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/lit/ - Literature

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8050605 No.8050605 [Reply] [Original]

How do I become a pesudo intellectual?

>> No.8050611

read stirner and become a neet

>> No.8050623 [DELETED] 
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This but become NEET first and read Nietzsche instead.

>> No.8050624

Read the Greeks and engage with the modernity

>> No.8050625

Practice rhetoric for a few years and then make a career out of publicly defending whatever religion you think will receive you the best. People give guys like that shitloads of money because they're a key part of helping them feel like their beliefs are on even intellectual footing with stuff that's actually taken serious by philosophy departments.

>> No.8050629

Spend a few months on /sci/, discuss consciousness, 0.999... =/= 1, quantum mechanics, the "inevitability" of strong AI, etc. in broadly vague terms and you'll be set for life.

A crucial ingredient of this is to never actually open a textbook on those things.

>> No.8050630
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Reading is a spook.

>> No.8050633

Fuck trust fund bitches.
Have breakdown on Twitter.

>> No.8050634

I'm happy that I have never gone to /sci/

>> No.8050640 [DELETED] 

NEET canon is as follows:
Authors-- Nietzsche, Stirner, Heidegger
Directors-- Tarkovsky, Rohmer, Kubrick
Music-- Satie, Glass, Eno

>> No.8050642

>Become obsessed with presenting yourself as intelligent
>Become deeply obsessed with the "canon"
>Spend more time talking about books than reading them
>Cultivate your interests with the intent of being an intellectual
>Shitpost on an imageboard and take pictures of your bookshelf
>Cap it all off by claiming other websites are a circle jerk

>> No.8050643

Never read books but read every Wikipedia page ever written about a book.


>> No.8050645

Well you're on /lit/, so you're off to a great start.

>> No.8050648
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>> No.8050653 [DELETED] 
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Digest the pseud canon as follows:

Thinkers-- Persocratics, Nietzsche, Heidegger
Directors-- Rohmer, Tarkovsky, Kubrick
Music-- Satie, Glass, Eno

>> No.8050655


Read lots of books

Pretend you know a lot of stuff

Practice how to use rhetoric and how to attack other people's opinions and arguments in a way that makes you look superior.

Wait, isn't that intellectualism in a nutshell?

>> No.8050665
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Start with the pseuds

Digest the pseud canon as follows:




>> No.8050673

Where's Evola in all that?

>> No.8050676

Oh, he's only for stormcuck-grade psedudo intellectuals.

>> No.8050680

read lacan
use 'subjectivity' and 'signifier' in common speech
foucauldian is a good one too throw that sucker in

>> No.8050687

there is no difference between a pseudo intellectual and an intellectual

double ignorance etc

>> No.8050718

Read French Theory, and all this kind of bs from teh 60s-80s
Include maths/scientist's vocabulary when it's unnecessary
Take constructivism unironically
Use the Bruno Latour card when someone talks about facts against you

Bonus : Buy lotsa books, never read them.