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/lit/ - Literature

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7987985 No.7987985 [Reply] [Original]

Just picked this up. What am I in for /lit/?

>> No.7988104

Virginia Woolf is a good author. You're in for good.

>> No.7988124

a well-written mediocre novel with not-so-subtle racist undertones. Wolfe was a better journalist than he is a novelist. when he's on point, his prose reads wonderfully, when not it's tedious and obnoxious. don't bother with Simmons or Blood, both are dreck.

>> No.7988126

she's actually garbage lmfao

>> No.7988286

>woolf garbage
uh, what, mate? one of the more renowned female writers of all time, taught in every self-respecting liberal arts school, part of the Bloomsbury Group, and talented beyond measure. but, no, she's garbage because a 4channer said so.

>> No.7988333

Yeah, V. Woolf is based. I just finished To The Lighthouse this weekend, and it was a sublime experience.

>> No.7988775

This book was definitely far from funny, but still a decent read. Also ignore the libtards who exaggerate this books subtle racism.

>> No.7988862

How do I into Woolf? Do I go Dalloway -> Lighthouse -> The Waves? There are no charts for this on the wiki.

>> No.7989053

Imagine 'The Wire' turned into a novel written by a republican instead of a democrat and settled in New York.

>> No.7989096

This plus American Psycho
It's kind of dated though desu

If anything it's satirizing racism

>> No.7989241

>plus American Psycho
I forgot that. The main character even works at Pierce&Pierce.

>> No.7989752

Yeah, I think you're on point, though I haven't read The Waves as yet.

>> No.7989771

A bonfire of the manatees.

>> No.7990404

what i find disturbing about Wolfe's fiction is that each novel has a strong white male protagonist who saves the ignorant negro/minority from ignorance and social status. maybe not Simmons, though. Back to Blood is a major culprit of this. i mean, Wolfe paints each Cuban character as ignorant beyond measure and WASPS as the master race. tell me again Wolfe's fiction does not contain overt tones of racism - hell, at times they're not even subtle - and i'd bid you to reread his oeuvre with this in mind.

>> No.7990412

He's the Kurt Vonnegut version of John Grisham.

>> No.7990445

He's pretty red-pilled about the dindus.
I enjoyed it.

>> No.7990447

What's wrong with a little racism? Everything today is neutered of anything that might vaguely be construed as offensive or contrary to PC dogma. Good old-fashioned racism is refreshing.

>> No.7990473

yes, ass backward views passed off as elite neo-realism tend to be quite the pleasant palate cleanser between works of literature tackling similar subject matter in a more fundamental way, say, like William Faulkner and Toni Morrison.

>> No.7990482


This novel was about a couple of blacks setting up a carjacking road block, a rich white guy running them over, and then getting pilloried by a mob led by an al sharpton type huckster in behavior that is paralleled by Tawana Brawley, Duke University Rape, and Ferguson shooting.

No one is saved, and the narrative of public crucifixion by racialist actors is extremely on point.

>ass backwards views
Yeah because chimpouts over innocent people dont drive injustice. Ask Mr. "cleared by a hostile us justice dept and Grand Jury but still lost his job and is unemployable" Darren Wilson

/leftypol/ is that way

>> No.7990489

I think Faulkner would have changed his tune if he lived fifty years longer.

>> No.7990510

>chimpouts - blacks
>innocent people - whites
kind of revealing your hand here, aren't we?

>> No.7990518

>Whites must be guilty
Lets not the pot be calling the kettle a nigger.

>> No.7990523

Also in the book, its pretty clear whos innocent and who is guilty. There is no unreliable narrator.

>> No.7990524

i doubt it. i'd think he would handle the subject matter in a similar manner as Light in August, TSAF, and Absalom! only with a more modern setting.

>> No.7990555

>Everything today is neutered

>> No.7990565

>whites must be guilty
mate, you're projecting here. no one is suggesting this. your language speaks volumes about your juvenile notions involving race. there is no further expectancy on my part, and i'd gather any other person who reads this thread, for you to formulate a coherent argument here. your inability to comprehend what constitutes unhealthy racial attitudes, depictions, or portrayals is proof enough of this inadequacy.

>> No.7990566


>> No.7990574

>unhealthy racial attitudes
I think you mean doubleplusungood racial attitudes

>> No.7990584
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>unhealthy racial attitudes
Sounds like I need to be sent to a camp to "concentrate" on my poor attitude.

>> No.7990813

Radical Chic and Mau Mauing the Flak Catchers by Tom Wolfe is another good portrait of the dindus practicing dinduism.

>> No.7990882

know I understand why he's George W. Bush's favorite novelist and he's read his entire oeuvre