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8051499 No.8051499 [Reply] [Original]

What is /lit/'s opinion on Emily Brontë's "Wuthering Heights"?

>> No.8051540

it's an absolute utter classic matey

>> No.8051544

It was written by a vagina human so it's poo poo.

>> No.8051604

Is shitposting allowed in this board?

>> No.8051615

I've only read Jane Eyre from the Brontë sisters. From what I gathered, all the Brontë sisters wrote Gothic Victorian novels.

>> No.8051628

Don't you want to read this book?

>> No.8051631

>vagina human
vagina bearers aren't fully humans

>> No.8051634

If it wasn't, there would be about five posts per day

>> No.8051647
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>puffin classics

>> No.8051901

One of the best novels I've ever read desu

>> No.8052001

Not meming, I hated it. I know characters are more interesting when they aren't perfect and relatable in every way, but goddamn, every single character in this book was a miserable sack of shit whose only goal was to spitefully ruin everyone else's life. The characters have nothing to do but mope and plot how best to fuck everyone else over. Nothing else happens. The only book I ever remember starting but not finishing.

>> No.8052061
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>> No.8052068

Is this your first day on this board?

>> No.8052116

Ask your mom, asshole

>> No.8052144

Toehider did it better. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WnG5iLR9g9k

>> No.8052181
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>> No.8052209

Last time I read it was sophomore year of high school and I can't say I was a hug fan, but maybe if I read it now I'd like it.

Probably not though

>> No.8052326

It's fantastic. I really enjoyed the narrator-within-a-narrator deal and how the prose style changes depending on the narrator (within a narrator). However, I honestly found the most famous characters (Heathcliff and the first Catherine) to be among the most boring characters, while my favourite was probably Isabella. It is also interesting to see how Emily's extremely limited real-life experience influenced the novel and made it so dream-like (more accurately, nightmarish) to normal readers.

>> No.8052840


>> No.8052862

I actually enjoyed this man's singing more then the book.

>> No.8052907

Who doesn't?

>> No.8052934

i've never seen a penguin cover like that

>> No.8054054

>States what happens
>Nothing else happens.
This could be said about any book

>> No.8054138

If you read for plot you're going to have a hard time with a lot of great novels.

>> No.8054157

Basically why I liked it.

>> No.8054200

Great song

>> No.8054214

I absolutely hated it. The main characters were hateful, hopeless, and offensive. They deserved what they got.

>> No.8054256

Do you also hate Othello because of Iago?

They're built that way; grotesques of strained humanity my dude

>> No.8054294

nigger this is a plot-based novel

>> No.8054477

I'm not sure how you could read part of it, get bored because there's no plot, and then say it's plot based.

It's interesting for the atmosphere, character interactions, quality prose, and innovative structure. There are also subtle bits of metafiction, although they're not that obvious.

>> No.8054547

Puffin, friend.

>> No.8055253

I wanna fuck Kate Bush back when she was fresh and supple

>> No.8055298

I hated everyone but loved the book,

>> No.8056045

It meandered far too much, too. Catherine and Heathcliff should have just killed each other and let the others get on with their lives. My favorite author is Faulkner, and I love O'Connor. Both of them specialize in grotesque characters and Southern Gothic. I can dig offensive, baroque individuals.

WH was just unbearable because there was little even to commiserate with. I can deal with evil characters: Iago had Othello as his counterpart, and even Cassio was also noble. I have a hard time dealing with a whole novel full of shitty characters, though.

>> No.8056465

Not all of the characters are shitty, though. The mains narrators, Lockwood and Nelly, are fairly neutral, as they are basically just vessels, but they aren't mean or nasty. Isabella is misled and becomes a bit unstable but is overall admirable, and the second Catherine and Hareton are both redeemed by the end. There are numerous side characters who are also not evil, but those major characters stand out as not being bad.