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File: 547 KB, 850x850, zizek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7993009 No.7993009 [Reply] [Original]

Vapid pop philosopher or great mind?

>> No.7993013

If I could understand his speech I'd probably listen to him more.

>> No.7993035
File: 153 KB, 768x1024, zizekk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7993037

read his book.

He is very intelligent if you get passed his nuanced way of speaking.

>> No.7993062

>Vapid pop philosopher
Pop philosophers are like Alain de Botton. Philosphers that dont really have any opinion or thought. just self help. Zizek is clearly not that.

the way you worded that makes it seem like it's either one or the other and no in between. I mean surely someone who disagrees with him and thinks he's wrong about everything (i.e. people who call him a cryptofascist) know better than to call him a pop philosopher.

>> No.7993083

he's got a thinking man's face. you can tell he thinks good.

>> No.7993219

i think most people think that zizek is a great mind even if you don't agree with him

>> No.7993274

He's about as worthwhile as any continental philosopher.

>> No.7993278

>vapid or great

how about something in between? or sometimes one and sometimes the other?

>> No.7993282

it's a shame he's too difficult for normie youtubers who haven't read him

>hurr funneh accent man
>hurr coke addiction xd

>> No.7993304

They're right though

>> No.7993431
File: 89 KB, 681x1024, 1960s-vintage-inspired-lingerie-681x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all philosophers are "vapid pop"

the greeks you little wankers worship were the alain de bottons of their time
that's why their work has survived

>> No.7993434
File: 75 KB, 440x440, 1456495760339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If that were true Camus wouldn't still be a thing, since he didn't influence a single fucker.

Read Kierkegaard.

>> No.7993438

normie pls

>> No.7993442

"the greeks" lived a couple of millennia ago
camus lived in the early 20th century, in the era of mass printing and media. there are recordings of interviews with him. that is why he is still "a thing".

>> No.7994176

Right about what? He has neither a 'funny accent' or a coke addiction, but a speech impediment and nervous tics, both of which become endearing and unimportant after 15 minutes of adjusting to them like an adult that respects other people and their flaws.

>> No.7994435

wasn't diogenes a meme philosopher too? I'm not saying zizek is the new D, but they seem similar in ways, points to the D for originality though.

>> No.7994441

For a deluded Marxist-Hegelian he is very strong. Better than anything churned out of the Derrida/Deconstruction camp.

Freudians love coke.

>> No.7994464

And zizeks a lacanian, you dip

>> No.7994475


He think deep.

>> No.7994489
File: 245 KB, 1210x962, freud-lacan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7994509

he forgot to lift the toilet cover up.

>> No.7994574


He is a philosopher, without a philosophy; an idealogue, without an ideology; a moralist without a morality: he is everything, and he is nothing. He pops up every now and then with some contrarian, "counter-intuitive", conspiratorial analysis of some perceived ideological trend in the mass media, making no-sense of nonsense. He is symbolic of the poverty of philosophy in our time, and the predicament of "intellectuals", rendered diffident by their very number. There have never before been so many philosophers, but the superfluity of new ideas has never been less oppressive.

>> No.7994652

Oh wow. This is the "I like when people write things I feel better than I think I could" thing, thank you.

>> No.7994688
