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8051900 No.8051900 [Reply] [Original]

thoughts? this writer isn't very well-liked but this seems like a good book so far.

>> No.8052325

is it a gay whore on the cover

>> No.8052377

what? who doesn't like Carson McCullers?

>> No.8052384

mainly my snooty lit professor who noticed i was reading this and said "i hate that author"

>> No.8052443

you should remind your prof that mccullers has a place on bloom's prestigious western canon

>> No.8052448

and then ask your prof where his place is

>> No.8052533

She's not even in the top 10 among Southern Gothic writers, though.

>> No.8052544

Flannery O'Connor and Faulkner are far superior, sure... But who else?

>> No.8052735

There's Faulkner, then O'Connor, then who?

>> No.8052737

I thought it was trite but then again all Southern Gothic is rather garbage. She's the worst of the bunch but corncob manlet and cripple girl aren't much better.

>> No.8052742


He's a contrarian going to hide thread or memepost because he has nothing.

Good luck listing 8 more that are easily better.

>> No.8052852

kill yourself

>> No.8053127

>rather garbage
I take great pleasure in knowing you won't see the end of this century.

>> No.8053169
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>> No.8053208

harper lee ripped this off

>> No.8053301

I Only read 'the heart is a lonely hunter' and really enjoyed it.
Can someone recommend other works of her?

>> No.8053376

I like that cover art style so much. It reminds me of the shelf of paperbacks from the '50 and '60 -- mostly sci-fi -- my father left me.

>> No.8053390

What is the "Gothic" in "Southern Gothic" supposed to invoke??

>> No.8053391

Kek your mama reminds me of a whore

>> No.8053404

Remind him he's a lit professor who is only published by small university lit magazines and publishers and the only people that have read his work were maybe the 4 former curious lit students

>> No.8053407


>> No.8053761

she was an alcoholic so she's okay

>> No.8053786

I thought about reading that but then I found out Carson was actually a woman. After that I decided to ignore her existence.

>> No.8053803

Try The Ballad of the Sad Café and Other Stories, it have good reviwes.

>> No.8053812

Anybody read The Member of the Wedding or Reflections in a Golden Eye?

>> No.8053876

golden eye is good

>> No.8055601

>naming a mute character "Mr. Singer"