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/lit/ - Literature

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8077841 No.8077841 [Reply] [Original]


Have any of you read this pitiful comments section?

>> No.8077854

hmm what's this 'reddit' site? seems pretty interesting

>> No.8077858


It's the best possible example of the stifling and soul-crushing aspects of the Heideggerian term Das Man.

>> No.8077860

>"No Naked Lunch? The only book i've ever given up on in disgust. 2Gross4me."

>> No.8077874 [DELETED] 

reddit is like a bunch of spergs who try really hard at pretending to be normal human beings and do a lousy job of it

4chan autists, on the other hand, are mostly self-aware regarding their nature, which gives them a certain humanity

>> No.8077879

Yeah! Down with Reddit! We must defend our territory!

>> No.8077880

use r/literature

>> No.8077881 [DELETED] 

see, this kind of try-hard "ironic" remark is pure reddit

>> No.8078122

>tfw /lit/ will never be that bad
feels good man

>> No.8078518

these people think they're screenwriters for Rick and Morty or something

>> No.8078530

/lit/ and /his/ are absolutely infested with these obvious Reddtors. Disgusting.

>> No.8078532

What kind of notes are in the pic?

>> No.8078558

My notes never look this good. ;_;

should i kms reddit

>> No.8078577

and the seven books are
finnegans wake
nightwood by djuna barnes (never heard of this. i thought of looking it up, but then the blog post says it is about philosophy, and nobody needs that kind of shit)
the waste land
the critique of pure reazzzzzzzzzz
fucking atlas fucking shrugged
being and time
war and peace

fuck that

>> No.8078608
File: 93 KB, 620x670, tmp_4778-1463864629062240448278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he will never be able to find his way through this densely noted book
Jesus, this is an extremely unorganized and impractical way of notetaking. Notetaking should never be so dense that you don't even want to read what's on the page. Use page tabs, number them and use a separate notebook to record your notes. Organize the notebook with numbered entries according to your numbered page tabs, use only highlighter and pencil on your book.

>> No.8078633

Do you have any photos of this method in practice for reference?

>> No.8078655

Atlas Shrugged?
War and Peace?

Those aren't even tough. They're long, monolithic, and massive novels, but they're not tough. It seems that the author of the blog hasn't heard of Gass, Gaddis, or Hawkes. (I've only really read Hawkes but I've read some selections from Gass and Gaddis.)

>> No.8078662

Nightwood is a sort of mongrel of Joyce and Faulkner's style. It has a lot of streams-of-consciousness, but it also has perverse, quasi-Southern Gothic characters and some wordplay. It's a tough read, but it's no Finnegans Wake.

>> No.8078683
File: 463 KB, 672x3624, Hawkesguide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Djuna Barnes was an influence on Hawkes (pic related) so I'd say that one isn't that bad a choice. And The Wake is a very fun read if you don't have a stick shoved firmly up your arse. Never read The Wasteland, but the other three are kindof meme-tier though.

>> No.8078694

Oh boy.

>> No.8078748

Length = difficulty

>> No.8078779

>reddit is full of size queens
Who would have guessed?

>> No.8078970
File: 3.77 MB, 4128x3096, tmp_28500-IMG_20160524_101621-799478622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes I do

>> No.8079103

Wheel of Time is the most difficult saga, then.

Wouldn't that be only useful for academic books? I'm not entirely sure why would you do notes of books, anyway, unless there's a specific paragraph that you really liked and want to remember where it is.

>> No.8079108

never say never, we are reaching leddit levels of faggotry.

>> No.8079289

Super Smash Bros. Fanfiction is.

>> No.8079402

Is it sinful I LOVE the way the book in the OP looks? God I wish I could pull off that "I'm a high-functioning schizophrenic"-look in my note-taking. So /fa/

>> No.8079424


just take margin notes and circle page numbers and keep the salient notions of everything you read in your head. or is that too difficult

>> No.8079728


It's from this site. An editor working on restoring Finnegan's Wake, I assume.

>> No.8079742

I love you.

>> No.8079763

I only do this to well-cited or well-written books. I margin-note and page-tab everything else.

This is a method for when you have to heavily note a book like in OP pic. If you do what OP pic did, you're wasting your time and the book.

>> No.8079764

The Joyce hate on there is unbelievable. Wah, I don't get it, too hard. Fucking man-children

>> No.8079968


>> No.8080009

If you took this pic- what pen is that? what paper?

>> No.8080010

>This is a method for when you have to heavily note a book like in OP pic

one should never have to take that many notes on a book. even at the highest levels of the academy, that many notes is just excessive, counter productive, and retarded. you don't learn by taking notes anyway

>> No.8080019

pig disgusting. faggot handwriting, faggot pen. faggot attention whoring.

>> No.8080038

That better be some 90 gram Clairefontaine paper, or you're misusing that fountain pen.

>> No.8080106

>using the feels meme
It already is

>> No.8080565

This thread consists of fresh Newfag imports from reddit proceeding to sandbag reddit in order to appear "in" with the cool-kid 4chan crowd. I'm on to you, Newfaggots. Shameful display, desu.

>> No.8080597

Hello, Reddit!

>> No.8080657

Have an upvote!

Edit: thanks for the gold!

>> No.8080659

no u

>> No.8080697
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>> No.8080764

how the fuck did you edit your post

>> No.8080918

Get a 4chan pass, and you can edit your posts.

Edit: super easy.

>> No.8081467

Y'all are a gaggle of faggots.

>> No.8081480
File: 1.84 MB, 318x222, YES.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Youll never be the kind of person who would add another comment to a pun thread on Reddit

>> No.8081482

gaggle on my dick

>> No.8081496

what should i read before critique of pure reasoning?

>> No.8081519

There is a lot of intentional obfuscation going on in Finnegans wake, that's for sure!

>> No.8081521
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>> No.8081569

The guy who wrote all that shit in the book is a fucking try-hard idiot.

>> No.8081573

hume, descartes

>> No.8081576


sex me Anon

>> No.8081607
File: 986 KB, 500x377, tumblr_mz3yu1TszU1sr1ki0o2_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Waste Land
>anything more than moderately difficult

>> No.8081615

Get a 4chan pass. You have to put your Credit card number in the name field.

>> No.8081666

Like this?

>> No.8081678

>atlas shrugged

>> No.8081893

They're all saying "Finnigan's Wake."

What the fuck?

>> No.8081894


Fucking shit I mean "Finnegans."

>> No.8081898

nah man /lit/ has gone really downhill with more faggotry. its only a short while before it becomes cancer

>> No.8081903

You're right,us all pretending we've read all of these books and are totally not just going off wikipedia articles at best, or just off what they've read other people say.

At least reddit is honest about the fact most of them have never read it, and the people that have generally give about as good discussion of the topics on either site.

>> No.8081917

eww, that's why ebooks are by far better

>> No.8081986

'sup satan

>> No.8082398

But you've highlighted probably around or over half of those two pages, might as well read the entire thing at this point.
I try to only highlight thesis and topic sentences or sentences that can perceived as such and so grant an overview, instead of highlighting every key point or clever formulation, and I add extra subtitles aligned with the text so that it's relatively easy to find you way by just flipping through the book.

>> No.8082591

Is this meme-ing
The Waste Land takes half an hour to read
I read it off RapGenius whilst waiting at a bus stop

>> No.8082599
File: 368 KB, 894x894, 1463514673696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using a highlighter
>taking physical notes
Literally the dumbest shit. Write notes and passages in a word document instead.

>> No.8082601

>Nigger faggot cocksucker.

>> No.8082605

>David Meme Wallace
>Le Pinecone

All day every day.

Oh, we are great.

>> No.8082608

Yeah, no memes allowed on 4chan.

>> No.8082610
File: 3.76 MB, 640x333, 1459301173050.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finnegans Wake is just arse though.

That fart sniffing faggot is laughing at you from heaven for thinking you're great fir reading his Guinness soaked ramblings.

>> No.8082613

That's just stupid.

I highlight, can open the book and just see what I need. Works especially well for an ebook as you can jump straight to them.

Why would you be such a faggy pompous Monsieur and make a whole separate document for notes?

Also, in my ebook reader I can highlight a passage and make a note on it as well.

>> No.8082829

>taking notes while reading

I seriously hope you guys don't do this

>> No.8082840

>I highlight

Then you're a fucking reprobate who should be caned.

>> No.8082854

>redditor damage control