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/lit/ - Literature

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8082134 No.8082134 [Reply] [Original]

Do you ever consider all that has been written? Then, consequentially, discount the value of recording your own experience?

I know the answer is 'just write, even Kafka hated his own writing, etc' but this question seems to become more and more relevant. Is there too much communication? Maybe we need a period of silence.

>> No.8082249

>gillian anderson was 25 when she was a TV star
>I'm 42 and never accomplish anything

>> No.8082269

if everything has been done before, why not just kill yourself?

art is hedonistic, fuck other people

>> No.8082526
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this basically, but OP

Unless you find pleasure in writing, don't write.
The chances are if you treat it as therapy, a hobby, whatever, you will produce something of value for yourself, whether its to see how far you can take your imagination with language or just to dump the existential weight you've been carrying around for years. If you have close friends that aren't bored to death of you talking to them about whether or not your experience has any value and that you're just human shit just fuck my shit up senpai etc etc, share it with them! Talk about it together and then move on to your next project, enriched knowing that, if nothing else, your work resulted in a stimulating conversation with a good friend.
Cut the pretence, forget the literary heraldry that sits on your shoulders because it's only going to ensure you never write anything interesting. Instead, channel the respect you have for literature into yourself and see what happens.

I hope you don't take this the wrong way, i'm speaking to you as someone who has spent years boring my friends with the petty dread and fear that surrounds trying to write. A combination of me reading "Letters to a Young Poet" (a dialogue between a master and a novice of poetry- well worth reading if you need motivation) and just sitting down and fucking with words fixed that pretty quick. Good luck mate.

>> No.8082567
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>discount the value of recording your own experience

Maybe the answer is not to record your own experience, but to create art from your imagination. We know very little about Shakespeare because he wasn't a 20th Century turdnugget who worked through his demons and penis issues with a host of transparent semi-autobiographical characters. Fucking Arthur Golden wrote from the perspective of a Geisha. He put his creative mind into a fictional mind. Step outside yourself. That's the function of art.

Now shut the fuck up. We need a period of silence (from you).

>> No.8082572

Kafka hated his own writing? I thought he used to read his stories to his friends while laughing.

>> No.8084265

Yeah, laughing about how bad they were

>> No.8084392

All I think about is my internet culture novel's place in the canon and whether it is totally secure, somewhat secure, or not secure (happens on rainy days).

I am writer. We are writer. all you have to do is sit down at your computer and BLEED. Empty your heart and life experiences out. Middle school video game playing, high-school anime, suburbs, loving normal parents. all those crucial life events that make you you. THAT's the key. No one can write like YOU.

>> No.8084399



Did you read Kafka? Did you realize how self loathing of a person he was? How he overemphasized every one of his flaws to an exponential degree? How he with minute detail percieved every small touch or word as pain?

His personality is why he hated his writing

>> No.8084488
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>I am writer
>I'm writer