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/lit/ - Literature

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8083371 No.8083371 [Reply] [Original]

Me at 16: I'm going to be the next James Joyce.
Me at 25: I hope I'm good enough to be published by somebody.

How have your expectations changed, /lit/?

>> No.8083381

In the similar fashion. I'm still determined I'll write something good, but I now understand the fatuity of comparing myself to or hoping one day to measure up to the likes of Joyce, Faulkner, etc.

>> No.8083406

Me at 18: Got this awesome idea for a book; if I practice writing short stories then when I get older I'll be good enough at writing to do my idea justice.
Me at 26: Fuck, it didn't work.

>> No.8083407

art isn't a competition

>> No.8083419
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>> No.8083447

if you spent 9 years writing instead of worrying about your ability to write you would have something published

>> No.8083458

You sure you're talkin to me and not yourself?

>> No.8083475

>me at 18
I'm going to be a literature professor adored by my students and admired by my family.

>me at 26
If I get this TAship, I'll be ecstatic.

>> No.8083491


>> No.8083505

what is another human if not a reflection of yourself? im merely communicating with myself via christ consciousness, hijacking your mind to use as a proxy so as to filter the information and feed it back to me in a form more palatable than the harsh words my own thoughts are heavy with.

>> No.8083537


>> No.8083543

Me at 11: I have no desire to do or become anything in life
Me at 16: I have no desire to do or become anything in life
Me at 22: I have no desire to do or become anything in life

>> No.8083548

>me at 18: write first poem
>me at 19: start speaking with irish accent
>me at 22: get eyepatch
>me at 25: develop fart fetish
am i genius yet?

>> No.8083565

this basically.

>> No.8083566


>> No.8083594
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Me at 16: Im gonna read Ulysses
Me at 25: Well, its gonna happen someday

>> No.8083755


>> No.8083793


>me at 16: I'm going to be a famous fantasy author like R.A. Salvatore and J.R.R. Tolkien
>me at 24: I'm going to write weird fantasy like China Mieville and magical realism like Gabriel Garcia Marquez

>> No.8083915

Ah yes, the old "the more words you put on paper, regardless of the mental state you were in while doing it, the better a writer of literature will you become"

>> No.8083923

Me at 16: Golly Gosh i sure do luuuurve reading
Me at 20: Golly Gosh i sure do luuuurve reading and writing

>> No.8083971

Me at 16: I:m going to be a surgeon and marry into wealth

Me at 24: if I write sad unhinged poems I can deal with neurotic women dumping me and also have more sex with neurotic women

Everything is now about chaining together a series of destructive affairs. Remember, if you dress well and write, you're not an aspie, you're eccentric or at least can convince women this for a couple weeks at a time

>> No.8083996

Me at 16: I'm better than other people
Me Now: I am demonstrably better than other people

>> No.8084002


That's pretty much me except I somehow always expected it would happen this way.

>> No.8084416

Sometimes I wish I had the same gusto when I was 5. I used to shit out tonnes of random stories with the most bizarre plots. In school I never even did whatever I was supposed to be doing.

>> No.8084427

>Me at 16

Horror books and LSD and the grateful dead are cool

>Me in my 20s

Postmodern novels and ketamine and the disco biscuits are cool

>> No.8084449

>me at 16:
can't wait to be a lawyer and a senator later on in life

>me at 20:
so if i finish my highly experimental 1k page debut next year that gives me about 2 years to rewrite it. oops time to send him some stories to magazines now

>> No.8084491

Me at 12: I'm going to write a Star Wars/Harry Potter ripoff.

Me at 16: I'm going to write an awesome steam punk fantasy adventure story!

Me at 18: I'll probably never finish it and making money on writing is an unrealistic dream. Might as well go STEM.

Me at 19: Well STEM isn't working out, but I still like to write. Oh look 4chan has a book board. I miss reading and writing.

Me at 20: I'm going to build on what McCarthy was doing in Blood Meridian. I'm going to define a new genre of literary fiction.

Me at 21: I'm going to finish this fucking book by 25 or I am going to kill myself. Everything else is fucked.

Me at 22: Back at a different STEM degree. I just want life not to be hell, but that is too much to ask. I'm so alone. Reading is my only peace.Still trying to write. Working as hard with little expectation. Still plan to probably kill myself at 25 if my life is still hell.

>> No.8084503

>the truth

>> No.8084784

MXE > Ketamine

>> No.8084843

me at 16: i'm going to be in the NBA (im a 5 foot 10 white guy btw)
me at 25: nuff said

>> No.8084861
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same here

>> No.8084872

past me: I'm gonna do something great one day
me now: I'd probably be okay with being known by a small group of people
future me: I'll just keep it to myself

>> No.8084876

oh shit, whats up Dellavedova

>> No.8084879

not so fast kid,
you're wrong!

>> No.8084920

me at 17: I'ma be like if Slavoj Zizek wrote great fiction on the side
me at 20: social criticism is a bunch of guys jerking themselves off, literature is a bunch of henry millers congratulating themselves for being cooler than all the people around them... I'm just gonna study math and analytic philosophy and try to go to grad school
me at 23: is it boring to be an actuary? maybe I can just retire young

>> No.8084930

Me at 18: I'm going to travel the world with just the clothes on my back and a little money and read and enjoy life. I'm going to go through SE Asia and Latin America and wherever my path takes me and have adventures and see where that takes me.

Me at 22: I am so lonely. I miss my ex-girlfriend so much. She left me 2 months ago. I want another woman in my life. I need another woman, a new steady girlfriend. I want a new companion, but I need money if I realistically want this. I need an apartment, money to go on dates, money for my car payments. To get money and be attractive to a new woman, I need to go to grad school and get my Master's degree because I chose a Geology BS. To go to grad school, I need to give up on my plans to travel and see the world. I am torn and lost and I don't know what to do. I am torn between the only 2 desires I have in life: Women or Adventure. Because realistically, I can't have both.

>> No.8084937

me at 14: I'm going to write a masterpiece to show the world my life meant something

me at 16: I should try and get an interest in reading first

me now: Screw the writing

>> No.8084964

me at 16: I like writing whoo look at me
me at 16.5: lol I have nothing to say
me at 22: Well sir I am a detail-oriented team player with outstanding communication skills and a great attitude

>> No.8084985
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>Well sir I am a detail-oriented team player with outstanding communication skills and a great attitude

>> No.8084993
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These threads always scare me. I've always considered myself talented with words and language and hope one day I can aspire with it, but threads like this make it seem like everyone else thinks they're just as naturally gifted as I do.

>> No.8084995

me at 14: school is killing me i need to start writing things down
me at 16: maybe i could go into like the arts or something
me at 17: or maybe it would just be easier to go into journalism since everyone wants me to go to college
me at 18: journalism is okay but i could just drop out and i would rather have a book than a degree anyway
me at 20: oh shit i think i have an idea for a book i'd hate to wake up 25 without that
me at 21: oh shit this could really come together
me at 22: oh god real life is tearing me apart i hope i survive long enough to finish this

>> No.8084998

I had some thoughts when I was young about writing, then they started making me write in school and I lost what little passion I had for it. I regained it a bit for short times in high school and college. I'm not a writer at heart though, I can describe things and I can try to impose feels but I always ramble and I never have ideas-- I did, sometimes, when I was in school, but I always forgot them.
That's OK though, my thing is writing programs. I never had ideas for that either but now I finally do and life is good.

>> No.8085006

most people think that about a few things, and they're often wrong and later forget they thought they were good unless something reminds them
it stands to reason most of your traditional book-type nerds have thought it about writing once or twice, if not continuously, and, well, here we are

>> No.8085013
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>me at 17
i should study computer science
>me at 18
I should study economics
>me at 19
I should study math
>me at 20
I should have been literature all along. It's the only think I ever cared about

oh well, I'll just finish my economics degree and keep attending literature classes
I doubt I'll ever be famous but I don't really care. I just want to have financial stability and be able to pursue my passions without the hindrance of money, which is truly worthless.

thus I've matured, I think

>> No.8085015

>western literature is dead, you should only spend your time reading the canon
>yeah I'm going to write a masterpiece one day

Pick precisely one

>> No.8085022

>literature is dead
only illiterates say this, and who cares about them?

>> No.8085035

>one day I can aspire with it
>can aspire with it
>aspire with

>> No.8085067

not the same guy but I don't know if anybody can write a book anymore. I couldn't think of any reason why this would be, but open a fresh contemporary classic and you will find the heavy handed work of the over-appreciated kids who can't get six pages without mentioning post colonial issues or reaching for literary allusions. maybe it is all the scholarship these poor saps read

>> No.8085094
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our language is being taken in fresh directions..

have you taken a contemporary literature class at your university? You actually get good exposure to the new authors
even 50 years ago now we had nabokov, pynchon, dfw, then more recently I like one native american writer in california and malcolm gladwell, levitt, ben fountain
like it seems that people who don't like contemporary lit just haven't read it, to me at least.

And I definitely don't trust people on /lit/ to give new movement's a read, that's for sure. So obsessed with appearance they miss the joy of reading and exploring this enormous community
which is fine, of course. I don't expect anything from this website, it's anonymous

>> No.8085121


i think i wanna be a writer


i wanna be a writer

just submitted my first short story to try and get published. Old english teache rhas been kind enough to edit my 'first" novel for me atm

i hope i make you proud lit

>> No.8085139
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>Me at 16: I want to understand Schopenhauer
>Me at 25: I am the last hope of philosophy, the living successor of Fredrich Nietzsche. Everything depends on me.

>> No.8085151


>> No.8085156


Just wait

War is coming

>> No.8085160

>me at 16: literally everything is gay
>me at 25: regularly enacting dominance patrols to ensure the enemy is not given the privilege of mastery over the domain, deploying IEDs in high traffic areas and strongholds, and manufacturing powder and chemical explosives for personal use and sale to other resistance fighters

>> No.8085167


Me at 16: Would be nice if something I wrote was one day published somewhere.
Me at 21: I'm not very good, but I'm doing my best to improve.

>> No.8085174

Me at 16: Holy shit, writing fanfiction is fun as fuck, maybe I should be a writer.
Me at 25: I like writing, but I'm not sure it's what I want to do to with my life. I may want to do something else.
Me at 30: I can't not write.

>> No.8085186


>> No.8085195

Me at 16: I don't know what I want to do with my life.
Me at 19: I'm going to be a musician because I like writing songs and playing music.

Me at 21: I'm grounded by crippling anxiety and the idea of going on tour scares the hell out of me. This is as far as I will ever be able to go with music.

Me at 23: I have no one except my writing. And I'm reasonably happy. Reasonably optimistic about it. But I know failure is imminent. I would like to die but suicide scares me too much.

>> No.8085199
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>> No.8085202

Me at 16: Think I might jerk off. I don't feel like doing homework; then again, I never feel like doing homework. I'm tired. I suck.

>> No.8085206

By the age of sixteen I had master the typewriter to the blinding speed of thirty words a minute. At which time I took an odd sense of respect for those who chose to sit behind said device voluntarily. I was the last class at my school to ever see a typewriter.

By the age of twenty-five or so, online gaming had created within me, we will say, "a sense of obligation". When it came to the use of the 108, being somewhat expressive, my need to communicate rose. To both those I have defeated in battle as well as those who were indeed the 'just one more' I lost to before retiring for the evening; I needed to share.


Then I hit my mid thirties. I've written two novels, and have about three chapters into 4 others. Nothing published yet, but an accumulated mass just shy of half of a million words.

I'll publish something. When I find the time. Too busy writing.

>> No.8085216

Me at 16: This music thing is going great, my little summer tours have gone so well! I'll major in performance to keep this going.
Me at 18: Music theory sucks the joy out of music, but I'm enjoying this writing thing.
Me at 19: I'll be the next Hemingway!
Me at 23 (now): I hope I can make it past publishing in these smaller mags. Editing is a worthy pursuit, and I know I'm good at it. Maybe if I get fed up with the lack of success.

>> No.8085222

Mark Twain said it best,

"Writing is easy, you just cross out the shit words."

inb5 snarky comments

>> No.8085588

Definitely an improvement

>> No.8085598
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id love to be able to have ambitions and things like that
i spent most of my energy trying to convince myself to go outside occasionally to buy groceries so i wont die
whats it like to live a real life

>> No.8085669

Me at now: suicide is looking more inviting every minute

>> No.8085677

If any of you coyld go back to being sixteen again, what would you change to make this a reality?

>> No.8085681

Finish high school early instead of piddling around with a less-than-half day the last year, not choose the safe option of going to a nearby community college first, actually send out applications to major schools, forego a relationship and its requisite drama until well into graduate school.

>> No.8085689

None of that shit matters as long as you read and write consistently (obsessively). You will learn very little about writing in a creative writing program, much less a graduate one.

You can blame no one but yourself for not being great, and the glorified excuses you've listed here are not sufficient.

>> No.8085696

I'm not one of the people who wanted to write (creatively, at least). I'm >>8083475.

I'm fairly sure all of what I mentioned would have helped me become a professor faster, and a better one too, probably.

>> No.8085719

Yup, sorry I misidentified you.

>> No.8085745

me at 01:35: Joyce is to me as flatulence is the roaring brass trumpet, I am become writer - the creator of worlds.

me at 02:40 Oh man at least I didn't email this to anyone.

>> No.8085756


Same here. How do I recover my childhood's creative energy, /lit/?

>> No.8085764
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>Me at 16: Oh man, I have this awesome idea for a book!

>Me at 18: Geez, I've got all these ideas but for some reason I find no joy or fulfillment in my attempts to actually write novellas or short stories.

>Me at 21: Oh, I just vastly prefer worldbuilding to constructing a narrative. I guess I better start running D&D campaigns and making video games?

Turned out to be a great choice honestly. I'm far more content to just dream up worlds and civilizations for my players than I was while trying to be the next Big Thing in literature, and learning how to program and model 3D objects has been very interesting and fun.

>> No.8085775

>I am happy and stuff now
Depression soon.

>> No.8085780

Nope! Never had it before and the last three generations of my family are clear of it - my chances of acquiring that particular mental illness.

Anxiety, on the other hand...

>> No.8085781

>my chances of acquiring that particular mental illness are exceedingly low*

Aww geez, can't believe I forgot that part.

>> No.8085783

My expectations haven't changed much.

At 16 I had no idea what I nwated to do with my life and now at 26 I have no idea still.

I have thoughts about being a filmmaker but I can't start writing or practicing so that probably won't happen. I also don't read enough.

>> No.8085798

me at 18: It doesn't matter if I go to school because my writing will be good enough to sustain a career in the medium. With this short story I will be the next Kafka.
me at 19: I should get a degree so I can sustain myself as I pour my heart into writing. This story's longer than the Metamorphosis
me at 20: School is tedious work, but it will pay off because I love writing enough to sacrifice temporary pleasure. With this new job in academia I will build my experience. Why can't I finish this story, God?
me at 21: This job and work has taught me a lot about what I intend to do within the field of academia. This novel will be finished soon, and whether or not the fruits of my labor will nourish me, I know and understand that they will be sweet-smelling to you O God.

>> No.8085826


I'd kill myself and get it over with.

>> No.8085830

I wrote some shit because I was bored and got it published because I wanted weed money lmao
Reading and writing is mostly for fags though.

>> No.8085860

me at 16: I'm going to write a book
me at 18: ... fuck it I'll get around to it.

>> No.8086179
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I finished my novel a few months ago. At first I tried sending it out to publishers but then I realized I needed an agent. Now I'm trying to write short stories using the same characters in the novel to get my name out there.
I just want somebody to say it's worth publishing, that it's good. I don't mind working on the short stories because I'm having fun with them, but I know my book is good, I wouldn't have spent three years working on it in between uni classes if I didn't think it had potential.
Why, publishing gods?

>> No.8086699

Does anyone know how to get into editing? I'm not much of a writer but I'm great and finding flaws in writing and I like doing it.

>> No.8086714

More than likely you'll do an internship first, during/after your Bachelors. A lot of publishing houses offer them.

>> No.8086728

16: I'm a writer.
18: I'm a pretty good writer.
24: Man, I'm an awful writer.

>> No.8086766

>they're just as naturally gifted as I do.
Made me reply

>> No.8086779

How did you learn 3D modelling? What program do you use?

>> No.8086789

Me at 12: I got this cool idea that never goes anywhere
Me at 16: I'm overly confident in my abilities
Me at [CURRENT AGE]: I've acco mplished nothing and use /lit/

>> No.8086845

>You will learn very little about writing in a creative writing program, much less a graduate one.

How true is this? Say my life goal is to become a first rate writer, why shouldn't I get educated to be one? What about the connections getting a writing degree would give me?

>> No.8086879

>bachelor's degree
whoa whoa whoa what gave you the idea I have money or that I wanted a degree in... whatever it is you're thinking of, instead of an engineering discipline
I just thought editing would be good until I can get to what I really want to do

>> No.8086888

Me at 15: I'm going to be the American Shakespeare.
Me at 20: I'll settle for the next Dave Eggers.
Me at 25: *types 'good synonym' into google*

>> No.8086930
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Me at 16: Why arent girls having sexual intercourse with me
Met at 18: Didnt that Nietzsche fella say something cool and profound about suicide once
Me at 22: Well read people always seem to be so smug. I want to be smug.
Me at 24: Welp fell for another /lit/ meme book, only took up 6 months of my life.
Me at 26: If I keep reading this book, and never put it down I will never have to face my black dog again

>> No.8086938

Did I post here and forget?

I relate a lot with you anon, but I diidn't change majors. Still losing my mind on the same STEM major for 3 years already.

>> No.8086989

>me at 20
Maybe I'll do some writing on the side and self publish in Amazon e-books.
>me at 24
Maybe I'll do some writing on the side and self publish in Amazon e-books.

>> No.8087277

You just know he hit that. John Green gettin' all the prime pussy.

>> No.8087318

Me at 11: I'll read all this perverse/forbidden stuff aww yea

Me at 14: I'm going to be the next great Marxist scholar

Me at 14.5: I know I read Rabinowich's three texts, Trotsky's Revolution Betrayed, and various anarchist essays on the degeneration (or false promise, depending) of the soviet union last summer, but I can probably avoid repeating that B on my Animal Farm paper by communicating better

Me at 15: I hope I quickly find a way to keep irresponsible and malevolent teachers from exploiting impossibly vague rubrics to assfuck my future

Me at 16: I'll just do STEMshit because this problem would only get worse in academia

Me at 17: I hope I get the fuck out of here before my cunt SJW teacher finds another way to cynically exploit the disciplinary process to punish me for my materialist critiques of intersectionality and my desire to liberalize drug policy, and without saying anything with the barest bit of insight about Brecht's Galileo lest I push her to confront her own contradictions with the self-awareness of a shoelace.

Me at 18: I'll be fine with the extremely liberal college I've chosen; this intersectional pseudo-leftist garbage is just a passing fad anyway and the physical sciences are completely apolitical regardless. I'm sure nobody gives shit grades for political reasons here.

>Gamergate ensues

Me at 19: I hope these allegations blow over

Me at 19.5: I hope I can find a school that will respect me as a human being

Me at 20: I hope I can stop feeling like shit long enough to read again or submit more applications

>> No.8087340

Me at 16: I'm going to be the next Dennis Bergkamp.
Me at 19: Why did you take me knees away, God?
Me at 24: I'm going to be good enough to make a living off writing/editing screenplays.
Me at 28: I'm going to keep drinking and lying to my parents about my work until they kick me out or I die.

>> No.8087450

Me at 15: I want to do art and writing!

Me at 16: Gee, I suck at art and writing. No teacher wants to help me get through with the barrage of questions I throw at them. I'll plow through it and see how it goes, just like how tinkers done it in the past!

Me at 18: My work sucks, everything sucks, end my life as I have no talent or clear sight in these fields. I'll just read some more books and more guide/tutorial books on how to do things and see if it helps.

Me at 19: I dropped the ball, went into a depressive state as I let my inner voice get the best of me. Began to smoke to relieve some stress.

Me at 21: How do I write again? How do I draw again? What was the happiness I had back when I was 15? Wheres that optimism I had? I want it all back.

>> No.8087494

You might look into technical editing then. Most editing jobs for creative writing want an English degree.

>> No.8087514

Me at 14-27: I should read more
Me at 28+: actually start reading

>> No.8087588

>Have idea for world and story and characters that haunts every other thought every fucking day.
>Am afraid to write it because it bares a passing resemblance to another IP that I have never read.

It sucks living in a world where most ideas are either taken or already touched upon.

>> No.8087994

i get this feeling too

>> No.8088053

eughhhh just get a basic format/ outline down and then hire a ghost writer (or many) to help you!!!

you can find a lot of cheap ghost writers at universities. just got to weed them out a bit.

>> No.8088229

Me at 16: I love reading
Me at 26: I love buying books and not reading them

>> No.8088453


I'd say you've matured too, because it seems you understand

Money ≠ happiness

Everyone says this, but they don't really mean it when they say it because they'll choose their job security over happiness (I know it's scary, but we only have one life to live).

Just ALWAYS remember, if your job is killing who you are as a person, the financial stability isn't worth it.

>> No.8088963

Blender and youtube tutorials, though I've recently started trying out Maya due to the more robust featureset.

>> No.8089015

16: I'm going to be a millionaire dating supermodels.
20: I'm going to be pretty well off and dating hot chicks.
24: I'm going to be well off and dating chicks
Now: I just want to earn enough to get my own house and stop crying after each time I masturbate.

>> No.8089034

I pretty much have the same ideal. Learning languages, history, geography and literature.

>> No.8089039

Opposite for me

>> No.8090598

13: Life is amazing. If I read on the side of my schoolwork, I'll be a more valuable member of society and will eventually be rewarded. Maybe one day I'll cultivate my knowledge and be a great author, one who sees things from a unique and appealing perspective.

15: Life is still pretty good. I realize that there is no reward other than the value of the stories themselves. No one cares what I've read no matter how much I do. Writing well is incredibly hard and it takes serious effort and time to learn. People like what I write for the most part which makes me think I have talent but the one critic who tells me that I am not writing correctly discourages me from any serious commitment.

17: Life is incredibly horrible, coping with a continual stream of losses and disappointments for two years. I could easily pursue a STEM field and with some work I'll have a more valuable degree although I don't want to do that. Writing is a pipe dream, there's no way I can survive by writing. I suppose it wasn't meant to be.

19: Life is a senseless, painless march forward. I don't feel anything except for a vague sadness about my new found apathy. Doing well but I absolutely hate STEM coursework. I just want to graduate so that I can get out of the scholastic world and hopefully find happiness from some aspect of life or another.

>> No.8090797
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>If I can just write that novel then everything will be fine
>Everything is not fine. Getting published is hard and while I've been trying to do that I've done nothing with my life. Maybe the 2nd book will be different...

>> No.8090825

12: I love swimming and my dad and I'm so happy they'll both be here forever!

18: So like I'm worthless right? Right.

>> No.8090870

Me at 18- I guess I should go to college, working is terrible. I'll just write my way to fame and fortune in the meantime, and kill myself if that fails.

Me at 22- I guess now I should work, this degree was a waste of time. I'll work until I can support myself with writing!

me at 24- Going to college set me back in finding a job. Maybe I should apply for unemployment, or just kill myself and save myself 50 years of janitoring.

>> No.8090922

Me at 12: I am going to study and become rich!
Me at 14: I am going to become a pro gaymer. Fuck school.
Me at 15: I am going to revolutionize literature and become rich, but it will take a while. Fuck school.
Me at 16: Holy shit, I am a genius. I am going to revolutionize literature, but it will take a while. Fuck school and work.
Me at 18: Maybe I am not a genius but this is pretty good. Doubt it will change the game but at least I should be able to get published. Also fuck school and work.
Me at 20: Dear Lord, I am actually still on track, maybe I am a genius after all? I am going to revolutionize literature and become rich! Also fuck school and work.
Me at 22: I am a fucking idiot but almost nobody seems to realize it. I am going to revolutionize literature, and probably get rich and famous. Fuck work.
Me at 23: I am going to revolutionize literature, but it will take a while, maybe a good while. Maybe I will die before becoming rich and recognized. Fuck uni and work.

Outside of feeling like the last 5 years passed too fast, I have no complains. Life went from decent to pure shit, to slightly less shit and is pretty great lately. Although the better it got, the harder writing became. I miss 10h workdays and struggling paying the bills from month to month.

Read and drink more.

That's a shitty excuse not to write. Just do it, if the resemblance happens too be too close, you can still change couple of details.

>> No.8091054

Me at 16: maybe I should become a lawyer

Me at 25: goddammit why the fuck am I still alive?

>> No.8091063

Bloom would agree with the statement because Shakespeare already won and the rest is just a circle jerk over his oscillating corpse

>> No.8091078

>Outside of feeling like the last 5 years passed too fast

It's about to feel a whole lot faster

>> No.8091084

Me at 14: I'm going to kill myself...
Me at 24: ...after writing these three novels.

>> No.8091095

I gave a presentation on Mark Twain in high school:

"if you can say it, Mark Twain might have said it, and he said better than you did."

>> No.8091190

>i hope i make you proud lit
Kek. Any success you have will only make us angry.

>> No.8091454

me at 8: wow i will die someday and nothing i do matters
me at 25: i will die someday and nothing i do matters

>> No.8091493

I had a random idea while on the toilet of a novella about a squire working hard to become a knight so he can go to mainland Europe on dragon slaying expeditions because dragon slaying is the highest honor in the land. He finally becomes a knight and he leaves for his first expedition and the other knights tell him there are no dragons and they made it all up so they could go party in Europe and be treated like kings back home. Would anyone read this or at least buy it for their nephew? My goal is to be the Gerald Morris of my generation.

>> No.8091564

Tao Lin pls go

>> No.8091570

I disagree.

>> No.8091579

Do you ever post in the critique threads?

>> No.8091587

Any better contemporary examples than that?

>> No.8091589

English teachers in high school are shit. You should have submitted as is.

>> No.8091607

Don't become a fucking STEMfag and don't go to a local school. Follow your passion of working in finance from the start, comp sci is a meme. Also, don't fuck with Ashley, she's great for awhile but will fuck you up later. Don't even worry about it, you become a lady killer later, wear condoms with Courtney if you should still meet her after making all these changes. Jean is still the perfect girl, still marry her.

Just fixed my life desu

>> No.8091616

The fuck? Why would you just randomly switch to stories when you have a finished novel? Send that shit out to agents.

>> No.8091622

>This entire post
>From a STEM fag
Why am I not surprised by this level of autism? Oh, right, I already answered that question in my initial statement. I am silly.

>> No.8091625

Proud of you anon. I would give myself very very similar advice, except I haven't yet met my Jean (or maybe I am still convinced my Ashley is my Jean). Keep it up friendo.

>> No.8091629

Six months to read one fucking book? The fuck? Why are you here?

>> No.8091667

I was so convinced that I asked her to marry me at one point. A year later I was so close to suicide that I had to be tazed and sent to a combination rehab and mental hospital. But for all the ups and downs my life is mostly back on track. A few small things from the past are still haunting and affecting my present but no longer in such grandiose ways as they did in recent years past. The largest issue I face because of those darker times is the sheer number of missing years. My peers in my major are all 21 or 22 perhaps 23 at the oldest, while I'll be 27 next month. This gives me small fits of anxiety over whether I'll be discriminated against when I graduate because I'm in such a competitive field. Beyond this, my life is fine. I respect my humble living situation and thank my small 120 square foot room every day for doing a quality job of keeping my wife and myself dry and warm.

>> No.8091839

we did it, /lit/
we made one successful human being

>> No.8091866

slap it on kickstarter, those retards will fund anything

>> No.8091889

Ur a fuckin loser. If you really wanted to travel the world you would have gone and done it already. Your just as fickle as the women you peruse and you won't change yourself by repedatley falling into the same cycle of depression, clinging to the rungs of sanity hoping to find a perfect relationship between imperfect partners. You keep climbing hoping to find the top but there isn't one, and there never was. Feel comfort in falling and when you've been swallowed whole by whatever lies under you'll find it wasn't as bad as you thought. When you rise from the darkness you will be changed, and you will finally see your true self, not a simalcrum of your past reflected in a mirror but an introspection willed from your own true desires. All the sudden you'll see before you the great wall of china, machu pichu, spain, mumbai, new york, maybe even with a transient partner going along the same journey; who you see for the last time when getting off the train from moscow to vladivostok. You'll wearing the the same ratty pair of clothes with a backpack full of nothing but the will for adventure. For the first time in a very long while, you'll finally feel at home.