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/lit/ - Literature

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8063018 No.8063018 [Reply] [Original]

Have you guys ever published anything before, whether professionally or for free?

>> No.8063029

There are a couple of memesters here who keep spamming their self-published books, if that counts.

>> No.8063034

i have 1000 word short story that was published in an anthology.

i got a free copy of the book and $20

>> No.8063036
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>for free

>> No.8063038

It counts. It's still more than (I'm guessing ) most people on this board have done.

>> No.8063043

That's awesome! Care to give us a link?

>> No.8063048
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Does it really? Even when it's something like pic related?

>> No.8063057

Won a contest, got a shitty noir short story published in an anthology. Have a nice plaque attesting it, feel it's wholly unddeserved.

>> No.8063065

Pls no bully, but what's an anthology?

>> No.8063070

What is this even?

>> No.8063074

anthology is the study of ant anuses

>> No.8063076


I can type it all out if you give me like 20 minutes.

a collection of poems or stories.

>> No.8063077

man she is going to be hideous when she's older

>> No.8063080


>> No.8063091

Wrote a short story for a science fiction anthology and got published. It was 4 years ago. I was rereading it last week and I realized I was really shitty back then.

>> No.8063095

I'm actually looking for places that publish short stories. Anyone got any recommendations?

>> No.8063099

Still pretty cool, imho. What are you writing goals now?

>> No.8063101

Know what you mean - I was still a few leagues above the other fellas who entered the competition (it's not hard when you're the only one with a modicum of classical education), but goddamn do I cringe now when reading it again. So tryhard and edgy at 18.

>> No.8063114

I have 30 published works. They're all about ponies.

>> No.8063121

I only have 1 pony story and it got featured on a cracked.com list

>> No.8063134

Im one of them.

Have two blogs where i publish new chapters for my stories. One is user-interactive and pretty new.

My grama is verry bad, though. Gladly a friend of mine proof-reeds it when he feels like it.

>> No.8063149


260 pages of pure pseudo-literary shitposting.

>> No.8063158

Let's see it, then. I give you permission to market yourself. Just this once, though.

>> No.8063211

>tfw I want to write stories with an anime feel to them, but nobody would take it seriously

>> No.8063213




>> No.8063214

Nobody will take anything you write seriously anyway so just go for it.

>> No.8063224

Wow. That was rude.

>> No.8063228


I should probably add: the first one is heavier and more psichplogical. I have enough ideas to fill 3 books, just need to get my lazyass to write.

The secound one is more of a light hearted kind, that don't beg for being thaken serious. Its also an experiment of let the readers decide how the storryshould progres. Lets see how long it lasts.

>> No.8063231


i figure since the book is out of print I can just put it up here.

>> No.8063238

You are not worth very much on a personal level. If I saw you and had a conversation with you, I'd walk away feeling pretty unsatisfied.

>> No.8063244


I got a letter published in an Image comic, not sure if that counts but still nice to see happen.

>> No.8063245

bit rude

>> No.8063248

It's not even you specifically, that's just the way it is with any sort of "emerging" writers. At best you're a novelty, at worst you're a joke. I think this just needs to be acknowledged and accepted as an a given if you're going to bother with writing at all these days and don't have the industry connections to immediately come off as "legit".

>> No.8063251

>tfw they never publish the letters in the trades

what comic? I got my letter published in Daredevil.

>> No.8063260


It was The Walking Dead.

The letters, not to mention the covers are one of the reasons I moved from reading it in hardcovers to single issues.

>> No.8063262

Still not the best way to convey the message. I'd like to publish something with a light novel feel, even if it was somewhere like fanfiction.net. I just want to write something original.

>> No.8063273

Tens of thousands of forum posts.

>> No.8063285
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>he hasn't hit the millions yet

>> No.8063331

I stopped writing scifi and focused on fiction. My reading habits changed a lot since then too. I wrote a novel last year and sent it to a literary prize in my country. Currently waiting for the result and writing a second novel (40k words already).

Well, everyone is edgy as fuck when they're 18. The important thing is to keep writing.

>> No.8063348

Who is this pinecone minedrone?

>> No.8063464


I published a children's book trilogy in Spanish in my mother country.

>> No.8063664

I think he means Antheology the study of Ant God.

>> No.8063672

Antnomenology of Spirits

>> No.8063697

lets not be reddit anymore.

>> No.8063773

We can stop being Reddit when someone suggests a good place to publish amateur stuff.

>> No.8063797 [DELETED] 
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Daily reminder that Cara is an over rated inbred upper class whore and Tay is superior in every regard

>> No.8063845

i remember a guy here on /lit/ that wrote many shitty short stories about sex with magic creatures (yetis, leprechauns) and published them on amazon for a couple of dollars.

>> No.8063927

No results. What is this? >>8063672

>> No.8063948

Yes, I published "Pictures of DFW".

>> No.8063982

I published two books on Amazon kindle in the last month. One is a non-fiction book about dreams and the other a science fiction book called Headspace. I'm also hoping to publish with kindlescout, but I need to get votes/clicks to win a publishing deal with them. Anyone want to help out I can post the link.

>> No.8063995
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> dis it b?


>> No.8064005
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He's right, though. Try to convey your ideas to people this board, you'll get a general sense of how volatile audiences are, and how it's impossible to really say anything right that everyone agrees with.

This is the difficulty the writer faces.

>> No.8064015

I'm 30yo and studied in STEM, so yes, physics papers.

>> No.8064031 [DELETED] 
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No. Disquietingly simlar bookcover though.

>> No.8064035

I self-published a story of about 37k words on Amazon for two dollars. It's not outright horrible, I spent time weeding out 99% of the grammatically faulty prose, but it's written in a children's book-like style and the story is a meandering romp through random shit that makes Sharknado look like a documentary. I feel too guilty to shill it.

>> No.8064064 [DELETED] 

No, that's not it. I probably should have selected a more original title. Oh well.
You can find a link to both of my other books at the bottom of this page.
This is the first book I wrote. I entered it into this competition that allows people with an amazon account to upvote it. If I get enough votes I hope to publish the final proof with them.

>> No.8064119

No. Probably should have chosen a more original title.

>> No.8064161

How many copies did it sell?

>> No.8064190

i like them both

>> No.8064220

Jesus, it's someone being honest. He simply disclosed the reality and said that you should pursue it all the same if it brings you enjoyment.

>> No.8064256

I know that feel. I think the inherent problem is that so much of what makes anime (and movies) great is communicated visually through reaction body language.

>> No.8064320

I edited and published a 5000 page Who's Who of Executives and Professionals.

I doubt anyone has ever actually opened it.

>> No.8064360

I write for a local newspaper, other than that no. Although I'm about to graduate highschool and that will open up my schedule for more serious writing. I really haven't had time the last few months.

>> No.8064365

What do you mean by a anime feel to it? That sounds horrendously abysmal, but there will probably be a few retards who will read it so yeah whatever man.

>> No.8064384

I'm a stemfag. Do you get a buzz from publishing? I'm suffering from major anhodenia looking at mass spec all today

>> No.8064478

Poorly written. Sorry.

>> No.8064522

Can any of you that managed to publish and sell on KDP tell me what the average income you made from a book was? I'm especially interested in the opinions of someone who doesn't consider themselves a proficient writer.

>> No.8064525

That actually seems like it'd make a nice children's story

>> No.8064526

>I just want to write something original.
go to /r9k/ then

>> No.8064536


The solution to this must surely be locking the outside voices out completely and focusing just on what you think is okay. And bother with opinions and improvement after you finish writing a book. Then go for another if you still want to walk down that path.

>> No.8064554
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I published my first app a few days ago

>> No.8064569


I read the first paragraph of the prologue of your Living Dungeon story.

>Three breathless people run inside the wracked ruins of a small watch-tower. After making sure, they are not followed, they drop to the floor totally exhausted. Their dark, bluish, almost black skin was covert in dirt, sweat and bruises. Their clothes and armor are not in a better state. They obviously had a hard time.

Here's my novice critique.
From the first line the writing feels very expository. The way you present the information is very direct and boring. Then I immediately spotted a grammar mistake "black skin was *covert* in dirt, sweat and bruises. I didn't expect much after that.

>> No.8065036


Very very few. I think I've made like forty cents off of it within the last three years. But like I said, I'm too guilty/foolish to shill it even to friends/family.

>> No.8065098

I've gotten three short stories published. It's all been in the last few months, too, so it's very exciting. Not paid yet, but I'm hoping to claw my way to a good reputation, and then maybe from there I can get my novel published.

>> No.8065121

I published a poem in an anthology when I was like 8, some random rung our house up a few months later to talk to me and said I would be a great writer one day. It spooked me out a bit. I've never really tried to publish things I've wrote as of now. Might do later on.

>> No.8065214

I liked it mate. Kind of cute.

>> No.8065261
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What's sad is my fan fiction probably has more fans and readers than anyone else on /lit/.

I wish I could write something original.

>> No.8065277

What series do you write fanfic about?

>> No.8065280

There's a big mix. Buffy, Ranma 1/2, Naruto.

>> No.8065284
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I got published in a poetry book with twenty other children in Northern Ireland out of a few hundred schools back when I was about eight or nine.

>tfw published before my balls dropped

>> No.8065299

you are the demons

>> No.8065333

I've had a couple poems published in online journals.

but generally, no. i'm terrible and i should really just quit.

i won't. but i probably should.

>> No.8065351

I'd be too scared to attempt to publish anything, or even show anything I've wrote to anything else. Which is funny, because I don't have the same stagefright for anything else.

>> No.8065531


As someone who has self-published several "anime-style" novels, I can attest that nobody gives a fuck and you should just have fun. It's not like there's anything to lose, so long as you're not dumb enough to put your own name on the cover.

>> No.8066212

shill it here

>> No.8066249

that was good

>> No.8066262 [DELETED] 
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I've finished my PhD and went for a comfy 20h job. Now I read books more than I work. Very comfy.

>> No.8066272
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I've finished my PhD and went for a 20h job.
Now I read books more than I work. Very comfy.

Or rather... in fact I just offered the Institute for Traffic Safety of my city (Vienna) to analyze the police data. 10hours/week, for free. Stuff like that.

>> No.8066275

I just have a blog on wordpress, I hope to publish something in the future someday. Here's the link if anyone is interested:

>> No.8066313

I self-published a book to Amazon just recently, if that counts.

It doesn't

>> No.8066326

fiction? no. professional ad copy, plenty. worked for an ad agency who catered to lawyers, medical practitioners, financial planners, real estate agents, etc. there are literally thousands of pages of online and offline content authored by yours truly.

>> No.8066332

I'm sure it was very difficult to write.

>> No.8066336

Would you also write if nobody else would ever read it?

>> No.8066379

Where did you publish them?

>> No.8066387

So then do you use fanfiction.net or whatever?

>> No.8066393

Are they self-published, though?

>> No.8066397

No. Not gonna lie. The point of writing is to share your ideas with others.

>> No.8066401

not really. i wrote for my college paper and then a city paper for a year. the ad job paid more than the paper so i quit. basically, the ad job consisted of a shit ton of research and writing 1,000 - 2,000 words of copy every day, much less than the paper job, where several graphs were only 250-500 words per day. most clients weren't that demanding. we elevated our copy for the ones that were, though.

these days i do production jobs for Disney and write fiction and screenplays on my off days. finished one novel and half way through another. hope the first one sells because the long hours kill me here.

anyways, good luck with your writing, mate.

>> No.8066456

oops, i meant the paper job required less output but had more stringent regs than the ad job. with ad copy, the rule of the trade was to do whatever works. for paper jobs, you have to follow the inverted triangle style of composition. and i think i also overstated the amount of writing. it was closer to 1,000-1,500 words/day.

>> No.8066465


If I'm not going to share, I may as well keep the thoughts in my head. It's left effort, and anyway they always seem more compelling there.

>> No.8066674

Yeah, that's a fanfiction.net layout

>> No.8066705

How is it? Does it do a rating system, subscribers, etc.? I use a different source for my fanfiction, but I'm interested.

>> No.8066824

I've written various amounts of articles for buzzfeed.

>> No.8067046
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I already do that. None of my friends or family are the reading type.

>> No.8067186


>> No.8067316

I've written a fair amount of articles for the newspaper, a couple of short stories that were published in a literary magazine and an academic paper, did some fan fiction when I was younger. I haven't published my main things though.

>> No.8067344

I wouldn't take it seriously.

>> No.8067352

I feel your pain brother.

>> No.8067377

>for free?
Yeah, a few. When I was in high school, I wrote more than a few adult furry stories, and one of them was even the top rated for 6 months. I still get follower notifications every so often

>> No.8067954

Original guy here.

The layout is really old and they haven't done any big changes in years. In terms of audience, though, there's none bigger. If you have any talent at all and you hit an interesting idea you can get all the feedback you want.

>> No.8067987

I have published tens of thousands of posts on 4chan and various other internet forums.

>> No.8069600

Only shitposting or some famous greentexts that get reposted every now and then?

>> No.8069608


>> No.8069616
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When she doesn't wear makeup she looks like she could be in Black Sabbath.

>> No.8069619

Do you ever pay a website to post your content for no compensation to yourself?

An example would be letterboxd pro.

>> No.8069670

Hello guys,

I wrote a novel. It's not good. It's only 50k words (a little over). I am looking for advice on hiring an editor to tell me how to make it suck less.

Has anyone ever hired an editor before?

Thank you for your kind words about my terrible novel btw. You guys are great.

>> No.8069679

I published every TLoTiaT book, including the kolsti kombo edition


>> No.8069795

There are freelance editors who post videos to YouTube with free advice regarding writing and revision. There are also tons of articles out there. It's all for publicity too, so you're bound to find editors you can get a feel for before hiring. Good luck!

>> No.8069830

My Erdos number is 4.

>> No.8069868
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>> No.8069884

this is brilliant
It's exactly what we need, criticism of the superficial communication and culture of the modern Internet age.

>> No.8069887

If you have self-published a "book" then you should just give up already. At best, you used a pen name and it isn't tied to you, but even then you've obviously shown that you aren't good enough through your desperation and impatience. If you used your real name on a self-published "novel" then you should probably just kill yourself because there is no coming back from that.

>> No.8069888

>taking advice from youtube


>> No.8069889



>> No.8069895

yeah i already do , i write poetry about how i feel because i find it easier to express that way

>> No.8070185

A poem of mine got published last year in a noteworthy (in my country at least) literary journal, since then, only rejections. Probably the journal gonna die off, because shitty state founding system gonna be restructured because stealing money or whatever. Before that a shitty scifi short story in a (now defunct) scifi blog

>> No.8070261

Even if it is, no one's reading it.

>> No.8070273

Walt Whitman and Oscar Wilde self-published some of their shit and they're more well-known than you'll ever be.

>> No.8070297

And joyce self published

>> No.8070761

>no one is reading it
that's the beauty of post-modern literature

>> No.8071001

So you're saying it'll be part of a meme trilogy on an Afghani asswiping association in 40 years?

>> No.8071034

even if my name is Thomas Pynchon?

>> No.8071063

It's not though. Nice try, not-Bill-Murray.

>> No.8071105
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I'll probably drop my bit here. Not sure when I'll be ready yet.

r9k is is the same shit over and over again. What are you on?

You guys just don't know what real women look like.

>> No.8071109
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Maybe, Maybe not

I don't want to put a label on it...

>> No.8071184
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Mine is 5

you win this time friendo

Though, honestly does lit care about scientific publications, even if they require more work?

>> No.8071381

Not in the slightest. >>>/sci/ is that way.

>> No.8071548

it really depends on coincidental stuff, I mean I honestly would be surprised if humanity survives another 40 years but basically, yes.

>> No.8071686


I've published three 20k word shorts as ebooks so far.

My first received nothing but hate and abuse. I've made, at most, $10 from it.

My second got five 4 to 5 star reviews. I make around $10 a month from it, but I've sold no copies at all this month.

My third has had absolutely no sales.

But, we push on.

>> No.8072179

Posting on 4chan is publishing.