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8056677 No.8056677 [Reply] [Original]

Strand Bookstore has so damn many books.

>> No.8056684
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my camera is bad but yeah. love delillo, heard nothing but good things about gaddis but waiting to drop $50 on j r, and the premise of take five sounds interesting

>> No.8056698

dirty tinfoiled fedora man

>> No.8056746

>dirty tinfoiled fedora man
Well there are two other books in that stack also. I just seized the opportunity to visit an occult bookstore, since there are none where I live.

>> No.8056773

Are you a Witty fan?

>> No.8056795
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>> No.8056821

I've read Philosophical Investigations and Tractatus (which I'm aware is pretty much a prerequisite for Wittengstein's Mistress). W/r/t tractatus, are you familiar with the distinction between listening to someone vs just hearing them? When I read Tractatus I'm pretty sure I did the the latter. So, uh, am I not gonna get Wittgenstein's Mistress?

>> No.8056846

Start with "The Recogitions" instead of J.R.

>> No.8057388
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>tfw impulsively buying books on Amazon is too easy

>> No.8057639

ave maria/10 senpai

>> No.8059222
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Only $3 but it reeks of cigarette smoke

>> No.8059241


>Copies of V. are yo-yoing between various owners not knowing what to do with their life

>> No.8059273

I like the idea of it.

>> No.8059294
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*bends you to my will*
you are puppets, and I, the puppet master

>> No.8059301

Of those I've only read Wittgenstein's Mistress but it was extremely good.

>> No.8059303

Where did you find Take Five? I've been looking for it for years and never see copies anywhere. Never got to the point of just ordering it online, though.

>> No.8059307

I read it before reading any Wittgenstein -- just cultural awareness and such -- and still enjoyed it. Read it again after Wittgenstein and it was obviously better but not by as much as you'd think. If you get the basic premises of Wittgenstein you're fine.

>> No.8059765

>If you get the basic premises of Wittgenstein you're fine.

fucking lol m8

>> No.8059820

It's easy as fuck to find online.

>> No.8059832

Reading underworld right now, people say it's a clusterfuck, albeit I disagree. I can't remember the exact page-count a certain passage takes place but it's probably one of the best passages I've encountered in literature in quite a while.

>> No.8059849
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>Reading underworld right now, people say it's a clusterfuck, albeit I disagree

>> No.8059854

Chapter six in the first part of the book is exceptional.

>> No.8060093

Do you disagree? I'm not saying you can fully understand Wittgenstein easily, just that you don't need a deep understanding of Wittgenstein to enjoy the novel.

>> No.8061012

>Great Ideas

>> No.8062028
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>> No.8062073
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>> No.8062106

The books I ordered haven't arrived.
Mad as fuck,since the post doesn't deliver on weekends.

>> No.8062503

Great Ideas is a really good series for introducing you to a bunch of different areas. Just need to pick and choose so that you don't accidentally get any of the books which are literally 100 page extracts from better full-length works (eg their Fanon book 'Concerning Violence' which is just a meaningless extract of 'The Wretched of the Earth' out of context).

>> No.8062508
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>> No.8062511
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>> No.8062516
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Latest snags pt I

>> No.8062525
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Latest snags II

Between the first pic and this, it was basically 100 bucks.

>> No.8062531

>buying 18 books at once

>> No.8062569

>he isn't building a library for himself and his students

>> No.8062582

Strangely, I just bought most of those same NYRB Classics, excepting the Davis and Laye.

Hope you like Manchette, I love all the ones out in English so far.

Have you posted your shelves in the bookshelf thread?

>> No.8062590

I don't think i ever have just because i'm too lazy to take the number of pictures required to get everything

As a rule i always try ti grab NYRBs whenever I find them because they're always so quality, so i'm excited to have found so many in one week

>> No.8062600

You don't happen to shop at a Half Price Books, do you? That's where I found my copies of those particular NYRBs.

You should take some pictures, anon. From the stacks I can see behind those, plus those too, you have really great taste.

>> No.8062611
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Funny you mention it—I rarely go to the HPB in my area, but in that first pic, all of those NYBRs sans the Storm came from HPB. Everything in picture 2 was from a 2nd & Charles because of their buy 3 get 2 free deal

Too lazy to try and get a good pic of any shelves, but between my religion, philosophy, drama, poetry, and novel shelves, anything you'd care to see?

Pic related is my grabs from a 1 dollar booksale a week or two back

>> No.8062646

I'd be most interested to see your novels, though poetry too if you could swing it.

You've got some great bookstores nearby. Even the independent ones nearby me never have anything as nice as a $1 sale. Those used Penguins would've still been marked "half price."

>> No.8062667
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There's a place near me where literally everything there is one dollar. I've grabbed books that are 10-15 used for a buck. Also if you volunteer and help them out for three hours, you get a 30 dollar credit = 30 books. It's a god send.

Here's unorganized (mostly) novels

>> No.8063087
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Another Frolic bro here.

About 7 dollars altogether.

Saw the penguin JR also but didn't pick it up thinking I could still buy the Dalkey at a normal price.

>> No.8063161

tsk tsk. you'd better give what you get, and donate that which you've read but will never read again. definitely worth giving instead of hoarding!

>> No.8063171

I don't think you realize how few people read, anon. I'm not him, but I know that the majority of books go to landfills and are otherwise destroyed. They aren't magically transported into the hands of someone who will appreciate them.

>> No.8063176

so i take it the prince is fine since it's such a small work?

>> No.8063178

no, i just mean give books to people he likes, books that he likes that he wants other people to read. i don't mean donate them back to the store or anything.

>> No.8063197

Isn't that sort of what's done when you have a family? The rest of your family might read them as they get older. Especially children.

>> No.8063215
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This thread, or the images rather, are digitalized pretension.

>> No.8063233


>> No.8063239

Not a purchase but a cousin of mine who's a priest and whom I hadn't met until recently offerred me St Augustine's confessions.
At book 10 right now and it's pretty interesting to sort of dive into the mind of a scholarly man progressively turning to God.

>> No.8063242

This isn't /r9k/, no matter how badly they're infesting the place.

The other anon implied he's a teacher or professor. I know of at least a handful of other profs on here.

>> No.8063261

Read Imagined Communities so I'm not the only one here who's read it. Thank you.

>> No.8063263

are they as useless as everyone else on this board?

>> No.8063276

Dunno, no one trips. They usually have the largest book collections though.

>> No.8063296

Yeah totally. And it's dirt cheap and decent quality as well. It's the same edition that i own.

>> No.8063344
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70 burgerbucks with discounts from Thriftbooks.

>> No.8063356

all you had to do was keep waiting for the reprint

>> No.8063414


>Actually believing in a reprint

>> No.8063423

Start reading retard

>> No.8063715
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Most recently

>> No.8063727
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Yes. That Strand bookstore is very good. I approve. Just a reminder that noone is being paid to shill for Strand bookstore. That is a Republican-funded lie and a pathetic attempt to smear her campaign.