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/lit/ - Literature

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8050092 No.8050092 [Reply] [Original]

3x3 of your favorite books? provide recs for others, no bully, make suggestions, etc.

>> No.8050527
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hey I made one.

>> No.8050535

this is really gay desu

>> No.8050547
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>> No.8050577
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Not going to rate a bait

>> No.8050579

thts rly embursin

>> No.8050635

take this /mu/ shit and your awful taste away

>> No.8051461

you should read Maus by Art Spiegelman and the Blacksad series

>> No.8053597

Already read Maus, but will check out Blacksad series, thanks.

>> No.8053606

Somebody photoshop Alice from the Brady Bunch into the center square.

>> No.8053612

What movie is one with the stickman?

>> No.8053615

"It's such a beautiful day" by Don Hertzfeldt.

>> No.8055329

what are the numbers?

what you've finished
what you've started?

>> No.8055342

embryo as fuck

>> No.8055371

>what are the numbers?
get off at the wrong stop, bucko?

It's books liked out of books read.

Don't bother thanking me. I didn't do it for you, I did it for me.

>> No.8055376


Books liked/books read

>> No.8055380


>early 20's youth with extremely predictable internet culture oriented taste-tier

>> No.8055384

Sure it's generic (although not as a whole, not all picks on there are generic), but it's some good taste.
Care to post your 9x9? I could use it as a rec chart.

>> No.8055398

he's saying you've only just begun cultivating taste and as a result your choices are boring af

>> No.8055430
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Rate my Shi'ite taste, but remember, I like Dune out of nostalgia only. Trust me.

>> No.8055592
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Your taste in books is very good. I haven't read The Brothers Karamazov yet.
I love all of what I've read from Dostoevsky and anytime I feel like giving up on life I remember that I still haven't read TBK and it keeps me going. ;_;

Not my kind of thing. The only thing I like on here is 1984 and maybe Fahrenheit. You do you though.

C&P and GR are my top two favorites; I could never pick one over the other specifically because of how different they are.

>> No.8055606

Thank you Anon, you have excellent taste too, mad props for the Portrait and both of Dosto's work you got on there
Never give up on life Anon, also read The Brothers Karamazov

>> No.8055644

What comics are those? I only know Scott Pilgrim vs. The World and Calvin & Hobbes.

>> No.8055659

Cerebus, Le Scorpion, Tintin
The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck, Scott Pilgrim, Calvin & Hobbes
Usagi Yojimbo, The Far Side, Dylan Dog

>> No.8055683
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only redeeming thing is Soseki

Pretty wide taste, so props for that.

Shit taste in music, save for Red. Movies is best 3x3, books are decent.

Not even a clue what most are, but Fahrenheit was great. 1984 was pretty decent.

good stuff though

>> No.8055687

>Shit taste in music, save for Red
Cmon, why are you hating on all those other great albums?

>> No.8056123

>Things They Carried
Fuck yes, my neeger.

>> No.8056135

I didn't like All the Pretty Horses, I thought it was basic as fuck. Why did you like it?

>> No.8056139
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>> No.8056149

Yep, your taste is shit mIII.

>> No.8056307
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There are ideas in 451, but like a lot of Bradbury, I want to like his stuff more than I do (Something Wicked being the exception).

>> No.8056457


>> No.8056503
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Don't bully

>> No.8056572


>> No.8056579
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>> No.8056884
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Have you ever read....

The Great War and Modern Memory - Paul Fussell?

Spring Torrents - Ivan Turgenev?

The Decameron - Boccaccio?

Lonesome Dove - Larry McMurtry?

anything written before WWII?

>> No.8057044

Pale Fire and Lolita were both written in English, but Harlequins in Russian. I hear Nabokov's translated stuff isn't as good as his English-written books, can you confirm?

>> No.8057156

I haven't read anything by him that wasn't originally written in English. That being said, I can imagine that it's hard to be as witty or as pleasing in translation.

>> No.8057701

Eh, I'll give you Gryphon and Sigur Rós as well. Fleet Foxes, Microphones and Death Grips are horrible.

>> No.8057849

>The Decameron
Yep. It was in my 3x3 around 3 years ago.

>> No.8057854

While I can see where you're coming from with Death Grips, and MAYBE Fleet Foxes, I can't see why you are hating on Microphones.

>> No.8057866

try hard

>> No.8057885

It's really pathetic how most of you have clearly read nothing but the same 10 or so classics.

>> No.8057918

>People like well-liked books
>It must be the only thing they've read

>> No.8057946

Anime 3-3
Tell me the name

>> No.8057976

5/8 of those squares are things no self-respecting person should hold an interest in.

God I feel like fucking Clint Eastwood telling kids to get off my lawn ever since Reddit invaded.

>> No.8058329
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>> No.8058331

yeah and?

>> No.8058380
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>> No.8058416
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So the formatting is shit, but the titles are:

>G. Manganelli - HIlarotragoedia
>B. Spinoza - Ethics
>W. S. Burroughs - Naked Lunch
>R. Negarestani - Cyclonopedia
>H. Bey - TAZ and Other Writings
>C. McCarthy - Outer Dark
>F. Nietzsche - the Birth of Tragedy
>G. Wolfe - Book of the New Sun
>H. S. Thompson - Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas

>> No.8058422
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> Birth of Tragedy

>> No.8058564
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>> No.8058567

What about it

>> No.8058568

>anything written before WWII?
Of course, but I also study postmodernist literature

>> No.8058631

Let's be friends! lol

>> No.8058692
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I really like Faulkner.

>> No.8058699


>> No.8058722

I do watch anime and I think you've great taste in it. Tatami Galaxy is one of my enduring favorites.

>> No.8058723

It's finally happened. /lit/ has become /mu/

No wonder this place has become so shit recently

>> No.8058740

Nothing new honestly, this place has been structurally similar to /mu/ for a couple of years. The only things masquerading this are the slowness of the board and the inherently greater amount of time needed to consume this board's medium of choice, when compared to music or film.

We've always been them.

>> No.8059082

memed biatch

>> No.8059108

Nice taste dude, all great books.

>> No.8059231
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man this online photo editor is shit. i give up

>> No.8059259

A few weeks back threads like this got shit on, what happened?

>> No.8059272

you are so new

>> No.8059283

>Fleet Foxes
I shiggy diggy.

>> No.8059285

Keep fighting the good fight !!!

>> No.8059308


>> No.8059325

His Russian stuff is different but not necessarily worse. Invitation to a Beheading was great and lots of people love The Defense.

>> No.8059377
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sadly these are the only two books i have finished and really loved. Any recs?

>> No.8059438
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>> No.8059813

Silas Marner (George Eliot) is almost a belated coming-of-age story. Haven't read Kafka on the Shore, but I read Of Human Bondage shortly before reading Silas and love both dearly.

Song of Solomon (Toni Morrison) is slightly different but also worth your while: young guy from the city leaves his radical Black Panther friends and bad home life to discover the backwoods place where his father was born. Lots of folklore and magic stuff toward the end.

>> No.8059845

Is that a real fucking cover for the Road?

>> No.8060007

thanks man :)

>> No.8060008

Try the magician by Maugham. Probably my favorite of his works

>> No.8060060

Surfs up is pretty much the best beach boys album

>> No.8060069

It's the story, of a man named pynchy

>> No.8060073

>no tcol49/V.
y tho

>> No.8060096
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fight me