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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 81 KB, 533x755, Tolkien.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7994528 No.7994528 [Reply] [Original]

/lit/, what's your opinion on him?

>> No.7994575

>/lit/, what's your opinion on him?
I love him. I've been trying to copy him in building languages and so on but I'm not knowledgeable or creative enough.

>> No.7994578

Madlibs a foreign language grammar/vocab book

>> No.7994581

I just want him to be my grandfather and read me stuff.

>> No.7994584

LotR was a big part of my childhood.
Will always give him the respect he deserves.
Did what he enjoyed, people enjoy what he wrote. It's a win for everyone.

>> No.7994587

Same here. What your describing is the reason why I decided to go back to university to study classics and a bunch of languages.

>> No.7994589

>OP creates thread expecting tolkien hate
>Receives nothing but praise
It's not his fault that his books have been associated with plebs

>> No.7994595

hey, just yesterday, I had a thought. Isn't the story of the ring to a great extent a buddhist-ish allegory?

The burden, the torturous path to get rid of it, the seeing ring, the overwhelming lust for it's power, making you disappear, making you lose yourself, sinister, the seeing eye that pulls you into it's influence, the faithful companion...

I do not say that the intent is to get a reader to consider anything about ego consciously, but a part of it's power leaks from closeness to those themes, right?

>> No.7994608

you're retarded

>> No.7994610


Overrated by nerds. Underrated by /lit/ snobs.

>> No.7994613

his books are very deserving of their classic status. lotr does drag a bit at times but he did a great job describing the otherworldliness of elves mr frodo.

>> No.7994614

Not impossible. I am interested in why would you say so.

>> No.7994615

Boring as shit

The Hobbit is the best book he wrote tbqh

>> No.7994619
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He's my hero. There are very few creative pursuits of mine which have not been directly influenced by him.

>> No.7994620

you can draw stupid vague connections between almost anything. this kind of bullshit and its prevalence is why no one respects the humanities anymore

lotr's appeal has nothing to do with subliminal/subconscious buddhist themes.

>> No.7994640

you are perfectly right on that this overinterpretation you are talking about harms the credibility of the humanities.

I do not think this is the case.

"you're retarded" is not an argument. If you are of different opinion on this thing I do not think there is a way how to go deeper into the issue.

>> No.7994643
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>the boring meme

go play your video games

>> No.7994648

>I do not think this is the case.

that's why you're retarded

>> No.7994658

/pol/ mustn't know he's an anarchist yet 'cause they aren't en masse shitposting

>> No.7994660

Fair enough, than I am retarded. I feel the same nevertheless.

>> No.7994709

Beautiful, relaxing prose that instills a sense of history and mysticism.

It's like Lovecraft for fantasy, but not shit. Lovecraft makes you think and ponder these evil, faceless, formless entities that lurk at the periphery of our reality.

Tolkien leads you to ponder an archaic, proud, and intensely robust mythos in the far off distance. It feels like you're reading history when you read the Sil. And combining the Sil with LOTR makes the actions of the characters that much more meaningful as you see figures such as Aragorn bringing conclusions to endless years and years of conflict.

He's not well regarded enough, still.

>> No.7994744

As forceful as an express train.

>> No.7994747

A man who achieved so much.
>Lotr was just a side thing for him
>He translated a bunch of stuff
>He was a soldier and a teacher
>Children's books,myths
>Laying the foundation for modern fantasy
a genius I love.

>> No.7994755

>Stop making fun of my walking simulator!

>> No.7994765

what were you trying to achieve with this?

>> No.7994786

Tellig you the truth

Tolkein is bloated garbage you pass off as high literature. Nobody, not even his contemporaries liked him. He was made popular by hippies well past the publishing date. He was laughed out of a Nobel nomination for his wretched prose. Stick you nose up your ass before you try to put it up to me

>> No.7994787

ITT: autism

>> No.7994794

What the fuck are you doing anon?
He layed the bricks down for future writers,and you can't deny that.
And there was actual effort in his works.Creating languages isn't easy anon.

>> No.7994801

Pretty amazing that he managed to do what he did as basically a hobby while holding down a job as a philology professor. Should be an inspiration to everyone with creative aspirations who has a non creative job.

>> No.7994805
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>pic related

>> No.7994809

>He layed the bricks down for future writers,and you can't deny that.
What a strange meme.

>> No.7994811

>Boring as shit
>The Hobbit is the best book he wrote tbqh

>> No.7994813

Study linguistics. Not only will you become less of a grammar nazi, you'll also fall in love with language in general. The more you study common features between existing languages, the easier it will probably become to begin the process creating your own.

>> No.7994832

First of all, I understand how in new criticism its important to separate the author from the work, but Tolkien has (had) repeated time and again how annoyed he was over people thinking LOTR was allegorical, he was a fan of applicability.

>> No.7994835

Sensible words. Now, what the fuck is wrong with you? Are you over 25 or something?

>> No.7994836
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It's interesting. Tolkien was not actually a linguist, but rather a philologist back when philology was still a thing in the British academy. During his career he witnessed (and deplored) the growing division between the study of literature and language

>> No.7994862

>Study linguistics. Not only will you become less of a grammar nazi, you'll also fall in love with language in general.
I've already been reading a lot about linguistics as an amateur. Unfortunately my first go at university was a disaster so I'm afraid to formally study anything without direct practical benefits.

>> No.7994863

>Tolkien was not actually a linguist
Um... yeah, he was.

>> No.7994869

Then study it your own time

>> No.7994878

He was technically a professor of philology, which is a field that combines aspects of linguistics and literary criticism

>> No.7994904

>being this mad

>> No.7994940


>hes a pretty good rapper

>> No.7995083

Martin got incinerated.

>> No.7995111

LoTR is basically a Romantic epic relying heavily on the poetry and mythos of Blake.

Of course it's a fantasy novel so it's primarily just for enjoyment and escapism but if you wanted to look at it through a 'literary' lense this is the correct one. Blake invented the name 'Orc' in Tolkein's context.

>> No.7995130

holy shit grrm got demolished

>> No.7995160

Martin got R. R. Rekt.

>> No.7996073
File: 1.32 MB, 320x240, r73VJe3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I got the prose of a pro, your shit's subpar
>you're a pirate, you even stole my R.R.

>> No.7996079

Love him.

>> No.7996092


hey reddit!

>> No.7996116

>le can't have unironic fun man

>> No.7996124

hey bitter jaded guy who calls everything reddit!

>> No.7996145

He wrote the greatest story of my childhood. I just ate those books up

>> No.7997513

Which books unrelated to LotR would you recommend?

>> No.7998346

>miopic manatee
Why do I find this so fucking funny?

>> No.7998347


i'm /reddit/ and i'm posting on your 4chinz and there's nothing you can do about it hahahaha!

>> No.7998363

Good post Anon, way to show those reddit fags we can't have fun ever or we're reddit!

>> No.7998659

Will people see works like Lotr and Dune as literaary fiction in the future?

>> No.7998702

They're already sort of on the edge, I think. I certainly hope so, but I think we'll have to wait for this current generation of literary critics to die off.

>> No.7998710

Anyone that likes those Epic Rap Battle videos should be clubbed to death for the good of our species.

>> No.7998813
File: 135 KB, 775x1080, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best children's story coming through

>> No.7998826

Hello, Reddit

>> No.7998835
File: 11 KB, 250x250, goato.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello goato

>> No.7998838

hello goato

>> No.7998993

Hello goato

>> No.7999004

hello goato