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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 20 KB, 320x486, john green.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8064674 No.8064674 [Reply] [Original]

How do we stop him?

>> No.8064686

We can never escape the destruction

>> No.8064695

Stop posting about him and stop following the hijinks of an author who writes novels for teenage girls?

>> No.8064710

write an ironic, yet subtly so, satire of both his work, himself, and the young adult genre as a whole.

>> No.8064721

We embrace him.

>> No.8064737

fuck his wife and write a book about it

>> No.8064797

do all three of these things at the same time

>> No.8065001

Can anyone post the pasta that ends with "Truly, I was Looking for Alaska"?

>> No.8065031

I was born in that the end of the 20th century. Some where been 1987 and 1994. This may seem vague. I like vagueness. It speak to me, or rather, I speak to it. Filling in my own ideas into what might as well be an outline of one. In a way all Millennials are like this. If other generations lived life, we just watch it. Watching is vagueness. You have to fill in some parts. And again, we like it that way.

Did my best John Green.

>> No.8065034

He's the worst kind of "nerd", the type that self-identify as such and who wear tshirts with "Nerd" across the tshirt as if they're so happy to embody what is essentially a character-type invented by mainstream media to split human beings into demographics based not on race or some objectively measurable thing but on cultural subgroups whose Platonic form is represented in movies and tv shows. It's disgusting. An aspergic Nazi engineer who works in complete isolation and is obsessed with creating a complex machine to kill jews etc is more of a "nerd" than a guy who talks in a falsely expressive voice on youtube about how neat Star Wars is. It's exactly the same as the word "Punk", which pretty much refers to anybody who is willing to be independent despite drawing the negative attention of other people and "the norm". Now it's all about wearing spiked jackets and living in a squat with a bunch of HIV sufferers. Both Nerd and Punk should be mentalities, not physical descriptors or means of self-definition. He's a nu-male beta cuck using the "Nerd" image to trick impressionable girls into overlooking his obvious character flaws because he's supposedly some super-clever, socially oppressed guy who deserves their pity and affection. It's disgraceful. I'm more of a nerd for typing out this long-ass reply on an anonymous shitposting blog than some dude is for wearing pixel sunglasses and a tshirt that says "GOT RAM?"

>> No.8065037


(Pulled straight from the meme archives)

>> No.8065039

Make a comedy parody about one of his books like scary movie and fill it to the brim with racism and sexism

>> No.8065042

100% fresh.

>> No.8065140

convinced that it's the same dude posting this in every thread

>> No.8065142

I would pay to read it. Call it "The Fault in our Genes"

>> No.8065143

The thing Alaska did next scared and shocked and surprised me in a way nothing had ever ever scared or shocked or surprised me until that moment, a moment which lasted no longer than one sharp intake of breath but one I have no doubt will last my entire life. She said 'I love you'. Not 'You're cool' or 'I had a really fun time' or 'Do you always kiss like that?' I love you. As in 'I, Alaska Young, love you, Miles Halter'. As in 'I Alaska Young have not only noticed that you Miles Halter exist but I positively adore the fact that you do'. I exhaled. Alaska did too and for the first time I realized she was as scared as I was of admitting the way she felt. I stepped forward and held her hips. 'Are you sure?' I asked. 'I think so!' she replied, smiling. I must have pushed her backwards because just then her body nudged the lightswitch and the room became as dark as my life was without Alaska in it. Laughing, she slipped out of my grasp and disappeared somewhere inside the room. I reached out like a blind man searching for the object that might grant him sight. Truly, I was Looking for Alaska.

>> No.8065182
File: 6 KB, 187x250, John Green Cereal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks senpai.

>> No.8065216

> If other generations lived life, we just watch it. Watching is vagueness

Fark, that speaks to me

>> No.8065289
File: 704 KB, 245x245, 13469147.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fault in Our stars?

More like Fault Our Chromosomes amiright?

>> No.8065294

Looking for Autism
An Abundance of Chromosomes
Retard Town

>> No.8065298

It bears repeating: Nobody actually refuses to date girls because they're too smart. John is white knighting for a group of people that doesn't exist.

>> No.8065311

John Green is for sure fucking Nat Wolf.

>> No.8065328
File: 20 KB, 640x430, john_green1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was watching my TV with her on my arm, and I had a sudden tingly feeling somewhere in my chest area. An author or a screenwriter would say that I had a feeling of love in my heart. The whole concept of love being contained in someone's heart is equally strange and meaningful. I remember learning once in school that the Egyptians thought the heart functioned in the same way we think the brain does now. Now we know that it functions like a biological clock, moving time along in your body. Maybe that's what love is. Maybe that's why all those authors, writers, and directors use the heart so commonly to represent that emotion. Maybe love is a heartbeat. Maybe love is the skipping of time. Maybe love is the feeling you get when everything in the world is just right for one moment. Is that what I felt in that moment, sitting on the couch, with Charlene's hair touching my arm? I don't know. Maybe I was just happy. Maybe I was just pleased. Or maybe, it's true. Maybe everything in that moment was just perfect, just right. It's so easy to be unsure. My feelings became so ambiguous and unclear. So much so, that the only thing I could possibly draw from that moment, watching TV on the couch with my maybe-girlfriend, unsure about whether what I was feeling was bliss or infatuation, was this: damn, the new Ghostbusters movie is shit.

>> No.8065341
File: 53 KB, 750x374, 1461945798679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was one thing I was positive of that love was a multi-faceted wonderful thing. It sure was funny that way. Funny, unlike the women in the new Ghostbusters movie.

>> No.8065344


>> No.8065485

>not rebelling by being sincere

>> No.8065541
File: 31 KB, 360x480, 9dd0df78-8722-4c79-8559-f696ab94e064..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which author is the opposite of John Green?

>> No.8065561
File: 44 KB, 915x673, Seriously lads.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Good fucking God.

Maybe I should just start writing shit. Then I might get published.

I've been writing for an educated public that no longer exists. Time to cast shit before swine, rather than pearls.

>> No.8065564

fuck his wife and wait for him to write a book about it

>> No.8065881

Are these parody? Call me an idiot but I can't tell.

>> No.8065885


>> No.8065894

God I hate this so much:

>the venn diagram of X and Y is a circle

It is always the same phrase

Just say >X is/are Y

Or shut up

>> No.8065895

John Green is to DFW what Nickleback is to Nirvana

>> No.8066454

considering how they both end in punchlines, yes

>> No.8067479


>> No.8067537

You're giving Nirvana too much credit.

>> No.8067558

>"authors, writers"


>> No.8067589

top kek

>> No.8068642
File: 57 KB, 789x447, people today are so uneducated.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've been writing for an educated public that no longer exists.
*tips fedora*

>> No.8068665

>m-maybe if I prove this guy wrong on an offhand remark that he made, people will give me upvotes! i think that's how this site works, right?

>> No.8068700
File: 849 KB, 480x270, 1462044680672.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being this bootyblasted