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File: 129 KB, 666x500, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8082593 No.8082593[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Just uploaded my first ebook to Amazon and optioned in for the KDP Select option that allows me to reach larger markets for 90 days but I have to remain exclusive for that period of time. After that I'll branch out to Smashwords to catch a number of other markets. I have a Twitter, Facebook author page, and Amazon must be linked to goodreads, because it gave me a notification despite not having uploaded there.

So help me out if you can.

What are some other methods of networking to achieve the greatest saturation and get the word out?

Specific YouTube bloggers or book bloggers, review sites with large audiences? I'm taking out a 1/6 page ad in Locus magazine

I posted my book Sunday and word of mouth has moved about 230 copies so far.

Helpful advice appreciated.

>inb4 self publishing, genre fiction


>> No.8082600

Just shitpost it here like that other memester. I'm sure he's rolling in NEETbux by now.

>> No.8082607

Hey now, John von Dorf is a mememaster, not just a memester.

>> No.8082611

Jon plz go

>> No.8082612

I'll have you know I made five dollars off of the internet last month

>> No.8082614

Aw you got some replies, good for you

>> No.8082617

No, not that loser. I'm talking about Robitussin Pincushion.

>> No.8082621

link me bruh

>> No.8082626

Ok fine. Fuck it. Game on. First anon to post a pic of DFW AND a temp email, AND get dubs gets a picture of the full cover and they can share if they want.

Get to rollin

>> No.8082633

No one cares that much. Either post it or don't. The worst thing that'll happen is someone calls you a fag.

>> No.8082637

Nigga shut the fuck up, either link ur weakass trashnovel or dont, nobody gives a shit, so stop trying to pull the 'comment and win!' crap

>> No.8082658

Oh look it's this guy again the 'Oh man I'm finally getting of /lit/ you guys can do it too just follow your dreams and you can be as good as me who is getting of /lit/, did I mention I'm leaving /lit/?' Good to see you're back fucko

>> No.8082700
File: 357 KB, 750x500, dfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'll play for keks

yatixakexi at mswork .ru

>> No.8082709


>> No.8082712


still waiting for my email fampai

>> No.8082716

Driving. Hold on. Let me pull over

>> No.8082721

Shitpost and drive is illegal bud.

>> No.8082723

It's all yours my friend.

>> No.8082735

Got it. You don't mind me sharing here?

>> No.8082742

Do what you like.

If you end up reading it and liking it, throw me a review.

>> No.8082755
File: 1.04 MB, 2017x1307, 1461408714331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You shouldn't have self-published.

>> No.8082757
File: 271 KB, 750x1334, IMG_8530.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kk. well it's a bit too sci-fi for my taste but i guess having finished+published something is better than what 99% of the folks on this board have done, so good for you

heres the cover in case anyone is interested in reading

>> No.8082790

>fusion heart
>star epic
God, you must be the least creative SOB to ever post their self-published memebook here.

>> No.8082821


>Fusion Heart

Is that supposed to be Iron Man fan fiction or something?

>> No.8082844

J Cole.


>> No.8082853


My sentiments exactly.

Reminds me of Brian from Family Guy's book title "Faster than the Speed of Love"

>> No.8082857

Wow, surely you guys are speed readers.

>> No.8082865

>3 dollars
Nope. Should be free. You're probably not that good, but free books get lots of promotion and that might help you get a career turning out your pulp for some low brow publisher. But I'm not paying you until I know you're an established author.

Either print the entire middle name or lose the J altogether.

>Fusion Heart: Star Epic ONE: Book 1
Yuck. Is this bait?

>> No.8082942

>either print the entire middle name or lose the J altogether
There is literally no reason to do this.

>> No.8082947
File: 2.72 MB, 240x234, 1463257474279.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8082974

Ill buy it. At that price Ill help yeah out.

>> No.8083061

>Okie vidya nerd falls in love with Hatsune Miku
Is this an autobiography?

>> No.8083076

No but I saw a video of her in 2009 and thought it might be a good idea to run with. I had no idea she'd be around this long.

Also, thank you to those Anons who just purchased copies. As an added bonus, the first chapter of the second book is at the end.

>> No.8083082

Btw, not one person has offered a shred of advice about how to reach larger audiences faster.

>> No.8083086

Also, book 2 should be good to go in about 90-100 days. The others will follow suit at this predetermined interval

>> No.8083087

Just shamelessly share it everywhere. Maybe go to a artistic convention and set up a booth.

>> No.8083091

Lexcon isn't until March. Should release book 4 that weekend

>> No.8083099

Shill it to your Twitter followers. Make a contest for free copies on your blog. Post it on Facebook. Give us free copies in exchange for honest reviews. Just look it up, anon, look it up on a search engine.

Selling it to a publisher would probably have been the best way.

>> No.8083105

Just curious, how long did it take you to write this, when exactly did you release it, and how much money have you made off it so far?

>> No.8083123

Book 1, 6 months.
Whole series, 8 years 11 months
Released on Sunday
232 copies sold, so whatever my share of that is. Pretty good considering my promotion has been nil. Outside of my social circles. It'll grow. Putting the price at zero may be the best policy to garner more interest. "The first taste is free" methodology to draw them in to buy the other ten.

>> No.8083128

Lel, one dude plays and gets it.

Good on you, Gaskun. Godspeed.

>> No.8083132

Doesn't that just make it the last chapter of the first book?

>> No.8083140

What are the fucking odds, right? 1/10?
Op delivers

I'm kinda busy right now but I'll come back later and give a FREE COPY of Fusion Heart to every anon who gives me an email. I have mobi, ePub and word formats.

How's that?

>> No.8083159

a free copy? no fucking way!!

>> No.8083160

What's the catch?

>> No.8083169

If you like it you leave a decent review on Amazon.

If not, don't buy the second one

>> No.8083229

sign up on scribophile and look for the self-promotion thread or group, people there share each other's pubs so somebody will surely buy yours. Also, if you're active in the community people will check out your profile, and you can post a link to your book there.

Also congrats, man. I've been following your threads for a while, glad to see you finally got it pubbed.


mobi, please? tyvm

>> No.8083242

jvarasura@yahoo.com for your epub file if you please
I've been watching you from the corner of my eye for a while, it's nice to see you got it where you want it.

>> No.8083245

Hey, this was the trash-writer who could only respond ´So show me your work!´ when critiqued, and wouldn´t even one exerpt of his work a month ago or so. Pathetic.

>> No.8083254

On phone at work and done have access to them at the moment. It's 3:35 now and I'm off at 5. I can send about an hour after that.

Have to go, boss is hovering

>> No.8083258

You're your own boss now.

>> No.8083263


Yeah, tell him to stuff it. Plebian non-authors will no longer keep your literary growth in chains.

>> No.8083266

You're the man now dog

>> No.8083302

are you the same Gaskun from the lit chat? either way, good luck wish you lots of success.

>> No.8083311

Yup did you catch the live feeds to the liquer stores, sex shops, and discos?

>> No.8083317


Epub would be superb.

>> No.8083331

is this the real gaskun, the guy with like an 11 book spaceopera?
What's this about hatsune miku?

>> No.8083357

>Thanx :3

>> No.8083379

Yo I still haven't got that Buddha statue to promised me

>> No.8083385

Is that you? Holy shit I have that thing in my car to send to you. Email me back on the yahoo address I used to talk to you to remind me of your Texas address and I'll send it. My bad.

>> No.8083388

What is it your referencing? Is that a name of a book someone self-published?

>> No.8083420

Just emailed you.

>> No.8083423


Congrats dude, hopefully soon I can share my own work here.

>> No.8083438


>> No.8083455

I'll take mobi, thanks

>> No.8083679

Op delivers.

Free books sent. Anyone else want a copy? Leave an email with preference of ePub or mobi before this thread dies and I'll send it along.

>> No.8083709

gave u 5* on my troll goodreads good luck breh

>> No.8083716


mobi pls

>> No.8083718

Sorry Pumpanon, are you a carpenter now? The fuck is wrong with you, you were living the dream.

>> No.8083739

It's this one spammer here who shitposted this 8 page book called Tao Lin on a Tricycle.

>> No.8083780

I saw Andrew Cole in a grocery store in New York yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.
He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”
I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw Gas-kun trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying.
The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.

When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.

>> No.8083802

Oh yeah, I remember that. Didn't know john dorf was a meme though. I remember, like six months past the guy reluctantly linked it in a critique thread or something. Only occasionally saw it referenced in passing here. I read the first half, it's pretty alright, very relatable, but I hated the narrator so intensely that I couldn't finish the book

>> No.8083803

>gave u 5*
this is why gaskun is a shitty writer

>> No.8083832

gave joyce 5* on my goodreads now he is a bad writer

>> No.8083846

youre not funny

>> No.8083855

He didn't need your help.

>> No.8084132

Everyone who posts their actual shit here is a meme.

>> No.8084434


mobi. or epub

>> No.8084457



thanks pal, good luck

>> No.8084498

Sorry man, can't afford it right now. Saving up for a trip to Chicago with my family, but I honestly wish you the best of luck dude. You've gotten more done than half the fags on this board have, so congrats.

>> No.8084502

> 3$

>> No.8084518

>three dollars that can go to a deep dish pizza, ever had one? fucking fantastic.

>> No.8084544


epub or pdf please

>> No.8084548

>i guess having finished+published something is better than what 99% of the folks on this board have done
>You've gotten more done than half the fags on this board have
Why do you fags keep saying this? Literally none of the shit posted people who've "actually done" these sorts things here is good. Shut the fuck up with this bullshit.

>> No.8084555


give me an email and ill send you a copy. epub or mobi (kindle)?

>> No.8084566

You don't need to be a speed reader to see the title. And from what he's said about it before it's the most derivative thing ever. He made a bunch of really autistic posts about how it was breaking bad "meets" ____ "meets" like 5 other things.

>> No.8084575

youre describing the second series. "breaking bad meets moby dick meets intersteller with the armor of Dead Space. not the same thing

>> No.8084587

Whatever, fag.

>> No.8084588

>why do you fags keep saying this
Cause it's fucking true. A majority of the people on this board have not done jack shit, and then give other writers shit for actually trying to make something. At least this dude is trying to become a better writer wrather than writhe in his own ego and pretend that not contributing anything is better than contributing something mediocre.

>> No.8084597
File: 176 KB, 1178x728, Memebook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you're seriously going to sit there and tell me that even shit like pic related is "better than nothing"? Fuck off.

>> No.8084612

Yes I am. Do you know why? We can critique shit. We can look at a pile of dog shit and say "This isn't a novel, don't do this when making a novel". So maybe in a year we can bring up OP fucking up on a sci fi novel, and what not to do. You can't critique nothing.

>> No.8084632
File: 1.67 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, S.E.Two is already underway.
These are the notes for the whole series.
I'm 50 pages into book 1: "I, Engineer"

>> No.8084968
File: 11 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>windows 10
>all those autistic papers
>Roberto Memehas's book as shitposted in this thread visible on your screen
kys, smhtbhfam.

>> No.8084994

what's the quickest way to turn prose into cold hard cash? im very hungry and very good at describing things

>> No.8085002

Sending it into your agent, of course.

>> No.8085003

Got the email, bro. thanks.

>> No.8085008

Write 20 page ebooks on Amazon about Trillionaire CIA agents rimming ordinary midwestern housewives. Also pay for someone to make you "professional" looking covers for those, since the cover is really what sells that sort of shit.

>> No.8085014

did you miss the part where im broke
surely I can conjure up some contrived bullshit and sell it to hipsters and idiots right?

>> No.8085024

No, unfortunately. Those people are followers and care more about how well known an author is than what they wrote. Beg for change if you have to for the cover fee, but it's the surest way to make money writing these days.

>> No.8085057

Hey dude, good for you- keep on writing, you can only get better

>> No.8085077

>Spend years writing an epic space opera
>Never once submit it
>Never use alpha readers
>The first readers' eyes that lay on his first draft paid three dollars for the privilege
That's not trying to become a better writer.

>> No.8085091

That and the fucking autist is writing a second set of 11 doorstops as a sequel to this shit. He never intended on improving in any way.

>> No.8085102


when will this meme die?

>> No.8085112

implying it's not how the literature started

do you think homer looked for a literary agent (those dealt with poetry back then) or something?

>> No.8085116

A wealthy patron that would feed him, yes.

>> No.8085133

yeah, this isn't the same. throwing up your "book" on amazon is just adding garbage to that floating island of garbage.

>> No.8085143


You think Homer was a writer?

He was a singer, who's songs were popular enough for other people to write down for him.

That's not self-publishing, that's allowing others to do the work for you.

>> No.8085161

Wilde did it
Whitman did it
Joyce did it

If it was good enough for them, it's good enough for me(me).

>> No.8085164

That's a poor example. There have been periods where self-publishing was more normal, but the market was not as flooded with literate half-wits as it is today. Being accepted by a publisher is a sign that at least one other human being thinks it's something people might like to read.

>> No.8085176

Not at all. Publishing is a business before it's an "I think this is cool" popularity contest. Why do you think there are so many stories about famous books being serially rejected before someone picked them up?

>> No.8085181

>marketing anything
>not a popularity contest
How do you think businesses work? For every story of a famous book that was rejected several times, there are thousands - not exaggerating - that were rejected everywhere because they were crap.

>> No.8085184

is he going to throw a fireball

>> No.8085189

And there are just as many that were published and made millions and are considered shit by everyone. You don't have a point if your argument is that the traditional publishing model promotes quality in any way.

>> No.8085194

He is going to bring his hands together and shoot a beam, countering a capitalism beam.

No, no, you don't understand just how many books have been written and not published. And you don't seem to have sampled the self-published books on Amazon. They make perennial romance novels look like fine literature.

>> No.8085197

But Amazon didn't exist for any of those authors.

>> No.8085220

And? So what if they were all published pending sales results? Who's to say that better things than we're getting wouldn't emerge along with the shittier ones? I wouldn't trust an agent or editor as far as I could throw them.

>> No.8085228

You sound a little pained in the posterior.

>> No.8085234

You sound a tad ruffled in the rectum.

>> No.8085478

>Look on amazon
>Most recent books
>Published within the last 30 days

Dear lord, how does anyone expect to get discovered well within that massive sea of books?

>> No.8085536
File: 52 KB, 424x600, Beatrice.600.1758011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be honest i'd love a copy of your work, however i'm a little bit short on cash. I wish you all the best,feel free to advertise yourself on /lit/

However dont expect any positive feedback from it, we are a bunch of shitty readers who cannot write at all but yet pretend we do!

I wish you all the best anon

>> No.8085541

Give me an email and preference of kindle or ePub and I'll send you a free copy fampai

>> No.8085574


>> No.8085583

Wait, hold up, did you print out a fucking meme? "conflict in literature"?

>> No.8085585

I wish you goo luck anon, I'm pretty close to finishing my first work.
Gonna go the same route as you with the amazon self publishing, I'll probably make a thread as well when its there

>> No.8085587

>sitting in a night club with headphones and writing on a laptop


>> No.8085589


Welcome to my world. I put out a 60 - 70 page short every 2 - 3 months. Every fucking time, I'm lost in a sea of everyone else's work. I've not even had a single sale for my latest book.

>> No.8085592

Have you tried putting a shirtless man or tits on the cover?

>> No.8085593

The same way you do in traditional publishing, there's alot of marketing involved.

If you think you're just going to post it on amazon and watch numbers grow you are sadly mistaken..

>> No.8085597


If I were in that genre (which, I'm starting to think I'm going to need to do), I probably would.

>> No.8085601

What kind of work are you doing anyway, is it just something really niche?
Also I think shorter stories dont sell as well as something thats around 300 pages, since people think more pages = more value for money

>> No.8085602

While condensing the size of the plot I wanted to keep an "at a glance" reference of what kind of conflict was taking place. I felt by combining or reducing redundancies, I could cut away situations that could be considered repetitious or monotonous. With so many things going on it helped to easily cut through the fat and make story leaner.

>> No.8085614


It's probably the most saturated genre after erotica; I mostly write fantasy stories, with either a horror or adventure flavour to them. All set in the same fictional world, but not necessarily connected to each other.

You're probably right about short stories not selling as well as larger books.

>> No.8085619

Just pile them all into one book

>> No.8085623


Solid advice, thanks (sounds sarcastic, but it's not meant to be).

>> No.8085626

Its all good bro. Given the way I write I'm essentially looking at a handful of novellas, but I'm thinking I can package them in a way that they appear as a full sized novel with multiple parts.

If they're all thematically related that would certainly help

>> No.8085629

use a blog to get that sjw attention

>> No.8085635

It's 11 fucking books of autism. Shut the fuck up about making it "leaner".

>> No.8085638

You sound upset. Let me send you a free copy.

>> No.8085639

No, fuck off. I'm not reading the written sperg.

>> No.8085650
File: 107 KB, 750x500, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just try it. See? Even DFW likes it

>> No.8085665 [SPOILER] 
File: 107 KB, 960x720, 1464273461740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I went ahead and bought a copy... this is fucking pod racing with some Macross Plus sprinkled in.. at first I thought it was just gonna be Redline ; the book: the novel - the book.. how dare you?

>> No.8085687

How many pages in are you?
I was fortunate enough to get an unbiased bookstore manager to read it to see what he thought.
He said "this is what pod racing SHOULD have been"

>> No.8086054

did he agree to sell your book at his bookshop?

>> No.8086076

It's in the works. Naturally he needs physical copies

>> No.8086119

Hey guys, check out my blog if you're interested. I do a variety of literary related things ranging from book reviews and my own original poetry.

>> No.8086242

I don't know much about the subject, but nowadays it's pretty cheap to order printed books from China, specially for small amounts. Look it up, it might not be that expensive to get 20, 50 or 100 copies.

>> No.8086249

I've started writing my first book.
Having lots of fun doing it so far, doubt it will turn out too good since it's my first but I'll probably throw it up on amazon too, don't see why not.

>> No.8086282
File: 23 KB, 400x267, 1459313226848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Getting close to done with my first draft
>Turns out I might need to restructure to get the most out out of the story

So fucking glad I have Scrivener.