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File: 104 KB, 600x982, Trump Deal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8082138 No.8082138 [Reply] [Original]

>Stephen King
>Amy Tan
>Daniel Handler


Because, as writers, we are particularly aware of the many ways that language can be abused in the name of power;

Because we believe that any democracy worthy of the name rests on pluralism, welcomes principled disagreement, and achieves consensus through reasoned debate;

Because American history, despite periods of nativism and bigotry, has from the first been a grand experiment in bringing people of different backgrounds together, not pitting them against one another;

Because the history of dictatorship is the history of manipulation and division, demagoguery and lies;

Because the search for justice is predicated on a respect for the truth;

Because we believe that knowledge, experience, flexibility, and historical awareness are indispensable in a leader;

Because neither wealth nor celebrity qualifies anyone to speak for the United States, to lead its military, to maintain its alliances, or to represent its people;

Because the rise of a political candidate who deliberately appeals to the basest and most violent elements in society, who encourages aggression among his followers, shouts down opponents, intimidates dissenters, and denigrates women and minorities, demands, from each of us, an immediate and forceful response;

For all these reasons, we, the undersigned, as a matter of conscience, oppose, unequivocally, the candidacy of Donald J. Trump for the Presidency of the United States.

>> No.8082141

fucking wankers

>> No.8082142

These bourgeoisie fucks are really getting desperate.

>> No.8082144

I'm actually terrified of Trump winning. As a male writer, I value things like equality and beauty, people like Trump will likely cause a new wave of "old" (aka fucking toxic) masculinity to return.

>> No.8082146

What is this, fin de siècle Vienna?

Maybe if Opera said no to Trump...

>> No.8082148

Faggot, masculinity is prerequisite of beauty (no homo)

>> No.8082149

this... can he just like... not?

>> No.8082151

inb 340 replies

>> No.8082154

>thinking a meme politician has the power to change a nation's values

No tears, no fears.

>> No.8082155

Never heard of any of them. What a bunch of nonentities. Trump will make this country strong again, and send those assholes to labor camps where they belong.

>> No.8082156

Yes. New masculinty.

Not the old masculinity of violence, conservatism, and rudeness.

New masculinity is about a love for diversity, sensitivity, and pacifism.

>> No.8082159

The new masculinity is feminine

>> No.8082160

THIS. I mean ugh. All this fucking old masculinity has to fucking die already.

Why should it be non-masculine for a man to wear make up?

Why should it be non-masculine for a man to love to sing and dance?

Why should it be non-masculine for a man to cry over the atrocities of his fellow men?

>> No.8082163

That is just femininity, dumpy, soft, shapeless and malleable.

Everything is so ugly because firmness has been dissipating more and more ever since the age of democracy.

>> No.8082164

and is that a bad thing? I'm a fairly strong guy (I can squat my bodyweight), yet I'd far rather live in a feminine world and be what you would call "feminine" than live in a toxic male lead world.

>> No.8082165

Men dancing and singing is far more common in traditional communities.

>> No.8082166


>> No.8082167

um excuse me hunny but when I try to sing "let it go" I get called gay

>> No.8082168

lmao you *really* hate women

>> No.8082169

Stephen King is an epic fedora-tipper.

>> No.8082170

Not unless we include bardic traditions and rectitative. Dancing and singing has historically always been associated with (female) prostitutes.

See for example Theodora.

>> No.8082172

>and is that a bad thing?
Yes, because the world isn't Haven
>I'm a fairly strong guy
Strength of masculinity isn't related to lifting pointless weights, it's about sacrificing yourself for your God, country and family through hard work, war, intellectual endeavors or any other type of pursuit of virtue.

>> No.8082173

No, I just see them for what they are.

>> No.8082174

>I'm a fairly strong guy (I can squat my bodyweight)

too subtle m8, /lit/ is full of DYELs that won't catch that.

>> No.8082175

Historically, dancing and singing was the norm for all classes in Europe for centuries. Heck, it was still only 60-70 years ago.

>> No.8082176

Here's Johnny!

>> No.8082177

i think we can already claim with reasonable certainty that this is going to be a pretty bad thread

>> No.8082180

Not as performance, that has always been in the realm of the courtesan and prostitute, again discounting recitative traditions.

>> No.8082181

S E T T L E 4 H I L L A R Y

>> No.8082183

Clinton will beat Trump in a landslide.

>> No.8082184

Of course, but I'm having lunch and practicing my virtue ethics argumentation when the need arises in social circles.
That's a different thing from saying dancing in general.

>> No.8082186

Well, I'm sure he meant as performance. These queers are always exhibitionists.

>> No.8082187

Everyone NEEDS to rally around Hillary in order to prevent this monster from getting into power.

I predict 95% voter turnout for a landslide Clinton victory.

>> No.8082189

Well he meant it, but the sentence didn't carry that implications very clearly.

>> No.8082190

The world will be a worse place if people don't for Hillary.

>> No.8082194

>not being #HillaryArtillery

>> No.8082200

I hope all these constant Trump threads on 4chan wake people up to the need to support Hillary Clinton in the 2016 election.

>> No.8082212

>/lit/ still being cucked

holy shit you guys are stupid
no wonder you're all clinging on to the hope that you'll be "writers" since you lack any skills in any other areas and you have a laptop

>> No.8082218

buzzwords and totally unrelated points you're just repeating.
that was surprising.

>> No.8082226

A Trump presidency would be far more entertaining. That is reason enough to vote for him.

>> No.8082230

you just ascribed all the qualities of the feminine to the masculine

just like all the qualities of the masculine are ascribed to the feminine and called "feminism"

go put your dick back in a cock cage m8

>> No.8082242
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>People vote for him either because dude hyperreal president lmao # irony dude or because they want the typical arrogant American who watched foot ball and says "I can do better than that" to lead their nation
>He gets elected
>They slowly really many of his big projects are ultimately harmful to the country (or at the very least inconvenient), impossible in theory or impossible practically
>They realize he's not entertaining, he's just incompetent
>In less than 6 months they realize that the person best suited to the presidency isn't the one with the best buzzwords, the one who promises to sustain unsustainable industries, or the one who promises to bring back a job market that will never exist again in the US
>6months to 1 year after election the novelty wears off and people want a new president again
>The president after Trump is a leftist

You heard it here first

>> No.8082254

name a better candidate

>> No.8082258

>Stephen Kek thinks his opinion is relevant
Dishonest! Trump loves hispanics!

Memes aside, I wonder how many of these people making public statements about Trump actually believe what they say. He is doing something unprecedented in politics and has been doing it for quite a while now. His methods are designed to work on the vast majority of people, but I wasn't aware that so many educated, supposedly intelligent people would actually be dumb enough not to get any of it.
Sometimes there is a clear reason for them to pretend they think in these simplistic terms. But how could a rich writer benefit from this?

>The history of dictatorship
>encourages aggresion among his followers
They must think the situation is urgent enough to justify this bullshiting as means to an end. They risk being seen as retarded if they're wrong, so they must be quite confident about their political analysis. How does this happen? Or do they knowingly engage in a circlejerk with ignorant people by pretending to be part of the group? This seems unlikely.

I guess they simply have an opinion on a subject they don't understand well enough. That's normal, we all do it, but the lack of self-awareness required to defend this kind of positions in public is astonishing.

>> No.8082273

not him but here is my take :
my ass>a joke candidate who wouldn't be harmful to the country>a communist candidate who at least would fail while helping people>bernie sander who'll fail while helping people a bit less>any other candidate including republican candidates>shillary clinton the vagina>a fork>donald trump

>> No.8082282

note that a communist candidate would fail at being elected, while benier "well well" sanders will fail after being elected, so you can replace both of them with one another if you like. I still prefer my ass tho.

>> No.8082285

I am the ONLY one who has read trump's book on 4chan

>> No.8082289

>Because neither wealth nor celebrity qualifies anyone to speak for the United States... or to represent its people

oh the ironing

>> No.8082301

works both ways tho seeing how populist trump's discourse is.
It's just the bourgeoisie fighting with itself, I'd let it go if I were everyone in this board (which would be painful).

>> No.8082304

>trump posters aren't fed up being banned
Looks like the mods have to work harder desu

>> No.8082308

this is weak bait

>> No.8082326

this entire thread has been bait

>> No.8082405


Paid Hillary shills in full effect.

>> No.8082482

>the entire capitalist-controlled media juggernaut unites to condemn Trump in one voice
>this doesn't seem odd to the modern campus "socialist" or "anarchist," no, not in the least
>"wow, much as we dislike Hillary, we should make an alliance of convenience with her supporters to keep the racists out of power"
>"he's really SUCH a bad guy"

>> No.8082490

i am not a shill. Hillary Clinton undoubtedly is the best candidate in my opinion, to be honest she will be the real one to make America great again! LOL

>> No.8082495
File: 2 KB, 222x28, turncoat faggot faced fuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh shit guys, Dave Eggers is in on this.
Provided this is real, what will he do next? Make snarky comments until election day and then do a 180 once he realises people like Trump and that there is money to be made rooting for him?

>> No.8082497
File: 9 KB, 195x172, nicky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hillary will be a worse president than Trump and that is why she should win

>> No.8082505
File: 181 KB, 960x727, garrison moly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can political cartoons have literary value?

>> No.8082512


>> No.8082517

I don't understand these cartoons and comics.

It's not as though real, actual people haven't made very concrete, well-reasoned criticisms of Trump's policy goals on bases other than those of racism, prejudice, and hurt feelings.

Why don't these people address those concerns (i.e., the actual ones that will have an impact) instead of just harping on the morons?

>> No.8082519

If I learned from The Circle, Eggers will write a "satire" about the new US political system which will do nothing but repeat tired cliches from 10 years ago

>> No.8082523

The morons are the loudest and the majority of the population, m8

>> No.8082527


And Hillary?

Being corrupt is alright as long as you're not a populist?

>> No.8082531

Which one did you read, the one where he brags about himself and tells stories we've heard making himself look great?

>> No.8082539

the one that's in the OP you rude motherfucker

and trump is a genius, every aspect of his campaign has been perfect, he is a master at manipulating the media to give him free publicity

>> No.8082542
File: 122 KB, 612x612, jesus controlling UFOs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus sends the UFOs

>> No.8082544

Which Trump policies are going to help your life

>> No.8082545


Gay. Masculinity with all its one-upmanship, aggression and dick-measuring is literally the engine of all progress through human history.

>> No.8082546

none of them.. I don't support his campaign

>> No.8082566

& no
how's that for an answer ? you don't really have to choose between pest & cholera

>> No.8082573

you just know he will. against all odds, against the advice of some of the smartest people on the planet. he's gonna be president. and he is going to ruin America, the way he ruined his casino. and his university.

HOW THE HELL DOES SOMEONE *FAIL* at RUNNING A FUCKING CASINO? what happened? did he accidentally set all the one-armed bandits to "WIN" instead of "PAY OFF"?

>> No.8082575

>Strength of masculinity isn't related to lifting pointless weights, it's about sacrificing yourself for your God, country and family through hard work, war, intellectual endeavors or any other type of pursuit of virtue.

why aren't you in the army then, anon? why are you unemployed, and posting on 4chan?

>> No.8082580

That's a long list of nobodies.

>> No.8082582

Moron. You don't have to be in the army to pledge yourself to a cause greater than yourself.

>> No.8082584

>He actually believes that Trump would destroy the country to keep every promise he made while manipulating the media and the public opinion of a whole nation
>He doesn't understand that he would make reasonably good or bad, non-catastrophic decisions, add in a few publicity stunts with vets and ISIS and blame the dishonest media if they gave him shit
>He thinks that Trump's ego and memes are dangerous, not realizing that soft-manered, robotic politicians pretend to believe in anything to mantain political power and consider it to be part of the game while fucking the world up.
>He may unironically consider trump incompetent

A typical politician needs the support of the media to remain popular, which leads to chronic dishonesty. This is the reason why the political discussion in every western country is ridiculously far from reflecting the beliefs of citizens when it comes to topics that would have them dismembered by the media (Gender gaps of every type, racism as obvious explanation for every difference between groups, criticizing islam seen as islamophobia, etc.). This might be harmless if they only flushed money to fight the imaginary evil racist patriarchy, but when you start talking about immigration policies, shit gets real.
Not being able to even discuss terrifying FACTS like the beliefs of muslim immigrants is dangerous. As we are learning in europe, it's really, really dangerous.
Having your foreign policy deeply conditioned by any individuals or groups that can influence the public opinion is dangerous.

Trump only needs Trumping to get votes. So far he has proven to be unbelieveably good at it. He used his social skills, wealth and success story to confront the media and it worked. So every time Trump uses meme nicknames, exaggerates, lies or distorts facts, you can see it happening and you can can understand why he says these things. Trumping his way to presidency.
It makes no sense to fear a man that is bullshiting his own way up instead of letting others do the bullshiting while forcing their own agendas.

>> No.8082586

Why does everyone act like Trump is Satan? Trump isn't Satan. He's really not that bad.

>> No.8082588
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Violence can be beautiful.

>> No.8082590

>it's about sacrificing yourself for your God, country and family through hard work, war, intellectual endeavors or any other type of pursuit of virtue
Wow, so many spooks in so few words. Impressive.

>> No.8082597

you know you could easily say all these things about Hilary.

idc though, unlike most people outside of the united states, I don't care who gets elected president because that person is not going to be my president.

>> No.8082602


>no Pynchon
>no Phillip Roth
>no Don Delillo
>no Cormac McCarthy

Glad to see the 4 greatest living American authors are Trump supporters.

>> No.8082624

you don't know what you're talking about, plain and simple

I really wish you would do your own research before implying trump is a failed businessman
his stuff fails at a MUCH lower rate than everybody else, and he has a spectacular record

>> No.8082634

him getting rid of the estate tax helps all the neets

>> No.8082652
File: 58 KB, 636x555, 1460958860738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8082655

Didn't the post make it abundantly clear that it includes things other than the army?
Striner and anyone who unironically uses the word spook is a retard.

>> No.8082659

Trump is a leftist, relative to Hillary anyway. That's why I think I'm supporting him.

>> No.8082664

it makes sense for the left to support Trump and the right to support Hillary tbqh

>> No.8082669

The right isn't statist, assuming we mean conservative.
The big capitalists, if that's what you mean by right already poor money into her and Sanders.

>> No.8082671

>assuming we mean conservative.
that is a big assumption

>> No.8082677

>falling for this obvious bait

or are you guys so desperately aching to defend yourselves? who gives a fuck about new or old masculinity

>> No.8082686

Well the right is value wise generally conservative, or at least when I think conservative philosophy.

>> No.8082689

I'm going to vote for Donald Trump because he's going to make America great again.

>> No.8082695

Trump said he wouldn't reduce welfare, if I remember correctly, so that already makes him way more liberal than anyone in the history of the Republican party.

>> No.8082705

Yup. Trump has voiced support for universal healthcare, campaign finance reform, and non-interventionist foreign policy (albeit after a swift yet brutal conclusion to our current conflicts), and has a long history of opposing trade deals disastrous for the American working class. On the flip side, Clinton supports crony capitalist obamacare, benefits from the current campaign finance system and thus has no incentive to alter it, is one of the biggest warhawks in American politics, and has a long history of supporting trade deals. On social issues like gay marriage and trans people rights to use bathrooms they're essentially in agreement. However Clinton pays lip service to ideas of 'diversity' and 'progressive politics' so somehow she's the voice of the left? Fuck that. Trump is rough around the edges and I'd ultimately support Sanders above him, but he's vastly superior to Clinton.

>> No.8082706

conservatives are progressives that are 20 years behind
it's not a serious ideology

>> No.8082708

Sigh.. there are actually a couple decent authors in that list. Sad that they would rather have Crooked Hillary.

Also one of them is named
>Lily White

>> No.8082718

In mainstream political parties across all non russia Poland Hungary states that's for sure, but philosophically I wouldn't say so.

>> No.8082719

>denigrates women and minorities
Lol of course these scumbags are racists and misandrists

>> No.8082720

that wasn't my point laddy
economy's going to collapse early next year, whoever's leading will get blamed
if Hillary wins she will probably destroy America, which is a good thing

>> No.8082722

What real world, genuinely likely to happen differences would you anticipate between what would happen if Hillary were elected compared to Donald?

I haven't a dog in this fight but in terms of discussion of this point, I never see it. It's always shitflinging

>> No.8082734
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>implying america can be "destroyed"

>> No.8082736

Trump won't be the leader people want him to be, especially on the race aspect (all the racists bought into the 'he's a racist!' shit, he really isn't)
he will likely get blocked at all times
overall ineffectual and disappointing
the initial media meltdown will be hilarious though (hopefully Cenk Uygur will blow his brains out on cam)

Hillary will get her way, that is to say she will continue the Obama/Bush legacy but much worse
she'll bankrupt the country and maybe (hopefully) kick off the Balkanisation of the US

>> No.8082738

Democracy is a joke, and Trump epitomises it - but here are my reasons for preferring him over the alternatives:

-15% roof on corporate taxes will work wonders on the American economy
-He will simplify the tax plan, and lower taxes for the lower and middle classes, while raising it somewhat for the rich. Mostly it's the simplicity of the new tax plan that's so great, though, with three instead of seven stages.
-He will seriously attempt to improve diplomatic relations with several countries, most importantly Russia. Which is great - no-one benefits from the current embargo.
-He will get China to stop stealing IP and manipulating their currency.

And finally, I agree with him on a number of other issues such as immigration, guns, and abortion. He's not perfect in any way, but he's better than the last few presidents that America has, and way better than the other two catastrophic alternatives.

>> No.8082741

I thought back in the day it was normal for women to not be allowed to act in plays whatsoever

I'm pretty sure you're full of horse shit

>> No.8082743

America has a long history of presidents having more or less ceremonial positions and wielding very little power unless it fits in with the interest of power. Le Donald won't change that. He'll get blocked or submit, those are his options.

>> No.8082753
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The Art of the Deal is better than anything that those cucks have written. Trump has an IQ of 156, which is definitely higher than any of theirs. They can't handle the fact that he's not even a pompous career writer like them, but he's still better.


>> No.8082759

>He will simplify the tax plan, and lower taxes for the lower and middle classes, while raising it somewhat for the rich. Mostly it's the simplicity of the new tax plan that's so great, though, with three instead of seven stages.

He's lowering taxes on the wealthiest the most.

>> No.8082762

damn you're more naive than bernie supporters

>> No.8082764

As a britbong observing from afar, who doesn't really give much of a shit, this is a win-win.

1. Trump wins and is useless = laughing at America.
2. Trump wins and is a brilliant president = laughing at all his initial naysayers (e.g. the hardcore Clinton fans).
3. Trump gets crushed in November = laughing at all the Trump worshippers (e.g. /pol/).

From the outside it'll be a nice social experiment, just on a gigantic scale. I look forward to November.

>> No.8082770

dont you have some refugees to get raped by? cuck

>> No.8082779


no lol have you even seen his tax plan? Don't spout complete bullshit when you are clueless, it'll make you look even more retarded than you actually are. Criticise something like his tax reliefs for the middle class or something instead....

>> No.8082782



>> No.8082784


>> No.8082787


>Wisconsin Hillary Clinton supporter says

>> No.8082788
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>> No.8082791

it's a fact check, dumbass

>> No.8082796
File: 1.64 MB, 2640x2688, Politifact intensifies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Shit politfact says

>Jennifer SHILLING

>> No.8082800



here's his actual tax plan. notice that he's giving the top income bracket about a 15% cut. it's pretty ironic that you're calling me clueless when you dont even know your meme candidate's policies.

>> No.8082804


>> No.8082805



>> No.8082810


Literally says

>With this huge reduction in rates, many of the current exemptions and deductions will become unnecessary or redundant. Those within the 10% bracket will keep all or most of their current deductions. Those within the 20% bracket will keep more than half of their current deductions. Those within the 25% bracket will keep fewer deductions. Charitable giving and mortgage interest deductions will remain unchanged for all taxpayers.

right on the page you linked. Are you illiterate?

>> No.8082816

wow i guess that's why every analysis of his tax plan has come to the conclusion that he's giving the highest earners the biggest cut

>> No.8082818


>every analysis
>doesn't have any sources because he already used politifact and got destroyed

>> No.8082819

Time to delete this thread. It's not literature related.

>> No.8082823

You're just triggered because Trump is white. Black masculinity dominates pop-culture and is as "toxic" (if not more so) as traditional white masculinity yet the cuckolded intelligentsia doesn't complain because muh raysism.

>> No.8082826

>politifact doesnt count because i say so


here's another, buddy. i really dont know what to else to say. ive never dealt with this level of cognitive dissonance.

>> No.8082832

how did i get destroyed? because of your meme that implies the civil war wasnt about slavery?

>> No.8082839

Fortune is leftist too
Evidence: they came to a conclusion (more like cucklusion) I don't like and I'm not leftist.

>> No.8082842

on point

black masculinity glorifies crime and especially violent crime to a degree unheard among whites

>> No.8082848


Where's the cognitive dissonance exactly? I don't think you know what the term means. Maybe you should look it up.

The source you just linked is being intentionally misleading. It chooses brackets arbitrarily, especially among the poor households - for example

>In contrast, the lowest-income households

where it is not stated which percentiles exactly, and it's also misleading because there isn't much to cut. The point is to simplify, so that they don't have to bother paying taxes at all, and thus lighten the administrative burden on both the households and collection.

The article also neglects to mention the weight of capital gains taxes (which I'm personally actually not in support of, I think it's bad for the economy), which stands for the majority of the taxes on the very richest households.

>> No.8082863


Snark only takes you so far - Fortune is obviously pushing an angle, and not interested in being objective. You might want to link a neutral analysis that doesn't omit data and use arbitrary samples to prove their points.

>> No.8082876

>[Source] isn't objective
Holy shit wow how did I not see this the leftism has been brushed out of my eyes

>> No.8082891


I didn't say that they weren't objective because of who they are, but because of what they write in the article that you linked.

>pushing this much straw

>> No.8082895

>this much damage control
holy shit. this post is the epitome of cognitive dissonance. the article is based on a nonpartisan study that is very comprehensive.


you said that trump would increase taxes on the wealthiest, which is objectively false. no analysis of his tax plan has come to this conclusion. you have no evidence whatsoever for your statement, youre just desperately trying to poke holes in every study that doesnt fit the /pol/ narrative.

>> No.8082898

I'm not linking the articles. If you post a neutral source, I'll gladly read it.

Not to be a dick and tell you it's biased but because I'm generally interested.

>> No.8082900
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>The article also neglects to mention the weight of capital gains taxes (which I'm personally actually not in support of, I think it's bad for the economy), which stands for the majority of the taxes on the very richest households.

All that getting rid of capital gains will do is cause the value of stocks and real estate to sky rocket and result in the poor going into more debt to the rich by borrowing to "invest" before the bubble bursts. That's classic accumulation by dispossession like what happened during the transition from feudalism to capitalism... except instead of investing in growing the productive forces you're directing funds towards the fictitious paper economy to inflate paper value and increase rent extraction from the real economy.

Unless you're an accelerationist or something this will result in something way worse than the Great Recession.

>> No.8082904

>tfw Trump sends all nu age Marxists to Siberia where they belong

>> No.8082907


the article is based on tax policy center, which is nonpartisan. if you actually read the article you would realize this.

>> No.8082909

>if you dont like trump you're a marxist

well meme'd. my favorite conservative strawman.

>> No.8082925
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>> No.8082933

Not to mention the way it speaks about women. It's always amusing to see the iTunes library of many so-called feminists.

>> No.8082938

The far-left website known as 4chan

>> No.8082944


>cognitive dissonance

Again, I don't think you know what the term means, so stop embarrassing yourself by using it.

>you said that trump would increase taxes on the wealthiest

No, I didn't. I said 'the rich'. Are you illiterate, a bad liar, or just plain stupid?

>which is objectively false

I don't think you know what the word 'objective' means either. It depends entirely on which percentiles you choose to include, and whether you include capital gains taxes or not, and whether you adjust for effective income tax rates.

>no analysis of his tax plan has come to this conclusion

Here's one, that's also non-partisan but comes to a different conclusion than tpc: http://taxfoundation.org/article/details-and-analysis-donald-trump-s-tax-plan

I'll link more sources shortly.


Firstly, he's not getting rid of capital gains, but increasing their taxes on them. Otherwise I essentially agree with you on the effects of it - it won't be catastrophic, but it's definitely not good. The question here is about whether it is factually correct to say that Trump is lowering or raising taxes for the rich, or not.

>> No.8082946

Hey it's a politics thread with no content and mutual triggering! How new and fun!

>> No.8082961

here here

>> No.8082963

>Tax Foundation

>Tax Policy Center

>> No.8082965


>> No.8082969

the most funny thing is 90% of posters are being iRoNiC

>> No.8082973
File: 42 KB, 779x272, Based Politifact.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Politifact doesn't count because it's full of shit.

>> No.8082975

Because the army isn't fighting for America right now

>> No.8082977

Source that says otherwise? I can believe it but I can't be fucked to use Google.

>> No.8083002

Never mind I did it myself. Found the International Organization For Migration's numbers has far more male than women and children.

Personally spooky since Syrian refugees in North Africa and the middle east look split down the middle in gender.

>> No.8083005

Trump could've put money in a bank and made more than he's worth now. inaction trumps trump. literally lmaoing my ass off

>> No.8083021

you, my friend, have no understanding of economics. Banks can't handle all his money. If they did, they would be investing it in just as volatile things as what he did, or it would be so highly diversified that it wouldn't grow at all.


>> No.8083032

>b-but muh he didn't do it so it doesn't count

literally lmaoing

>> No.8083133

>$1M in the bank turns into $8B in 50 years with just interest alone
Is this what /leftypol/ actually believes?

>> No.8083329

I'm fucking done, i cant keep it inside anymore, kill yourself you fucking KEK AND TAKE AS MANY OF YOU AS YOU CAN WITH YOU. DO THE REST OF THE WORLD A FAVOUR.

>> No.8083355


>the iTunes library of many so-called feminists


>> No.8083360

Did you even read that analysis?

>Taxpayers in the bottom deciles (the 0-10 and 10-20 percent deciles), would see increases in after-tax adjusted gross income (AGI) of 1.4 and 0.6 percent, respectively. Middle-income taxpayers with incomes that fall within the 30th to 80th percentiles would see larger increases in their after-tax AGI, of between 3.0 and 8.3 percent. Taxpayers with incomes that fall in the highest income class (the 90-100 percent decile) would see an increase in after-tax income of 14.6 percent. The top 1 percent of all taxpayers would see a 21.6 percent increase in after-tax income.

Trump is also eliminating the estate tax which clearly favors the wealthiest.

>acting like a smug prick while you post an article that contradicts your argument


>> No.8083384

>Stephen King

Now I might actually vote for Trump.

>> No.8084201

>a bunch of talentless hacks and literally whos
just let democracy take its course you babies

>> No.8084339

He taped Kimmel today, really hoped he was asked about this.

"Stephen King, supposedly a good guy, well maybe not since he attacked me, but this very popular horror writer, my kids loved him in middle school by the way, smart kids, read all through school, we would give them the best books, so Stephen King and I guess 400 other writers signed a letter attacking me. And it's just like what are we doing? I look at the bestseller list in the new york times, a failing dishonest newspaper, and all the titles are these horrible horrible books. What happened to Pinecone and YeCarthy? David Foster Wallace I liked too, great guy, tremendous talent, very discernable. Hemmingway, Faulkner, well he was actually a little too corncobby for my taste, but I'm sitting there this morning thinking what happened, Jimmy? What happened to our literature? It's a disaster. A total disaster."

>> No.8084413

Good effort but he's too easy to emulate