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/lit/ - Literature

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8071041 No.8071041 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: give the opening line, sentence or passage of the book/story you're working on.

"It is often said that history is written by the victor; now, I'm not entirely sure who this victor chap is but I can assure you that he left out quite a bit - perhaps he was demented, or a little crippled boy."

>> No.8071051
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If I read that opening line in a book id just opened, I would frisbee the book out my window so fucking hard my wrist would ache afterwards

>> No.8071061

Why? :(

>> No.8071087

This is a joke post right

>> No.8071092


>Starting with a platitude
>Using 'chap' unironically

>> No.8071176

You're all being so meme to me

>> No.8071232
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"As Gregor Samsa awoke one morning from uneasy dreams he found himself transformed in his bed into a gigantic insect".

I'm pretty content with my progress so far.

>> No.8071531

"It is often said that the shark is the cruelest animal, but read until the end of this book to uncover the shocking truth."

>> No.8071537

"The last message he received from God that had made any sense whatsoever was over two hundred years ago."

>> No.8071549

"Hahd! It comes! The great disposal that floats above space. That which all from comes and all to which goes. Bi’yek, God of Earth, God of Life! As to which we know a great dumptruck! Depositor of the soil, creator of the rot, the death from which does life, from which does death!"

>> No.8071554

Ma man has died today. Dat man wuz ma nigga fo so long I t'aint sho how iz goin' tuh suhvive wid out him. Rets in peace ma man.

>> No.8071589
File: 85 KB, 640x480, Tokyo_Dome_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The wrestler climbed the ropes with bloody head hung low. The crowd rose from their seats in stadium rows and their voices came on like the sea.

>> No.8071618

That picture of a vomiting goose is an appropriate accompaniment to that verbal diarrhoea spillage of a sentence. I sincerely hope you have not written anything else.

>> No.8071649


>This was it. This was how he'd die. Not in glory, or some heroic clash against a worthy opponent. No. He was going to die from a broken leg in the middle of nowhere. He'd die slowly and painfully, leaving nothing more than a corpse for some lucky beast to gnaw on. And no one would ever know.

Feel free to let rip.

>> No.8071658

ITT: write garbage and sensibly chuckle

>> No.8071673

"The church structure loomed over him, exuding a sense of majesty not unlike the god it represents."

i dont fucking know

>> No.8071695

l don't know who "he" is. So this dramatic statement of his death doesn't really stir anything; l don't care.
l feel this would deliver more powerfully if you split it in half at the "No." and switched the halves places.

Would've struck me more by "...sense of majesty unlike the god it represents." But that of course switches the meaning around.

>> No.8071726

>The drums erupted from the docks and ripped across the landscape; the sounds slapping against the stone wall set his ears to ringing, but Tindore's mind went to the three strange galleys that had appeared on the horizon that morning.

The names of those involved have been changed to protect their identity.

>> No.8071851

Humanity… All of my suffering on this world has been at the hands of humanity, particularly women. It has made me realize just how brutal and twisted humanity is as a species.

>> No.8071861

has me interested

>> No.8071909
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Her senses returned to her in a slow dawn, and in the morning haze of
her consciousness, shadows of thoughts, dreams and memories drifted about,
all equally ephemeral, equally probable or improbable."

>> No.8071938


>my suffering

>nobody wants to touch my peepee

what a hard life

>> No.8072266

>Would've struck me more by "...sense of majesty unlike the god it represents." But that of course switches the meaning around.

I agree. The reason it is better is the surprise immediately sets up a tension that allows us to speculate. Does the character share the opinion of the narrator? Did his disdain bring him to the church?

Whereas here
>"The church structure loomed over him, exuding a sense of majesty not unlike the god it represents."
this part
> not unlike the god it represents
is essentially redundant. Religious architecture is supposed to remind you of the divine. Compare the church with something else. Hint at more of the story.

>> No.8072407

>Leading the way was a black ship, same of sail and oar, followed closely by another. The second shit portrayed a life of decadence with a green hull and bone white oars and sails. The two ships together had no common marking save the distance between them; this is what made the third so strange.
>The last was huge, at least twice the size of the others with a deep red hull. On both sides double decks of oars man with orange and yellow alternating oars made the ship seem to burn upon the sea. But only one thing frightend him about it. The height of the temple allowed him to see a thick red trail behind,a trail that led deep to the eastern sea

>> No.8072681

" 'The elite of this country use the blood of the innocent in their expensive lotion and perfumes.' The cafe was empty, so no nobody saw when I slapped Juan across the face."

My ass is ready Anons.

>> No.8072684


>> No.8072739
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"Clouds in the sky, heavy and grey and forbidding the sun, began to spill in frenzy about the campus, shattering and streaking one after another on each classroom window."

This is my opener.

>> No.8072755


I was kind of curious OP. It's not bad at all.

>The second shit. The first shit was the first sentence T B H. Just kidding pal. Some of the description seems try hard in its current state but it flows well.

>> No.8072782
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I am not OP, but thanks either way senpai.
Pic related somewhat.

>> No.8072801

it sounds like the voice over in a porno movie.

>> No.8072805

>waking up to start a story

>> No.8072808

Thank you dude, I try to write well but I usually just try too hard to make the reader swe what I see I guess.

>> No.8072820

I'd cut out the first four or five sentences.

I'm intrigued, what's this story about?

>> No.8072837

is it? never heard that.
dope. would continue.
nope not down
probably wouldn't. And I read "Da Great Gatsby"
you have earned another page or two of attention, but that simile better not be the norm.
YA could get away with this maybe. but you should try cutting it down to what you're actually saying. i'd start with the "broken leg" sentence and cut "he'd die slowly and painfully"
please never do the "not un" thing ever again. also "church structure" is redundant. also delete "a sense of". "The church loomed over him like a god in its own right" would be better, since churches symbolizing god is often the point. also this is a first sentence. Use a name, not a pronoun.
the "stone wall" disrupts the flow since I'm wondering where/what the stone wall is. Sea wall? further down "the landscape"? some building?
cut "humanity..." and basically every time you've ever used the word "just." it's a filler word, like "actually"
nahhhh takes too long to say what it says
is this two intros (in which case first has potential, second has slightly less) or one (in which case is this something Juan says or what?)
the clouds spilled in frenzy? the clouds shattered? the clouds streaked? verb choice seems more based on sound and feel than meaning. Not horribad, but it reflects a trend in modern literature that I hate. if you're an MFA student, though, keep going. They'll eat that shit up, probably.

>> No.8072876

forgot this one. "portrayed a life of" should be changed to one word like "embodied", distance is not a marking, and the description of the oars is awkward (maybe "...double rows of alternating orange and yellow oars made the ship...") but damn if i'm not intrigued. improve the sentences and live up to the promise of these lines, and you have a book i'd totally read

>> No.8072885
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in medias res scene > narrator/protag prattling on > exposition dump

>> No.8072896

This paper will discuss the four weeks I spent with in the Hiroshimite(1) Commune, Significant Scholarship has already been dedicated to the Mutilants(2) of the clan, so this peculiar sect will be mentioned only in passing.

1 It should be mentioned they do not call themselves Hiroshimites, they refuse all names and labels, but the colloquialism will be used for the reader's convenience.
2. See Footnote 1.

>> No.8072934

Juan does say the quote. It is all part of one intro.

>> No.8073017

Should I be doing something else right now? Generations refrain. Words, stolen from a friend, help paint a bigger picture. Words stolen from a friend; help, paint a bigger picture. Grand. As far as the eye can see. Stretching across boundless lands and space and more importantly time: true art is universal. What about galaxies?

>> No.8073028

okay. but this is why in general it's considered best to avoid starting with a quote. even something simple/stupid like "Juan set his coffee down and looked at me intensely. 'The elite...'" etc would ground me a little more and provide context, a speaker... that way I don't have to retroactively assign a voice and tone to it.

>> No.8073036


>> No.8073039

Do the monkey with me.

>> No.8073054

How bout

Should I be doing something else right now? A generation's refrain. Ageneration. A friend would focus on the self - ironic? Apparently our posts feeds memes really just point to me, me. Me. No face. Book. Books. Not yet booked, luckily.

>> No.8073066

Do you have the Schizophrenia? If not, try to write a book that's not word salad.

>> No.8073081

my main question is: what is this piece and what are you trying to do with it?

so far it just looks like idle wordplay. no story, just relatively basic statements about our current times. i think this could work as a spoken-word performance piece, but even there it should eventually say something that matters. Something concrete. obviously this doesn't always happen in the first few sentences, though, which is why i ask what this is and what it's about.

>> No.8073096

if these are song lyrics, you should head to /mu/. if this is a book, i really need more context. second-person narration is tricky, and the "me" is completely undefined. plus not sure if you mean the literal dance move or if this is a metaphor for something you haven't established yet.

>> No.8073100

Thanks senpai. I appreciate it.

>> No.8073113

np senpai

>> No.8073131


A religious tale starring Metatron and the archangels, dealing with a God who has seemingly turned senile. It's fantasy action with a culturally clueless Metatron returning to earth for his adventures as a human once again, with a whodunnit mystery in the background, created by Asimov-like rules for the angels and how one of them is malevolent despite his divinity. It's not Satan or any of the already fallen angels because that'd be unoriginal as fuck.

>> No.8073137

>Rigor mortis had introduced itself to her muscles and Charlie could feel her porcelain ass grow harder and harder around his throbbing cock. This was now the fourth time in under an hour Charlie could feel his balls drain as he deposited another load into the sad abyss through the back door of a vacant vessel.

>> No.8073152

would read

>> No.8073169
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>> No.8073250

Some pretty thoughtful analysis coming from this guy

>> No.8073269

I thought this was funny. Reminds me of how Lemony Snicket started his books.

>> No.8073271

Phuc Stevenson was a postman in Mansfield, a suburb of Dallas. Understand now that postman is a joke, a play on “post-man,” implying either that Phuc somehow transcends humanity or that he’s the quintessence of postmodernity. Whatever it means, he definitely has nothing to do with the mail [commentary on privatization of postal service in America and neoconservatism because such commentaries are too unabashedly earnest for someone too young to remember 9/11 to make] or stamps or Thomas Pynchon. Phuc decided last month while snapchatting underage girls dick pics under the alias Dylan (he thought to use Phil because of his name or Fred because of phonetics but those are some pedo as fuck names (I guess 16 isn’t even pedo it’s more ephebo and half of Europe is cool with it (not that non-Euro countries can’t be good examples of reasonable sex policies, not being ethnocentric (no fuck that Thailand has no business being like that (reverse privilege Phuc is Asian (no shit, his name is Phuc) so I can say that (though I (the defictionalized author) am only half so I/he can write/think that))))) that the whole affectation/sincerity thing dominating the arts is stupid since the opposite of affectation would more accurately be isolation, as affectation is inherent to socialization, or perhaps even suicide, as it’s sort of inherent to existence (unless you’re retarded or senile or David Foster Wallace (scratch that last one he killed himself (as you know :^) hehelololkekekeakguaholmjrgimt); I think I’m/he’s on to something)). As problematic (this is only half-ironic because on the one hand fuck university liberals (university being a modifier (the non-tenured variety are fine (privilege check: of course I think that I am one))) but foregoing fitting diction to avoid tumblr liberal (there are so many varieties (latte leftist, limousine liberal and microblog (cultural) Marxist (which is really just tumblr liberal with more Joyce points) round out the alliterative subset)) connotations is insincere as hell (irony of using affected po-mo down-to-earth colloquialisms (“…as hell”) when chastising insincerity noted)) as affectation as a concept is, sincerity is even more so, as Phuc realized fourteen pages into his Sonic the Hedgehog fanfic he jokingly wrote, because with intention (fuck you determinists I’m not going eight parentheticals deep to temper that term) comes an inherent sincerity.

>> No.8073272

>"But most of all, I'm doing it because Subway no longer offers five-dollar foot-longs," David wrote, adding the final touches to his suicide note.

>> No.8073282

made me laugh

>> No.8073285


>> No.8073301

Do it again m8

>> No.8073335

so are you trying to be utterly pointless? Or did it happen by accident?

>> No.8073342

>Douglas Adams face

No, worse. This is Lemony Snickett tier

>> No.8073345

Read a little closer mate. You'll see the brilliance.

>> No.8073347

Can you actually fucking write a story around this, please? I am fucking laughing so hard.

>> No.8073348

interesting start but outside of pratchett (and sometimes even then) im skeptical of footnotes.
depends on if this continues to be shock porn or if it actually explores an interesting character
see >>8073335

>> No.8073363

I somehow see some type of weird flow, you may be considered a genius one day only after you die of course
Well not terrible. The "sad abyss" part dosent really fit. Other than that not down for necro
"Underage girls dick pics under the alias Dylan" this is where I stop reading anon
Actually seems pretty funny mang, go for it

>> No.8073373

You wouldn't consider a dead girl's asshole a sad abyss?

>> No.8073374

>this is where I stop reading anon
what's wrong with the line?

>> No.8073390
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Sounds good, OP. I liked it. Don't mind the haters.

>> No.8073396
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>FIVE years now, he thought, as he scribbled nervously in his personal journal what he saw and heard for the inumerable time in Hoxton House, private asylum.

going for that barry lyndon time setting, rip and tear

>> No.8073444

I would pay you to write this book anon, we need it.

>> No.8073447

I wondered why I wasn't crying.

>> No.8073451

It works nice as stone walls do the same irl

>> No.8073455


>> No.8073461

"Kierkegaard", the voice says. No, not that. Click button.
"Kendrick." Groan. Click. You sip your tea and frown in the way only a man who's trying to frown can. Forty-seven names to go.

>> No.8073465

"I wish I could kill myself"

>> No.8073470
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>> No.8073489

It's basically To Kill A Mockingbird.

>> No.8073493

He's not even ugly. I would've fucked the shit out of him.

He was simply creepy. Probably autistic.

>> No.8073509

"The bigger they are, the harder they fall" Akihiro murmured under his breath, as he was wiping his katana blade from the blood of the unfortunate punk who dared to cross his path thirty seconds ago.

>> No.8073560

You should graduate from adderall and go straight for meth, it'll be great.

>> No.8073620

The walls had been melting for hours.

>> No.8073638

really, the first thing is waking up as an exposition?

this book is gonna be shit, i know it

>> No.8073655

It rained on the day that they finally got around to burning Vicar Arden's old bones. Delly stayed dry.

>> No.8073659

I love to eat shit, but not because I'm told to by some irate person.

>> No.8073682

Early Chitwood was cold. He had been cold all night, and the fact his condition had endured into the early morning only deepened his discomfort and irritation. He shifted himself in his overlarge saddle and looked up. He watched the shining beams of morning sunlight trying, and pitifully failing, to break through the thick grey cloud bank that filled the Texas sky.

>> No.8073683

Wow totally random!!! XD *holds up spork* he's a bug lmao!!!

Give up, you'll never be a writer.

>> No.8073691

i fucked this up, should read

Early Chitwood was cold. He had been cold all night, and the fact his condition had endured into the early morning only deepened his discomfort and irritation. He shifted himself in his overlarge saddle and looked up and watched the shining beams of morning sunlight trying, and pitifully failing, to break through the thick grey cloud bank that filled the Texas sky

>> No.8073696

too sincere for me

I think this one has been underrated. I like it. Whether it's sci-fi or something else, it's pretty neat.

>> No.8073700


>> No.8073708

It was the best of times; it was the worst of times.

>> No.8073730


Dickens pls

>> No.8073752

this sounds like something Cormac McCarthy would write. Except well-written. Would keep reading/10

>> No.8074721

This is really good. Even if you ignore the gimmicky structure.

>> No.8074727

fucking lol'd

>> No.8074749

Don't ever publish your work and have it destroyed after you die.

>> No.8074763

Are you folks trolls or have you really not read kafka?

>> No.8074764

unironically great job, though the first half is better than the second. up until after the DFW part.

>> No.8074786

It was night, for it was always night. With grim darkness pervading every iota of the night sky, Archibald Flabberghast pulled out his Ectophiliam. There were apparitions abounding, on this the most darkest of nights. He tipped his blackened stovepipe hat to the lady walking towards him, and gently uttered "M'lady." She nodded back, and smiled. Innocence should always be preserved.
The townage of Blackenmoor Darq had seen a great increase in ghostly phenomenae lately, no doubt the result of the negative emotions that obscured the very soul of the place itself.

>> No.8074787


>> No.8074792

I sincerely hope this is the highest form of irony.

>> No.8074795

Are you a retard or are you playing along?

>> No.8074805
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i'm going to plagiarize this

>> No.8074806
File: 1.62 MB, 500x281, Dramatic.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>“Fear is a fantastic motivator.” The man mumbled to himself while he rummaged through the wardrobe in his large, decorated room. He knew he hadn’t the time to sort through everything, so he grabbed a small pack and slug it over his shoulder.

Do your worst.

>> No.8074807

>the Victor
>then acting like Victor is a guy even after using "the"

You can't do that, chap

>> No.8074822

"I am a head surrounded by limbs and covered to match its discontent."

Hello Mr. Lovecraft
Cut down on the adjectives and improv your naming scheme you nonce

Definite atmosphere and good imagery/pacing.
Keep at it

If shortened and trimmed this could be hilarious

>> No.8074836

“Fear is a fantastic motivator,” the man mumbled as he rummaged through the wardrobe in his lavish room. He hadn’t the time to sort through everything, so he grabbed a small pack and slung it over his shoulder.

>motivator.” The (did he mumble this?)
>He knew (uneeded)
>slug (not a verb for this action)

it's fine

>> No.8074840

There I was, encrusted in cum, smeared in shit, and used as recepticle for hundred's of men's and boy's urine; I was drowning.

>> No.8074850

edit: I know I need an editor badly. Thanks though.

I also meant slung over his shoulder.

>> No.8074853
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It doesn't sound so much like the beginning of a book, but instead just the average synopsis of your day to day life.

>> No.8074857

It's from diary.

>> No.8074859


Ultra-derivative of Saint David.

>> No.8074864

>le witty i know who kafka is ironic meme response number le 5 :^) xD

>> No.8074885

>after >>8074864 responded with a witty post which broke the memeic fourth wall, I would post "le witty i know who kafka is ironic meme response number le 6 :^) xD" so that people know I'm already into his kind of nihilistic, pomo, twisted sense of humor.

>> No.8074887

Oh shit damn it just came to mind and I just now realized that it's just the goddamn intro of IJ.

Well, this only furthers my will to die

>> No.8074888

Archie studied the Ectophiliam closely, as black acid rain fell from noired cloudlets onto the turquoise lens of glass. Swirls of otherworldy energies shifted and churned through the aetheaerium, seeking refuge from the howling maw of the void. Too many to deal with on this eavening, he thought. Good thing it was always night, as the spooks disappeared when the sun scourged the land once more.
Rummaging through his duster coat, he found a small metallic rectangle. He had purchased it the previous night (which was hard to tell, since it was always night) from Flemian's Antiquariatium & Curiosatine. It was called a Vapauxreizéur. It allowed him to partake in his favourite pastime, but without the dirt of nicotino polluting his lungs.

>> No.8074903


Each fuck-up brings you closer to divine inspiration bro, don't sweat it.

>> No.8074952 [DELETED] 

Just b urself : ^ )

Well, if that doesn't suffice to embarrass me, I will post another

>The lethal injection moves in three distinct stages

>First, a treatment of sodium thiopental, bringing the subject to sleep in the space of half a minute. Even without the presence of other drugs, suffocation will occur within five minutes.

>A saline drip is administered, and the blood is cleansed.

>To facilitate death, the subject is injected with pancuronium bromide; paralysis sets in. Breathing halts as respiratory failure sets in.

>A saline drip is administered, and the blood is cleansed.

>Consciousness is checked by the medical officers; the patient must not be awake during cardiac arrest. Finally, the potassium chloride is injected into the bloodstream.

>Complete organ failure occurs within 40 seconds. The victim is now deceased and may be transported for burial

>A saline drip is administered, to cleanse the blood.

>> No.8075347
File: 988 KB, 294x224, Nope.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please god make it stop.

>> No.8076303
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It was the blurst of times

>> No.8076307

oh shit, i love foie gras

>> No.8076442

It is such a treat when random chance and providence both decide to come fuck you over on this the day of my daughters wedding.

>> No.8077205

a big pig came into my shop and i said to the pig -- i aint got no money, not a single coin, leave me be piggy or ill call thje farmer to come get yer.

>> No.8077218

word salad

>> No.8077252

The man who quacked flew across the dessert, and the mudslinger followed

>> No.8077490

Pvt Vickers clambered out of his dugout, and said hello to the skull oozing out of the trench wall as he did every morning.

>> No.8077534

>POV shift within in the same sentence


>> No.8078672

Spell out "private." Also skulls don't ooze.

>> No.8078732

Everything is translated to me through a veil of dull, silky pain.

>> No.8078834
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If I read that opening line in a book id just opened, I would frisbee the book out my window so fucking hard my wrist would ache afterwards

>> No.8078843

Can all be read as a single PoV.