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File: 2.23 MB, 3729x3155, Greatest artistic achievements by gay people.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8037236 No.8037236 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a correlation between homosexuality and creativity/intelligence?

I don't know, but they seem to be a lot more creative than straight people such as myself.

>> No.8037241
File: 14 KB, 251x242, 1433517539652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>calling the Greek's gay

>> No.8037243

As a gay guy im not really creative in an artsy way, although I read a lot and love philosophy. Most gay men grow up more attached to women than men, and it's possible they pick up women's more creative instincts

>> No.8037244

>Being this new
Science has already proven that creativity and IQ are both elements of the male sperm: it's a well known fact that the number of dicks sucked has a direct linear relationship with the quality of your work and the success of your life.

>> No.8037246


It's a correlation between suffering and intelligence. It's more a result of social antipathy than fucking butts.

>> No.8037249

Because they are used to being 'different', gay people have a higher perceptive sense than the majority and find it easier to let go and forget about social rules.

And while this allows them to create works that speak to fundamental truths about humanity, it also leads to neurosis as the world is not a pretty place.

>> No.8037250

I think maybe because artistic communities historically would have been more accepting of homos then other industries and so they would flock to it so they could meet each other and not get killed.
Or maybe you could make a chart like that about any demographic since there has been great art/media made by people of pretty much every age, colour, sexuality and nationality, so it means nothing.

>> No.8037251

>tfw I will never be free from the female curse

>> No.8037255

Not really, gay is a mental illness. But there is a very real and proven correlation between White European genetics, Christian Faith and creativity/intelligence.

>> No.8037256

why is THAT the one bacon picture people always pick?

>> No.8037259

Achilles x Patrocles otp

>> No.8037260

i don't think you're allowed adopt a cynical expression until you've busted up a wine party, mr frog, and then you would know they are gay

>> No.8037262

is this a troll chart?
90% of these people were not gay

>> No.8037265

>But there is a very real and proven correlation between White European genetics, Christian Faith and creativity/intelligence.

>> No.8037267

This assumes that homosexuality has some social or manifest cause. Which it doesn't.

Homosexuality is a disease of both mind and brain, and has nothing to do with your perception of reality. If you have a certain imbalance in your brain, this will CAUSE a specific perception of reality, i.e homosexuality.

Just because some of your favorite writers are gay doesn't mean they are more creative or anything like that. Them being gay is completely irrelevant, and is a brilliant example of correlation not equaling causation.

>> No.8037268

having sex with men =/= gay

>> No.8037277

>they pick up women's more creative instincts
Women are usually not as creative as men in the sense of originality and unique ideas, even though they tend more to creative disciplines

>> No.8037280
File: 20 KB, 320x320, 12825991_1781874142041105_1813227517_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably because gay man are more close to women, that makes they more sensitive and, who knows, maybe more attracted to little details.

Things relationed to feelings, like art, are a media to express themselves.

>> No.8037282

I fucking hate how stupid gays will claim every great person in the existence was one of them (gay), despite countless of proofs that none of them were gay.

The other day this one idiot at uni argued with a professor and in front of the entire class how Aeschylus was gay and how there is so much disguised gay shit in his works.

People like this is why I hate faggots.

>> No.8037286

silly anonkun, irish aren't White

it is if you're too good at kottabos or decorate your house like a persian.

>> No.8037288

>mind and brain

>> No.8037297

As a man, i think women are more creative than men, in a lot of ways. There's an Agatha Christie for every Arthur Conan Doyle

>> No.8037299

What kind of man would write about gay people and in great detail too?

A gay one.

>> No.8037303

They are more left brained (like women are) whilst still retaining the superior male sensibility. They are the master race

>> No.8037307

Is there an Agatha Christie for every Socrates, Mozart and Shakespeare?

>> No.8037308


>> No.8037310

90% of these guys are not even a little bit poofy.

>> No.8037325

How so?

>> No.8037326

But in those times, i find very difficult they could write a book, nobody would read something made by a woman. Things like philosophy were exclusively for men in those days.

Btw did u heard about Mozart's sister? She composed lot of "his" pieces.

>> No.8037329

>Mozart's sister? She composed lot of "his" pieces
*tips tinfoil hat*

>> No.8037330

redpill me on literature /pol/

>> No.8037333

Excelent argument anon

>> No.8037336
File: 58 KB, 677x350, Screen Shot 2016-05-14 at 2.18.53 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a correlation between homosexuality and a deliberate jewish plot to feminize white men through cultural marxism?

>> No.8037338

I don't think intelligence on its own means shit and it's a pretty overrated attribute.

The smartest demographic on average are male-to-female trannies with 121.7 IQ, even higher than Ashkenazi Jews (115 on average). And they're still suicidal, mentally ill useless people.

>> No.8037341

/pol/ is wrong. Jews and trannies are the master race.

>> No.8037351

it wouldn't surprise me if there was a slight correlation.


the whole "left-brain, right brain" thing is baloney famalam

>> No.8037358

Come on, in the history of all art surely there are enough homosexuals that you don't have to resort to ones for whom the only evidence is grasping reconstructions

>> No.8037363

Wittgenstein was bi, not gay. He also used to beat children.

>> No.8037372

>Btw did u heard about Mozart's sister? She composed lot of "his" pieces.
Yeah, she was also black.

>> No.8037375
File: 14 KB, 237x380, 20081204050404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8037402

did you seriously just post an image which lists gogol as homosexual? schubert? xiu xiu? where is the evidence of sufjan being gay?

>> No.8037437

>Stewart's sexuality has rarely been easy. He finally realized he was gay when a kid at his high school whom he calls "a crazy queen" simply proclaimed, "You're a fag." A few years later, he finally came out to his parents, who, as best as he can remember, always had a lot of queer friends. They didn't approve: "My mom lost her fucking mind about it for a couple of years. I was pissed at my parents for being assholes."

>> No.8037477

We wuz poets n sheit

>> No.8037513

"Homosexual" wasn't really an identity until relatively recently, maybe around the start of the 20th century. Homosexual was just an adjective, not an identifier. One would do homosexual acts but nobody was A HOMOSEXUAL. People like Rousseau were fucking dudes. They were fucking chicks. They weren't "gay". They weren't 'bi'. They were just normal fucking dudes.

>> No.8037522

>he missed all the Caesar is gay banter
m8 de bello gallico is basic latin.

>> No.8037533

again, learn to differentiate the adjective "homosexual" with the noun

>> No.8037541

suck my fucking dick you fucking retard

>> No.8037554

>suck my fucking dick you fucking retard
what would you gain from having an obese 34 year old with bad hygiene suck on your penis? Strange request, m9

>> No.8037635

I must ask for sources on Virgil's, Gogol's, Händel's and Schubert's homosexuality.

>> No.8037669
File: 45 KB, 550x380, 1434237340357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>le thing I'm not is responsible for others successes.

Even if we pretend all these are gay it still would not matter. The straight chart doesn't exist because it would be too large.

Why is it so hard for people to judge someone as an individual? Someone's success is not a result of their sexuality, race, height or whatever. It is a result all all those things coming together to create a unique individual.

Of course this makes me the racist and homophobic bigot. Fucking ridiculous.

>> No.8037705

One guy that gets it

>> No.8037706

Holy shit, Proust too?

>> No.8037711

Fag here. Pretty much agree with >>8037669. I think the correlation between being gay and being creative is pretty fucking hazy. We have to remember just how many incredibly creative people were straight. You can be perfectly straight and still have many of the qualities that are often applied to gay people (effeminate, recluse, creative). We're all human beans here & we all have different features that may or may not be related to eachother in any way.

>> No.8037728

someone should have told that to the senator who called Caesar Queen and Pompey King. he also gets called ganymede. both nouns. when he's joking with his men that he could be wife to any of them, I doubt they took it as "i'm a grill when i'm wearing a tunic", tbhw/ufam. you just learnt some junk history and none of the ways to access primary sources.

>> No.8037740

I think Gay people tend to need to sublimate their frustrations and desires into creative outlets

>> No.8037742

Holy fuck, did you not know? Albertine is Albert.

>> No.8037747

Now In Search of Lost Time is ruined for me.

>> No.8037753

>he thinks feminine and gay are the same thing

>> No.8037762

>Greatest Artistic Achievements by Straight People
>Everything else





>> No.8037764

What's next, Shakespeare was gay too?

>> No.8037792

Well he definitely wasn't the man from Stratford.

>> No.8037804

Maybe the oppressive environment gives them more reason to express their feelings in artistic form? Someone who has everything handed to him with golden spoon doesn't need to shake the status quo.

>> No.8037852

This. Greek Pederasty was a noble and healthy custom far removed from today's degenerate homosexual lifestyle.

>> No.8037861

matt berninger isn't gay man

>> No.8037871

He's a numale which is probably worse

>> No.8037937

>Someone who has everything handed to him with golden spoon doesn't need to shake the status quo

This is some bullshit right here. I understand the sentiment and where you are coming from, but really think about it.

Who's life was harder Dostoyevsky's or Gogol's (was he even gay?)? That oppressive environment is not and have never been exclusive to gays or minorities or any other group.

While I agree that an oppressive environment might give someone more reason to express their feelings in artistic form, you forget that the largest group of people who are oppressed, which still true to this day, are those who think in a way that is different to the majority or those in power.

>> No.8037954


This is a great picture.

People don't realize that the only point the picture has is to make people consciously consider for a moment that some highly acclaimed works of art were made by gay people. It is showing that gay people have been around for a while and that they have contributed to culture. It's shaking up heteronormativity.

>> No.8037967

No, two of the greatest blockheads there is, Milo Malapolio of Breitfart and Dick Erixon of Erixon com are fagays.

>It's a correlation between suffering and intelligence.
Are fags thinking with their butts?

>> No.8038007

Yeah, is no one noticing this? Or are we all just playing along with the bait?

>> No.8038010

Where is he in that picture?

>> No.8038015

Wait- Douglas Pierce is gay?

>> No.8038023

Douglas P. is openly gay,[3] and says that 'being gay is fundamental to Death in June', and expresses discontent with this side of Death in June not being explored in interviews. He describes the lack of coverage of this as 'incredulous' [sic]. His literary influences include Yukio Mishima and Jean Genet, whom he admires 'not only because their work was brilliant but that they were also gay. It adds so much.'[4]

>> No.8038034

Also, gonna need a source on Mishima being gay.

The man was a fucking samurai and a nationalist who fought for the traditional Confucian values, no way he was gay.

>> No.8038039

>The man was a fucking samurai and a nationalist who fought for the traditional Confucian values, no way he was gay
His relations with men are common knowledge. They were even the inspiration for some of his work.

>> No.8038049

Mishima wasn't gay, if he was then it was in a super Greek way, which doesn't count as being gay.

>> No.8038060

Turns out folks have found ways to reconcile being gay with pretty much every value system, since gay people are basically normal except in their sexual attraction.

>> No.8038069


He had a wife and carried on quite decently with her, doesn't mean he's gay m80s.

>> No.8038082

Which would you prefer: for people to be aware of famous gays and to continue to promote the idea of gays being a separate group or to promote great works and be open about the fact that they are gay?

These works are only grouped by their sexuality. It is trying to show gay art rather than art made by gays. The distinction is important: In the first way, the emphasis is put on the fact that they are and in the other way, the emphasis is put on their art; the fact that they are gay is not hidden or looked down upon, but instead is seen as just one part of the person.

It does a great disservice to the artist to try and make them a gay mascot rather that an individual. These people don't represent gays, they represent themselves. It is way better to see a jazz musician in a chart for jazz because that is his art. He wants to be known for his music and not for something he had no control over.

Wouldn't it be insulting if you made some great work, only to have people which the same hair color be grouped with you rather than the artists you admired and took influence from? Your hair color does not define you or your work. The same thing can be said about your sexuality. You only have to see the massive variety all works ever made by straight people.

This is rambling on; I hope you understand a bit of where I'm coming from.

Think people are discussing it as if it were true. It's not "playing along with the bait" but using it to discuss the issues.

>> No.8038090

dude was the biggest fag on the planet, just look at those cheesy fedora-seque pics were he's prancing around with a sword lmao...if ur a fatherless chink looking for a male role model be like the guy from 2046 not some homosexual japanese musclebottom

>> No.8038105

C'mon, brother. This chart represents work by artists that people are assumed to already know (hence the lack of attribution on the image itself) and adds that those artists were gay. Is there any reason that being represented as a "gay artist" is more offensive than being represented as a "Spanish artist" or "English artist"?

>> No.8038107

>It is trying to show gay art rather than art made by gays
I don't think that's the case here.

>> No.8038118

>no Judas Priest

>> No.8038123

Was Wittgenstein gay?

>> No.8038126

Just like Wittgenstein, I'm completely straight and I'm not afraid to acknowledge that my bros have large penises and tight buttholes.

We shower together and jerk each other off all the time because we know we're straight so just because we occasionally suck each other's cocks doesn't make us homo.

>> No.8038135

>source on Mishima being gay
May I direct you to his autobiographical Confessions of a Mask. He was more explicit than Oscar Wilde. There's really no ambiguity

He mentions repeatedly his lust for rough brutal men. Dockworkers and criminals. Speculates this stemmed from his prepubescent sexual awakening watching a sewer worker, sweaty and muscular, carry buckets of literal shit down the road.

Saying Mishima wasn't gay is like the revisionist papers in Japan that for decades wrote alternate news pretending the US surrendered in WW2. Or the SJW who insist Shakespeare wasn't an Englishman, or that Beethoven was black

>> No.8038138

Are you >>8037954? I was trying to talk about the whole SJW way of looking at diversity in art. I assumed because that post used the word "heteronormativity" that that person would be sympathetic towards that line of thinking.

Maybe I got it all wrong though.

>> No.8038168
File: 3.16 MB, 3729x3155, 213123413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8038175

No, but I probably have what you call an "SJW way of looking at art." This chart is a mess because the gayness of some of these artists is seriously in question, but I don't why it's any more limiting to be grouped as a "gay artist" rather than an "English artist." Both categories are so hopelessly diverse that no one could hope to find some unifying principle, but both remain useful nonetheless.

>> No.8038178

>tfw you're not gay
>tfw you'll never be a great artist

My only hope is to pretend that I'm a closeted catholic gay.

>> No.8038183
File: 32 KB, 250x250, 20jazzfg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it must be a requirement in the industrial-neo folk scene

>> No.8038184

If it were the case, I personally wouldn't like posterity to remember me for getting fucked in the ass

>> No.8038186

>literally not a single good film

>> No.8038188

>closeted catholic gay

Sujfan Steven's got that act down to an art

>> No.8038193

everyone assumes catholics got their asspussy taken by a priest, so everyone already thinks ur ass is stretched anyways

>> No.8038196
File: 641 KB, 1000x1000, rose-clouds-of-holocaust-521301b1844d4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Death in June guy is gay?

>> No.8038199

yeah but the way history is going in a another couple centuries straight ppl will probably be seen as horrible degenerate rapists and anyone who doesn't take it up the butt and buy a testtube baby from a jewish scientist will be seen as worse than hitler, so maybe being remembered as a queer who liked getting dicks slammed up his ass will will work in favor of ur legacy

>> No.8038202

Yeah, I missed that part too but it says it right on his Wikipedia page.

>> No.8038205

I was thinking of Mauriac and Green

>> No.8038212

*Julien Green
You never know on this board.

>> No.8038216

anyone know what kind of font that is?

>> No.8038222


The pic is an example of cherry-picking.
Your comment is an anecdote.

>> No.8038225

For many people, having a sex life at all is embarrassing.

>> No.8038229
File: 1.44 MB, 1364x3391, Russian2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't why it's any more limiting to be grouped as a "gay artist" rather than an "English artist."

I agree with you to some extent. Just making a chart labeled "English artist" is limiting, but something like "English artists in the 15 century" would be better.

The chart in the pic has lots of authors hitting on similar subjects from different angles and perspective. You read Fathers and Sons, then Demons and then The Duel and you will have a much greater experience than any on their own.

Being Russian lit is more than just being an author from Russia.

The same with music: American music of 1920 is going to have a specific sound that goes beyond just being an American and playing music.

You can't say the same for the gay chart.

What has Plato got to do with American Psycho or Dead Souls? (let's just assume the whole chart is right) Being gay in ancient Greece is nothing like being gay in Russia or in the United States. They're so different and to top it off, none of these are about being gay.

If there was a gay chart that had book about being gay or living a gay life, then it would be a different story.

>> No.8038231

>he thinks it means Caesar was just a waiter
>ganymede's a grill
kek. You're really not okay with Caesar defining his own sexuality or Roman culture having different mores than the ones you want it to have. Caesar's different to men acting feminine in Roman culture, which too was prevalent enough to cause a cope scandals. I'm sorry history hurts you enough you need to make it up as you go.

>> No.8038235

I really didn't expect that to be true.

>> No.8038272
File: 226 KB, 1200x840, 1273317_10151928264780039_960833412_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand how this can come as a shock. He has gay flags at the shows and Totenkopfs on gay flag backdrops as patches.

>> No.8038273

I mostly agree, but feel you're changing the terms by insisting that things be described more specifically. Does one really need to be hyper-specialized in a specific time period to see a continuity among a type-group of authors?

>> No.8038282

He's said in interviews that his racial beliefs are because he prefers sucking white uncircumcised cocks.

>> No.8038295

Most of them were never gay.

>> No.8038298

how is he a numale?

>> No.8038309

Okay. I concede that just saying something like "Russian authors" is as useful as "gay authors."

But neither is of any use at all. You could also group authors by height if you wanted to. You could look for the continuity of authors who are 5'5".

It's fine if someone wants to do that; I just don't see any practical use for it.

>> No.8038313

it was a poor joke about tchaikovsky (top left of the music column) looking like berninger

>> No.8038321

fuck, top right*

>> No.8038461

I didn't even know he used those German military symbols, I only just listened to the music

>> No.8038467

it was a good joke. im still laughing

>> No.8038484

Come on now, certainly grouping people by nationality is more useful than grouping them by height. The same is probably (though less obviously) true of sexual orientation.

>> No.8038494

The bottom line is, men are easier to deal with than women. So if you relieve an artist of the need to deal with women, his artistic output will be enhanced.

>> No.8038520

agatha cristie is way worse than john dickson carr

>> No.8038528


Love is one of the best enhancers for creativity of some artists though so, no.

>> No.8038606

How is it more useful? Language maybe, but we're talking in a very broad sense. John Green's stuff would be in a group with Twilight, Moby Dick and Gravity's Rainbow.

That's pretty far out. I'm sure height would definitely not be better, but it probably wouldn't be much worse.

Even if nationality is better, it's still not very useful unless you want to go into specific movements and time periods.

>> No.8038646

Are you saying that men can't love other men? Then what the hell is homosexuality?

>> No.8038678

Coil are already on the list.

>> No.8038682

You fucking pleb.

>> No.8038690

He's a Hitler supporter, ironically he'd be the first one Hitler would want to see dead.

>> No.8038695

>science has already proven that creativity and IQ are both elements of the male sperm
What about the female sperm?

>> No.8038699

Aeschylus is probably one of the most religiously devoted play writer of his time. He could have selected someone else.

>> No.8038700

I feel that's true for the majority of Hitler supporters (low-intelligence mongrels from Eastern Europe)

>> No.8038716

>Being gay in ancient Greece is nothing like being gay in Russia or in the United States

>> No.8038727

>a deliberate jewish plot to feminize white men through cultural marxism?
get that tin foil cap goin kiddos

>> No.8038728

>Unrequited love*


>> No.8038741

>90% of it is terrible

>> No.8038756

>The smartest demographic on average are male-to-female trannies with 121.7 IQ

woah, what if the ubermensch is actually a woman with a penis? mind fucking blown!

>> No.8038764

All Romans were gay.

>> No.8038781

>The smartest demographic on average are male-to-female trannies with 121.7 IQ

haha yes! next time i prance around in lingerie masturbating i can tell myself I can't help being a sissy slut since i'm such a genius!

>> No.8038787

The average 4channer has an IQ of 130. We are either thousands of geniuses underachievers or IQ is a bullshit test

>> No.8038788


And yet E. M. Forster isn't on there

I'm calling bullshit

>> No.8038793

smart and thinking people tend to try to bend the borders of the possible, hence some of them try to bend the borders between the sexes :^)

>> No.8038799

There's no evidence that Schubert was gay and none of those musicians are particularly good, except Tchaikovsky.

>> No.8038803

I think I'm like Tennessee Williams.

>> No.8038808

>The smartest demographic on average are male-to-female trannies with 121.7 IQ
Any source on this, or are you talking out of your arse?

>> No.8038816

probably a bunch of bullshit, the reason it's so high is because in order to be a full tranny u need a bunch of cash, just like ashkenazi jews are high iq because they're rich as shit and send their kids to private kike school, if u count every black crossdressing streetwalker guzzling jizz in bus stations the tranny iq would probably drop significantly

>> No.8038848

It's gone too far... the media literally worships faggotry... The more of a faggot you are the more you get praised as a hero, see Bruce Jenner for example. There are way too many gays on TV its neo soviet levels of propaganda

>> No.8038864

besides if they make being a crossdressing slut mainstream it'll take all the fun out of it...the other day i was dressed up in some sexy as lingerie with a nice tight slutty dress over it so there was no way to reach the zipper on the bodice to get out of it, and some one came in the front door and walked up the stairs to right outside my room and started rattling the keys, i thought i was about the get straight up busted by the landlord, but then he knocked on the door across the hall. stood there for a while and then went downstairs and left...i was hard a fucking rock. if all these fucking cultural marxists make it normal for dudes to walk around dressed like sluts what's the excitement then? i think all this pro-tranny shit is a bunch of ascetic puritans trying to kill my buzz

>> No.8038896

>Bruce Jenner

a guy who used to run so fast that they named a flipping mech in the battletech universe after him ended as a despicable tranny

>> No.8038926

Why is REM not on the list?

>> No.8039374
File: 81 KB, 1005x680, Hypopyrrhus_pyrohypogaster3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8039382

I meant the experience of being gay. Like how the people are treated and how society views it.

>> No.8039388

>20th century
>Russian literature

>> No.8039465

It's a lot easier to be an artist when you don't have kids to feed

>> No.8039651

has car seat headrest ever even confirmed being gay

or are you getting that all from my boy

>> No.8039748

Please don´t be angry at all gays, someof us just really like to bragg about the doings of other men.

>> No.8039907

Citation needed

>> No.8040143
File: 30 KB, 529x313, paAhw5kS4V8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8040367

fag enabler

>> No.8040669

>no Barthes
>no Mishima
>no Foucault
>no Rousseau
>no Caesar
>no Henry David Thoreau
>no Socrates
>no REM
>no Passion Pit
>no Baths

>> No.8040705


> Implying any of them is gay

Lmao plebs.

>> No.8040711

>Thomas Mann
>Sufjan Stevens
Get your facts right OP. Also, dude it's not that deep, a gay man just wants to sleep with other men

>> No.8040716

>a gay man just wants to sleep with other men

are they ill or something??

>> No.8040718

We wuz compozas n sheit

>> No.8040721

It's a known fact that Thomas Mann experimented with other men.

>> No.8040732

someone seems too angried about someone else being homosexual. little krypto here?

>> No.8040733

jesus probably was a gay too, he hanged out with a bunch of guys and avoided bitches, for gays it's enough of a proof

>> No.8040758

Fucking your friend wasn't homosexual to the Greeks, and pure homosexuality i.e. not having a family was considered absolutely degenerate and worthy of ostracism. It was a man's duty to get a wife and have lots of kids. This isn't up for debate - the oikos was the central tenet of Greek society, and if you didn't uphold it you were basically a fucking Persian.

>> No.8040764

It's funny how the gay community never claims bad people in history were gay. Why do they never accept that the incompetent Edward II was homo, or that Hitler probably packed fudge in Vienna?

>> No.8040773

Historically, rich gay people were more able to express themselves sexually.

For an entire phonebook's worth of reasons, rich people are more able to produce great works of art.

>> No.8040781

>pure homosexuality i.e. not having a family was considered absolutely degenerate and worthy of ostracism
yet nero married a boy

what are you talking about?

>> No.8040782

>avoiding women is gay
Just listen to yourself for a moment. Most straight men spend their entire free time away from women, doing sports, or going fishing, or doing overtime at work for the sole reason of escaping harridans. What do gay men tend to do? Become fag hags for screeching cunts, become the witty espousers of bitchy one liners for the amusement for the vagina holders.

If anything, the amount of time you spend around women is a good correlation of homosexuality for precisely the opposite reason you stated - the more time you spend, the gayer you are.

>> No.8040792

They were better than 80% of the stuff mentioned there

>> No.8040807

By that count, I was expecting a much more creative post from you, anon.

>> No.8040825

>believing Suetonius

>> No.8040829

nero was widely considered as a degenerate

he also suddenly wasn't a greek

>> No.8040830

what does this mean please

>> No.8040863

My best friend doesn't post here. He's also gay. And he's been suffering from schizophrenia. He's better now. And he's gotten a scholarship to university of Chicago. The problem he is facing is, his parents are ignorant as fuck and they also have the money. He is supposed to show 34000 dollars in his account in order for him to obtain the visa. They are insisting that he marries a girl to get this money. At first they wanted me to marry him. Second choice was a girl who has been crushing on him for ages despite knowing he's gay. I suspect she's also of the mentality that Homosexuality can be cured (indian subcontinent isn't known for its open mindedness). What do I do to help him? With all of this stress his schizophrenia is resurfacing.

>> No.8040878

>They are insisting that he marries a girl to get this money. At first they wanted me to marry him.

tits or gtfo

>> No.8040879
File: 329 KB, 1274x1700, Nietzsche1882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no greater error than that of confusing the consequence with the cause.

>> No.8040881

>and gay
Fucking hell, his parents must have really pissed off Vishnu.
Tell him to make like a monk and commit agnipravesa.

>> No.8040883

how does that make him gay

>> No.8040884

Also this, I'd like to see some Indian titties. Are they really hairy? Do you have to shave them?

>> No.8040886


>And he's gotten a scholarship to university of Chicago.
>He is supposed to show 34000 dollars in his account in order for him to obtain the visa.

do burger unis seriously demand it from every foreign student, lol

i hardly believe it

>> No.8040891


>> No.8040894

Congrats /lit/

this actually looks like an interesting thread

will read through after work

>> No.8040913

I agree, I am a guy, but I also sometimes have sex with my bros when I'm bored as fuck, no homo, of course, we just do it for fun.

>> No.8040919

Thank you for your sterling critical assessment, O man of little punctuation. With your incisive and measured judgement of the quality of this thread, I can rest easy knowing that - finally! - we have created "an interested thread" that is worthy of your attention.

>> No.8040944

Post excerpts from your unpublished novel :-)

>> No.8040945
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Glad to see Howl on there. I personally think Khaddish is a bit better.

>> No.8040976

it lacks Burroughs tho

>> No.8040995

There are two kinds of gay:

>Being so heightened and self-conscious in your manly (that is, "human") essence that you realize women aren't even people, and more like jiggly semi-intelligent animals that you can put your dick in to make more men, so to get real companionship and intimacy you have to meet another manly dude, because only the perpetual striving and activity of another actualized soul can really excite your own in return

>Being so heightened in your feminine essence (that is, being such a huge stupid pussy) that you start to desire being the passive, receptive, dull, lifeless, ambitionless, passionless, spiritually dead essence of a woman, so you can retreat from life's dangers and exigencies and lay passively backward onto a pillow and limply and pathetically spread your legs and passively receive the active thrusting of an actual human being

99.9999% of current gays are Type 2. That's why they're all mincing hedonists, insane emotional histrionics, perpetual children, and limp whiny douches. That's why they try to imitate the lilting childishness, effeminacy, and weaknesses of women. They are failed men, men who have surrendered, in the battle of life, and who want the comfort of captivity and control by another.

>> No.8041003

I half-way through Naked Lunch right now. I think he just wanted to show people with the gay and drug stuff, idk, I don't really care for it. Some of it is brilliant though, the way he describes the needles etc. I liked Junky and Queer better.

>> No.8041006

Back to /pol/ you go, retard

>> No.8041012

The first one sounds like the patrician Greeks and Romans.

>> No.8041016

>an interested thread

how do you get quotes wrong when the words are right in front of you?

>> No.8041020

>Things like philosophy were exclusively for men in those days
And why do you think it turned out to be like that?

>> No.8041021

>not having a fluid sexuality

i've sucked a dick or two before and i don't identify as a homosexual

>> No.8041060

>i've sucked a dick or two before and i don't identify as a homosexual
You're right, you're just a plain old faggot.

>> No.8041064

>im upset!! make the thing that gave me bad feelings go away!!!!

proving his point imho

>> No.8041068


Art is pain

Being gay is very painful

Thus gays are more artsy

>> No.8041076

>Being gay is very painful

>> No.8041130


>> No.8041138


this is inherently wrong, most artists have been straight simply because 99999999% of people have been straight, and even if they somehow weren't back in the day they didn't get fugged in the butt but just suppressed it and prayed to god.

>> No.8041194


It's not so much innate creativity/intelligence somehow congenitally associated with homosexuality. Rather, what's really going on is that since they don't compete for women or raise families (unless of course a closeted gay man married and bred, which happens regularly), the "free" gays have a lot of surplus mental and physical energy to pursue what they will, since evolution's not their bag.

Naturally, gays often like the softer/squishier human endeavors (the arts, music, drama), which leads them to participate in these, and in the exceptional cases (OP's pic) to create lasting works of their own. Because they just plain have the free time that breeders (using that word in its neutral, literal sense) just plain don't. Once you produce kids, you'll spend the rest of your life doing for them, making sure they are provided for as best you can.

I don't see Turing in OP's thing, since OP's thinkg is focused on the "squishy" endeavors I just mentioned. But Horse Rotorvator and Soft Cell are nice degenerate touches, kek

>> No.8041216


damn, boy, no need to get your sphincter twisted in a panic over this, no one's coming for your boipussy.

Straight people can have pain too. You know, it's just that gays have a disproportionate amount of it.

In the butt.

>> No.8041241

There has always been a correlation between mental illness and creativity/intelligence this is nothing new.

>> No.8041263

lmao this is officially it, guys

see you in autumn

>> No.8041679

soft cell are great i heard

>> No.8042800

He should be able to come up with something with his innate creativity :^)

>> No.8042817
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So creativity turns people gay?

>> No.8042823

I love playing pranks on my bros.

>> No.8042898


>> No.8042904

No, you're trying to pretend you understand shit you never read about from anywhere reputable again, anon. Hubris is the social and legal shame associated with being homosexual, and it didn't matter if you got married before or since. Aristotle claims it should extend to the older partner, but most of the weight of the shame was usually against the receptive partner, as was demonstrated in the case against Timarchus. You're defining homosexuality as a deviant role differently than Athenians did, and those are the sources which generally paint the Persians as fey. Roman sexuality and its definitions of homosexuality took the penetrating vs penetrated dichotomy to greater extents, but pretending the definition of homosexuality as a lifestyle or deviant lifestyle was not getting married is just dumb, anon,- especially if you read The Persians.

>> No.8043129

>literally an emperor of the greatest nation at the time
>considered as a degenerate


>> No.8043552

I can't believe the sheer number of unironic responses to this shit tier b8 thread.

>> No.8045214

It's not a bait thread.

>> No.8045626

Sufjan Stevens is gay?

>> No.8045632

i dont think it's b8 as much as its' OP genuinely not understanding what homosexuality is.

>> No.8045777


That album is very amusing. All gays have some vague idea of being an adonis living in 1970s/1980s New York, and enjoying apex-tier degeneracy in the old days. You can even see it on the cover, as Marc seems to pull a dirty magazine out of his leather jacket. Marc's trying to look like rough trade, he's a real toughie.

Funnily enough, I've just remembered that both Coil and (much more famously) Soft Cell covered Tainted Love; the latter is a club standard. But while we're on the topic of 80s-tier degeneracy, I notice that Clive Barker is absent from the /lit/ column (Coil also did a soundtrack for the original hellraiser film which went unused.)

The above Soft Cell album also contains a nastier club track called "Sex Dwarf", for which a music video was made that is even shocking by today's standards. Something like, Marc, a dwarf and some other actors throwing some meat around a red bloody-looking-room, they all writhe around in what appears to be blood, kek.

>> No.8045834


underrated post

>> No.8045837

Gay people truly are degenerates of the highest order.

>> No.8047079

I like your style, where can I follow you?

>> No.8047291
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Yet only like 9 of these are made by a gay person.

>> No.8047298

I can actually stand behind this, in quite the same way that my boyfriend stands behind me when he pounds me up the ass.

>> No.8047374


Fag #2 agreeing.

>> No.8047422


James I was gay. He also burned a bunch of witches. Not exactly an angel.

>> No.8047435


bromosexuals pls die.

>> No.8047479


I appreciate the compliment. I have a minimal online presence, but often write lengthy posts like those on various 4chan boards, including /lit/, /r9k/, /tv/, and occasionally /sci/ and some porn boards focused on either sex (biscum here). Of course, the whole appeal of thise site is that you can just say things and not be uniquely, positively identified short of literal criminal investigation, so. polite sage for further off-topic.

>> No.8047707

that's a shame

i met a lot of people on 4chan that i liked their opinions or people who shared my interests but almost none of them wanted to be my friend or allow me to follow them somewhere

>> No.8047730

Hey man no offense but this post is extremely homosexual, I hear your mysterious lisp through my screen.

>> No.8047752

Download an IRC program

Connect to rizon server

Lurk #/lit/

Maybe /Whois some people and find other rooms



>> No.8047786

It's hard to tell, but don't worry! there are well proven correlations between homosexuality and mental illness/AIDS/suicide/pedophilia.

>> No.8048047

Fuck you

>> No.8048058

Sorry for triggering you. Next time I'll remember to preface my Truth Bombs™ With one of those 'trigger warnings' you kids seem to like so much

>> No.8048146
File: 238 KB, 900x900, 1453761183994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>I hear your mysterious lisp through my screen.

10/10 bant lol

>> No.8049753

why is dfw in the middle of this?

>> No.8050731



By giving marginalized cultures acceptance, societies actually remove their special snowflake status. This is where they derive their strength.

Wonder how the Jews have been doing this for centuries

>> No.8050752

Not provably, and probably not at all.

>> No.8050763

American Psycho? That's your idea of a great artistic achievement by a gay man?

>> No.8050765


>> No.8050797

pleased to see that Salem is under the music category. they really influenced me a few years back, and remain some of my closest bands. most people dismiss them as a meme, which I understand honestly since their public personas were pretty cringy

>> No.8050816

Nice try mememan.

>> No.8050878

What about Fight Club?

>> No.8052117

What's wrong with it? Even /lit/ likes it.

>> No.8052792

Lying is bad.

>> No.8052818

Hitler would suck his dick because Hitler was a huge faggot as well. The nazis were pretty fucking gay t b h.

>> No.8053944

>not based fassbinder