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/lit/ - Literature

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8076610 No.8076610 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw never seen an opera/play
>tfw know little of classical music
>tfw don't have the refined taste for wines, aristocratic tier cuisine etc.

I'm doing well in terms of reading, like I feel I'm actually reading patrician works.
But I'm a total pleb in other fields and that's utterly embarrassing.

>> No.8076641

>wanting to become a literal stereotype


>> No.8076654

who cares? really

Enjoy the works, if you don't like opera don't listen to it.
You are not forced to like something.
But if you like rap or some shit music, you can't call yourself "well-read" or "patrician"... In reality you are a disgrace.

As far as classical music goes, here are three different styles of it:




You ought to like one of them.
After you choose one (or all) wander through other compositions that are alike.
Google is your best friend.

>> No.8076659

Seeing a play is the only thing out of all these that I think you should actually do.

>> No.8076724

Based heidegger explains that our usual way of looking at something is to make an assertion about it and check it's correctness, which necessarily closes part of the thing to us ("opera = classical music with vocals, I'm supposed to like the vocals, do I like the vocals?") instead, he says to engage with the thing in a way that lets it be itself. Eschew expectation of what or how you should like those things, and instead let them open up to you such that you find something enjoyable in them (keep drinking wine until you find something to like about it; watch or read shit until you can discover the larger truth about it)

>> No.8077825
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Start with the monks.

>> No.8077827

not only are you a pleb, but your idea of patriciandom is pleb too

>> No.8077832

Performed plays are fucking trash and completely irrelevant since the birth of film.

>> No.8077843


>> No.8077850

plays are shit, theatre is where it's at

>> No.8077886

I find this similar to Zen, with keeping the beginner's mind that is open to all possibilities

>> No.8077987

Lower upfront costs mean that you can take risks and cater to a more niche audience. Try not to be 'tarded next post. Thanks.

>> No.8078017

>>tfw never seen an opera/play
Then go to a fucking theater and see a play. The actors don't bite.
I wouldn't recommend live operas if you aren't into classical music already, though. Paying an expensive ticket for something you don't enjoy sucks. Watch some recordings first.
Get Aaron Copland's "What to listen for in music" and/or Roger Kamien's "Music: An Appreciation".
Hasn't it been scientifically proven that oenology is a bunch of bullshit and that "experts" can't tell apart expensive old wine from cheap shit?

>> No.8078025


Seems like you want to become "that kind of person" just because it will make you look...look what ? Nice ? Posh ? Intelligent ?
Being pleb isn't embarassing. It is all social constructions. What matters is to be authentic. At least, it's my opinion.

>> No.8078032

ITT: how do I into bourgeoisie culture?

Get fucked, drone

>> No.8078075

Do you like classical music? If so then go for it. If not, why bother? And another thing, classical music live is the most boring thing ever. I went to a concert hall before and it was three and a half hours of music. The first hour was amazing but the second dragged on and after two hours and thirty minutes I left because I was falling asleep. If you're born after 1990 you most likely won't enjoy a concert hall, probably because our brains and attention span for boredom are so out of wack.

>> No.8078133

Be yourself.
/Teenage years

>> No.8078142

That level of spookiness is disconcerting.

>> No.8078145

>classical music live is the most boring thing ever
That might be true for you because you rarely listen to classical and don't know how to approach it.

>> No.8078150

Don't force yourself to listen to music because you want to appear sophisticated.
You should listen because you like it. If you want some entry level stuff then I'd recommend baroque
>Vivaldi's Gloria
>Handel's water music
>Bach's BWV 140 Sleepers Wake

>> No.8078155

>having less than eight figures of old-money in the family trust
pick one

>> No.8078159

>But if you like rap or some shit music

genuinely curious, whats wrong with rap?

>> No.8078160

I literally got hard from seeing Mozart's 41st symphony performed by a top orchestra. I was grinning like a madmen all 40+ minutes of it and it was infinitely more exciting than any other genre of concert I've seen.
Speak for yourself

>> No.8078166

OP, the last 150 years were revolutionary for culture. Enjoy them

>lower upfront costs
independent films

>> No.8078171

It's just rhythmical lyricism
Not music. It's shitty beats in the bacground do not constitute music in my opinion. I can enjoy rap too but to consider it music is far fetched

>> No.8078172

black people make it

>> No.8078176

Nothing. It depends why you listen to it, though

>> No.8078194

theatre's fun; book tickets.
order your drinks for the interval in the bar before the first half. the bell means take your seats. opening nights are cheap a lot of places because the actors might fuck up. stop being concerned with status, only the globe and blackfriars still make the really cheap seats stand.

>> No.8078250

I used to get free opening night tickets for my local municipal theater via my aunts senior citizen group. Unfortunately a few years after she died they figured it out and stopped sending them to me.

I really miss it and was considering just sitting in the free seats this year. Anyone know any kind of binoculars or opera glasses made for this kind of thing?

>> No.8078345

Fundamentaly, nothing. To be more specific, I think it depend of what you are listening to, who. French is my mother tongue and there are plenty of French Speaking rappers who deserve attention, in my opinion. The same goes for the English ones.

It is reducing. If that so, a lot of genre can't be called "music". I think that the way you define music is too restrictive.

Not only, Bait-Kun.


>> No.8078372

any guides on how to approach?

>> No.8078401

Why Baroque?

Listen to whatever. Try some Wiener classical stuff. Try Some Baroque. Try some Romantic stuff. Try something neoclassical.

Whatever you like: stick with it. whatever you don't like: stop listening to it.

Personally I find Baroque boring at times - some composers can be summarized by calling their works: Absolute Hapsichord 1, 2 and 3.
Some Baroque music is great.

It's all up to personal preference, but hard to know what you prefer (if anything) if you haven't tried anything.

>> No.8078410

see >>8078017 and, more importantly, listen to it. You won't get a lot of it at first, but you'll become accustomed to the style and sooner or later you'll understand and enjoy it. Nobody enjoys something as distant as classical music or ancient greek literature the first time they experience it. (at least, I didn't)

>> No.8078424


I like Debussy, I know I'm a pleb and I dont care. Stop being a cuck.

>> No.8078425

With the volume turned on and when you have time on your hands to relax and listen.

If you still don't like it, so be it.

>> No.8078437 [DELETED] 

>whats wrong with rap?
If you have to ask, you'll never understand.

>> No.8078468

it hasn't been around long enough as a genre to actually produce many (good) artists who want to go against the dogma and produce anything of worth (avant-garde). Clouddead and such are good, but otherwise it's just a pretty boring young genre. I listen to Madvillain or GZA and such, but in terms of actual artistic merit, which is what OP is looking for, rap is a pretty shitty genre to find it.

>> No.8078490

>what to listen for in music
Thankfully my library has that in stock. Gonna check it out.

>> No.8078519

sheep here

kekking @ you rn

>> No.8078560

If we are going to call Wagner, music then we can't also call some nigger stammering indecipherable birdshit "lyrics" about lyrical spiritual individual (which is alot of rap, not saying all)

>> No.8078578

We can. You just have to realize that there is different genres under one concept and different levels of quality. Is it that hard ?

Plus, I don't know what's your knowledge about rap, but it's something very wide. Looks like you only know about the most visible ones.

>> No.8078603

I'm talking about prevalent rap that most of the genre is saturated with. The musicality of nearly all of rap consists of a generic or uncomplicated beat, looped in the background. Even really good rappers are musically simple. Their rhymes are not music

>> No.8078707
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It's rather indicative how so-called patricians here would consider classical music and theatre unpleasing to their senses, even "lol boring", yet would still praise their own appreciation of literature as a clear sign of their own refinement.
All modern music is negroid in origin. It's entertaining to see /mu/ discuss syncopated dance music as anything more than a primitivist regression, as a technique as seen among the Yoruba to induce possession. Or vandalism, in the form of niggroglyphics, as an art form.

There's no such thing as patrician anymore. Aristocracy is dead. No bloodlines to carry it, just the offspring of a mercantile class using its coins to shape a colossal recipient for elitism, but finding no actual content to fill their decadent gilded vessel.
So they go on and salvage symbols of stature. All resulting in eclectic signalling, but being nothing more than the support for a narcissistic fantasy; no class of people to regard it as anything more than silly entertainment.

And a bunch of petty bourgeois marxist mandarins ( 'scholars' ), with their postmodern rococo pretending they're the cultural elite and vanguard, thinking they're on the same level as the thinkers of old because of their myopic reading of the past.. they are a humorous faux pas if anything.. and even unimportant to the cause of the people their purport to champion.

>> No.8078721

>petty bourgeois marxist mandarins ( 'scholars' ), with their postmodern rococo pretending

>> No.8078744
File: 19 KB, 480x360, 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw never seen an opera/play

jesus dude just look up some theatres in nearby towns or cities, there's probably one on in the next few weeks. just book a ticket and go

start with madam butterfly or something, that's like gateway opera for noobs

>> No.8078795

I mostly agree for the prevalent ones. About the music, yes, generraly simple. But the interest of rap isn't really on the music, not always.

>> No.8078798
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>all these posts giving OP shit for wishing to cultivate taste

You know how I know you're poor, retards?

>> No.8078810

If this isn't sincere then 9/10. If it is then LOL.

>> No.8078817

Stop samefagging sweetheart.

>> No.8078833

>Not music. It's shitty beats in the bacground do not constitute music in my opinion.
Your opinion is wrong I'm afraid.

>> No.8078846

stop being wrong sweetheart

>> No.8078871

This is some solid argument you have here pal, "No, you're wrong.".

>> No.8078880

that which is asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence

also stop being the fucking board police

>> No.8078886
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>> No.8078887

That's almost legit but I take the "stop being the fucking board police". Just wanted you to arrêter de te jeter des fleurs petit con.

>> No.8078893

>replying for my four hour ago post
I love classical music and seeing it live was great and exciting for the first maybe two hours, but after that it got old and lost its charm when I realized I could listen to this same thing at home for free and I could pause it and rewind. It loses its charm after you realize you can get the same experience at home with good speakers.
Well, like I said I was happy and excited the first hour and I thought it was amazing but after about an hour and a half in it started to slow down a bit for me. Could you have sat through more than 2 hours of it? If so, that is great! But not me.

>> No.8078959

Degenerate detected

Literally one step away from the clicking african "languages"

>> No.8080650

You people need to listen to Dälek. It's at least a step in the right direction for the genre, despite having their peak ~15 years ago and no comparable rap has been released since.

>> No.8080660

Dude, I really hope you're not serious. Art is art, depending only on the skill of the artist and the ability of the art to convey the emotions and beauty to the observer.

Get with the times, embrace where the world is going, grandpa

>> No.8080662


is the last sentence here about Zizek?

>> No.8081362

much of rap is built on the sampling of music and still uses many of its forms. it's music but an advanced form of it

>> No.8081365

i'm poor for thinking some theme park idea of patriciandom is not fulfilling or even tasteful

>> No.8081368

Rap is just vocalization. Vocalization is by its nature less refined. Now, singing is lovely, but rap isn't singing. It's speaking very fast over a basic beat.

>> No.8081370

>Art is art, depending only on the skill of the artist and the ability of the art to convey the emotions and beauty to the observer.

haha eat a fucking dick. this is the most grandpa idea of art

>> No.8081377

it's speaking fast and rhythmically. if you were to read something out fast it would not sound like a rap

and generally no the beats aren't "basic". and rap is also synonymous with hip hop which is more than just the vocalisation. you can save yourself the trouble of an equivocation fallacy

>> No.8081396

Fake it til ya make it hoss

>> No.8081438
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The beats are basic. It's a drum machine. Tell me the difference in each of these. There almost isn't any. Rap is basic and primitive, that's fine. It isn't 'patrician', it isn't high class, or anything of the sort.


That's what it is. It's from a specific life style that found in American cities from the late 1960s to the present. It is primary found in black communities. It does not invoke strong emotions or require the same drive as opera, classical, or even traditional folk music. You can enjoy rap, but don't mistake it for anything more than what is it.

>> No.8081459

the contention is that rap is just 'over a beat' when you can hear from your examples it is not just speaking fast over a drum machine

>You can enjoy rap, but don't mistake it for anything more than what is it.

similarly there's no point underselling it

>> No.8081463

It's more than speaking quickly over a beat, but it isn't complex by any means.

I'm not underselling. I'm telling you rap isn't complex or fulfilling beyond the surface level.

>> No.8081476

it has a complicated relationship to 'traditional' music so yes it is complex

i was replying to whoever was saying it is just 'speaking fast over a beat' so if you're not saying that then there's no point in you replying to me arguing something else

>> No.8081481

By more than speaking quickly over a fast beat, I mean that it is about the image you as the rapper portray. It's a social mechanism, but rapping, act of preforming a rap, is just speaking over a fast drum beat.

>> No.8081483


Ay, I'll give you 5 months to make a decent hip-hop record.

After that tell me how simple it is. Retard.

>> No.8081485

ITT: white people

I doubt anyone here has listened to any hip-hop album fully.

>> No.8081487

again, it's speaking rhythmically over a 'beat' which in a hip hop sense refers to more than just the percussion. if you were to talk fast it would not sound at all like rap. if you were to rap over a drum kit it would not sound like contemporary hip hop.

you can try telling me you're not underselling it but every other word you post contradicts that point

>> No.8081508

Classical music is pleb as fuck desu

>> No.8081529

'classical music' isn't a thing, it's a literal bourgeoisie construct made during the Romantic era.

Call it 'art music' or something, because it sure as hell isn't a genre.
>"opera = classical music with vocals, I'm supposed to like the vocals, do I like the vocals?"
No it's not.
>classical music live is the most boring thing ever.
No it's not, the opposite really; you just don't know enough of the history or theory to really enjoy it.
It's barely musical and kind of trite.
But Dalek is bad; same trite nonsense forced in other 'political' or 'conscious' or 'whatever' acts.

And then there's tape/digital fuckery, the same kind that has been done since the '60s.
Because 'classical' invokes images of 'best of' compilations and sentimentalism.

>> No.8081543
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>tfw neet for 5 years and patrician in everything
Feels settling.

>> No.8081554

If hip-hop was worth listening to I'd listen, but it's complete shit.

>> No.8081556

Let's hear about your journey.

>> No.8081560

>'classical music' isn't a thing, it's a literal bourgeoisie construct made during the Romantic era.

Ugh, you're one of those douche bags who has to point out the eras instead of just accepting that nearly everyone calls it classical music. Kill yourself.

>> No.8081563

>people say it so its correct

>> No.8081581
File: 19 KB, 200x200, nRMrxNh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Western Art music is called Classical music. Anything from Von Bingen to Reich is Classical. Stop being one of those ahchkually people.

>> No.8081587

>stop being le meme!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.8081589

>classical music
>has nothing to do with classicism

>> No.8082188

I did sit through a 3 hour concert same as you (with a brief intermission)
The symphony was the last 40 minutes and before the intermission was a piano concerto and selections from Don Giovani all of which I was engaged through. I'm a Mozart fan boy but to the average listener I could see how it might be draining.

>> No.8082202

Nope, Classical music only includes composers from the period from 1750 to 1820. Next time do some research before posting a comment, dumbass.

>> No.8082206


Please stop being such a fucking pedant, dude. Not even that guy but holy shit.

>> No.8082220

In other words, you fucked up big time by not doing your research, and now you're trying to paper over it with some hand-waving. Not gonna happen, shitbird.

>> No.8082229

nice wikipedia, asshole.
the word has two meanings and your time period is stupidely reductive.

>> No.8082233
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>> No.8082266

Wow, do people seriously think in terms of "high class" or "patrician" ? You sound like you are serious about that. Do you really live in a world of social hierarchy like that ? That's awful really.
And "it's a drum machine". How fucking ignorant are you ? You sound like you don't know jackshit about production. Please, just don't talk about things you don't know. That's useless to everyone.

>> No.8082408

Hip hop is great when you're 15 and you fool yourself into thinking it's good or worth your time at all.

>> No.8082416

You're digging yourself deeper into the hole. The word means what it means, and no amount of "dog ate my homework" pleading is going to change that.

>> No.8082496

Opera is not classical music with vocals m8

>> No.8082577

Wow look at this smart fella, he knows so much about "art" music that he can participate in retarded "no you"-tier discussions.

>> No.8082589

That's a low bar, isn't it? And yet you fail.

>> No.8082592

Fail at what?

>> No.8082765

You're wrong dude, just accept it. You're referring to the classical 'era', not classical music generally.

>> No.8082781

Classical music is Western art music from about 1750 to 1820.

>> No.8082794

'Western art music' more commonly goes by 'classical music'.

>> No.8082862


Thank you for making this thread incredibly dull

>> No.8082886

only poetry threads have the illmatic shibboleth

>> No.8083521
File: 38 KB, 314x450, Friedrich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Je regarde l’état de comédien comme la honte des hontes. J’ai là-dessus les idées les plus centenaires et les plus absolues. La vocation du théâtre est, à mes yeux, la plus basse des misères de ce monde abject et la sodomie passive est, je crois, un peu moins infâme. Le bardache, même vénal, est, du moins, forcé de restreindre, chaque fois, son stupre, à la cohabitation d’un seul et peut garder encore, — au fond de son ignominie effroyable, — la liberté d’un certain choix. Le comédien s’abandonne, sans choix, à la multitude, et son industrie n’est pas moins ignoble, puisque c’est son corps qui est l’instrument du plaisir donné par son art. L’opprobre de la scène est, pour la femme, infiniment moindre, puisqu’il est, pour elle, en harmonie avec le mystère de la Prostitution, qui ne courbe la misérable que dans le sens de sa nature et l’avilit sans pouvoir la défigurer.

>> No.8083552

Nice, who is that of?

>> No.8083564

Léon Bloy, Le Désespéré.
I warmly recommend it.

>> No.8083581


Literally a "current year" argument.

>> No.8083603

I can't believe people are defending rap and hip hop in this thread.

>> No.8083630
File: 907 KB, 245x185, black intellectual.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This thread went from "hey /lit/, I feel bad for not being a patrician" to people mocking the very fact you wanna cultivate your taste and gang music having value.

No wonder I have this "le wrong generation" feeling.

>> No.8083641

kat stacks isn't black

>> No.8083647

i have a message for you but it is in code and you have to solve it first:


>> No.8083654

>kat stacks
with what

>> No.8083661

* since the birth of film with sound

Silent film was poorly paced by dialogue cards, demanded audiences to read, and the film at the time was rudimentary and grainy in even the most ideal conditions.

Plays at the time had color, sound, and dialogue, something silent film did not.

I'd argue the decline of the stage really starts in the 1960s.

>> No.8083664


She's obviously under the spell of African-American culture which exalts language like that.

>> No.8083668

is that a goalpost in your pocket

>> No.8083672

>theatre moves 'beyond the stage' in the 60s
>it's a decline of the stage

*round of applause*

>> No.8083675
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I'd also like to add that at stage plays you can walk up to actors and talk to them after, if you're the social type; something you couldn't do with movies in your wildest dreams.

>> No.8083684

Nigger culture is so ubiquitous for Americans you can't blame them for liking some of it.
It has become inseperable from the American experience.
But it's still not favorable.

>> No.8083688
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She's "white". According to American standards.

>> No.8083693
File: 67 KB, 300x100, 214.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oh woe is me the negroids ruined The Music, if only everyone were racist shitheels licking the boots of an inbread monarchy, then everything would be culturally superior again and we could leech ourselves of our mixed blood and listen to music written in time signatures other than 4/4
> woe is me

>> No.8083711

No one has blacks ruined music. Good music is still being created. It's just that rap and hip hop are not good music.

>> No.8083724

I'm pretty sure the guy was ironic.

>> No.8083747


>racists are feudalist monarchists

Wew lad. The fallacies and strawmen are strong with the left.

>> No.8083752

>I'd rather feign the enjoyment of antique bourgeois consumer culture than form my own tastes and shape my own patricianhood

Plays are better read, since the creation of synthesis and recording much better art music has been created besides classical era, and wine is a degeneracy that anyone who even remotely cares about the sanctity of their mind would stay far away from.

>> No.8083790

Blacks invented Republicanism,
Blacks invented non-traditional time signatures, blacks invented interbreeding and bathing., blacks invented self sufficiency and independent thinking.

Can you name something blacks didn't invent? No you can't.

They Wuz Rousseau, Nietzsche and Hume.

>> No.8083828

>Plays are better read,
Please kill yourself, or, even better, see a play

>> No.8083910

>Art is art, depending only on the skill of the artist and the ability of the art to convey the emotions and beauty to the observer.
this is the most vanilla, unconvincing and lukewarm understanding of art ive ever been exposed to
what the dick man

>> No.8084541

This is almost word for word the opinion that I had on rap when I was 12

>> No.8084858

You still should because it's not wrong.

>> No.8084886

I cannot believe I'm taking this bait

So anything that's spoken word and not singing isn't music. How do you feel about, say, Talking Heads more spoken words stuff, or literally the thousands upon thousands of musical artists that don't sing?

Also, under this insane theory, how do you explain instrumental hip hop? You a Dilla fan? DJ Shadow? That isn't music?

>> No.8084901

As much of a meme-city as New York is, it's actually really good for classical music and opera, so if you ever come here, be sure to look up what's happening at Lincoln Center that year in advance.

>> No.8084928

>Talking Heads
>DJ Shadow

>> No.8084934

theatrical plays > operas

>> No.8084939

but are they music

>> No.8084969

I'm not the rap isn't music guy. I just wanted to say that those are shit. ;^)

>> No.8084984

I don't listen to jungle jams, sorry.

>> No.8085023


To OP and others attempting to be Patrician, can I ask.

Why do you want to mould your tastes to this? Why are you trying to be patrician?

I'm genuinely curious.

>> No.8085031

>tfw when the difference between being smart/cultured and a peasant is supposedly based on consumption of fancy media and cuisine
So I can go around screaming in rage at strangers or spitting on the ground inside buildings, but as long as I've seen Equus and enjoy pinot noir I'm still good?
Nice one.

>> No.8085039

Because it's easier to embody stereotypes and pre-packaged meme identities than it is to be a real living human being.
Naturally if you do this you pick patrician, because it's like the best one or something.

>> No.8085054

High culture is essentially a meme invented by the wealthy to wank themselves off about how much fancy shit they could afford, so this should come as no surprise.

>> No.8085059
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>tfw when
don't even try to say it was on purpose

>> No.8085069

>tfw you're Charla Nash

>> No.8085101

>wanting to look "patrician"
Might as well put on a fedora you wannabe bourgeoisie

>> No.8085103

talking heads are actually good though my man

>> No.8085120

Blame your Parents that you are in that state now, blame yourself if you will be in that state in 5 years

>> No.8085123
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maybe to your ears

>> No.8085127

there's more to music than what you hear my man

>> No.8085135

>bourgeoisie culture


>> No.8085612

I agree. It's really important to buy a nice drum machine to make your raps stand out compared to your fellow inmates.

>> No.8085752

This thread has just completely reaffirmed for me that /lit/ cannot be fucking trusted to know fuck all about any media from the last two decades unless it's entry-tier """"hipster"""" stuff and the handful of popular films/books/albums/plays it loves to shit on.

>> No.8085761

shut up faggot

>> No.8085778

i hope for your sake this is bait

>> No.8085791

/lit/ doesn't shit on popular plays because we never talk about plays in the first place...

>> No.8085793

"Media from the last two decades" can be safely ignored, fuckboy.

>> No.8085804

And I bet now you're 21 and think you're musically superior because you realize "music is like, more than melody man... I like, like the texture of this beat man... Kanye West is like... a good producer".

Don't worry you'll grow out of that phase too.

>> No.8085808

>not having seen the Hamilton threads

I envy you.

>> No.8085978

Anyone who praises hip hop and says it is on the same level as classical is hopefully just being ironic.

>> No.8085994

>tfw as far as I'm aware I'm the only anon spamming Patrick Hamilton
I-I never made a thread and usually I mention his novels. W-what did I miss/accidentally?

>> No.8085996

Which Hamilton?

>> No.8086043

Hamilton, the current hit musical.

>> No.8086200

>Do you really live in a world of social hierarchy like that ?
Have you really fooled yourself into thinking you don't?

>> No.8086213

oh lol, you're just hallucinating awful threads because you're american. n/m

>> No.8088005


>Thinking rap cannot be transformative or have complex themes

>Not realizing Kendrick Lamar based the original structure of his album good kid, M.A.A.D city as a parallel to Ulysses

I love more traditional forms of music and production, but they suffer a detachment from anything relating to current existence. This song is modern storytelling.


>> No.8088546

This. To pimp a butterfly is also full of complex themes.

Consider this though, patricians. What is music, at it's core? I would say it's a way of conveying emotion. Whenever we listen to something, it evokes some sort of emotion, be it small or large.

The voice today is widely regarded as an instrument. In the form of rap, perhaps their may not be much melodic complexity, however, it is still trying to convey an emotion or specific idea, and this aim has been prevalent since the time of the romantic era.

But really, music is subjective. You feel how you want to feel about it. Someone who listens to Justin Beiber is no greater or worse than someone who listens to Bach and other older, greater composers. In the end none of it matters. So pull your head out of your ass and be yourselves you mongoloids and free yourself from this dated school of thought.

>> No.8088548

Conveying emotion through sound*

>> No.8088611

>do not constitute music in my opinion

>> No.8088617

baroque is definitely not entry level classical

>> No.8088623

talking heads ain't rap my man

>> No.8088627

>objective music

>> No.8088657

no one itt has compared hip-hop to classical music

>> No.8089110

>The voice today is widely regarded as an instrument. In the form of rap, perhaps their may not be much melodic complexity, however, it is still trying to convey an emotion or specific idea, and this aim has been prevalent since the time of the romantic era.
The voice has been a tool of conveying emotion since the spoken word was created. Further, ancient peoples sang often to show emotion, to convey their thoughts, and to show praise to their gods. Modern singing, while conveying emotion, does not strive to do anything further.

>But really, music is subjective. You feel how you want to feel about it. Someone who listens to Justin Beiber is no greater or worse than someone who listens to Bach and other older, greater composers. In the end none of it matters. So pull your head out of your ass and be yourselves you mongoloids and free yourself from this dated school of thought.
Stop being so bland that you can't say that some music is objectively bad. Your apathy shows how little you care about bettering yourself.

>> No.8089141

thats wrong
music is just organised sound. there doesn't need to be an emotional response for it to be music

>> No.8089154

western classical music in general is fucking plebeian and degenerate. enjoy your fucking dissonant, out of tune, equally tempered nonsense while the rest of the world revels in beautiful, mathematically perfect true art

>> No.8089692

>arrêter de te jeter des fleurs petit con

>> No.8089703

>To pimp a butterfly is also full of complex themes.
It's his worst album. The themes or messages matter jack shit if the music is bad. Same with modern art: just because you took a dump on a radio and call it art doesn't make it art.

>> No.8089708

why do you care? you're not trying to impress anyone. and most people's egos are so big they won't allow themselves to be impressed. especially people who call themselves "patrician."

>> No.8089710

None of that matters, you fucking idiot. I love you though

>> No.8089720

don't do things to impress the other folk

do things as they suit ya

listen to tuvan folk-rock if you wanna impress me tho lad


>> No.8090055

damn, this is so relaxing.. something more like this?

>> No.8090078

I saw the Shakespeare Show last Monday and it was pretty great. It was just a collection of performances of his work and pieces inspired by it. Definitely one of the greatest tributes to an artist.

>> No.8090087

>I don't like something, so it must be bad.

>> No.8090105

>he is a big guyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy forr youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

>> No.8090142

If you still around, advise a poor fellow français who's tired of sexion d'assaut and JUL

>> No.8090202

It cannot, being a pretentious dip is not interesting or '''''complex'''''
Pop music is barely music.
>Someone who listens to Justin Beiber is no greater or worse than someone who listens to Bach and other older, greater composers
According to?

>> No.8090218



>> No.8090356


>Being a pretentious dip

Don't talk about yourself that way, friendo.

>> No.8090559

>people who think rap is transformative
>not pretentious