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8052191 No.8052191 [Reply] [Original]

which books will help me understand in great detail this whole new trend of SJWism / PC culture / cultural appropriation / etc.?

>> No.8052199

The Talmud

The Protocols of the Meetings of the Learned Elders of Zion

Rules for Radicals

The Unabomber Manifesto

>> No.8052211

Try the psychology section, look for stuff relating to projecting insecurities

>> No.8052235


>> No.8052254


>> No.8052526

Ask /pol/ to cite anything from frankfurt school texts specificaly encouraging immigration from the 3rd world, destruction of white race, etc. When they come up with nothing since the frankfurt school writers never suggested anything like that, call them out on their bullshit. /Pol/ even admits to making shit up; it's encouraged on their general faq.

As for the average stormnigger who has meme'd himself into believing his own lies, a good firing squad would suffice.

>> No.8052538

It is a natural consequence of a world of personal freedom.

>> No.8052582

>As for the average stormnigger who has meme'd himself into believing his own lies, a good firing squad would suffice.

>> No.8052627


back to /pol/

lov u

>> No.8052650

>new trend
lol how's 10th grade going homie

>> No.8052660

you don't understand it. it's based entirely on woman's irrationality and any rational male texts cited by extension become irrational, as science proves.

>> No.8052680


>> No.8052795

James Kalb - Against Inclusiveness

>> No.8054047

>The Protocols of the Meetings of the Learned Elders of Zion

that document is a forgery

>> No.8054081
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>> No.8054085
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I'm reading pic related at the moment, which is basically an extended assault on the idea of "safe spaces" e.g. at universities, the gradual removal of free speech to avoid offending people etc. It's pretty well argued, so far.

It was released just after the Charlie Hebdo murders and although it isn't exclusively about them, it talks about how everyone was shocked by the murders but then people started saying "well.. maybe they shouldn't have been so rude to those poor killers etc"

Not so much a forgery as a plagiarism of a bit of a disregarded novel. Still a load of nonsense though.

>> No.8054086

certainly the elders of zion took measures to pose it as such

>> No.8054088

All of your impotent bitching will never stop niggers from sucking or fat women from being repulsive or women in general from being vapid. You'd do well to accept this now rather than continue going through life miserable because you believe and champion retarded wrong things, but you won't because you are a dumb brainwashed faggot not worth anything to anyone.

>> No.8054097
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>> No.8054101

do you say this stuff on 4chan because you're a bit too afraid to say it in the real world?

>> No.8054121

The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit and its Impact on World History by E. Michael Jones.

>> No.8054125

>The Unabomber Manifesto
>bombs random computer store owners, jet passengers, and some fucking artist

okay ted

>> No.8054131
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>> No.8054150

Try "Men Speak Out: Views of Gender, Sex and Power" by Shira Tarrant

>> No.8054152

Long answer: all Houellebecq and Notes from the Underground and Demons by ny nizzle Fedora Dostoyevsky
Short answer: the european democratic myth died after WWI, both alternative myths which sucked from the tits of dying nationalism and working class culture are dead by now (they never truly existed in America tho) and the internet has killed every form of young counterculture. But christian morality of sheeps still lasts, and there's also the thirdworldish ambiguous wishful-thinkin' United Nations discourse nobody took seriously until these Internet Red Guards came up.

>> No.8054159

dude the short answer is longer than the long answer

>> No.8054180
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I love how those things are marketed. Fucking apocalyptic.

>> No.8054181


>> No.8054188

> the european democratic myth
>nationalism and working class culture are dead by now (they never truly existed in America tho)

I not sure you know what you're talking about kid. You sound like a /pol/tard koolaid guzzling faggot.

>> No.8054189


free speech is a mirage

oh certainly you have the right of free speech but if you upload a vid how your pug makes nazi salutes listening to hitler you will be arrested for.. hate speech; it's no different how the soviet union claimed to have the freedom of speech... till you speak only what was generally accepted

you believe in the free speech? try to defend isis publicly and see what happens

>> No.8054193
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I've finished to read René Guénon "The Reign of Quantity..." yesterday and he had a very good metaphysical explanation for this, Anon.
Also, try Schumpeter's "Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy"

>> No.8054197

the book itself has a more measured tone, although there is no doubt as to the author's viewpoint.

authors rarely have much control over how their books are marketed or even what appears on the cover. such things are down to the whims of editors.

>> No.8054198

free speech allows you to be such a nazi, don't it? plus, im sure jails around the country are crowded with hate speech offenders.

>> No.8054202
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>> No.8054209

Yes. Free speech allows you to have any ideology.

>> No.8054213

>the european democratic myth
bourgeois liberal nationalism stopped being trendy after european niggas had to kill each other in the name of sovereign states based on XIX century principles
>nationalism and working class culture are dead by now (they never truly existed in America tho)
read the full sentence
>alternative myths which sucked from the tits of dying nationalism and working class culture are dead by now
Communism and fascism are no longer solid alternatives to the statu quo
I don't even browse /pol/ tho

>> No.8054215
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>if you upload a vid how your pug makes nazi salutes listening to hitler you will be arrested for.. hate speech

...and then released again
...and your video will still be on youtube

you need to read a bit further than the headline matey

>> No.8054226

Legally enforced morality isn't a new thing buddy it has always existed. People are pretty much biologically engineered to attack that what offends them. Liberalism and concepts like "free speech" are a very new experiment and there's no reason to think they are not just a trend that will wither to more base human drives. It's all just about who can capture ideological hegemony before the collapse happens and we enter a new dark age.

>> No.8054227

>new trend
it's been around for hundreds of years and it's not a bad thing.

>> No.8054233

if you are arrested for a harmless joke which was not even a public statement of your opinion it's ok because that they release you

..lol, ok?

out of curiosity, were you ever even briefly detained and questioned considering a criminal affair? i was (i worked in customs clearance back then and it's a kind of funny job), it's very unpleasant

>> No.8054240
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Blame your ancestors for this. Their the ones that brought the niggers here in the first place.

>> No.8054246

>some pretty bad plans get out
>"lol, this is just antisemetic propaganda, pay no attention"

plz bro

>> No.8054247


John Rawls' "A Theory of Justice" and then Martha Nussbaum's book she wrote in response.

Also pick up something by Lacan, he is the post-Freudian psychologist that writes a lot about Trans stuff. Full disclosure, I don't know which book.

>> No.8054252

>>8054240 here.

Also, this.

>> No.8054282


FWIW, this isn't the (post-)Marxist basis that underlies the SJW movement. But Rawls IS, as far as I know, the origin of "social justice" in the contemporary discourse. And he makes a truly fascinating argument, though it falls apart a bit due to multiculturalism.

Nussbaum attempts to extend it to the disabled.

>> No.8054295
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Read "Let the Murder-Rapist in Your House and Give Him All Your Money Or You Are A Bad Person" by Some Stupid Hippy.

>> No.8054299


>> No.8054306

*"They Want You To Let the Murder-Rapist in Your House and Give Him All Your Money Or You Are A Bad Person" by Donnie Trumperson

>> No.8054314

>short answer: a few lines
>long answer: 8 novels

>> No.8054316
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i never said it was "ok"

however in situations like this the police are in a lose-lose situation

if they do something, they get shit on by people who don't have the attention span to read a whole article and it's WOW LITERALLY 1984

if the don't do something, they get shit on by people who take offence at everything and it's OMG COPS SO RACIST.

i mean look at the response from the jewish guy in the article
> Ephraim Borowski, director of the Scottish Council of Jewish Communities added: "To regard the meticulously planned and industrialised murder of six million people solely on the grounds of their ethnicity as a joke is outrageous, and for someone who does so to claim not to be racist, beggars belief."

but basically it's between a fucked up scottish guy, the police and some humourless jews, so fuck'em all

the most amazing thing about the story is seeing that pic related is only 28 years old. that's what a lifetime of chugging buckfast will do for you.

>> No.8054324

>long answer : 14 words
>short answer : 70 words

>both answers: just plain nonsense anyway

>> No.8054334

"Politicising Basic Freedoms because you're sick in the head" by Bernie Sand-Sands.
Seriously fuck you.
You are everything wrong with the world.
You would literally let a murder-rapist into your home because 'ewww only Trump supporters wouldn't! I'm a niiiiIIIiiice person nyah'?
You can't deny the fact that immigrants are conceptually identical to violent uncivilised wild animals.
The idea that we should pay them to exist in proximity to us is despicable and wrong.
You can just ignore that in order to look young and hip and like totally a good person bro?
Fuck you.
Why not spend $80 billion dollars to put some highly venomous snakes in preschools around the country?
Or sponsor a school shooter?
It's quicker and easier...

>> No.8054337

jeez guys get a room

>> No.8054361
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Oswald Spengler's Decline of the West, if you want to get a foreboding sense of what was coming and what is to come:

It becomes possible for a Shaw to say "that unless Woman repudiates her womanliness, her duty to her husband, to her children, to society, to the law, and to everyone but herself, she cannot emancipate herself". The primary woman, the peasant woman, is mother. The whole vocation towards which she has yearned from childhood is included in that one word. But now emerges the Ibsen woman, the comrade, the heroine of a whole megalopolitan literature from Northern drama to Parisian novel. Instead of children, she has soul-conflicts; marriage is a craft-art for the achievement of "mutual understanding." It is all the same whether the case against children is the American lady's who would not miss a season for anything, or the Parisienne's who fears that her lover would leave her, or an Ibsen heroine's who "belongs to herself" - they all belong to themselves and they are all unfruitful ...

>> No.8054373


>> No.8054400

>Harvard graduate, prodigy, professor of mathematics at Berkeley, terrorist extraordinaire, political commentator for The Washington Post and The New York Times
>not successful
okay anonymous nobody

>> No.8054408

Step one: Get off the internet. Stop talking to SJW's and anti-Sjw's

Step 2: read The Second Sex by Simone de Beauvoir

Step 3: Read Malcom X's autobiography written byAlex Haley

Step 4: Read The Left Hand of Darkness

Step 5: read about critical theory and post-modernism

Step 6: Either kill yourself or learn about non-identity politics and sociology.

>> No.8054415

Free speech only matters when it affects me

>> No.8054435

>You would literally let a murder-rapist into your home because 'ewww only Trump supporters wouldn't! I'm a niiiiIIIiiice person nyah'?
You're complaining about a logical result of political correctness, which is a tool of the right and blamed on the left. This is more or less what I'm talking about: https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080501071331AAijp12

The whole "I am more moral than you" is a right wing thing tbpqh. Even the lack of critical thinking is a right wing thing: "the plebs should only learn what we tell them by rote like in the past and questioning the status quo needs the cane or zero tolerance" and similar.

>> No.8054441
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Pic related is the be all and end all critique of SJWism
You may need a solid academic understanding of marxism before picking it up, but marxist critique properly applied invariably sees SWism and grievance identity politics as devices of class rule.
Listen to Godking Trump talk about rejecting "the siren song of globalism." Who is singing, and to what ends?

>> No.8054479

This desu. Get off twitter, change your news feed around to bland NPR and Reuters breaking news, and graduate from college. SJW shit doesnt exist in real life, and obsessing on it is tinfoil and not healthy.

>> No.8054492
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I have put together a chart for you anon. No real need to read, since anything critiquing this chart is the creation of a zionist conspiracy.

>> No.8054509

Okay, can anyone explain to me which texts of Critical Theory are the origins of Social Justice and Identity politics? Please point me in the direction of the primary texts.

As for OP, again, I can't recommend Rawls enough. He's a stepping stone to reading almost all contemporary political philosophy from the British/American scene.

>> No.8054536


Social justice as critiqued here is just post-structural thought that arose out of third wave feminism. I would suggest that Identity politics arose out of the 70s, where the gay and militant black communities were ignored by white progressives.

>> No.8054572


Okay, I will read this article and get back to you in more detail. But my primary critique is this:

> ctrl + f adorno, benjamin, habermas, horkheimer
> ctrl + f frankfurt, critical theory
> no results for any

uhhhh? But, I will read on. What I've read of theirs is all based in aesthetics and psychogeography, which I find fascinating but kind of BS. I can see how it would be extended to cultural marxism in its political forms, but I've never been pointed in the direction of the primary source that contains this. So, I'll keep waiting I suppose.

Rawls' Justice as Fairness, the

>> No.8054579

You are using terms that are pejoratives and conspiracies, or viewed as such.

No third-wave feminist is going to claim descent from the Frankfort School.

>> No.8054591


If you want a deeper rabbit hole

>> No.8054596
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>> No.8054608

pretending like feminism hasn't been heavily influenced by frankfurt school and isn't a form of critical theory is beyond retarded. even worse than the poltards who whine about cultural marxism

>> No.8054613

What, cultural Marxism? That isn't a pejorative when used to describe the Frankfurt School. They certainly weren't apologetic about their connection to Marx. But, I've only read them in regards to art.

Yes, I am searching for the oft-repeated /pol/ criticism that the Frankfurt School & Critical Theory is connected to third wave feminism. But you've not pointed me in the direction of any primary sources.

Derrida is a predecessor but not a member of Critical Theory & the Frankfurt School.

>> No.8054619
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>> No.8054631

>They certainly weren't apologetic about their connection to Marx
Except it's entirely incorrect to call it "Marxism, but of the cultural degree." See >>8054441

>> No.8054638
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>which books will help me understand in great detail this whole new trend of SJWism / PC culture / cultural appropriation / etc.?

>> No.8054650

Funny, I am actually familiar with their choice of the term "Marxian", rather than post-Marxist. Is that what you mean?

Is that what you are angling at? That Critical Theory espouses a misunderstanding of Marx's thought, and that identity politics continues a lineage of mis-reading?

I think our political views are pretty similar from what you've hinted at, so maybe you could stop halting the conversation and just answer my question (not to be a dick).

So, you think Critical Theory ought not be connected with Marx. Which I understand, and think you have a good point, and even ideologically I agree with you. But my question remains, which parts of Critical Theory are identity politics and SJW-ism derived from? I just want to go read the primary source.

>> No.8054675
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>Which books will help me understand in great detail this whole new trend of SJWism / PC culture / cultural appropriation / etc.?

This book is the most relevant book in a century.

>> No.8054686

>Unabomber manifesto
>implying Kaczynski didn't hate the left

>> No.8054692

he explains why they're shitty does he not?

Becker's Denial of Death
Bloom's Closing of the American Mind

>> No.8054694

People just talk about "muh freedom". This is idea is not new by any means. Just recently it gave more attention that it deserves.

It has nothing in common with leftists. jesus, stop using that word.

"Cultural marxism" expecially. It's a oxymoron and you know it.

>> No.8054720


>> No.8054893

>I just want to go read the primary source
There are quite a few primary sources. They don't translate directly into what you see taking place today. Execution has a far more "realpolitik" feel to it, and the rank and file of the movement (BLM, for one) are totally ignorant of its intellectual underpinnings. You can understand the situation on the ground just as well by reading neoreactionary and alt-right commentary. Just supply the historical materialism yourself, it isn't hard.
Alternatively there are some good "critical theory for dummies" type books that look at historical development.
The book in >>8054441 is a great resource, as these trends are largely inseparable from postmodernist thought. That book on postmodern assaults on science (physics is sexist because it privileges the phallic string theory over the more feminine fluid dynamics and other tales) is pretty good too.

"Mis-reading" is putting it too subtly for my taste. Just as rightist identity politics focus on treating the symptoms of capitalism's contradictions with a decisively diversionary effect, SJWism is again a diversionary tactic of the bourgeois. Why so many people fall in line is the more interesting question and can be answered from a more detached perspective.

>> No.8054904

Actually it was the first wave

>> No.8055042

>Starship Troopers

>> No.8055109

I have to admit, you seem to have a quite nuanced view that resonates with me greatly. I guess I'm looking for a SJW proponent to try to explain me the link, because subconsciously I am in fact angling at trying to argue against it.

Do you think Critical Theory is at all of value, then?

>> No.8055111

top zez

>> No.8055164

If you want straight from the horse's mouth, just read up on any text related to the development of intersectionality.

You can also just pay attention to the flavor of the month progressive political commentator.

>> No.8055512
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Industrial Society and its Future literally explains it

>> No.8056017

it does exist but it isn't some grand conspiracy

>> No.8056497
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>Do you think Critical Theory is at all of value, then?
It's of value to the bourgeois and financial elite from a practical standpoint because it diverts and distorts serious anticapitalist discussion (pic related, the rotting carcass of our intellectual heritage.) There's a double bite in that anticapitalist-populist sentiment among cultural conservatives never links up to anticapitalist ideas because they're drowning in inane bullshit.
The method of critique is not itself of value to you as an intellectual if you acknowledge objectivity and empirical models with predictive capability, but as with many things it pays to understand it well and its landslide successes and the situation on the ground. How they took so many hearts and minds (and not firing from 200 yards.) Alt-right blogs are a good resource for that.
wsws.org is pretty consistently good, though it can sound like a broken record at times.

>> No.8056536

That is like saying "if peace time civilians fought while pretending it is still peace time"

>> No.8057069

It's drawing attention to the ideological gulf and how pseudo-left poison has infiltrated the far-left
Rojava puts the cuckolds to shame as Catalonia did way back

>> No.8057167

Do you seriously think that things like trigger warnings, safe spaces, suppression of conservative views, microaggressions, and perpetual victimization are not killing free speech? Are you retarded? When Jerry Seinfeld, the tamest comedian to ever pick up a microphone, is forced to stop touring colleges because his jokes are deemed offensive and seen as enforcing the "gender binary," you know you have a serious problem.

>> No.8057241

study sociology and feminism in good faith, and then decide for yourself what you think about these issues.