.


I just get scared at the thought of having to bring them all back at once for some reason. If I ever forgot to renew them I would get massacred with late charges on 60 books.


If someone want to read the book you have out, they can recall it and you have to return it by the due date.

>mfw I do this to someone

>> No.8091507
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Become stupider. Play a video game.

>> No.8092025

Thanks for posting the same picture until you got it right side up. I couldn't even figure out what the fuck I was looking at in the first two.

>> No.8092050

It was more of a game for me than for your benefit so fuck off.

This thread never went anywhere so let's just repurpose it as a "recent purchases" thread.

>> No.8092059
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>tfw giant used bookstore near me with cheap as fuck prices ($1-3 usually per book)
>tfw sick good feeling when shopping there because supporting a nice old guy who runs it himself
>tfw buy stacks and don't have a bookshelf
>Books lying around small room in bags
>Only read 1 at a time
>Worried about him dying or going out of business

>> No.8092073

Some day, when I have enough money that I don't need any more, I'm going to be that old guy running a used book shop.

>> No.8092078

This guy has so much shit it's barely categorized. There are general genre sections (Place is so big there are multiple for each genre and sub-genre), but no author or title ordering. No real store inventory.

I've got plenty of expensive books there for almost nothing. Got $54 worth of book for $20 just last week

>> No.8093168

That's more or less how the place I went to was. They had some organization ("this section if for Gs but not alphabetized") but not much. Also no catalog system at all I spent forever in there just going over the selves. They had too many books for the shelf space so they were tucked away on top or placed facing outward, blocking all the books behind. It was a mess but it was fun.

>> No.8093309


you're a faggot dude.

>> No.8093322
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>go to the local bookstore
>buy tons of used books all the time and they always have "new" stuff
>also buy paper and pencils there which is nice because no art stores around
>go there this week because haven't gone in a couple of months
>it's gone and it's been replaced with yet another clothing store for women

>> No.8093626


>still getting upset (You)s


>> No.8093642

whenever I hear people talk about this I mentally categorize them as "people who like to be thought of as readers" (vs. actual readers)

not a sermon, just a thought