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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 142 KB, 780x585, ledfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8051545 No.8051545 [Reply] [Original]

>spend 10 years avoiding Wallace because I think he's some final boss of literature
>decide to read up on him this week on a whim
>he was a literal meme retard
>Infinite Jest was B+ at best, same shit done by a dozen other guys in the 20th century except they actually worked out their ideas instead of just being a trendy celebrity with them
>Brief Interviews is exact same thing, just read Barthelme and ten other guys instead
>only a trendy celebrity because horrendous parody-of-themselves-tier writers like Barth, Pynchon, Vonnegut, Heller, and Franzen greased the wheels for him to be famous
>would have been nobody if (also a shit hack totally derivative of DeLillo fuckup moron) Franzen hadn't launched him to fame while at the peak of his own fame
>these famous New Sinceritiers didn't even understand him, even HE thought they didn't understand him
>unpleasant as fuck, just a weird dude who acquired celebrity status and then killed himself
>got mad at people constantly for not understanding his "project", kept getting memed at interviews all the time
>admittedly even he, himself, didn't understand depression and addiction
>every coverage of his """""""""ideas"""""""" is 90% composed of WASN'T HE QUIRKY???
>surrounded by yes-man morons (opinionless voids) everywhere
>respectable publishers at the time and Zadie Smith sucking his dick all the time
>even though no one understood him and only because of his """"""ECCENTRIC""""""" personality they'd scribble down "His ideas come to us as if by revelation. He is a divine god and I want to suck his cock."
>literally a meme
>literally a retard
>just the shitty Dos Passos of a bygone generation

Alright, no more joking around. DFW fanboy people are fucking morons. Joyce, Pynchon, John Green, I kept forgiving and forgiving and forgiving you people for worshiping actual autistic children like these fucks, thinking Suicide Boy was going to be some top secret American suicide like Full Metal Jacket. And it's just more shit. You are actually all morons.

This isn't banter. If you are a DFW fanboy, or a fan of any bandana-wearing cuck, YOU are a MORON

>> No.8051551

i wonder what it's like to be so mad that you type out a whole bunch of quirky nonsense in green quotes

>> No.8051553

Agree in full except for the inditement of Pynchon and Joyce, who are both not only excellent but certified by the fact that they are basically worshiped by academics.

DFW is autistic

>> No.8051563


OP is right about almost everything.

>> No.8051571

That is one rare dfw

>> No.8051588

>spend 10 years avoiding Wallace
If you're older than 25 I'm inexpressibly disappointed in you.

>> No.8051600


why do you spend your time posting this meme


>> No.8051602


>> No.8051638
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Gotta keep the memeory alive

>> No.8051653


you guys are too dumb for Infinite Jest, and probably with a short attention span. Don't blame the book.

>> No.8051665

>all these rare Wallaces

>> No.8051680

>muh intellect
You're a fool

>> No.8051681

This rant is refreshingly genuine and original

>> No.8051682

I was never particularly impressed by DFW's distinctively plodding, hyper self-aware, neurotic ramblings that pass for fiction.

He had some clever things to say, but they are fogged up by his totally self-absorbed, utterly vacuous personality and cynicism which swallows up and infects every word he writes.

He had considerable grasp of the modes of consciousness in his writing and depicting the outer symbolic shell of thought processes, but all of these talents are lost on just utter dud of a personality. A sort of whisp of flatulance in human form.

>> No.8051692
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>> No.8051693


there's no way you finished infinite jest. you've missed the point entirely.

>> No.8051699

Holy shit he was actually CUTE at one point?

>> No.8051705

The thing I like about him is that he is clearly aware of the personality defects that you are discussing and the fact that they warp his writing. It creates a strange recursive process where he becomes self-conscious of his self-consciousness ad infinitum. That doesn't make him a good writer but it makes him a good meme.

>> No.8051708
File: 58 KB, 492x387, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>audience pussy

>> No.8051715

>what should I do with my HANDS

>> No.8051718

is that a brown bag in his pants?

>> No.8051720

Right. But that kind of museum glass oddity isn't the mark of greatness. It's just the mark of a side-show, a one-off curiosity that doesn't stick with you after you consume it.

That's what I got from his writing. Passing stimulation but nothing to take home. It didn't leave me feeling satisfied or touched my magic like some truly electric writing does (eg Rimbaud or Faulkner).

>> No.8051729

hes gonna need it for the girl on the right

>> No.8051736
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Which is why to me pic related is a better writer. Can actually show real honest emotion and sentimentality

>> No.8051757
File: 59 KB, 403x524, dfwpepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8051767
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>> No.8051831


you sound like a YA reader

>> No.8051946


>Bandana wearing cuck

Strong closing argument lad. So you still haven't even read his book, yet you spent hours of your life reading, writing and thinking of him? Sounds like a weird obsession and jealousy you have over a dead man, son.

>> No.8052039
File: 359 KB, 2000x1087, laughing_evans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How are there this many people replying seriously when the thread about Derrida that op ripped the pasta from is STILL UP RIGHT NOW?

>> No.8052098

>getting this mad about what other people read

>10 years avoiding Wallace
who the fuck actively thinks about "no I will not read that" for 10 straight years

get it together OP

>> No.8052128

What book was that off of? The Broom of the System?

>> No.8052135


>> No.8052143
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>> No.8052147

Some retard pours way too much of himself into a book? You call it what you will, to me, it's evidence of a lack of boundaries.

Anyways, I'm frequently annoyed at how long books are and it rarely affects my opinions of them

>> No.8052154

Wow. I really like his look in this pic.

>> No.8052204

That wasn't the first one either

>> No.8052215

Their is a reason why we call shitposting 'cancer'.

>> No.8052230

i like this meme

>> No.8052394

How selfish and obsessed for attention do you have to be to write a 1K pg book that you need to read twice to get the whole story?

>> No.8052478


Actually, Joyce was most definitely autistic in the best way possible.

>> No.8052531
File: 24 KB, 439x355, dfw3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8052539
File: 193 KB, 537x580, tp3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8052547

So is Infinite Jest actually worth reading? I've never bothered because it looks like a mountain of postmodern vomit, but it seems to be very popular on this board

>> No.8052581

fucking kek

>> No.8052593

John Green really, really likes it.

>> No.8052604

fucking alpha m8

>> No.8052613

me on the left

>> No.8052648

Me on the left.

>> No.8052654

>thomas pynchon is a gay pedophile
called it on day one

>> No.8052657

Day one of what? Your life?

>> No.8052659

>God is a shitposter

>> No.8052664

that's his wife's son

>> No.8052665

>basically worshiped by academics
>a good thing

>> No.8052672

> doesn't know the definition of "literally".

I am more stupid now after reading your post.

>> No.8052676

upvote ;)

>> No.8052712

P.G.O.A.T. On the left

>> No.8053494
File: 20 KB, 198x238, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're literally retarded

>> No.8053500

>Infinite Jest was B+ at best, same shit done by a dozen other guys in the 20th century except they actually worked out their ideas instead of just being a trendy celebrity with them

Lemme guess, you don't want to name them here because it will undermine your argument? Fuck off idiot.

>> No.8053659

Nuh uh. No, YOU fuck off. Idiot. Haha.

>> No.8053667

Yeah, I actually read the whole thing because I had to. I was entering a prestigious PhD program and focusing on Wallace because I loved Broom of the System, Oblivion, and Pale King. To my shame, though, I'd never read Infinite Jest. I'd never even tried, as hard as that was to admit. It was this huge blind spot and area of vulnerability for me. Whenever it'd come up with my colleagues I'd just smile and nod, smile and nod, hoping they wouldn't ask me anything specific about it. "The sincerity of it," somebody would say, and I'd say, "Oh God, yes, it's like Bernie Sanders." Finally, though, I had to dive into it, and let me tell you it was tough going. Stephen J. Burn’s guide helped a lot. Reading it out loud helped. I listened to other people read it, read online commentaries. Eventually it started to make some sort of sense. It was like I was learning to read for the first time again, and in a way this was enjoyable. I got better at reading the book. Soon I was reading entire paragraphs without trouble, getting the puns, laughing at the jokes. I could sort of follow the story, it was like a blurry picture resolving into clarity, or like I was drunk and I was sobering up, I could actually understand it. As I became more and more adept at reading Infinite Jest, I began putting myself to the test, initiating conversations with my colleagues about it, but specific passages this time, specific parts of the book. You can probably guess what happened. After a number of these conversations it became blindingly obvious that I understood the book a lot better than they did, they who I thought were the experts. It eventually became sort of embarrassing for them and I stopped trying to talk about it. And at the end of the day I would pack my things, catch the bus home, and settle into my apartment to read Infinite Jest. It had surpassed all of Wallace's other works in my estimation. Pale King, the book months earlier I would've named as my favorite of all time, the best book ever written, was now #2 to the Jest. So majestic, so ambitious, so wide-ranging, erudite, glorious, incredible was it that I couldn't believe that it was the work of one man. Best of all, the heart of it isn't complicated at all. What did I get from the Jest, what are its lessons? First of all, be yourself. Second of all, put one foot in front of the other. And lastly, just do it for crying out loud, time's a wastin’!

>> No.8054701
File: 22 KB, 236x236, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8054719

>green text
>some more green text

do i win at 4chan now?

>> No.8054735

i smell roast beef

>> No.8054739

i like this. i like this a lot. im glad this meme is happening

>> No.8055050

>all these people not realising this is a pasta

>> No.8055052

It's from a Wittgenstein thread that was up a few days ago.

>> No.8055055

and i thought /lit was meme free board...

>> No.8055078

you must be pretty dumb tbqh

>> No.8055118

>tfw no qt beret gf

>> No.8055147

>I don't like something people like and I have to tell them how retarded they are!
I enjoy reading his books. The fact that it enrages you puzzles me.
Is it because you think you write better then him but no one gives a shit about your prose?

>> No.8055312

If you didn't know he was literally Vonnegutter tier then I don't know what to tell you. Joyce is the highest possibility of this mindset we have to move away from these authors.