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/lit/ - Literature

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8049304 No.8049304[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.8049309

Not enough intersex diversity clearly

>> No.8049312

the y2k bug happened and now everyone is fucking up the actual racial/gender/orientation/disability equality from the late 90s

>> No.8049316

what is wrong?

>> No.8049324

A thousand years from now a historian will write: "Oddly, intellectual leaders of the time saw a lack of hermaphrodites in positions of power as their society's biggest shortcoming."

>> No.8049325

>women make up the majority of a cushy industry
>this is perfectly fine
>man make up the majority of a cushy industry

>> No.8049345

>A thousand years from now a historian will write: "Oddly, intellectual leaders of the time saw a lack of hermaphrodites in positions of power as their society's biggest shortcoming."
I can see it.

>> No.8049354

Please, this is not /b/. Write correctly, whatever your opinion is.

>> No.8049359

Oh it's not /b/?
What is it then?
Do tell

>> No.8049362

Women and homosexuals are over represented, disabled and non white people are under represented.

>> No.8049366

Why is this not on /his/, though?
You do know there are other boards than /lit/?

>> No.8049367

This is what shitty young adult novels will do.

>> No.8049383

Does the slight exaggeration in my post really bother you that much? Here:

>women make up the majority of a cushy industry
>this is perfectly fine
>men make up the majority of a cushy industry

Is that better?

>> No.8049387

Because it concerns the literary industry as it is today in terms of makeup, hence being literature-related? You know, literature? Like, books and stuff? The thing this board is for? And /his/ is not?

Are you dumb or do you just like asking stupid questions?

>> No.8049407

Write in paragraphs like a civilized person. Capitalize sentences, and eschew greentext.

>> No.8049409

Add a reference to Zizek and you're set.

>> No.8049415

Man/cis-man, woman/cis-woman..

Knock it off with your made up Internet bullshit fan club jargon.

>> No.8049418
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>Differently abled

>> No.8049427

>tfw my slightly-misogynistic, slightly-fascist, ultraviolent epic will never be published because of these demographic gatekeepers
Give me a pseudonym to use. My real name is too Anglo.

>> No.8049430

Abdelhad M'Barak

>> No.8049437

Are you a woman?

>> No.8049440

This has absolutely no link with literature.

>> No.8049441

It'd be enlightening to know what percentage are ethnically Jewish.

>> No.8049447

>Publishing has nothing to do with literature

>> No.8049456

It's the equivalent of saying we could talk about manga and comics since it's printed on paper. No, it has nothing to do with literature. It doesn't concern a book, or the way to be published, or anything remotely related. It's politics matter with no literary relevance.

>> No.8049461

Yeah, well tell Solzhenitsyn that the politics of publishing have nothing to do with literature.

>> No.8049474

There's a difference between the content of a work and the subject itself. It's fine if you want to discuss Alexandre Solzhenitsyn's conception of publishing industry. We don't allow discussion about the CDC and Ebola because Albert Camus wrote “The Plague”.

>> No.8049479
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Where do you think you are? Also,
Found the Redditor with the false sense of intellectual superiority.

>> No.8049486

Where are we according to you? I also find green text and speech derision unpleasant and stupid. You don't make a point by writing a straw-man as a three years old child.

>> No.8049488

Men stopped reading. Book publishers hire women to more accurately represent their clientele. If anything men are still over represented.

>> No.8049490

kys tourist faggot

>> No.8049493

I wonder to what extent do trashy romance novels inflate the female reading demographic.

>> No.8049495

You're something of a moron, aren't you?

>> No.8049496

>It doesn't concern a book, or the way to be published, or anything remotely related.
How does the makeup of AUTHORS PUBLISHING BOOKS in the LITERARY INDUSTRY not concern BOOKS, THE WAY TO BE PUBLISHED, or ANYTHING RELATED, you pitiful, dim-witted fucking retard? A lot of people on here want to get published. This thread concerns the types of people actually getting published and shows you whether you fit into the most successful demographic managing to do so. It also raises questions in regards to publishing and literary trends which concern every single one of us as readers and writers alike.

Goddamn, just fuck off if you're going to be so willfully fucking stupid.

>> No.8049498

This seems perfectly reasonable.

Race: Lee and Low Books is a US based company so one would expect the majority of people to be white; while there are approximately 14% more white and 14% fewer minorities than the true demographic values not all industries attract races equally and discrepancy in values is not in and of itself indicative of racism.

Gender: Approximate %s in the US are 51% female and 49% male. In this case there is a propensity for women to be hired, however this doesn't mean that the company is sexist against male applicants. Different industries attract genders differently; in fact the distribution and L&L is surprisingly more even than other publishing companies.

Orientation: The vast majority of people in any country are heterosexual. The estimation of the gay population in the US is between 1.8% and 3%. In this instance, why discrepancy is not indicative of discrimination as different industries attract different groups for various reasons, you may even be able to argue that this discrepancy from the actual population is so evident that maybe straight people are being discriminated against to some degree through some means.

Disability: This term is relatively subjective and the majority of disability surveys are self-reported indicating that actual demographics for this category are unreliable. However, as with heterosexuals, the vast majority of people in any country do not have disabilities.

There doesn't really seem to be anything wrong with these statistics.

>> No.8049499
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You're on 4chan complaining about greentext and deeming it to be below you. Jesus Christ, I share a board with you "people." How do you even find this place?

>> No.8049517

You're on /lit/, a board dedicated to writing and literature, and you're asking yourself why whining like a baby and replacing a real text with a hype bullet point list aren't warmly welcomed? As an anonymous poster said, it isn't /b/ and you don't impress anyone with your so-called seniority, the pride you look like to take in it and your condescending patronization.

>> No.8049522

kys tourist faggot

>> No.8049525


>> No.8049529
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>thinks /lit/ is in any way cultured or intelligent
>doesn't like greentexting
>on 4chan
I'll ask again: how do you "people" find this place?

>> No.8049532

kys tourist faggot

>> No.8049541

/lit/ is interesting and enjoyable when people like you aren't around. Pretending the users are as dull and blatantly boring as you are won't make you more remarkable, and no one believe it, anyway.

>> No.8049542

kys tourist tripfag faggot

>> No.8049544

The way lit is monopolised and influenced at the industrial level has a vast effect on the field and scope of writing itself.

Filmmaking is a better anaology. Filmmakers have forever had to give way to money-grabbing producers, franchise builders, and investors looking for safe, marketable idealogy. Creators lose their autonomy, their work is sapped of it's authenticity and honesty, and a cultural desert is left behind. (see any American film)

>> No.8049550

/Lit/ is not an intellectual oasis, we just like to circlejerk into intellectual oases

>> No.8049555

Because you're so interesting, namefagging on a Mongolian basket-weaving forum and somehow thinking you're intellectually-superior to everyone else here because you reject the culture. It's time to leave. Fuck off to r/writing for your "mature" literary discussions.

>> No.8049562

I don't think it's a viable analogy. To produce a film, one has to have huge resources, which may force him to bend before investors and corrupt his work. To write, all you need is a pen and a paper, and I don't think, assuming there's such a defined ideologically-led publishing industry—an author would deliberately alter his novel. I think it's especially true since you seek for a publisher once the novel is written, then you're less likely to look back and write it again. I still see little relevance with this thread but the moderators didn't delete it so I guess it's fine.

Many well-read people frequent this board, though. You may not follow the right thread.

>> No.8049564

all words are made up you dumb fuck

>> No.8049574
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what the fuck is this
why are you here

>> No.8049578

>I don't think, assuming there's such a defined ideologically-led publishing industry—an author would deliberately alter his novel.
Then you know absolutely nothing about this industry, you fucking moron. Publishers dictate everything from titles to endings to style to the very pacing of your novel.

Also, does using a name on an anonymous image board make up for all the attention daddy never have you when you were younger? Do you think your opinion is more important than everyone else's?

>> No.8049609
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It's relevant because multitudes more books are rejected than ever published by publishers. They have absolute power in the field. An unseasoned author can be more fully manipulated than any director if he is told "this is too controversial to ever get published" or "we won't take you on if you don't change this character/these words/this event". Film producers work somewhat democratically because their turnover is small and they need releases. Publishers can cast aside anything they deem unsavoury or disagreeable. It is a purely authoritarian relationship.

>> No.8049627

Sure but there's a lot of different publishers, and many publishing companies with different policies/demographics/fields. Even if they have the power to refuse whatever you want, they don't want to miss the next E. L. James. I'm not convinced it's that important. Many publishers aren't following this view and purposely print titles with little chance to make money.

>> No.8049633

>they don't want to miss the next E. L. James.
Because that's what people on /lit/ are aspiring to become if they're writing at all.

>> No.8049709

Not all financially weak books are created equal

>> No.8049789

Is this number of books, or number of authors? And how do they define disability?

>> No.8049847

It's people employed in publishing, nothing to do with authors

>> No.8049873

The intersex, gender fluid asexual known as Muhammad