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8074281 No.8074281[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/ so yesterday I was at a party and this really drunk chick mentioned something about feminism (I don't know for sure, I was talking to a friend). Anyway, apparently while she was talking I laughed loudly at a friends joke and she took it as I was laughing at her. She flipped her shit and starting yelling at me, she was drunk as fuck. Saying shit like "Bigot scum" and something about privilege, i don't even know, there was a lot of noise. Anyway, noone believes me that I wasn't laughing at her but my friends joke and they're all alienating me which fucking sucks.

This is /lit/ related though. I need some recs on entry level feminism books so I actually know how to prepare myself next time.


>> No.8074287

If your friends are alienating you because they think you laughed at a feminist you should probably find new friends.

>> No.8074295


Sorry it's not that. The chick told them that it was way worse then it was. I know it sounds stupid but all my friends turned on me. They're the type of crowd to do that, they're big into social justice.

>> No.8074298

>implying you need more friends than your books

>> No.8074303
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wtf one of my "friends" just sent me this photo...

I don't get it, someone explain.

>> No.8074307

If they refuse to believe you and basically call you a liar then they're not your friends and you shouldn't grovel and seek out books on feminism.

>> No.8074308

my friends have become this
haven't 'turned on me' but I know they would if given the chance
university ruins people

>> No.8074309

What the fuck kind of friends do you have?

>> No.8074310

No serious individual actually cares about anything mentioned in this post not anything in relation to it. OP either find new friends or just accept your new life as a cuckold.

>> No.8074313


It is saying that in mainstream lit and media gay people are under-represented. It is saying "treat the norm as if it were the "taboo/other"

Imagine being white and having kids at school asking to feel the texture of your hair.

>> No.8074316

It's ironic, because they think this is what people do with gay characters.

>> No.8074319

Am I the only one who hasn't experienced feminism in real life? Is this an issue in the States where you can't go anywhere without seeing one?

>> No.8074321

I haven't experienced it either but I think it's mostly confined to college campuses.

>> No.8074325


I experienced your mum last night. I fucked her gooch sack and filled it with my cummies.

>> No.8074327

How was it?

>> No.8074328

do you go to university?

>> No.8074329

No it isn't, but then again I live in Alabama. I assume up in the northeast or in California you'll find people with the typical 25 facial piercings, like green hair, obese etc but I haven't seen them. Everyone I know doesn't care in the slightest about these 'issues.'

>> No.8074340
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Pic related, your dad didn't listen.

>> No.8074342

I'm in a college in the US, and I rarely see them. There are plenty of girls with hair dyed weird colors, but autistic guys (the type who are most definitely not feminist) dye their hair too. Only one girl I know is a feminist, but she's not unreasonable or closed minded at all. I don't talk to anyone outside of my major so I'm p biased in that respect.

>> No.8074346


It is exactly that, your friends are shit tier humans.

>> No.8074349

just take a course in feminism for men. Try courses like " prepping the bull" or "making your cuck shed comfy"

>> No.8074360

bell hooks - Feminism is for Everybody

Just start there.

>> No.8074372
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>university ruins people
This, I got a fucking GI Bill and I don't even feel like using because of all the SJW shit at universities. I'm afraid that I'd get shit grades from the professors just for not conforming to their bullshit ideals. What college isn't like this? Or whats a good way of dealing with them? God, fuck my shit up ISIS-chan...

>> No.8074376

God forbid you confront the inequities of your world view and lived experiences

You're as bad as SJWs if you're afraid to deal with them and face your beliefs

>> No.8074390

Dude, I'm just asking how deal with the Melissa Clicks that are allowed to preach their bullshit. I'm not gonna waste my goddamn time failing a course just because I didn't agree to be a cuck.

>> No.8074393

You're only proving you haven't gone to university and that you're legitimately scared of the boogeyman that /pol/ perpetuates

Also again, scared to confront the potentiality that maybe you're wrong

>> No.8074395

It depends where you live, of course.

>> No.8074408

Get a degree that isn't fucking useless and you won't have to worry about politics.

>> No.8074410


The way to deal with them is to ignore them and put in the work to pass the classes.

If the professors are the ones giving you trouble, either take it up with the dean or pander to the professor for grades.

>> No.8074411


Higher education is blatantly infested with radical leftism.

> scared to confront the potentiality that maybe you're wrong

He's scared that he'll be graded poorly for holding beliefs that conflict with his professor's, which is a perfectly legitimate fear.

>> No.8074432

You're right about that, I do have this drummed up fear of it. I don't know anybody that goes to a university, so the only things I ever hear about uni is just the /pol/ tier stuff . I've been getting advice like >>8074408 , which is good advice.

>Higher education is blatantly infested with radical leftism.
Thats what I need to know, is it REALLY that bad? I can ignore that, I just relish the idea of being harassed over a length of time.

>> No.8074439

>This is /lit/ related though.
if you have to say this its not

but ofc this thread is gonna stay up cause this board is /r9k/ and /pol/ hybrid now.

>> No.8074448

Thats what I need to know, is it REALLY that bad? I can ignore that, I just relish the idea of being harassed over a length of time.

Depends on the course and the college. If you sign up for a STEM related subject then you're safe.

>> No.8074460

Christina Hoff Summers is quite good.

I reckon tell them that feminism is an extension of the bourgeois mentality and fits into the pose of inoculation as described by Roland Barthe. Basically the best way to argue with these people is to tell them they're not self-flagellating enough and they don't realise how much there "not REAL" feminism is hurting marginalised people - they go nuts for that.

>> No.8074464

Well if you're objectively, ridiculously wrong, yes you'll get reamed

I've had both right and left professors, but it takes a special kind of idiot to be conservative when they go into my field

Stick to business or STEM bullshit and you'll be safe in your bubble that tells you its only black people's fault they're poor and that it's fine and acceptable that we rape the earth for meaningless products

>> No.8074477

>you'll be safe in your bubble that tells you its only black people's fault they're poor and that it's fine and acceptable that we rape the earth for meaningless products


>> No.8074488

define deficit thinking

>> No.8074490
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>> No.8074495

It sounds like you are young and in college. All of it, friends, feminist cunts, everything goes away once its over. Everyone either goes to work with dead looks in their eyes, or becomes NEET, and doesnt run into either.

So dont worry and make new friends.

>> No.8074497

>define deficit thinking

is google broke or you just being lazy?

>> No.8074504
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At no point did I indicate that I believe this. I just want to avoid the SJWs because they've been attracting a lot of negative attention and I just don't want to get thrown into that mix.

>> No.8074507

>using google

And if you know what deficit thinking is, you wouldn't say i was triggered—rather that i just kinda know what i'm talking about

>> No.8074517

>GUH.... If u weren't such a BIGOT and a retard who didn't know anything about hermeneutics and critical theory you'd realize being a nu-male is totally ok

>> No.8074522

>avoid the SJWs
>avoiding opposing viewpoints

In my last year of college I took a course on medieval women and it was fantastic. The mature thing to do would be to consider what is said, and then make a critical opinion regarding what is said based upon your life experience and available scholarship.

Sticking your head in the dirt about anything is ridiculous and anti-intellectual.

>> No.8074524



That is a shitty story but it has more to do with your shitty friend group than in does with feminism. It sounds like they aren't even your friends if they won't give you the benefit of the doubt about something they heard second hand.

Secondly, why haven't you learned anything about feminism yet? There are 3.5 billion women on the planet. Do you have a mom or sister? Or female friends? Feminism improves their lot in life.

>I need some recs on entry level feminism books so I actually know how to prepare myself next time.

The Second Sex

It's really long, but worth it.

>> No.8074525

Man don't be so reductive and lame, this is why people think you guys are idiots because you make big grandiose statements like that.

In many ways I'm sure you have a point but you're part of the problem when you write shit like that.

>> No.8074528

I believe it's a reference to Dumbledore being gay and how that would be changed if everyone's sexual were reversed so he was straight and everyone else was gay

>> No.8074533

>Secondly, why haven't you learned anything about feminism yet? There are 3.5 billion women on the planet. Do you have a mom or sister? Or female friends? Feminism improves their lot in life.

that's not what self-reported happiness statistics say

>> No.8074534

Only thing that pops to mind is Factual Feminist, YouTube channel about feminists and the bullshit they spew, like the gender cap and mass college rapes myth.

Why didn't you dump them sooner? Why fill your social circle with trash?

Denmark here, know one who is. You just have to look for hipsters. Look for old looking loose clothes, awkward turtlenecks, and ridiculous 70s hippie haircuts, and you'll probably find some twink and his feminist galpals.

>> No.8074555

Get toxic people out of your life. Surround yourself with fun and positive people who appreciate you no matter your political identity.

>> No.8074558


Didn't say it makes them happier, just that it provides them with more opportunities. e.g. womens suffrage

What kind of pussy cares about being happy?

>> No.8074561
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IMO feminism not third wave bullshit isnt about happiness but the right to work, vote, participate outside the domestic sphere on an equal footing with men.

Clearly there are many misandrists out there and they are the ones who have ruined a good thing.

>> No.8074571

Related story. I'm a Finance and Economics major and was sitting in my business statistics class with my favorite hat on. The hat has a red republican elephant on it. A girl behind me tapped my shoulder and said something like "you know you might be mistaken for a racist with a hat like that's." (Actually said this to me!!!) and I replied "Go fuck yourself dude." And she went and told the teacher who laughed and sent her back to her seat where she grabbed her shit, muttered something unpleasant and left. Didn't see her the rest of the semester.

Pick a useful major and only associate yourself with like minded individuals if you don't want to deal with this nonsense. Backing down is the worst thing you can do.

>> No.8074573

I... want to fuck her so bad....

>> No.8074578

Goddamn nigger go to school. They fuckin pay you to learn

>> No.8074579
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I don't even care if this is true or not, this made me feel good.

>> No.8074580

she clearly keeps her hubby happy.

>> No.8074582

>more opportunities. e.g. womens suffrage

and this has been repeatedly shown to make women less happy

keep being in denial though, I'm sure the increasingly large amount of single and childless feminists are, deep down, absolutely thrilled at being able to wake up to a makework secretary job every day and grow old and irrelevant while sitting at home with a studio apartment full of cats

>> No.8074583

Oh I will, I just need to pick the right school for something business related

>> No.8074589

>stay only around people like you who have similar views

Lol do you need a conservative safe place?

>> No.8074592

Idk what to say besides I promise it is lol. She had greasy dyed black hair and like 6 rings in each ear and her nose. No clue what she was doing in an actual important classroom.

>> No.8074593

kys little air-headed samantha, kys~

>> No.8074597

There's a difference in a safe space and not wanting to be bombarded by your "friends" giving you a hard time for having different political beliefs. Op asked what to do, and I told him watch who you hang around. nice straw man though

>> No.8074598

Shiiiiit a loser on lit told me to kill myself i guess its over

God forbid they learn what redlining is

>> No.8074603

What, you can't handle having a belief and defending it amongst friends? Can only be around people who espouse the same horseshit as you?

That's just childish

>> No.8074609

It's like americans have just discovered mass politics and they get so carried away.

So weird.

>> No.8074615

Lmao what's more childish, giving a man advice about how to avoid being accosted by his friends or completely changing someone else's argument to make them look stupid on a Chinese etch-a-sketch forums' literature board?

>> No.8074620

I'm reporting you to the feelsies police, ma'am, you'll have a time-out and possibly several rape charges on your hands. Now please, follow me at an appropriate gender neutral distance of ~15 feet to the campus safe space so I can report your crimes against (Me).

>> No.8074623

this board is such trash now

>> No.8074627

ugh like yea i know i wish it was more like /his/ so we can have like ACTUAL discussion and stuff like fuck these assholes and bigots just keep spewing their stupid shit when everyone else is trying to be on the right side of history, i wish constantine was here to back me up

>> No.8074635

Bloo bloo baby can't handle opposition

>> No.8074640

Don't you have some false rape charges to report because you got drunk at a frat party and some ugly guy fucked you anally, you fat cow?

>> No.8074641


>> No.8074644

You are so mad at the idea of someone saying things you don't like to your face and having ti speak up for them

What a babby

>> No.8074650

This is hilarious

>> No.8074652
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Actually I don't live in the US so I can talk back to loudmouthed little bimbos who think they know something without being hauled off by liberals for gender reassessment surgery and ritalin.

>> No.8074654

He's trolling us lad let it go

>> No.8074655

This. As a brit I'm so baffled by this shit.

>> No.8074659
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But I'm havin' a laff, m8...

>> No.8074664

It's because our population is so large and media driven compared to yours. I promise ta just a very loud minority. Most Americans either find this type of nonsense annoying or simply pay it no mind whatsoever.

>> No.8074667
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Carry on then laddy I'm enjoying it a bit meself.

>> No.8074669

>everyone that uses 4chen is a Klapistani
>therefore he is trolling

Not even the poster, just wanted to point out your strawman.

>> No.8074670
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I went to a top 20 US University with a reputation for being "alternative" and super liberal.

Those kids and professors were a weird clique that was easily avoided the majority of the time. Everyone else just wanted to go work in a bank or go to grad school. If you think this stuff is actually a big deal to most students and academics (who are studying totally unrelated fields and have been for decades) than you need to reevaluate your relationship to fear-mongering media.

GI Bill guy: if you go to college, have a well-compensate career in mind. If you do, this stuff will have 0 bearing on what you're there for no matter where you go.

>> No.8074677
