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/lit/ - Literature

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804459 No.804459 [Reply] [Original]

Hello /lit/. I wrote this piece for a contest and I'm wondering if anybody would like to give me feedback on it. The more hits I get on my piece will better my chances for being considered for publication.

>> No.804483

Can we un-look-at-it if it's truly terrible?

>> No.804487


Sounds like a randroid website.

>> No.804497

I assure you, it's 4 reel. And if it sucks then you may terminate your web browser.

>> No.804511


what a bunch of shit, seriously...you expect to be a published author with concepts like that...

>>profit is good

you and 5million others are writing exactly the same bunch of shit and you are not special at all

>> No.804536

The essay contest is about whether or not free markets are moral in light of the current economic crisis. What the hell else do you expect us to write about?

>> No.804545

nothing, stop entering gay contests which demand certain essays from you and write something creative.

>> No.804699

"This is the bad side of greed: greed without ethics."

Two paragraphs in and already I can tell your essay is horseshit. You've just admitted any problems arise from a lack of ethics; therefore, greed is irrelevant. Greed is an unctuous way of saying self-interest (i.e. what motivates people to be productive). You wrote your crappy essay because it was in your self-interest, didn't you?

>> No.804716

I find your argument unconvincing... if greed is responsible for the crap economy right now, then humanity must be greedier overall than in the last 200 years. I don't buy it. What is the generic "regulation" you talk about anyway? Saying that regulation will stop "greed" in markets without saying what kind of regulation is BS.

Your title is off-topic and pretentious.

What makes you think a worker's motives are "ethical"? If I threaten you with 80 years in jail for doing a Madoff scam, are you more ethical for obeying this?

You're not thinking hard enough.