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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 37 KB, 482x480, xpeop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8052798 No.8052798 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a correlation between intelligence and attraction. Meaning ugly/unpopular people find solace in education because they never got pussy or had many friends.

I see a lot of self-deprecation on this board. If you were to post a picture of yourself, how do you think others would react to it.

>> No.8052802

i think this girl needs soap with salt/soda face mask more than feminism because she has acne

>> No.8052806


Stop avoiding the question with sexism.

>> No.8052807

you sound like a young fool. Delete this before the mean people come for you

>> No.8052809

after highschool believe it or not people in education are attractive/normal and not edgy dudes with earlobe hats

>> No.8052813
File: 1.16 MB, 1246x1282, smh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not being ugly as sin and still scoring chicks by having impeccable taste

>> No.8052816

intelligence is correlated somewhat with life success, as is attractiveness. As an overarching rule smarter people are more intelligent, although the extremely high end of intelligence is occupied by wizards who use int as a dump stat.

>> No.8052819

This becomes a legitimate possibility for men as they get older. Not taste exactly, but cultivating your own interests.

>> No.8052823

No OP. You're not smart because you can't get pussy. If anything it makes you dumber.

>> No.8052824

this isn't about books at all

>> No.8052827


Perhaps it is you that is the fool.

>> No.8052832

Yes, there actually is. Attractive people tend to be more intelligent.

>> No.8052833

Why do I keep reading this?

>> No.8052836


From what ive seen between my friends and myself id say this is true for the most part. This makes sense seeing as you need to be smart to get the most women. Wonen dont go for ugly idiots. Weird ay

>> No.8052837

good genes

t. person with good genes

>> No.8052839

More attractive people also tend to be more intelligent. The same good genes that let your face and body grow right contribute to your brain developing properly.

Extreme interest in a solitary activity is another matter.


>> No.8052841

what question? how they would react? im rather attractive, so unless it's a bad pic they wouldn't mock me if you mean that. i look cuter in motion though

>> No.8052847


Post pic...

>> No.8052855

Although I'm not very attractive now, when I was more fit I was extremely attractive by conventional standards but still found solace in indulging in literature and philosophy because I was awkward and fuck and because I emigrated from Russia having no background in the English language at 13

>> No.8052859
File: 70 KB, 750x750, me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not him, but here's me. This was taken at the university I attend, Princeton.

>> No.8052870


>> No.8052871

gimmie a dollar first
i accept bitcoin

>> No.8052873

Yup. Who are you?

>> No.8052874
File: 217 KB, 3000x671, 1434386410395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


feminism gives free contraceptives to women, while they do nothing for those for men, especially they never fought for them to be free of charge
and they never encouraged free drugs to fight against the erectile dysfucntion, as you must have a boner before even putting a condom, while they advocate sexual jouissance for every woman on earth

feminism does nothing to liberate the talk about psychological violence on men from women

feminism does nothing to liberate the talk of raped men inside a household

feminism favorizes the abortion whithout even the requirement to inform the father

feminism does nothing against coerced paternity

feminism does nothing about the inequality favouring women on the dating game

feminists actually do not promote intellectual independance as a men is considered a sexist scumbag as soon as he disagrees with them or even try to nuance their positions

do you still believe that the feminists fight for equality ?

>> No.8052876

you are female

>> No.8052880

No he is Henry

Starts with M

>> No.8052885

lol, wasn't this the valedictorian a few years back? Didn't expect people from my high school to browse 4chan

>> No.8052888
File: 236 KB, 1195x1065, 1462316574261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8052891

henry looks like a soft bitch

>> No.8052892

if you were smart, and getting pussy was a goal you'd become good looking; you'd be surprised how even butt-ugly people can become good looking with enough effort.

Usually smart and ugly people are missing a libido, thus only care about their work.

>> No.8052894

No idea who you are, then. Don't really care either.

>> No.8052898

>If you were to post a picture of yourself, how do you think others would react to it.

"Ah, outnumbered. We were outnumbered there too." Hewatched her with a coy look.
"Where I made that face. Where I did my internship."

^My normal face tbqh

>> No.8052903


>> No.8052905

wow post pic i must know the face responsible for such beautiful prose

>> No.8052908

Nah family he's mean as fuck
see >>>8052894

>> No.8052909

I hope this wasn't meant to prove that you're hot.

>> No.8052914

that's just acting flip + bitchy
standard fag shit

>> No.8052919

I am attractive, currently attend Princeton University, and was the valedictorian at my high school. I am more /lit/ than you will ever be.

>> No.8052920
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>> No.8052923 [SPOILER] 
File: 448 KB, 746x670, 1463546748059.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You asked for it...

>> No.8052924

If you're MtF because >>shoulders impressive bosomwork how'd you do it

>> No.8052926


Attractive and intelligent person here honestly, AMA.

>> No.8052927

>tranny man feet
>no face pic

So, yeah, you probably look very unattractive and have an IQ of 70.

>> No.8052928

I'm 19 years old.

I am handsome, smart, athletic and virile.

I have a novel that is in it's final editing stage, and a creative writing professor at my college has read the first draft and thinks it's saleable.

I have a girlfriend who is confident, articulate, playful and spontaneous.

I have a small group of interesting friends from different social and academic backgrounds, and I also have many other acquaintances who see me as a reliable source of humour and good company.

Both my parents are alive and in good health.

I have no regrets.

I have already experienced three existential crises, the latter of which was described as having the depth and profundity of a man twice my age.

I am a passionate lover, a sharp thinker, and a trader of witty repartee.

I am not self-pitying, meek or needlessly humble.

I will live a good life at your expense.

>> No.8052929

I'm attractive/intelligent in a relationship with another one but you look very beautiful, just wanted to say.

>> No.8052930


switch up the pasta bruv

it's time

>> No.8052931

you made 3 mistakes in virgin

>> No.8052932

ebin meme dude

>> No.8052938


>falling for this done to death pasta

Fuck off new dip.

>> No.8052940

nah dawg it's retro now. See:
got 'em

>> No.8052942

this pasta is stale.

>> No.8052944



when you're right you're right

>> No.8052946


Knowing the guy attached in the original photo, I can assure you he does indeed go to Princeton, have a good GF, and would type something as narcissistically autistic as this

>> No.8052947

In real life, he doesn't look too bad, but he's extremely arrogant. Not a pleasant person at all.

>> No.8052948

You're actually such a retard. What you just wrote was astronomically fucking stupid. I've actually just spent about eight minutes trying to write an explanation that would make you understand precisely why what you just wrote was honestly one of the top five most idiotic, myopic, childish fucking things I've ever read in my life, and why it made me literally cringe with second-hand embarrassment. But I reached about four paragraphs and decided you're one of those who are too stupid to learn, and are happy just produce shit their entire lives while sitting around feeling complacent and smug about the shit they've produced.

>> No.8052955
File: 896 KB, 5697x2877, eh suka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8052957

He has a girlfriend? Did she go to chap or did they meet at Princeton?

>> No.8052958

wait is this pasta too? guys i can't keep doing this

>> No.8052959

it's not /soc/
i would answer if i werent asked directly too

>> No.8052960

>time between posts
>5 minutes

The ingredients are wrong.

>> No.8052964

I posted the girlfriend thing and I am not Henry.

>> No.8052968
File: 48 KB, 500x500, 1406940234481.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8052969

I am aware of that... Nice reading comprehension by the way. Are you Max? You're the only guy who's friends with Henry that would browse 4chan. Nice to see you here, though.

>> No.8052972

How's Duke University? :^)

>> No.8052976

No I'm not Max either, I have nothing to do with their game of Guess Who, I was totally isolated in that one off comment

>> No.8052979

you went to chap, right? bretty cool to see people from my high school browsing /lit/

>> No.8052982

im done with this

>> No.8052983

What the fuck happened to /lit/.

>> No.8052986

Attractive people are the most intelligent, and usually the nicest and most moral people too.

Physiognomy is real.

>> No.8052991

ah, you're probably one of his princeton buddies, then. whatever.

>> No.8052995
File: 21 KB, 327x445, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Asian boy at a good school thinks he's god
What else is new. There's a reason nobody wants to procreate with you people, and it's not that you're stupid. I love fucking Asian girls and listening to them complain about how overbearing and autistic Asian guys are, not to mention scrawny and poorly endowed. It must be hard to live life as such a min-maxed character and know that if you're ever successful enough to marry an attractive woman she has lain in a white man's bed and talked shit about you.

>> No.8052996

>le science
according to whom

>> No.8052998

>kinda mannish
>thinks women can be beautiful and aren't purely utilitarian/lust-based
>subconsciously actually knows this because posting body pic, i.e. a sexual image but still fails
0/10, disgusting low iq troglodyte, should be purged

>> No.8053003

me on right

>> No.8053007

I am fashionable, handsome, and of tall stature. To reiterate, I attend Princeton University, a university you can only dream of going to.

>> No.8053010
File: 171 KB, 300x457, CJ Bonnier.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>according to whom
It is easily observable and has been a well-known phenomenon since antiquity. Only recently are we actually seeing evidence for this as people with high facial attractiveness tend to score well on IQ tests too.

I personally believe it was abandoned for a while because britons and jews in particular come out of this very poorly.

>> No.8053015

I am Henry and I endorse this message.

>> No.8053018

As an Asian anon, nice projection mate. The girls you mentioned are like that because of their Asian fathers. ie they have daddy issues. I'm glad you white fuckers are getting the vapid, miserable cunts that they are.

>> No.8053021

>easily observable

>le science

>> No.8053025

Remember when you got rejected from Stanford and Dylan didn't? Get fucked, kid.

>> No.8053028

You were only admitted because you are Asian and able to make them money.

>> No.8053029

Anon, I...

That's not projection though. Guess you aren't all as smart as I thought.

>> No.8053030

I posted that and I'm not actually Henry but this is so petty and high school I love it

>> No.8053037

Who cares if they have daddy issues? Chinky-eyed sluts are for white cock to play with, not take seriously. We have tall brunettes and blondes for when we want to treat a girl like a person.

>> No.8053040

I'm better looking than you. And I could tear your face off.

you're a beta boy extraordinaire

why dontcha go buy yr gf some new lingerie for us
I like lacy and black

>> No.8053041

I had a weighted GPA of 4.9 as well as a 4.0 unweighted GPA in high school. I was also the valedictorian of my high school, was a semi-finalist for the PSAT, and come from a privileged family.

I am more attractive than you will ever be.

>> No.8053048

I am 6'2", attractive, well-dressed, and attend Princeton University.

What are your achievements?

>> No.8053050
File: 1.86 MB, 4564x2912, 1439177129632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It must be hard to live life as such a min-maxed character and know that if you're ever successful enough to marry an attractive woman she has lain in a white man's bed and talked shit about you.
yes, true betas like you analyse life through pleasing the few women who choose to notice him.

>> No.8053057

>I'm better looking than you. And I could tear your face off.

are you a cat

>> No.8053061

>that pic


>> No.8053062

>It's a White Person Thinks Other Races Are As Upset By Race Traitors As He Is episode
Enjoy the damaged goods. I mean it.

>> No.8053065

fucked more chicks than I've had years on the planet

o and one time I psychically communicated with a fire ant

>> No.8053067

this t bh

>white betabois getting trashy asian girls thinking they're hot shit

>> No.8053070

Because you were Asian; Asians attempt to compensate for their lack of personality or soul by keeping a high GPA and using their generally more-structured family to their advantage by having Mommy help them with every aspect of life.

Ultimately, it only magnifies your inner chinkspergers and makes you an uninteresting, cheating, little-yellow bastard.
>and come from a privileged family.
I can tell, pseud. When will the bourgeoisie learn?

>> No.8053072

Girl in OP is cute though

>> No.8053073

i know chinks have trouble with english but that's not what I was saying, I'm implying you should buy lingerie for your girl to wear while I fuck her

race has nowt to do with it

>> No.8053078

Again, what are your achievements? I attend Princeton University.

>> No.8053080

Replies to the wrong post so solly ;)

>> No.8053081

I have no idea who is who in this thread anymore

Henry what do you study so we can judge you?

>> No.8053084

Economics at Princeton University.

>> No.8053087

>only a semi-finalist
What did you forget to turn in the application or something? Bomb the SAT? How does one get semi-finalist and not finalist or scholar?

Well, that or I have casual sex and don't even stress about pleasing her while she complains about how Asian guys try way too hard and at the same time come off as full of it and douchey.

>> No.8053093

That's not an achievement, chinky-winky.
>How does one get semi-finalist and not finalist or scholar?
He's a troll, of course.

>> No.8053094

you've mentioned the university like 10 times already m8
but since you're in a meme field I suppose it's all you have

>> No.8053097

I go to Princeton University. Do you?

>> No.8053098

>making sure to list the name of your university even though you already said it.
Someone's insecure. Are you doing it for the money you think you will make? So short-sighted.

>> No.8053101

That's funny, because of the Asian fwbs I had in college, one goes to Perelman, two at Wharton and another is an artist you may have heard of in Singapore. But no, I'm sure they're just worthless trash you won't one day introduce to your parents while they fantasize about being noticed by white boys again.

>> No.8053105

One day you will wake up in the real world and realize that making good grades and sucking your professor's dick wasn't worth as much you thought it was. That is, unless you plan to spend forever in the womb.

>> No.8053106

Love the insecurity, mate. Want to tell me more about the women you fornicated on this Cantonese underwater basket-weaving discussion board?

>> No.8053109

Attractive people actually tend to be smarter on average.

>> No.8053112

Nah I think that pretty much wrapped it up. Any more would just muddle the message.

>> No.8053115

He doesn't. His white gf probably left him for a tall, attractive , Korean American man who goes to Princeton University

>> No.8053117

Hi, you seem to be lost. This thread is actually about race-baiting and university prestige trolling. Just FYI so you don't embarrass yourself further.

>> No.8053118

did you attend upenn? why so many fwb from that school?

>> No.8053123

Henry is actually Chinese-American.

>> No.8053124

first tell me more about the school you go to
fucking faggot

pussy stories are way more interesting than your gay bullshit

>> No.8053128

Good for you. The next time I see some white, autistic engineer with his even less attractive Asian American gf or a Chinese CS student with his attractive, culturally oriented gf, I'll think of you.

>> No.8053130

Henry goes to Princeton University. Do you?

>> No.8053133

But do you go to Princeton University?

>> No.8053134

>white, autistic engineer with his even less attractive Asian American gf

Why is this so true.


>> No.8053137
File: 114 KB, 500x387, 1425696230111.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't go to Princeton

>> No.8053140

Majored in philosophy and played rugby, but whatever helps you sleep at night.

>> No.8053141

But do you go to Princeton?

>> No.8053152

one time i was fucking this chick in the basement of a shared art studio where I had won a fellowship. I had her bare tits pressed up against the cinder block wall of the boiler room. She had to stand on a brick to get the angles right as she is much shorter than me. I fucked her from behind, bareback. I was going wild m8, slipped right out of her pussy and jammed that shit up into her asshole faster than you can say "oh shit"

she started to make lil uncomfortable noises but I pretty much ignored it and continued fucking until she said "that's my butt" and i was like "oh" and switched back to the pussy real quick without thinking of how completely nasty that is. She didn't say anything (what a soldier I loved that girl)
Came on her back and played it off like I meant to do it the whole time - slicker than liquor m8

>> No.8053153

I'll sleep like a baby. I'm not even Asian I just live for banter.

>> No.8053154
File: 78 KB, 500x500, Do you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8053160
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>> No.8053168

man i give you gr8 stories and you give me bullshit
step up ur bantz boy u don't belong here

>> No.8053171

One time I sent my application to Princeton University and got accepted. I attend Princeton University.

>> No.8053174

Im respectably intelligent and also quite attractive. I'm by no means a genius or an Adonis, but my IQ is usually estimated to be between 130-135 and people often rate me 7 - 8.5/ 10 depending on their tastes.

I didnt get pussy growing up but I was friends with a group of weirdos. I started getting pussy in college when I was out of my insular high school and abpe to reinvent myself. Sex was a bitter disappointment due to the overhype and I now have very little interest in women. I now am much more confident AND more bitter. I am openly vain and elitist and if anybody calls me out as a hipster or elitist or whatever, I will call them out on being uncultured mouthbreathers.

Its genuinely more enjoyable for me to be a cunt to people than to get sex, Im very bitter

>> No.8053175

how derivative

>> No.8053179

You need to fuck better girls. If you aren't getting athletes and dancers you aren't even getting real pussy.

>> No.8053181



>> No.8053183

>Sex was a bitter disappointment due to the overhype and I now have very little interest in women
fyi you're probably out of shape and bad at sex
dont worry tho
i'm out here getting everything you're missing

>> No.8053184

Hey, it's like we're the same person. Nodded my head as I read this great post of yours, except my IQ falls in the 122-126 range.

Attractiveness is probably a 7-8/10.

>> No.8053189
File: 59 KB, 500x493, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw he doesn't go to Princeton

>> No.8053190

What's the average IQ on this board?

>> No.8053194


>> No.8053200

While you GYM HARD at your SAFETY SCHOOL, Henry is making STRAIGHT As at PRINCETON and getting all the bitches WET with his superior HEIGHT. After he's done fucking your oneitis, he orders FRIED RICE so he can fuel up to thrust his scrawny Chinese FRAME against her pliant body. After he cums on her FACE he goes right back to the library.

>> No.8053201


>> No.8053203

>tfw the one and only girl I've fucked was out of shape and couldn't grind on me for more than 5 minutes while I pounded at her for 45 minutes

>> No.8053206

dude this one time I fucked a contortionist/acrobat circus girl and it was completely nuts

i was pretty high but i remember the air between us was sparking with attraction- i could literally see little flowers of light shimmering and twinkling between us- shimmering flowers of light that compelled us together, laughing and smiling, until we fucked like wild animals

that was fun

>> No.8053207

I'm 6'2", 220lbs of muscle and have an IQ in the neighborhood of 150. Here to confirm that I'm better than you.

>> No.8053209
File: 99 KB, 1080x1080, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

o i am laffin

This thread is hilarious to me. It's like the epitome of /lit/, even down to the faux-patricians. The less you bring your (possibly false) life onto 4chan, the more residual cringe you avoid.

>> No.8053212

I'm 6'3", 240lbs of muscle and have an IQ in the neighborhood of 160. Here to confirm that I'm better than you.
And I go to Princeton.

>> No.8053215

Henry attends Princeton University, has a genius level IQ, and has a 4.0 GPA. Henry is better than you.

>> No.8053221

I'm 6'4 220 lbs, have an IQ of 160+. I go to a junior college in Southern California so that I can support my family.

"Patricians" btfo knowing they will never understand the struggle necessary for the creative process to occur.

>> No.8053223

>current year
>being poorfag
>220 lbs of fat

>> No.8053226

One of the things I like to do most is banging whores.
I go out and I bang a lot of whores.

>> No.8053227

She needs feminism because people mistake it for something it's not? That's like saying you need McDonald's because people mistake it for being food.

>> No.8053228

>having a family and being in community college at the same time
Not very smart T B H

Maybe they're having a white trash general on /pol/.

>> No.8053229

I'm 6'5 220 and there's two of me. While you're out at cc we're with your mom giving her a dp.

>> No.8053230

>calling others poorfags
>not working yourself Andrew Carnegie-style to fame and fortune
this is what /lit/ actually believes

>> No.8053232

she is a girl, vagina is a vile organ which makes the girls not being able to reason soundly

>> No.8053235

hey man, you're either a patrician or you're not. fuck off poorfag apologist

>> No.8053236

It's not a family I've made, anon.

>> No.8053244

Do you attend Princeton University >>8053227

>> No.8053245

Keep believing you're patrician anon; I'm sure spending $500k to get through [insert prestigious postgrad program here] to impress your [insert Asian ethnicity] parents will really pay off! Too bad all of it will be null when you kill yourself after realizing that you lived your life for other people.

>> No.8053251
File: 902 KB, 1300x1733, 1440074979258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she is a girl, vagina is a vile organ which makes the girls not being able to reason soundly
women do not need to reason soundly, since they get men to love to reason soundly for them.

>> No.8053254

You are better than me in terms of raw stats, but I believe theres only a necessary threshold for the usefulness of said stats. You need to be decently attractive and have around 120 IQ and you can do anything. Any more than that is helpful, but those are the only tools you really need.

No, im ottermode and the girls ranged from average to very attractive. The most attractive girl was a personal 10 for me and that was the most alienating of all because it felt so meaningless. Maybe im low test or something, but im confident in my distate for sex. (Fair caveat though: ive never jhad sex with somebody i loved, so i concede that it might make a difference. Maybe one day)

>> No.8053259

thank you for saying this

women are so dumb

They never actually say anything.

Everything that passes female lips boils down to "yay hooray!" or "boo, hiss"

that's the best they've got

>> No.8053267

>not killing your family
Anything it takes

>> No.8053268

like, all the cunt in OP is saying boils down to "yay feminism! Boo people who don't think what I want them to think!"

and this is a perfectly serviceable signal for others to rally around and fight over even though the construction is utterly insipid.

>> No.8053275
File: 692 KB, 1024x787, Zyzz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw gf who goes to a top 5 medical school and is a useful and independent person 96% of the time
After all the dumb hoes and high-maintenance princesses I've been with, this feels like cheating at life.

Keep at it boy. We're all gonna make it.

>> No.8053280
File: 52 KB, 256x256, rustle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some new copypasta material right here

>> No.8053283


>and this is a perfectly serviceable signal for others to rally around and fight over even though the construction is utterly insipid.

bro just say virtue signalling. it's quicker than dancing around it and we both know you want to say anyway.

>> No.8053285

for a /lit/ user you sure are a poor writer, even as a half-assed meme-poster.

>> No.8053290

just wanna be zyzz for a while

>> No.8053292


why would he give a fuck about grammer if he was meme posting you fukn mong

>> No.8053294

But you're not attractive, you look like a fat girl.

>> No.8053297

I am fashionable, handsome, and of tall stature. To reiterate, I attend Princeton University, a university you can only dream of going to.

>> No.8053298

maybe one day you'll understand style
maybe not

>> No.8053304

it's still shit

>> No.8053308

my writing is gorgeous

you can't see it because it's writ in gutter tongue

and you're a classist piece of shit

>> No.8053313

kill yourself, my man

>> No.8053314

I wish I could be you, anon. Your life sounds so great it inspires envy.

>> No.8053317

>old hags

>> No.8053322

Enjoying trashy Asian girls is a whiteboi feel, you wouldn't understand.

>> No.8053328

>being on /lit/
>unnecessary comma

>> No.8053329

cute meme

>> No.8053333
File: 62 KB, 582x960, henry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am fashionable, handsome, and of tall stature. To reiterate, I attend Princeton University, a university you can only dream of going to.

>> No.8053336

>orientals insensitive to native english vocal pacing & idiomatic expression

quelle surprise

>> No.8053341

do you even c-bet though henry? Probably not

>> No.8053348
File: 83 KB, 720x960, henry1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I go to Princeton.

>> No.8053353

That bindi next to you is less neotenous than you

>> No.8053359

Are you implying the handsome Henry is a girly fag? Fuck you.

>> No.8053362

I'm starting to think that whoever is posting Henry's pics is not a fan of his.

Are you hoping some meme-spouting autist from this board recognizes him and gives him a bad day?

>> No.8053366

whoa this is like a false flag op or some shit damn yo that's icy why u gotta do henry like dat dawg

>> No.8053368

Dark blue on light blue? When will you be washing the windows? After you mop the floor?

>> No.8053369

Do you even go to Princeton?

>> No.8053370

lost it

>> No.8053373

absolutely brutal bantz

>> No.8053375

I am fashionable, handsome, and of tall stature. To reiterate, I attend Princeton University, a university you can only dream of going to.

>> No.8053381

I smell nice, dress nice, am fit, and not terrible looking. I'm an MFA student at a private college. I'm not horribly awkward or anything. But I have no friends at all. Other than my GF who I live with.

I had a lot of friends in high school, though. And I did a lot of drugs and had a decent amount of sex.

I wouldn't say I take 'solace in education' at this point; I just find it more stimulating than the majority of people.

That said, people who work very hard to present themselves as smart generally aren't that intelligent.

>> No.8053386

I go to Prinkstrum and I buy $2000 dollar ugly nylon sweaters when the $200 lambs wool one looks better because I am all about spending money and although you might think this makes me smart I'm actually the biggest sucker demographic on the market and get ripped off countless times daily by people I look down on.

>> No.8053392

im sad that humans dont have cat ears and tails
or at least robot ears... and tails

>> No.8053394

How does one present himself as intelligent without trying?

I'm like you except for the /fit/ part and most people assume I'm smart by just looking at my appearance. I usually wear preppy clothes.

>> No.8053397

>How does one present himself as intelligent without trying?

Anon, if you have to ask you'll never get it.

>> No.8053410


I've been told a few times by both tactless strangers and girls I date that I immediately make an impression of being smart. I don't really know what does it, but I'm guessing it's a combination of preppy clothes and extremely grammatical and measured everyday speech with a wide vocabulary. I'm fairly smart and have always dressed and spoken this way so it's not a ruse or anything.

>> No.8053412

You're not even mildly cute. Probably cool, but pretty ugly.

>> No.8053418

He's ok looking, but knowing him personally, he's not cool at all. He's the most arrogant fuck you'll ever meet. Fucking Chinese, I swear

>> No.8053421

>preppy clothes
illustrate this please

>> No.8053423

you answer to some meme poster

>> No.8053427

no one's going to say anything about those PANCAKES!!! HOLY SHIT

>> No.8053429

Those are unironically waffles.

>> No.8053432

Try /fa/ or Reddit, but I wear boat shoes and well-fitted button ups

It's not that hard

>> No.8053433

I would say to check the prep thread on /fa/ but the current one is garbage. Honestly it's hard to describe because a lot of it is just picked up from going to private school and being a young douchebag. Think Oxford cloth button down shirts, Nantucket red trousers, ribbon belts, loafers and navy Blazers with buttons decorated with your school crest. That sort of thing.

>> No.8053435

>boat shoes

>> No.8053443

Nice. You got a picture? Feel free to crop your face out or whatever

>> No.8053444

reading that made me want to punch your face
what a visceral urge
i'm legitimately surprised

>> No.8053448

How rich do you have to be to afford all that stuff? Sorry, I'm not as /fa/ as I would like to be

>> No.8053449


nigga have you seen his knuckles

>> No.8053457

Not to mention the man feet and muscular legs kek

What's wrong with being well-dressed? Get off your high horse.

>> No.8053462

right? i've seen hands more feminine on fucking bricklayers

>> No.8053481

If you're fat and unfashionable then how smart can you really be?

I don't want to be one of those "IQ isn't everything!" kinda guys, but if you're incapable of engaging with other people or fitting into society then you are stupid in a very important way. I've met some half-crazed math geniuses but I'm not sure just how intelligent they really are.

>> No.8053485

I don't think I'll ever be comfortable posting a pic of myself on here, sorry. Go ahead and look at the /fa/ prep thread and ignore all the posts that people are shitting on for being too European.

I don't get angry when I see someone wearing jeans a graphic tee. Wonder what's got you so heated :^)

Not especially rich if you watch the sales. Most preppy brands aren't the trendiest so they go on sale with decent regularity and quality thrift store finds are just as good as new since the aesthetic doesn't change drastically.

If you buy it all brand new from Brooks Brothers it's gonna cost you though.

>> No.8053487

>Most preppy brands aren't the trendiest

tell me the brands and tell me were they sell on sales.

also, why do you not have bespoke suits?

>> No.8053498

Do /pol/ lowlifes actually think stuff like this is a good argument? Do they completely lack any capacity for critical thinking?

>> No.8053504

>What's wrong with being well-dressed? Get off your high horse.

it's only well-dressed to a certain demographic.

and i plan on getting higher, so suck it.

>I don't get angry when I see someone wearing jeans a graphic tee. Wonder what's got you so heated :^)

you smarmy motherfucker

>> No.8053505

I don't have bespoke suits because I'm not an office worker who has to wear suits more than a handful of times per year, and off the rack fits me well with basic alterations. It would be a lot of money for very little benefit.

You'll have to watch for sales yourself but I wear a lot from Brooks Brothers, J. Press, Patagonia, Bass, and Allen Edmonds. It's mainly Brooks Brothers and J. Press that seem to have big sales several times a year and always a sale on one thing or another. J. Crew is almost always less expensive than those two and not bad quality but it's not to my personal tastes except for the sweaters.

>> No.8053510

>clothes that signal belonging to my group are superior to those that signal belonging to another group

>> No.8053515

How many sets of different outfits do you have?

>$100+ for an Oxford dress shirt
Nigga you what

>> No.8053516

Why hasn't this thread been deleted? Jesus fuck.

>> No.8053521

that's literally the argument i was cussing out you green idiot

god damn why is everyone but me a smarmy retarded cunt

>> No.8053525

I dunno how many clothes I have. Not a ton really but it mixes and matches well.

>$100+ for an Oxford dress shirt
BB does a three for two sale on those shirts like twice a year. They also have some foreign-made ones that I think are less than $100.

>> No.8053526

How would you define what is fashionable and what isn't? I think the preppy style looks fine.

>> No.8053528

They're not objectively superior, but they do tend to signal that you're educated and well off, which people who don't live in a vortex of resentment and bitterness tend to receive well.

>> No.8053529

What other accessories do you wear? Any watches?

>> No.8053534

o ur so right i'm soo bitter over how you dress

are you kidding me dude get over yourself

i want to punch the smarmy douche wearing the clothes, not the clothes. the clothes have nothing to do with it, dummy

>> No.8053535

I guess belts count as accessories. Needlepoint, leather and ribbon belts.

A TAG Heuer dive watch and a Casio G-shock as a beater.

I like to wear cool socks. That's actually probably the most underrated and my favorite accessory for men.

>> No.8053536


Is that the only word in your dictionary?

>> No.8053540

>>>$100+ for an Oxford dress shirt
>Nigga you what
a bespoke shirt starts at 300 euros
for Ready-to-wear, you have the high end at 300 euros, then good shirts at 100 euros and normal cotton at 40 euros.

>> No.8053541

I wear a timex weekender with the French flag colors as the wrist band. It's surprisingly cheap and preppy.

>> No.8053542

>the close have nothing to do with it
We all know this is about money you disingenuous twat.

>> No.8053543

I don't think he ever implied that you wanted to punch a basket of clothes or something.

>> No.8053545
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>>I guess belts count as accessories.
do not wear belt. suits without belts are best.

>> No.8053548

no it's about attitude you elitist piece of shit

>> No.8053552

Amerifags are used to buying cheap low-quality clothing that falls apart after a few wears.

>> No.8053556

Always wear a belt with trousers, match it to your shoes colour, please stop spreading misinformation

>> No.8053557


Why spend that much money on a rolex homage?

>> No.8053558

You've been mad ever since I made a post where I described an outfit and made a self-deprecating comment about being a douche myself. I didn't start teasing you until you started having a tantrum over a post where the only thing to hate is that the style I described is one you don't like because the people who wear it have money and don't want to listen to you whine about it. I'm here giving someone tips on how to cop that style at a discount and you're flying off the handle about elitism. Get a grip.

>> No.8053559

It was a gift and it looks nice. Watch enthusiasts aren't impressed but oh well.

I think he's European. It's different over there.

>> No.8053564

I ain't even mad bruh i'm just angry yo

>> No.8053565

Thanks for the tips, man. When did you start dressing well? Did it naturally come to you from your private school/privileged lifestyle?

>> No.8053569

>implying everyone who doesn't wear the clothes you like "lives in a vortex of resentment and bitterness"


>> No.8053573

That wasn't his point, lmao. He was making a condescending comment towards you because all you've been doing is mocking him for the types of clothes he wears.

>> No.8053576

Just talking about that one poster who's acting upset about people dressing a certain way. Plenty of people who don't dress that way don't flip out when they see someone who does.

A lot of it is just from emulating family and peers, but I used to mess around with fashion forums and such too.

>> No.8053577

I'm pretty good-looking, I didn't realize it until I got into college though because I thought I was the ugliest and most autistic person on the planet. It stopped me from pursuing women for a long period of my life and I didn't get laid for a while, so I spent a lot of time reading, playing instruments, and writing music. I played guitar 10+ hours a day for the last two years of high school. Ending up "cultivating my own interests," as another anon put it, and I feel like its made me more attractive to women in the long run.

>> No.8053578
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>> No.8053587

Talk shit, get hit, trash.

>> No.8053591

this desu

>> No.8053595

tough guy over here

>> No.8053599

But do you go to Princeton University?

>> No.8053631
File: 703 KB, 800x760, welp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm relatively handsome but I probably have mild Asperger's

Had lots of sex
Had lots of friends
Both can be enjoyable but I think I prefer them in small quantities

Family gatherings are pic related

>> No.8053663

You are not a special snowflake

>> No.8053671

If I were a special snowflake then I wouldn't be able to post a relatable comic

What's your point?

>> No.8053675
File: 183 KB, 1554x1087, 3453453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in some cases the talent lulls with looks

>> No.8053682

Is it just me or is her right eye higher than her left?

>> No.8053698

you're right. god damn post-modernism

>> No.8053705

>needs soap
People overwashing their faces is also bad on the skin.
I washed my face twice a day, morning and night, for years and my skin was horrible.

>> No.8053736

Well there's definitely a correlation between low intelligence and this thread.

>> No.8053739

Yeah but did you go to Princeton?

>> No.8053741


"You're asking for it" is a form of colloquial language doesn't actually literally mean that you want something to happen to you. It means you're not taking enough precautions, to stop, or you are unintentionally provoking something to happen.

Something that is clearly lost on some feminists, the claim, no matter how wrong it was to begin with, is that girls are "asking for it" when they wear practically nothing.

Yes we know that you don't want to actually get raped, but you could do more to stop it.

Rape is a crime like any other. the only way to eliminate rape is to eliminate crime which isn;t going to happen any time soon.

>> No.8053749
File: 43 KB, 584x368, sebago-docksides-boat-shoe-original-3355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't see why boat shoes get a bad rep, socks or no socks, comfortable as fuck and hardly smells at all. Lasts forever(excluding the white sole coloured leather ones...)

>> No.8053756

perpetrators could do more to stop it

regardless most rapes aren't back-alley assaults or drunken regret sex

>> No.8053768


Is it even worth paying the international tuition? Could buy a good hus in Yellowknife instead :^)

>> No.8053795

You're only the last thing you arrogant gook.

>> No.8053801

Not more of this eugenics based off base observations bullshit.

>> No.8053815
File: 175 KB, 1280x720, WIN_20160518_121747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, attractive people are generally smarter. The correlation is nearly linear. Just take me as an example. I am physical perfection and genuis in one.

>> No.8053819

talk shit, post fit

>> No.8053826

this whole thread makes me want to vomit
none of it is even funny
i want you all to realise what horrid people you are and please leave my nice board
jesus christ you fucking lazy janitors

>> No.8053828

If you said 'attractiveness' you wouldn't have to explain one sentence with the next

>> No.8053835

Then this needs moving to /sci/ or Off-topic

>> No.8053837

You look like such a typical asian fuckboi
No wonder your women flock to white and nigger man.
How does it feel that even the most beta of white guys is more attractive to Asian chicks that you and your micropenis will ever be?

>> No.8053846


>> No.8053853


>> No.8053855
File: 13 KB, 251x224, 1416180831001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


holy christ gooks lmao

>> No.8053857

I live near Princeton, I could probably come and beat you up if I wanted to desu, not like I need to dream about it.

>> No.8053859
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Has /lit/ gotten worse? Or has it been this bad for a while and I'm just now getting tired of it?

>> No.8053860

This sign confuses the fook out of me. She needs feminism because it gives a false impression of hating men? Why's that a desirable thing?

>> No.8053862

She wants to change the popular perception of feminism, I would guess.

>> No.8053895

You need to learn how to wash your face!
Here's a guide i think will do you good:

>> No.8053897

I'm an ugly motherfucker. No doubt that humour develops as a coping mechanism, particularly amongst ugly/small men who rely on it to navigate difficult situations and rejections. Also true that unattractive people find solace in education, or rather that they gain less positive feedback from social interactions than others so are less socially driven.

Most of the funniest and most intelligent people are ugly, weak or otherwise unsuited to other lifestyles.

Of course the most important factor in intelligence is genetics, but you won't get past the threshold of genius without hard work and if you're also fortunate enough to have great genetics in every other area then you have little incentive to focus on intellectual pursuits.

If you could get a qt by spending an hour on your appearance everyday or a lifetime of intellectual study, you'd probably take the easy route because you can. Mating prospects, obviously, are a fundamental driving force for most things in life.

>> No.8053905

Nah, dude. But thanks for the (You). I was hoping I could get some more with my cheap trolling attempt desu. Kinda dissapointed.

>> No.8053920

I could be moderatley attractive if I had a social personality and wasn't skinnyfat

>> No.8053934
File: 374 KB, 1280x800, 20160515_143703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me im pretty nerds

>> No.8053981

smoking cigs with a filter, do you even hate life?

>> No.8054005

No, but I do hate tobacco bits on my tongue.

>> No.8054011

Who said anything about eugenics?

>> No.8054129

That doesn't logically follow as a reason to need feminism though. The logic would be something like:

1. People think feminists hate men
2. Feminists don't really hate men
3. Therefore I need feminism

...I applaud her aims, but question her reasoning.

>> No.8054140
File: 5 KB, 227x222, smug_lain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8054143

>1. People think feminists hate men
>2. Feminists don't really hate men
>3. Therefore I need feminism

to make #1 true!

>> No.8054162

What is this /soc/ bullshit doing on /lit/?

>> No.8054176

My reading is: She needs feminism because, although she doesn't hate men, she wants people to BELIEVE she hates men, and by identifying as a feminist she can trick people into that belief.

>> No.8054194

Thank you, kind anon.

>> No.8054218

This isn't the way you impress people.

>> No.8054239
File: 82 KB, 720x960, beach.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm an 8/10 at best but I get 10/10 girls because I have a french accent and great taste. Pic is proof.

>> No.8054242
File: 128 KB, 352x335, DFW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>The guy in the picture

Anyway, yes OP, suffering is the mother of intelligence, humor, creativity and wit. It's so vital to the mind that some people will imagine or over-exaggerate sources of suffering.

And, as most of us know, being unattractive is suffering. It's hard to see humanity through this lens, and to know that love is pure biology.

>> No.8054301

I hope this Henry meme stays alive anons.

Never change /lit/.

>> No.8054305

You're like a 7.5/10 and that girl is a solid 6/10. wut

>> No.8054312

lol, that girl is not a 10/10

I am a 6/10 at best and I have better game than you

>> No.8054329

Anon that girl is a 6.5 and you're a 7

>> No.8054332

I am a 10/10 who is tall, attractive and intelligent. I land 10/10 girls because I attend Princeton University, a university you can only dream of attending.

>> No.8054341


>> No.8054345

Not even close me.

>> No.8054467

This thread needs a bump.

>> No.8054489

What a pathetic attempt to belittle me. I attend Princeton university. What have you achieved?

>> No.8054543

I wash my face whenever I shave - about twice a week - and it works great for me. Other than that my face obviously get rinsed off in the shower, but no actual washing occurs. I also don't wash any of my body with soap except my armpits and pubes, and the hair on my head is only washed with conditioner. Human don't really need to wash their bodies with soap, especially everyday. I don't and nothing bad has happened yet, in fact, a lot of people complement the way I smell. As long as your body is being thoroughly rinsed everyday, it stays pretty clean. I just wash body hair because it tends to absorb sweat, it gets greasy, and you hair starts to look bad if you don't wash it.

>> No.8054559


>> No.8054564

Are you new? Or is this just another bait post in a bait thread?

>> No.8054568

I'm 27 years old. I believe in taking care of myself and a balanced diet and rigorous exercise routine. In the morning if my face is a little puffy I'll put on an ice pack while doing stomach crunches. I can do 1000 now. After I remove the ice pack I use a deep pore cleanser lotion. In the shower I use a water activated gel cleanser, then a honey almond body scrub, and on the face an exfoliating gel scrub. Then I apply an herb-mint facial mask which I leave on for 10 minutes while I prepare the rest of my routine. I always use an after shave lotion with little or no alcohol, because alcohol dries your face out and makes you look older. Then moisturizer, then an anti-aging eye balm followed by a final moisturizing protective lotion.

>> No.8054578

i meant a makeshift peel mask, not washing
it's certainly not for everyday use too

desu it's likely that her skin is ok but the pic is of a bad quality

>> No.8054581

Boss routine

>> No.8054583

You haircut is gay.

>> No.8054584

I really like the poem
What's it from

>> No.8054756

What evidence do you have to correlate wearing less clothes with a higher likelihood of being raped?

>> No.8054888

technically it's her left eye that's higher

>> No.8055034

Men thinks feminism is toxic I need more toxic feminism

>> No.8055236

>people using the pic I made years ago
Brings tears to my eyes

>> No.8055437

Based anon.

Living the dream.