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File: 18 KB, 340x511, socrates.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
806552 No.806552 [Reply] [Original]

>I first learned about the notion that Socrates was black several years ago, from a student in my second-year Greek course on Plato's Apology, his account of Socrates' trial and conviction. Throughout the entire semester the student had regarded me with sullen hostility. A year or so later she apologized. She explained that she thought I had been concealing the truth about Socrates' origins. In a course in Afro-American studies she had been told that he was black, and my silence about his African ancestry seemed to her to be a confirmation of the Eurocentric arrogance her instructor had warned her about.

>> No.806559
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>> No.806561
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well, if the facts support it we have a winner

>> No.806568

I see it. I definitely see it.

>> No.806569


>> No.806574

Niggers have no culture, so they claim that important historical figures were black. Fucking. Brilliant.

>> No.806576

they really teach this shit in schools?

>> No.806581
File: 20 KB, 474x328, artist_eyes2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are everything that is wrong with this world

>> No.806583


Hey now, you don't know he's black.

>> No.806584

I'm not Michael Bay. Therefore, I am not everything that is wrong with this world. Your argument is invalid.

>> No.806599

Socrates was so ugly that it's hard to tell his ethnicity from looking at his face

>> No.806606

Yup, every ancient historical figure was a nigga. You win black people, you win.

>> No.806604

Socrates was Turkish.

>> No.806608

The facts all point to him being a purebred Athenian, and there's nothing to indicate him being black apart from...

Well, really, there's nothing at all remotely indicating that.

Go to hell.

>> No.806615
File: 20 KB, 341x321, artist_stare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying I did not say if the facts support it

>> No.806622


>apart from...
He had a snub nose.

>> No.806626

>implying you did not forget your trip

>implying I was not simply using you as a target for a general comment on the absurdness of this topic

>> No.806628

I entertained the idea for a minute, and went and looked into it, including the link provided here.
Does that make me an idiot or somehow bad? No, it makes me a skeptic, who gave a hypothesis its fair share of credence before investigating and making a judgment on it.
He was white. Ok. People here also told me there's no evidence outside of Plato's texts that he ever existed which I also looked into and I think is a gigantic load of horse shit.

>> No.806640

> In a course in Afro-American studies she had been told that he was black, and my silence about his African ancestry seemed to her to be a confirmation of the Eurocentric arrogance her instructor had warned her about. After she had taken my course, the student pursued the question on her own, and was satisfied that I had been telling her the truth: so far as we know, Socrates was ethnically no different from other Athenians.

What had this student learned in her course in Afro-American studies? The notion that Socrates was black is based on two different kinds of inference. The first "line of proof" is based on inference from possibility. Why couldn't an Athenian have African ancestors? That of course would have been possible; almost anything is possible. But it is another question whether or not it was probable. Few prominent Athenians claim to have had foreign ancestors of any sort. Athenians were particularly fastidious about their own origins. In Socrates' day, they did not allow Greeks from other city-states to become naturalized Athenian citizens, and they were even more careful about the non-Greeks or barbaroi. Since Socrates was an Athenian citizen, his parents must have been Athenians, as he himself says they were.

>> No.806642

>Another reason why I thought it unlikely that Socrates and/or his immediate ancestors were foreigners is that no contemporary calls attention to anything extraordinary in his background. If he had been a foreigner, one of his enemies, or one of the comic poets, would have been sure to point it out. The comic poets never missed an opportunity to make fun of the origins of Athenian celebrities. Socrates was no exception; he is lampooned by Aristophanes in his comedy the Clouds. If Socrates and/or his parents had had dark skin, some of his contemporaries would have been likely to mention it, because this, and not just his eccentric ideas about the gods, and the voice that spoke to him alone, would have distinguished him from the rest of the Athenians. Unless, of course, he could not be distinguished from other Athenians because they all had dark skin; but then if they did, why did they not make themselves bear a closer resemblance the Ethiopians in their art?

>> No.806646

Is this one of those bullshit theories where people claim Greece is somehow part of Africa?

>> No.806651

>People here also told me there's no evidence outside of Plato's texts that he ever existed which I also looked into and I think is a gigantic load of horse shit.

No fucking kidding.

Aristotle,Xenophones and Aristophanes called.

>> No.806678

Well, if Socrates is black, then he's Jesus. And Jesus never existed.

My Freemason friend told me all about it.

>> No.806677


If Plato's brief descriptions of the man are accurate, he sounds more slavic than anything. Short, pot-bellied, and with a face like a bull-dog.

>> No.806757

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.

>> No.806760

Plato was black?

That explains why he's such an idiot.

>> No.806775

Shakespeare was a black man
Mozart was a black man
Henry VIII was a black man

>> No.806780

And don't forget Abe Lincoln.

>> No.806783


Don't forget Hitler.

>> No.806794

Can't leave George W. Bush out of this either. He is definitely black.

>> No.806795

Don't forget Nathan Bedford Forrest

>> No.806805


This reminds me of the 'Black Supremacy' episode of Louis Theroux's Weird Weekends.

>> No.806825

That is yank shit at its worst. Reforming historical facts according to their racial status quo.

>> No.806834

I bet in the future, people are going to claim that Obama was a black man!

>> No.806843

inb4 you realise that Obabo is not actually black (because race is derived through the mother).

>> No.806848



>> No.806850

Damn, that's a good show.

>> No.806874


>> No.806877

This reminds me of a Women's History course I took, much of the information we were forced to learn had little to no facts supporting it. I couldn't even find information about some of the women discussed except within the textbook itself.

These days I generally look down upon college all together.

>> No.806922

That's just Zeitgeist-fags

>> No.806930

It's called the alpine phenotype....

>> No.806932
File: 854 KB, 530x733, Patricia Highsmith.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like how she looks like she wants to sexually abuse me.