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8080750 No.8080750[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is Sargon of Akkad today's greatest living thinker?


>> No.8080848


>> No.8080851

Begone Sargon

>> No.8080862

it seemed like a bit much of a punishment for just saying he saw them together to his friend.

>> No.8080881
File: 2.71 MB, 5096x3452, 1464018362697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree with that video, but no, of course not

>> No.8081312
File: 741 KB, 5096x3452, autism intensifies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who are these interesting and smart people?

>> No.8081318

What are you doing on /lit/ if you don't recognize Bloom, bitch

>> No.8081336

I recognize Dave Rubin, Harold Bloom, Will Self, Joe Rogan, Lawrence Krauss, Peter Molyneux, Thunderf00t, Lauren Southern, Paul Joseph Watson, Boogie, Reza Aslan and Syrian Girl

>> No.8081337
File: 676 KB, 5096x3452, autism intensifies part 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're such a good memer, anon. Please name the rest of them.

>> No.8081366
File: 490 KB, 5096x3452, autism intensifies part 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you.
Only 8 left.

>> No.8081386

I recognize Stefan Molyneux and that whore Zoe Quinn.

>> No.8081392

Found via GRIS: Yanis Varoufakis, MrRepzion, Zoe Quinn, Mehdi Hasan, Jaclyn Glenn, Brian Cox and Owen Jones

Also I meant Stefan Molyneux, who is the smiling bald guy in the middle. Got him confused with the equally obnoxious video game devleoper

>> No.8081394

guy on left who's bald is some greek politician who did a debate with noam chomsky recently, don't remember name. guy at bottom is an al jazeera guy mehdi hassan maybe?

second from right is brian cox a british science tv guy

>> No.8081397

I feel bad that Peter Hitchens is among those people. He doesn't deserve it.

>> No.8081403


>> No.8081413

>Harold Bloom
>pseudo intellectual
How many levels of irony is this?

>> No.8081420

>Zizek is a psuedo-intellectual.
Kill yourself man.

>> No.8081432

All continentals are pseuds.

>> No.8081433

Inherent in the term 'pseudo-intellectual' is the false assumption that to be an intellectual is to somehow be on a higher level in terms of intelligence than the general population; in fact, all the term 'intellectual' refers to is an individual who tends to engage in some form of reflection on human society. It's all a spook wrapped up in a meme.

>> No.8081445
File: 12 KB, 228x309, 1463701371648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw fan of Harold Bloom, Sam Hyde, and Slavoj Zizek
At least I still have Habermas

>> No.8081446

False. The concept of a pseudo intellectual is that they attempt to appear to have either infallible ideas or to be foremost experts in their field of discussion, passing themselves off to the masses as intellectuals. Also, an intellectual doesn't necessarily need to be more intelligent than the average person, but they do need to be more knowledgeable, insightful, or informed in order to pass as having a deeper understanding than the average person - this is where pseudo intellectuals pretend, and actual intellectuals exist.

>> No.8081462

>Is Sargon of Akkad today's greatest living thinker?


This video is a two hour answer.

Fuck no

>> No.8081468

he died 2279 bc

>> No.8081469

Lol yeah that one's pretty bad. Wish he'd stick to talking about internet personalities and current events.

>> No.8081475

is it him on the pic btw?

>> No.8081478

Uh yeah totally

>> No.8081494


>> No.8081499

I'm not going to watch this video but I'm 99% certain it's even worse

>> No.8081503

It is. Anything by this kid is guaranteed second-hand embarrassment

>> No.8081509

Where is the converse one that has Tesak, al-Baghdadi, Nick Land, Viper etc.

>> No.8081510

>le fuck leftists XD

Kill yourselves

>> No.8081511

Don't tell people to kill themselves.

>> No.8081513

Kill yourself

>> No.8081516

>find lowest common denominator feminism that everyone already dealt with years ago
great show

>> No.8081518

Please seek mental help.

>> No.8081520

It hasn't actually been dealt with, though. Still needs to be stamped out.

>> No.8081523

I don't have a problem with leftists, man. The kid's videos are always really preachy & are usually just him spouting off something he heard Noam Chomsky say this one time. You might as well just listen to Chomsky, at least he's a lot more articulate.

>> No.8081530
File: 272 KB, 1200x1200, 3b5d178b5bd5d0659dd6514dc2215ca2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>believing in a right/left system
>Not believing political parties simply lump unrelated issues into single baskets to create personas to achieve more votes, unintentionally creating groups of people that follow these ideologies religiously and adhere by all the principles of their favorite party, even when those principles conflict the values of the individual
>Ideology in general
>being spooked
Guero is a good album desu

>> No.8081539

Really? I've only seen the video that I posted and I feel like it (and the follow up here:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K1Gn65nmLo4)) is a pretty solid refuatation of Akkad's weird egotism. He did seem like kind of a wanker though so I'm not that surprised.

>> No.8081544

This is a glorious list. Zizek writes good books on Christianity though.

>> No.8081550
File: 26 KB, 213x341, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Fuck the left-right system. Long live Afro-orthodox nationalist soviet

>> No.8081552

No. Fuck Quadroon of Cuckadia.

>> No.8081567

>most upvoted comment
>thinks the atrocious shit sargon's talking about is 'sociology'
that's sad

>> No.8081579

Leftism is garbage and sprouted the most destructive ideology of the 20th century, so yeah, fuck leftism.

>> No.8081600

Looks like a straw man to me.

>> No.8081605

Oldboy is such a great movie.

>> No.8081611

Are you going to dismiss a diverse body of political thought because of a few radical movements and regimes? I get that totalitarian communist regimes are destructive but leftism also embodies more moderate democratic governments.

>> No.8081616

Are you going to dismiss a diverse body of political thought because of a few radical movements and regimes? I get that totalitarian communist regimes are destructive but leftism also embodies more moderate democratic governments.

>> No.8081625

Quadroon of Mossad is a literal cuck who says exactly what he needs to in order to appeal to his niche audience of angry young men while not pushing any intellectual boundaries.

>> No.8081629

Leftism Worships weakness, disease and perversion. The leftist envies the Strong and thinks their should be punished for their superiority. I worship Power and Excellence. Leftism is a death cult. I choose Life, which is in essence Struggle. Brutal Darwinian Struggle. I choose Fascism.

>> No.8081643
File: 2.93 MB, 1716x1710, science.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's a moron.


>inb4 badphilosophy isn't filled with educated philosophers

>agree with sargon
>putting harold bloom, zizek, and chomsky next to those people

i do agree with most of that image though.

>> No.8081647

this guy is such a fucktard. every single one of his videos is riddled with logical inconsistencies and fallacies - even if you agree with the points he makes or his principles, if you honestly think this guy is a great or even decent thinker/debater/whatever else, you're a fucking moron and i hate you

>> No.8081648
File: 208 KB, 1032x774, 1430283931346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Leftism Worships weakness, disease and perversion. The leftist envies the Strong and thinks their should be punished for their superiority. I worship Power and Excellence. Leftism is a death cult. I choose Life, which is in essence Struggle. Brutal Darwinian Struggle. I choose Fascism.

>> No.8081651

this is a damn good picture

>> No.8081665

I would agree. I think moderate leftism in essence desires to get away from our natural animalistic need for power. Of course it's naive to think that we can ever get away from our basic instincts however transcending them to become something more is an interesting challenge for humanity. I would personally rather not live a life in which I am always afraid that someone more powerful may come along and take from me that which I love.

Also what do you mean by it being a death cult? Moderate leftism usually values life for everyone not just the strong who seize it.

>> No.8081682

Agree about Bloom, Zizek, but, at this point, Chomsky belong in that image.

>> No.8081693


>> No.8081696

Jesus, your link is pure cancer.

>> No.8081713

Both of those threads are literally "duhh the stupid shit I believe is actually good because it's taught at schools and Sargon is bad for ridiculing it super harshly". Also unironic use of "pissbabies" lol

>> No.8081763

>being mad that Sargon is a retard


>> No.8081766

I know he's retarded but he's still right.

>> No.8081768

Yeah, what a fucking pissbaby xD

>> No.8081769

Not really, he's basically created a spook about people that mostly don't exist and gets all mad. He's also clearly unread and he did an episode on philosophy where some other tard taught him the "roots of cultural Marxism", and even next to a retard he sounded retarded. He's not educated and is wrong about everything.

>> No.8081771


>> No.8081773

>Papa Franku
get out

>> No.8081774

People that mostly don't exist that there's tons of video evidence of them existing that he literally provides ok

>> No.8081776

>People that mostly don't exist that there's tons of video evidence of them existing that he literally provides ok

>> No.8081778

common filth > sargon

>> No.8081779

Well shit, guess they were all just a /pol/ false flag. Never mind then

>> No.8081780

He's not even a thinker; he's a professional opiner.

>> No.8081786

You can pull about video evidence to suggest any narrative. You could argue that there's an army of right-wing basement dwellers supporting fascism on 4chan. Because there are. Really SJW shit isn't much of a threat.

>> No.8081789


amateur as fuck and really bad at what he does

>> No.8081794

So it's good that people here believe in fascism

>> No.8081798

>You could argue that there's an army of right-wing basement dwellers supporting fascism on 4chan.
None of whom have effected university level curricula.

>> No.8081806

>calling youtubers papa
selfcease your existence desu

>> No.8081813

>You could argue that there's an army of right-wing basement dwellers supporting fascism on 4chan. Because there are.
I mean really are you just trying to prove me right.

>> No.8081820

4chan's /pol/ is having a not insubstantial impact on American politics, but the fact that it's a hotbed for fascistic ideologies apparently doesn't matter.

>> No.8081823

>4chan's /pol/ is having a not insubstantial impact on American politics
(i know i'll be made fun of for saying this btw but it's true lol)

>> No.8081824

>Not really, he's basically created a spook about people that mostly don't exist and gets all mad
this pretty much, SJW is a term used by people who fulfil every aspect of it themselves except they believe the opposite, a normal teenager with a keyboard who wants to be heard. I mean teenager in development terms not age though, some people are several years behind others their age but they dont understand as you cant without hindsight and by then its too late as you have gone past it. They have the intelligence of adults but not the mental skills, logic, reason, empathy etc. and so are unable to understand what is actually important, lacking the anatomy to judge things properly and so believe things which to many adults are ludicrous. Adults dont watch these kind of people because they are silly teens shouting at the world trying to get noticed, what they shout is irrelevant. People grow up and shed these beliefs, or in a few cases are unable to and go into radio talk show hosting. If you watch them and get angry about them then you probably are them, just a different flavour.

>> No.8081830

shit prose

>> No.8081831

THANK YOU. Now THIS is what /lit/ is supposed to be all about.

>> No.8081837

>using autistic as an insult is pretty fucking scummy

Direct quote from a highly upvoted post on your beloved subreddit. Imagine how angry they would be if they knew you were describing Sargon with such cruel, ableist language!

>> No.8081846

idea were also shit tbqh

>> No.8081855

His work on linguistics are quite relevant though.

>> No.8081856

Guess they didn't get the memo that he's not Politically Correct™.

>> No.8081863
File: 94 KB, 474x496, dam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw this entire thread is a discussion of youtube nobodies who haven't written any books at all
At least the Trump and Hitler shitpost threads are somewhat relevant to literature

>> No.8081870

Fascism is less eharmfu to us than even the most benign forms of contemporary leftism .

>> No.8081871

This is what the people who stay up until 4 AM like to talk about (yes most of us are Americans get over it).

>> No.8081888

Do you really take yourself seriously here? This is 4chan, I can mold myself to a format, and no I dont personally care much for using whatever language, rather not offending people.

>> No.8081889
File: 23 KB, 225x225, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8081891

Your post is a good example of why that is.

>> No.8081892

Stop. Posting. Pictures. Of. Yourself.

>> No.8081896

>until 4 AM


>> No.8081897

If it's been dealt with, why do more and more cases of its bad influence keep appearing?

>> No.8081914

Lol no it isn't

>> No.8081916

Back to your retard board, /pol/. Not even boogeyman or whatever else you faggots spout aside from going "cuck cuck cuck" like a group of birds.

None of your lot or anyone you think highly of really thinks.

>> No.8081922

What exactly is "really thinking" then?

>> No.8081929

It's confirmed that Trump aides browse /pol/

>> No.8081944

Any kind of thinking that doesn't involve logic and science.

>> No.8081947


Not being a massive fucking faggot, scrolling over something Anita Sarkeesian has said whilst fake laughing, and then deciding to post it online.

>> No.8081950

It's already online though. No reason not to comment on it