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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 549 KB, 1936x2592, C2aLwkh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7978555 No.7978555 [Reply] [Original]

Post your latest pickups, /lit/!

>> No.7978558

I forgot to add that I bought this shirt today, can't wait for it to be delivered!


Us readers, huh?

>> No.7978563

Why did they change the name of the first Harry Potter book for the US market?

>> No.7978566
File: 106 KB, 652x960, new book haul.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7978570

Editors inventing problems to justify having a job

>> No.7978571

americans don't know what philosophy is.

>> No.7978585
File: 192 KB, 720x1184, 03066e9c-ee96-4a71-908e-3032207a6bd3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now I have to read all the books it talks about.

>> No.7979204


>> No.7979217
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>> No.7979225

They figured philosopher's stone was too difficult for US kids.

>> No.7979231
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>> No.7979437
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>> No.7979481

>not reading Maupassant in original French
>not reading Nabokov in Russian
>not reading Chandler in Italian

come on now

>> No.7979493

Snagged these for a pal interested in postmodernism/lit

All 1 buck

>> No.7979502
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>> No.7979516

She was a chubby girl, I approached her gently. We sort of like cooking, went back to her flat.
Ok made love, wrote haikus

>> No.7979521

I haven't read a single post-modernist book but Sokal's critique is up next on my to-read list. I'm worried thats gonna make me get started on the wrong foot, what do you think

>> No.7979527

Sadly it only goes to single XL. It would have been an epic addition to my collection.

>> No.7979528

There's some debate on if post-modern is even a thing and whether we're beyond what "post-modern" is, ao really I just say read the books. Whatever catches your eye

>> No.7979537
File: 52 KB, 600x530, haul.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure which to read next, but it'll probably be either Don Quixote or Suite française.
>tfw still haven't read Don Quixote

>> No.7979544

I started it but being unfamiliar with chivalric stories, a lot of the humor/intent went over my head

>> No.7979556

>letters to vera
it's pretty bad tbqfwy

>> No.7979560

You should fix that and check out some Chrétien de Troyes, anon.

>> No.7979578
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>> No.7979733

Why do you guys buy so many books at once? Who are you trying to impress?

>> No.7979741

You suck at books

>> No.7979748

Actually the problem was that americans don't know what alchemy was.

>> No.7979759

I'm going to have a language arts classroom in two years, so i'm building up a library

>> No.7979762

Not him but i'm more inclined to read them if I see them on my bookshelf every time I go "What to read next?"

>> No.7979772

>leaving the house more than once a month

>> No.7979798

Are you a 14 year old girl?

>> No.7979925

>Lolita English translation

you fucked up

>> No.7979936

This is going to sound absurd, but when your comment gave me a strange feeling. The action of looking at a shelf packed with books and choosing which to read gave me a nostalgic feeling. Not one of reading, but eating. As if you were to eat a book, in a bite. A bite-sized cubed book. And the books were crunchy, but had an inner caramel consistency.

I'm pretty sure I'm autistic. Fuuuck

>> No.7979942

Just ask for an XXL. Im sure it will fit you fine

>> No.7979998
File: 611 KB, 1440x2304, IMG_20160425_063137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tao Te Ching
I don't buy a fucking book every day.
I read them,and then I pick up 1-2 new ones.
This way you don't get flooded.

>> No.7980048

>lolita is translated meme

>> No.7980068


>> No.7980638

Writing haikus with a sweaty big girl seems dull

>> No.7980642

That's not autistic babe, it's cute

>> No.7980769

>>not reading Nabokov in Russian
nice b8, fæm

>> No.7981359 [DELETED] 
File: 2.02 MB, 4128x2322, 20160429_220814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of my recent additions within the past few weeks. I might have left one or two out but I'm not sure. How'd I do?

>> No.7981387


>> No.7981393

hahahah ebin, simply ebin

>> No.7981403
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>> No.7981411 [DELETED] 

The sequels to Dune aren't worth reading, which is an opinion of the both SciFi lovers and literary lovers; I'd recommend just reading Dune. Moby Dick is an excellent buy. Of Twain, I would only recommend reading Huck Finn, The Mysterious Stranger, his collected short stories, or his nonfic. Lawrence of Arabia is a bad book, go watch the film instead. I wouldn't know anything about Mann or The Rat since I don't read translations. What Tolkien book is that?

>> No.7981419

The Sokal/Bricmont book is excellent. It will get you started on the *right* foot, so you'll know what to avoid.

>> No.7981432
File: 1.60 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_20160430_013825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picked up these this week.

>> No.7981511


Underworld was a borefest.

>> No.7981514


>keeping books where kids can put their grimy hands on them

Fuck no. I used to steal my teachers books all the time.

>> No.7981589

>reading for plot

>> No.7981597

No Moby dick? gay pleb.

>> No.7981707
File: 704 KB, 874x1440, WP_20160430_01_45_49_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got them this week

Excuse the shitty camera.
The 2 books on top of Moby-Dick are "I am a strage loop" and "De parte de la princesa muerta"

>> No.7981817

nice pick ups desu

>> No.7982046

>falling for the DeLillo meme

good to know I wasn't the only one

>> No.7982197

Hey, anyone know a site like Thriftbooks but for us Eurofags? Thriftbooks still works and all but it's double the price for every book.

>> No.7982431
File: 43 KB, 314x499, 51yq3QEJ5tL._SX312_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Waiting for this to come in the mail. Also just bought a Russian grammar book.

>> No.7982951
File: 546 KB, 2053x1440, IMG_20160430_203432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Candide by Voltaire.
This is how you write ("Így írtok ti") by Frigyes Karinthy.
It criticizes/parodies the hungarian literature of the 1900s.

Both were really cheap and new.
Guess I was just looking for a good laugh.

What do you think of the covers?

>> No.7982986

Dude, that's in an episode of Jimmy Neutron.

>> No.7984111
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>> No.7984120

10/10. Well executed.

>> No.7984154
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dem trips tho

>> No.7984214
File: 76 KB, 704x960, yoooooooooo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

didnt take this for the thread so i had some cds on there too

and fuck you i know im pleb but ill read books about rockstars all i fucking want

>> No.7984231

the first guy was trolling but u arent

>> No.7984258
File: 91 KB, 800x600, webcam-toy-foto79.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never buy books because they are usually really expensive but this was with a low-cost

>> No.7984265


>> No.7984268

Why don't you just pick up some Malcolm Gladwell while you're at it?

>> No.7984273


>> No.7984942
File: 240 KB, 200x200, B_U.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>now a major motion picture
Why would you do this?

>> No.7984983
File: 3.74 MB, 5312x2988, 20160501_012823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also been reading Dune on my boyfriend's kindle. Good stuff.

>> No.7985053

Tao Te Ching is nice.
Worth multiple re-reads.

Where do you intend to start with Lovecraft?(if you are starting to read him just now)

Nice catch 9/10 overall.

>> No.7985120

nice scarf faggot.
Why did you have to be such a faggot hipster?
Nobody pictures themselves with a book in the thread.
Everyone uses a blanket

>> No.7985123


>> No.7985146

ebin and fine

>> No.7985156

I'm actually pooping right now and I could've just given you shit for free.

>> No.7985159

Nice. Is Anne Franks diary desu actually good?
I always saw kids reading in middle school.

>> No.7985176

Why can't the bloody harry potter books be the same size?
For Heaven's sake,they are a series.

>> No.7985190

Does anyone have the edition that includes the bit on Bergson? All the libraries I've access to only have the editions w/o and this goes for the torrents I've tried as well.

>> No.7985196

and I'm talking about Fashionable Nonsense, by the way

>> No.7985200
File: 2.02 MB, 4128x2322, 20160429_220814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't h8 pls

>> No.7985203

That's a really good Hesse, far superior to any of his hippie proto-beatnigger shit like Steppenwolf or Siddharta

>> No.7985319

Why is it that in every meme thread some faggot has to fuck it up and post seriously?

>> No.7985361

What do you mean "post serously"?
I posted seriously.
Only a few fucks memed.

>> No.7985374

hey there qt

>> No.7985387

Sounds like one of those images people used to make with smug anime girls and a bunch of grammatically fucked text talking about how rekt you just got

>> No.7985406
File: 461 KB, 2048x1152, 20160501_071911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing too special recently. Most of my shit is ebooks now

>> No.7985425

>that edition of moby dick
post a pic of that one only pls
also where can i get it

>> No.7985519

>This was written
>This Printed
>This was released
>Stores sold it
>Someone bought it
>Read it
>Jerked off while holding it
>Then he sold them
>Then the shop sold them
>You bought it
I don't know which is the saddest.

>> No.7986239
File: 269 KB, 1011x900, WP_20160501_11_35_44_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure, here it is.
It was sheer luck, I found it on a used bookstore in México for like 6 usd (The owner is american so most of the titles are in english)

>> No.7986484

So far I've read The Beast in The Cave, The Alchemist, and The Tomb, all have been fantastic.

With Lovecraft, I'm just reading what strikes my fancy. I can take my time since I have so much of it. I'll tackle the Dunwich Horror and Call of Ctulthu soon

>> No.7986487

Haven't started it. I'm excited to read it though.

>> No.7986493

I like spice and wolf because boobies.


That is fucking gorgeous. Where do I get one?

>> No.7986520
File: 1.63 MB, 3264x1836, 20160501_204349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2$ each. Don't know if I'll ever read them.

>> No.7986526

It really is, I couldn't leave the store without it.
There's a few copies on Amazon and maybe you could find it on ebay.

>> No.7986527

1 to 5 is a quick read.

>> No.7986534

>buying books just for show
I mean, they were absolutely cheap but at least make the effort to read them

>> No.7986594

Shouldn't you have done that first?

>> No.7986685

Just read them Sven, they're great.

>> No.7986872


>> No.7986956

Out of all the authors analyzed I've read Woolf, Homer, Molière, Stendhal, Flaubert, Zola, Shakespeare and The Bible; I'm okay with reading their parts now and reading the rest after I've read all of the remaining works Plus, I've got the book for a steal.

Hey, lovely.

>> No.7986972
File: 13 KB, 278x200, wdds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What in the fuck

>> No.7987411

Nabakov wrote in english, dumbass

>> No.7987558

no lo he leido, pero está linda la edición. La edición se parece un poco a las ediciones de Einaudi

>> No.7987561

noice, faggot.

>> No.7987577

Ooh, I'm stiff.

>> No.7987591 [DELETED] 
File: 1.47 MB, 1836x3264, 14621441380911235777334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally found a used copy at my local used book store for 10 bucks...

>> No.7988036


>> No.7988057
File: 1.60 MB, 2688x1520, IMAG0204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys ready?

>> No.7988150
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>> No.7988190

Why did you bother taking and uploading that photo when you could just have easily started the thread by saying "I am a pleb, please mock me"?

Mimesis is GOAT.

>> No.7988207

>Italian Folktale
I'm jelly, how much did you pay for it?

>> No.7988216

They seem really interesting, specially Cantos and I really dig that cover for TCOL49.
Hope you enjoy them all

>> No.7988219

$7 at my local Half Price Books

>> No.7988371

I hate you a little bit, I wish we had things like that over here... Anyway, I hope you enjoy it a lot

>> No.7989722
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>> No.7989759

>responding to a _____

>> No.7991389
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I would say, that it was a good purchase

>> No.7991412
File: 226 KB, 1080x720, Photo on 5-2-16 at 5.11 PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$8 new

what a steal

>> No.7991451

Picked up Brothers Karamazov a bit ago. Could someone explain self laceration for me? I'm retarded but I have a vague idea of what it is, I was wondering if /lit/ could explain it better

pls help a retard

>> No.7992016
File: 533 KB, 3554x1996, IMAG0402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why has everyone bought the same books as me?

>> No.7992030
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>> No.7992156

Could you tell a little about GEB? I can't find its translation for my native language anywhere and I don't know how complex the book is so I'm not sure if I'd be able to read it in english. My professor keeps asking me to read it, tho

>> No.7992211

I normally read books at a page a minute on average, and take pauses infrequently to digest.

This book took me a week to get through 100 pages.

It is incredibly quick to establish certain logical foundations such as isometries and Godel's 'set of all sets does not include itself' theory and then expect you to apply these, without guidance from the book, to new concepts introduced in the same manner.

I recommend the book if you have a lot of time, love puzzles/thought experiments(there are hundreds of those), and/or absolutely love learning.

Also a firm grasp on abstract mathematical concepts is a must.

>> No.7992282

I literally just bought and finished dune this week and am starting infinite jest tomorrow

>> No.7992380


Hyperion ended in a really strange place. I need to pick up the sequel eventually.

>> No.7992389

>Godel's 'set of all sets does not include itself' theory
You are confusing Godel with Russell's paradox.

>> No.7992496

True, sorry, Godel showed that no system can encompass all relationships between numbers and cannot illustrate its own internal consistency, which the book applies to Russell's paradox to bring about supersets, which are sets containing sets.
So a set of all sets does not contain itself because it is a superset rather than a set.

>> No.7992536

Jesus fuck, just stop.

>> No.7992555

Russell's paradox deals with set-membership, not set-inclusion. Two different relations. And in some flavours of set theory set-membership need not necessarily be applied to sets only. Cows and frogs work too.

If A is a subset of B, then B is a superset of A.
If A is a member of B, then B is not a superset of A.

Why not brush up on actual theory than read puffed-up pop-math take on it? It's doing more damage than good.

>> No.7992606


>Wild Animus

Are you a college student in California? lol

>> No.7992656
File: 625 KB, 2080x1170, bookz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From a flea market. $10 for all of this, and $5 of that was for the sun also rises.

>> No.7992717

Would you rather I say meta-set, a higher order of sets, which is what the book was implying?
I'm just trying to show the ramifications Godel's theorems had on Russel's principia, which had internal inconsistency but could not determine its that inconsistency through its own axioms, that inconsistency being a matter of sets containing sets and the need for orders of magnitude of sets. More metamathematics than set theory I guess.

>> No.7993099

>that edition of 1984

That could be worth some money.

>> No.7993106
File: 34 KB, 210x210, vomit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Vineland next to those other books

>> No.7993112

Almost everything laying on its side is a new pick up that isn't hardcover.

>> No.7993114
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>> No.7994387
File: 2.35 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somebody was very happy with their recent purchases

>> No.7994527

Actually bought this stack in a surplus store, buried in children's toys since no one reads here anymore.

I'm not selling any of them. Thanks for noticing it! It's my best book stack bought in one day - ever.

>> No.7994626

Isn't it always that cheap? Bought it for 9$, the quality is shit.

>> No.7994644

isn't Closing Time supposed to be awful?

>> No.7994651

Anything like thriftbooks but for EU?

>> No.7994678

where did you get that copy of solaris? It's a nightmare to find

>> No.7994923

New to /lit/ and went on a small book buying binge after lurking for a bit. Good thing, too. I cancelled my cable and home internet.

>Brothers Karamazov (currently reading)
>Don Quixote
>The Death of Artemio Cruz
>Notes from the Underground
>The Sound of Waves

Sorry if I bought a meme book.

>> No.7994924

pretty good senpai, i recently red bel-ami and i really liked it

>> No.7995440

It's a polish version, I bought it from empik

>> No.7995604

Idk probably, it was 66 cents though so how could I go wrong?

>> No.7995642

Some might give you shit about Dune, but fuck them.

>> No.7995893

yeah but I can't see what they are

>> No.7996720

You keep your books in a draw?

>> No.7998444

>not keeping your books in a draw so they won't get all dusty and dirty just because you want people on the internet to look at your bookshelf

>> No.7998618
File: 1.73 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How badly did I fuck up f4milia

>> No.7998726
File: 272 KB, 667x1000, IMG_7899.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've just started reading books in english. What should I read after these?

>> No.7998761
File: 1.83 MB, 3264x2448, 0503160307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got a 63 print of virgils work in Latin

My Latin isn't that good but I am going to learn as I go

>> No.7998833
File: 1.53 MB, 2000x1187, purchasesbookmay3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

10 eurocoins.

Bastards wanted 7,50 for the fat NAI design book.
Greedy Indians.

>> No.7998890

Pick another few books off the /lit/ starter kit, until you've read at least 50% or so.

Quality photography m8. Hope you enjoy Turn of the Screw.

>> No.7998904

Quality photography, indeed

>> No.7998909

Should I also buy the books I've already read in my native language?

>> No.7998923

why do you have 2 copies of kizu?

>> No.7998940

I thought the issue was that alchemy was the devil

>> No.7998948


Not sure if I've understood your post, but I'm assuming that you're the Catcher/Animal Farm/Clockwork Orange guy, and your question means that you've already read a number of books from the /lit/ starter kit in a foreign language. To be honest I would consider that decision to be up to your own discretion. Translations are obviously never as good as the original, but it's the starter kit for a reason, you aren't meant to spend too much time on it. If there were any books that you read in your own language that you really liked, maybe reading them in the original would be rewarding for you. But if not, and you'd rather move onto new pastures, maybe try a Dostoyevsky (Idiot, Notes) or Joyce (Dubliners, Portrait).

>> No.7998966
File: 1.78 MB, 3264x1836, Dankanalysis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A summer of getting turnt-up and reading Freud. Nice trips btw.

>> No.7999147


>> No.7999234

Can you post your whole bookshelf at the bookshelf thread? I'm interested now

>> No.7999261


It's already there >>7998741

>> No.7999299
File: 27 KB, 213x200, 200_s.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7999315

I understand the Pynchon one and the Pale King...
but the other crap?? what is wrong with you?

>> No.7999318

from left to right: good, fucked up, meh

>> No.7999319

At least you didnt put a pic of your face next to the book.
Also the Quixo dies at the end.

>> No.7999377

Oh, that makes sense. I'm the guy who asked what your camera was on the last bookshelf thread

>> No.7999399

Nice to see someone reading Gilbert & Sullivan.

Good luck with the Cantos.

Who's the publisher of this? Does it have textual notes / annotations / an introduction?

>> No.7999446

Are the thoms Harris' hannibal books good to read.? Not for artistic merit or whatever but just enjoying a piece of fiction

>> No.7999462


I remember that.
This was just bokewhoring with a Nikon 50 1.4.