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/lit/ - Literature

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8067265 No.8067265 [Reply] [Original]

Recent Purchases?

Thomas Pynchon-Mason & Dixon, 1st Ed
The Collected Stories of Louis Auchincloss
Salman Rushdie-The Satanic Verses, 1st Ed
Montaigne-Selected Essays
Another Republic-Poems, anthologized by Simic & Strand
Fadia Faqir-Pillars of Salt
Yasunari Kawabata-Palm-of-the-Hand Stories
Ron Rash-One Foot in Eden, signed
The Vintage Book of Latin American Stories, edited by Fuentes & Ortega
Natsume Soseki-And Then
John Williams-The Man Who Cried I Am
Naguib Mahfouz-Arabian Nights & Days
Ron Rash-Above the Waterfall
Wurmbrand-Tortured for Christ
Smithsonian Guide to Historic America: The Carolinas and Appalachian States
Implementation of Taiwan Relations Act: An Examination After Twenty Years

The last four I picked up at a thrift store for next to nothing.

>> No.8067280

You can download all of these.

>> No.8067293


>> No.8067315

Boring as fuck

>> No.8067505
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books I've purchased recently

Louis-Ferdinand Céline - Journey to the End of the Night
Marquis De Sade - The 120 Days of Sodom and Other Writings
Edgar Allan Poe - Complete Stories and Poems of Edgar Allan Poe
William Gibson - Neuromancer
Franz Kafka - The Trial
Thomas Ligotti - The Conspiracy Against The Human Race
Jorge Luis Borges - Collected Fictions
Oscar Wilde - The Picture of Dorian Gray (Dover Thrift Editions)
Jean Genet - Funeral Rites
Clarice Lispector - The Passion According to G.H. (Emergent Literatures)
Fernando Pessoa - The Book of Disquiet (Penguin Classics)
George Orwell - Animal Farm
Dostoyevsky - Crime and Punishment

Books I plan on purchasing soon

Fredrich Nietzche - Thus Spoke Zarathustra
Jean-Paul Sartre - Nausea
Philip K. Dick - Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep
Albert Camus - The Stranger
Cormac Mccarthy - Blood Meridian
Cormac Mccarthy - Suttree
Vladimir Nabokov - Lolita
Emil Cioran - The Temptation to Exist
Emil Cioran - The Problem with Being Born
Emil Cioran - On The Heights of Despair
Oscar Wilde - Teleny

Books I picked up from my parent's house

Catch 22
The Old Man at Sea
Paradise Lost (vintage hard cover)
Catcher In The Rye

>> No.8067549

You're a sad person and I feel extremely bad for you.

>> No.8067561

lol okay

>> No.8067575
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>> No.8067608

Why btw? Please don't make statements like this without providing reasoning. I admire a person who can be direct, but also correct. Who cares what I think, if what you're saying trumps the logic I have inside my brain already? By all means, I would love to hear what you have to say about why my life sucks. In case you haven't noticed, I find that sort of thing really alluring.

>> No.8067628

The State of the Art HC and Against a Dark Background HC by Iain M. Banks. Sweet 80s covers.
Also a few Forgotten Realms and Ravenloft novels.

>> No.8067659

are you me? I never find people who reply to shitposters in such a similar way

>> No.8067700

Good taste, anon.

>> No.8067720

I may be. Shit posts are very boring. So, why not create your own fun out of them? I know there's the aphorism about not feeding trolls, but I don't give a flying fuck about aphorisms, because general truths don't mean absolute truths. Who's to say my level of enjoyment from confronting an obnoxious human being isn't greater than if I would have simply walked away, with an idea still in my head that I never speak? It's nothing more than a game, dude. What more in life is there besides games?

>> No.8067724

Debt is a boss book

>> No.8067739

Why are you guys so desperate for approbation?

It's disturbing.

>> No.8067756

Where is this assumption that we post the books we're reading for approval coming from? Maybe I want to hear about why the books I'm reading suck? Did that ever cross your mind dip shit? I'm kidding, I'm only being satirical. That's the reply you may expect from someone who was simply looking for affirmation, but hiding it shallowly. No, that's not what's going on here. I do think your question is annoying though, annoying enough for me to deposit this choice bundle of joyous words upon thine screen, in front of thee. A precious second lost, only to speak to one person, who's name I may never know. Well done my clever cunt well done, you've truly gotten the best of me.

>> No.8067763

The desperation is palpable.

>> No.8067774

Desperation? You're pulling adjectives out of your ass, in a desperate attempt to come up with a reply to that perfect storm of literary greatness.

>> No.8067779
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scored all 4 of these for $9 this morning god bless used bookstores

>> No.8067793

Let me ask you this, what person comes up with a reply to someone in spite of them, unless out of humor or spite themselves? In either case, I can't think of a scenario where someone would be rightfully so enraged at another person on an anonymous forum that they would do such a thing. Such an act can only be done out of spite or humor, for me I see it as a humorous thing. The funniest part is, the people reading what is happening may not know what's even going on. That's the divine nature of it all, the fact that there's a set up, but no punch line. It's a very existential sort of comedy that appeals to my darker nature, or maybe it's my lighter nature. Who knows for sure?

>> No.8067798

/lit/ is truly the most autistic board of 4chan, good god

>> No.8067805

Snowden's intro in Assasisnation Complex is so fucking naive. The guy really drank the kool aid.

>> No.8067812
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>> No.8067813

You're acting like people on 4chan aren't all resentful white beta cucks who project their self-loathing on a Guatemalan potassium apothecary

>> No.8067817

quit reading the new yorker just before you kill yourself anon

>> No.8067825

Nonsense my dear boy. As you speak, I am sitting upon a high throne, in a bright well lit room, with a lush robe. I speak for pleasure and I am a man of means. To say that the good citizens of your own board aren't high quality is treachery. Do you not value the place where you choose to spend moments of your life? If so then why choose to spend them on this Taiwanese basket weaving forum.

>> No.8067909

No photos, but from half price books I spent $18 + shipping to get essentially new (very good) copies of:
>The Western Canon by Harold Bloom (softcover)
>The Best Poems of the English Language by Harold Bloom (hardcover)
>My Struggle 2-4 by Karl Ove Knausgaard (hardcover)

>> No.8067913
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Picked up a nice new copy of my favourite book today since I lent my last one out.

>> No.8068170
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Not gonna bother taking a photo but today I bought Mythology by Edith Hamilton and A Brief History of Seven Killings by Marlon James. I intend on going back to the bookstore once I have some more money and buying pic related.

>> No.8068352
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Black one is Mingus' book

>> No.8068361

edith hamilton mythology is p bad desu

>> No.8068369

What would you recommend, then?

I'm actually specifically interested in Norse and Celtic mythology, and that part isn't very long in Hamilton's book, so I would legitimately like a recommendation.

>> No.8068388

These two volumes contain the totality of what we know about Greek Mythology:

'Anthology Of Classical Myth: Primary Sources in Translation': https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/468585.Anthology_of_Classical_Myth
'Apollodorus' Library and Hyginus' Fabulae: Two Handbooks of Greek Mythology': https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/1389340.Apollodorus_Library_and_Hyginus_Myths

Norse and Celtic mythology is another matter.

>> No.8068420

Thank you and much appreciated, but if some kind anon could please recommend me some books concerning the latter I would be much obliged.

>> No.8068997
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>> No.8069134

identity crisis is bad you fucked up
you fucked up even more holy shit

>> No.8069457

nice girly hands faggot

>> No.8069489
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Notes from the underground.
English books arrive next week.
Stop making these threads every other day.

>> No.8069998

What edition of Joyce's Portrait is that? The 2010 (I think) Oxford World's Classics? Did Jeri Johnson write the introduction end edit the notes etc.?
She did for the 2014 edition I own and I came across at least one instance of this supposed Joyce scholar giving misleading and really quite silly notes to the text. I don't have it at hand, but it's the part somewhere in the beginning where Stephen's dad is talking about his revolutionary exploits and uses a euphemism for bomb-making, something like 'making champagne', and his fingers are described as damage because of making birthday presents for the queen. It's obvious that they're talking about bombs, but Jeri Johnson has some silly anecdote about revolutionaries being shipped off and used as prison labour to pick flax which was supposedly hard on the hands or something -- and this from a Joyce scholar.

>> No.8070027
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>> No.8070136
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Fatemi sapere, /lit/aliani.

>> No.8070333
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These should carry me over the summer.

>> No.8070363

a parte Gramsci approvo un sacco. hai già letto "Più piccolo è il paese, più grandi sono i peccati"? il titolo m'ispira ma non so chi sia Bacchilega.

>> No.8071299
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I haven't bought many books recently because I have lots of unread stuff

But I did buy this, mainly for curiosity value. It's from 1897. It's in pretty good condition.

>> No.8071308
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It has two dedications in it, one from 1899 and this one from 1912

>> No.8071313
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The illustrations are suitably of their time

It was £3 from the bargain shelf of my local antiquarian bookshop

>> No.8071320

I'm jealous. Even though my english is medicre and I probably wouldn't be able to read it anyways

>> No.8071565

Non ho ancora letto Bacchilega, ma l'ho comprato perché stavo parlando con una tipa da Rimini che mi diceva che odia la città perché d'estate ci sono troppi turisti e d'inverno non c'è un cazzo da fare. E a quanto pare parla, tra altre cose, di quello.
Gramsci l'ho comprato perché sto a Bologna. Non si può studiare alla Dotta e la Rossa senza nemmeno leggere un paio di comunisti, dai.

>> No.8071603
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I want these

>> No.8071605


>> No.8071610

this thread can serve more than one purpose you ridged minded dumbass.

>> No.8071611


>Illustrated gay erotic classic

wew lad

>> No.8071614

no it can't. RECENT

its not "ur dear backlog' thread, no one gives a shit about the books you want

>> No.8071616
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>> No.8071617

No one gives a shit about the books you bought (which literally anyone else in the world may buy), either, but that doesn't stop you guys from being tool bags.

>> No.8071621

cry about it some more.

>> No.8071647

The Vintage Book of Latin American Stories, edited by Fuentes & Ortega

Yes! Can highly recommend Dalton Trevisan, which I got to know through this work. Great choice, OP.

>> No.8071657

why do you treat homosexuality as some unusual condition? don't contribute to that nasty attribute of society. many gay men feel disheartened by coming out of the closet, simply because it's looked at as bizarre and weird. I don't want to say you're wrong in doing this, because then I may fall under the pretense of being too politically correct. This is just the way I see it, for each one that becomes more sensitive to homosexuality, the more that will follow.

>> No.8071805
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I went a little overboard but they were really really cheap.
I'm still surprised to find The Death of Lorca first edition

>> No.8071879

No knowledge of correct comma usage.

>> No.8071912


>> No.8071914

you're nearly 24 hours too late, anon.

>> No.8073884

>24 hours late
>on /lit/

>> No.8074080
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Nabokov - The Eye
Kawataba - The Dancing Girl of Izu
Some short stories of Embirikos
The Yage Letters
Bulgakov - The Life of Monsieur de Moliere
Ishiguro - An Autist of the Floating World
Pamuk - The Museum of Innocence

>> No.8074127

Carpentier is good shit. One of my top-10 LatAm writers.

>> No.8074146

>cover has punctuation

>> No.8074710
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Really hyped for V. Place's LA Medusa ever since I was recommended Énard's Zone.
I actually read through Gass' On Being Blue the moment I got it. It's a short read, and I've had a few passages come up randomly in my memory.
I've been meaning to reread Kafka, Hejinian, Dillard and McElroy recently. Hejinian's My Life is outstanding and I recommend it to anyone here interested in the LANGUAGE poets.
I've been grinding my way through a dozen of Dickinson's poems every night before bed this week. It is by turns beautiful, heart-felt and confusing. Reminds me of Beckett.
I've been reading a few passages of Allen's before and in-between work. It's really fucking funny.
Gadda and Brodkey were blind buys, and Powers has Morte d'Urban (which I read in high school) to recommend him.

>> No.8075011

Mine's the 2000 oxford edition with a jeri johnson introduction and shit yeah

>> No.8075075
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>> No.8075658

i bought GR like 2 weeks ago, it's been shipped but I still don't have it, and the tracking info says it's not expected until Jun 7


>> No.8075735

@war by shane harris (looking forward to that)
six tragedies by Senaca. never read any roman tragedy so excited for that as well
i r8 nothing to envy. check out Andrei Lankov, north of the DMZ for a less subjective and more academic perspective on NK.

>> No.8076410
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Recent cops.

>> No.8076433
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>> No.8076436
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>> No.8077663

I already dig the LoA hardcovers, but those College edition paperbacks are really nifty.

>> No.8078090
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>> No.8079035
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<$1 total

>> No.8079067

Honestly looks like you overpaid.

>> No.8079072

yeah, i have a whole shelf of LOA hardcovers, but I need to get my hands on these college editions. I'm afraid to write in the hardcovers, but the college editions have thicker paper which lends itself to notes. they're really nice, and i love the cream coloring too.

>> No.8079110


>> No.8079550
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Rate my load, /lit/.

Also, is Groff really just as bad as those trust-fund, MFA, Carver- and Davis-aping contemporary writers? I keep hearing a lot of good, and a lot of bad thi go but decided to take the plunge for $2.

>> No.8079668
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buying them new and treating them gently

>> No.8079672


>> No.8079699

Great choice of editions, 'non.

>> No.8079738

A Tree Grows in Brooklyn and To the Lighthouse are two of my favourites. Good picks anon.

>> No.8079787

Fates and Furies is good. Pretty pretentious at times, but overall it was enjoyable and the prose was solid. Well worth a read. If any book from last year is going to become a classic, for better or for worse, it'll be F&F.

>> No.8079822

>The Greek Way

Sounds pretty hot tbqh

>> No.8080709
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ayyyyyyy lmao

>> No.8080713

What edition of Dawkin's God Delusion is that?

>> No.8080720

Houghton Mifflin company

>> No.8080724
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>buying books

>> No.8080728

that is disgusting

>> No.8080734
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>> No.8080738


>> No.8080744

no u r

>> No.8080768

pls respond

>> No.8080796

I actually don't know those books, anon. Tell me a little about them so I can have an idea. All I can say is that judging by its cover, it looks like a kind of a teen book

>> No.8080806

isn't this genre trash

>> No.8080817
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Bought $20 after tax

>> No.8080850
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>> No.8080856

oh you cunt. how much was J R. sell it to me when your fi ished

>> No.8080867

you've never heard of silence of the lambs?

this is b8, right?

>> No.8080874

my local store had it for 25 bucks new, they still have several copies, but I won't say what store it is

>> No.8080879

shit edition anyways

>> No.8080928

The genre is trash.

But Harris is surprisingly good.
The same way vampire genre is trash, but Anne Rice is good.

>> No.8080947


aww u guise

>> No.8080968


Can I get a shot of that cover of GR?

>> No.8080985

I think it's just the UK Vintage cover, the one with the spectrum of crayola rockets.

>> No.8081028

I'm don't read a lot of English books, I'm not an English native speaker so I tend to read stuff from my country since I'm not a particular fan of translations

>> No.8081083

Just got this in the mail today, I found a bookstore that had the dalkley edition for $22 but I wanted that sexy red

>> No.8081089
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forgot pic

>> No.8081092

Anon pls...


>> No.8081801
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Interestingly enough, the title of this book is one of those cases where a translation is obviously much better and more descriptive because of the poverty of the English language when it comes to describing types silence, and the original title has always struck me as more fanciful than descriptive.
Cf. the German title, Schweigen der Lämmer, where 'Schweigen' isn't just being silent, but keeping silent even though possessing information.

>> No.8081805

read this article i think youll enjoy it

>> No.8081811
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addiction is a spook

>> No.8081840 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8081924
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Comments ? Was looking for sci-fi walked out with these. Wasn't meant to be meme stack

>> No.8081965

That's why you don't type when you're drunk. I hope >>8080867 forgive my terrible English up there

>> No.8082221
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Here are mine from the past week--probably getting a few more in the mail today (A Little History of the World, some Little Bear books, Strega Nona).

The Judge Dee ones were a great find, all $1 or less. I'm only missing Murder in Canton and Poets and Murder now.

>> No.8082288

Considered. But more descriptive doesn't equal better. The silence of the lambs is discussed literally when the main character recollects her time on a farm with sheep and doesn't hear them bleating anymore. But then they were being slaughtered so that's why and then there's the symbolism of it as the victims are being murdered by a serial killer thoughout.

>> No.8082389

Finally someone said it

>> No.8082397
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>> No.8082468
