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7991837 No.7991837 [Reply] [Original]

hey /lit/
would anyone be interested in doing another infinite jest reading group this summer? it would be easy to follow last year's schedule, starting june 14th, or we could change the schedule as there were lots of complaints about rate of reading last year, or push the start forward or back

anyway, post here if you're interested

>> No.7991864

I'm interested OP.

>> No.7991875

would do

>> No.7991877

Can we do Gravity's Rainbow instead?

>> No.7991885

I second this, we should do Gravity's Rainbow!

>> No.7991891

we had a gravity's rainbow reading group in october that went terribly. GR is at times a very abstract book, very subjective in a lot of ways, it's also denser, and more niche
i mean, feel free to organize one yourself, but i dont think the online reading group platform is best for that book. infinite jest is a very conversational book, and i had a lot of fun with lit's group on IJ last year

>> No.7991897

If this was done last summer why dont you go for another meme trilogy or nth-logy book ?

Have a bump

>> No.7991914

because i plan to be rereading infinite jest again this summer and want to see if any other anons would be interested in having a group. i'm not a community event organizer, i'm a guy planning to read infinite jest again

but i'd refer you to the archives of last year's gravity's rainbow group that didn't go well at all. i suppose a ulysses reading group might be interesting and work well, but it's not something i'll be personally pursuing

>> No.7991919

let's read JR by William gaddis

>> No.7991964

organize it so it ends September 12th to coincide with his suicide

>> No.7992017

in search of lost time instead. I need to know if he finds it.

>> No.7992022

I'd be interested! I wasn't around during the summer, it'd be neat to have a reason to finally read this one!

>> No.7992034


>> No.7992058

I'm in

>> No.7992060

just to get a head count

>> No.7992069

you faggots haven't read this yet? wtf is wrong with you guys.

>> No.7992077

i've read it twice my man,
it pays to reread

>> No.7992086
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>> No.7992087

I'll read it with you.

>> No.7992093

I'd like this. Since it starts on June I'll be able to finish my actual readings.

>> No.7992115

I really enjoyed Infinite Summer, but I don't think I could get much out of another reading (this would be my 3rd). Do you really think more than 2 readings are necessary for IJ? I feel like the plateau would really start to kick in. But, still, I'd probably have a lot of fun just participating in the threads, so I vote yes.

I'd like to do GR. I wasn't around very much in October. Considering the fact that a large percentage of posters here are in college, maybe summer would be better for a reading group?

>> No.7992126

>I really enjoyed Infinite Summer, but I don't think I could get much out of another reading (this would be my 3rd). Do you really think more than 2 readings are necessary for IJ? I feel like the plateau would really start to kick in. But, still, I'd probably have a lot of fun just participating in the threads, so I vote yes.
this would be my third as well, i don't think more than two readings are 'necessary', but i find the book incredibly fun and enjoy these long form reading groups because i can do my own reading alongside them

a good point about gravity's rainbow though. all the same a group read of gravity's rainbow would probably be better done with a small intimate group than an online anonymous one. a fantastic book though, if you haven't read it. ten times the book infinite jest is.

>> No.7992199

>all the same a group read of gravity's rainbow would probably be better done with a small intimate group than an online anonymous one.
Yeah I think you might be right. Like you said, Infinite Jest is a lot more conversational and also just way more fun. I guess I'm just looking for a GR reading group because I had a hard time with it when I first tried and eventually gave up because I felt I wasn't getting anything out of it.

>> No.7992205

I'd do it. I haven't read it before.

>> No.7992222