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File: 78 KB, 454x344, huysmans3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7987718 No.7987718 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people hate NEETs? Add some books to it and it seems like the ultimate literary lifestyle.

The hatred is really a bourgeois response to a class of people who are unable or, even better, unwilling to be employed, to work. And only the bourgeois cherishes a "strong work ethic", while the aristocrat loathes work and any value extracted from it.

>> No.7987747

The NEET is the proletarian's aristocrat.

>> No.7987749
File: 161 KB, 200x343, 1428272732330.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Why do people hate NEETs?

Because life is more than doing what you want. As a member of society there are responsibilities that we face and as NEET's use the system where it helps them, they don't put anything back into it. Creating more work for those who want something better for everyone not just a select few.

>Add some books to it and it seems like the ultimate literary lifestyle.

Sure, if that's what you want in life.

>The hatred is really a bourgeois response to a class of people who are unable or, even better, unwilling to be employed, to work. And only the bourgeois cherishes a "strong work ethic", while the aristocrat loathes work and any value extracted from it.

Implying a good work ethic is a bad thing.

Implying being a lazy, selfish, entitled, spoilt, no good brat is a good thing.

>> No.7987760


>Because life is more than doing what you want.

Except it isn't.
Anything else is being a tool.

>> No.7987763
File: 157 KB, 992x880, sure hope you guys don't spook this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



dis nigga spooked lol

>> No.7988295


Even in a perfect world there are things in life that you have to do that you don't like doing, suck it up princess.

Okay, if you don't like society don't live in it but while you're here how about helping out?

>> No.7988303


I don't get what your saying, I'll just assume you're taking a shot at me because of the Costanza face.

>> No.7988313

same reason the redneck shot the easy rider, they are jealous of our freedom

>> No.7988319


>> No.7988321

>completely ignores the prole

typical bouge skum

>> No.7988322
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>you have to do that you don't like doing
Make me, faggot.

That's right. You can't. Guess I don't have to do shit after all.

>> No.7988323

>thinking proles are worthy of regard when it comes to the arts
Typical stupid prole

>> No.7988337
File: 282 KB, 491x491, hmm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


shoo shoo zionist dissent-mongers

>> No.7988345


Plenty of writers are intermittently NEET by technicality. Artists are generally loathed for the same reasons as stated (at least the mediocre and atrocious ones), but the antipathy is different and less severe. Neets are usually socially alienated and just vegetate their life away, often suffering from severe mental illness. They're vagabonds who happen to not live on the street.

>> No.7988347
File: 319 KB, 803x688, spooby.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how about i live in it but don't help out? that's what i'm doing now and it's going great.

>> No.7988348

>Because life is more than doing what you want
According to who?

>> No.7988354
File: 93 KB, 620x670, 1461947716814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>first-world middle class kid thinks he can blame the bourgeoisie for his "problems"

>> No.7988386

Kek, this.

>"You have to get an internship"
No I don't
>"You have to get a job"
No I don't
>"You have to get married one day"
No I don't
>"You have to start a settled life at some point"
No I don't
>"You can't just do nothing forever"
Watch me

I don't understand the obsession with professional success. Some of my classmates are working 80-100 hour weeks. What's the point of making good money if you have no time to spend it? I'd rather be broke and read books all day. Instead of working more I just spend less. You can't buy back all the sunny days you spent in an office.

I'm even considering going on welfare even though I got a low 6 figure job offer and my family is upper middle class.

>> No.7988387

frustration with ourgeoisie values =/= class oppression by the bourgeoisie

>> No.7988393
File: 4 KB, 256x144, images (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Make me" he said, from his splintered chair, its legs creaking in agony whenever he adjusts his seat to angrily respond his damage control to some stranger who has outed him as the sack of shit that he actually is.

Whether the carcinogens in his lazy laboratory food, or his crippling loli porn addiction and depression end this miserable leech's suck on our society is not up to us to determine, but we can certainly hope for either to arrive soon.

I believe in miracles, and it would certainly be miraculous for there to exist a cancer within this person bigger than the cancer that they are themselves.

>> No.7988439
File: 160 KB, 748x1036, 1445990718234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw I'm actually rich and spend my time playing sports, making art and having casual sex while living in a global city

>> No.7988452

You forgot one

>being bad at all three

>> No.7988453
File: 79 KB, 403x401, 1462151987425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fellow patricians, I just decided to become a NEET today

what am I in for?

>> No.7988459
File: 859 KB, 937x703, slacker2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

prepare to get hella comfy

>> No.7988472

jealousy, basically

everyone will be NEET very soon with automation. Today's neets are pioneers, ahead of the curve. there will be statues erected in their honour shortly.

>> No.7988473

Oh, so now you have to be good at all the stuff you don't like doing for life to be worthwhile?

>> No.7988475

Do you not feel ashamed of being a leech on society? If you don't, why?

>> No.7988482

tfw I can't be NEET

I've never wanted to be a piece of shit so badly.

>> No.7988486

how am I a leech?

>> No.7988489

why not?

>> No.7988518

If Anon is rich, he's a leech to his parents and not us.

I'm sure mom is sad though, squeezing at a child and having it become a lazy and unproductive peice of shit.

It may be her fault however, raising such a waste, probably with handlers.

There's still hope for some kind of crushing wealth destruction and disillusioned anon crying about a 9-5 in hell.

>> No.7988534

Because I was born in a third-world shithole.

You willingly benefit from social programs that are funded by the working population without giving anything back, despite having the capabilities of doing so. Your livelihood rests on the backs of other, working, people. Do you not feel like you're leeching off them?

>> No.7988535


Those were things you enjoyed doing I thought, but of course you probably think sex is a chore, and you'll probably be cucked by your trophy wife, hopefully in front of you with you dick in a chastity belt, becuase you can't even satisfy her.

>> No.7988545


Even if he did he wouldn't care, Anon thinks that if the world allows him to be a peice of shit his whole life then he should.

Life has a a way of getting to everyone though

>> No.7988568

a lot of people work superfluous jobs already, we're at a turning point anon. work is going away. have a youtube video:


>> No.7988571

Someone is very jealous and mad...

Explain to me how I am a leech though.

No social programs. Just people who care about me.

>> No.7988574

There's nothing wrong with being rich, there's nothing wrong with having fun.

But to have such wealth and not even try to make something with it because you are afraid of some bullshit 'drone' lifestyle which the rich wouldn't even have to have in thier careers, then you should fucking jump off your mansion

Maybe being a neet seems more approachable when you don't have a silver spoon up your ass and you don't want to live in poor people hell, but to be such a lazy faggot that even rich people work is too much for you, jump into a gold plated helicopter blade please

>> No.7988589

>Explain to me how I am a leech though.
literally in the post you replied to next:

>You willingly benefit from social programs that are funded by the working population without giving anything back, despite having the capabilities of doing so. Your livelihood rests on the backs of other, working, people. Do you not feel like you're leeching off them?

another question: are you literally retarded

NEETs, everyone

>> No.7988597


>explain to me

Always needing someone to do things for you like a petulant child becuase you never learned.

Remember that faggot kid from Texas who killed people while drunk driving and got off by being rich?

You remind me of that guy.

You leech of those who care about you like a fat squealing prize pig, but then before you die you realize all you achieved was an award for his fucking fat you could get.

>> No.7988598

I said no social programs. Looks like someone needs to work on their reading.

>> No.7988601

What are you achieving on a day to day basis at your job?

How do you know what I will achieve?

>> No.7988602
File: 25 KB, 260x317, RomanPatricians.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How's that class resentment going for you? I thought this was about ethics and morality and all that good stuff, not your financial problems and insecurity about your ability to attract a top-tier woman.

>a leech to his parents
A. my parents are proud of what I've done artistically.

B. We're leeches on the labor of the proletariat, not each other. Pleb.

>> No.7988605


All you could do is act like a spoiled little cocksucker while people built a reality and a society and civilization around you that you by chance landed quite high on.

And you say meh, to even a smidgeon of an urge to try to give back.

You are worse than a leech, they have uses

>> No.7988606

>What are you achieving on a day to day basis at your job?
C-contributing to society! You leech!

>> No.7988608
File: 114 KB, 699x800, flat,800x800,075,f.u2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lot of assfettered wagies itt

>> No.7988609

>my parents are proud of what I've done artistically.

so what
you're still leeching off them

>> No.7988615

You just wanted to use the word bourgeois.
If you don't want to achieve self sufficiency in life then you can't blame the rest of the world for refusing to take care of you and letting you rot in your own laziness you shitstain.

>> No.7988617

>off them
They don't mind, given that they didn't exactly break their backs for it. Try to get into a different headspace for this one.

>> No.7988618

Not him, but explain the term leech. I'm not literally sucking their blood, so to what extent am I metaphorically doing so?

>> No.7988622

>lol I am le rich and you are just jealous.

Show me one thing you've done artistically.

>bragging that he uses poor people like am energy source.

Less than a leech

>> No.7988625


you're extracting resources from them in the exact same manner as a parasite.

Not symbiotic.

>they don't mind
you're full of weak excuses

that still doesn't make you not a leech.

why do you have a problem with admitting this?

do you think you're better than that? Cause I don't.

>> No.7988627


Leeches suck the things that people who actually do good things for the world need, and use it to continue to sustain themselves and suck more.

>> No.7988633


>he would probably use welfare if he was a poorfag anyway.

>> No.7988634


>> No.7988636

okay, but what resources am I extracting?

in a similar vein, what am I sucking?

>> No.7988639

t. triggered wagecuck

>> No.7988640
File: 301 KB, 540x570, pepesection.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually have no trouble with admitting that I use resources I did next to nothing to acquire. If that's your definition of a leech, then that's me.

Happy now? Of course you're not.

Uh oh, do you need some money for little Timmy's surgery?

>> No.7988641
File: 69 KB, 500x496, say; have fun little pepper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They had a child because they felt like it and now they're taking care of it and enjoying its presence and behaviour.

Anon is no more a leech than a pet is.

That's what NEETs are actually, smart cute pets. If we weren't cute, why would our parents or the state feed us?

They enjoy us for who we are when we are just playing about and having fun!

>> No.7988642

>dumb questions
humor yourself, I don't play with leeches

>> No.7988658

don't forget folks, spay and neuter

>> No.7988659


Little Timmy is more of a man than you, and he's theoretical.

>tfw greatest achievement is holding on to mommy's titties for milk so long

>you haven't showed me any artwork
>because its shit

>> No.7988661

you hide behind a word you don't understand that keeps you from dealing with the processes of the real world. it can be scary. I understand. but eventually you will have to face it.

people don't suck each other's blood in real life, friend.

>> No.7988667

>sharing stuff you share/sell with your name attached to it
>on 4chan
Would you like my address and SSN too? Please don't bring your brutish "crew" over and burgle me.

>> No.7988672


What's funny is that even those people who have the baby fetish? Where they go to "therapy" and pretend to be an infant with diaper and all, they still
Do things with thier lives after that.

Holy shit you are more pathetic than a 40 year old shitting himself for fun

>> No.7988675

cute armchair psych attempt + moral posturing, i must have really gotten to you, you fucking leech

>> No.7988678

It seems like the only way to be a 'member of society,' for the majority of people, is working for the profit of a few people up top while getting paid the least amount of money possible: a very real source of demotivation. NEET-life is a pretty appealing alternative desu.

>> No.7988679

I'll let you guys win if all of you combine forces and help me become a leech as well. Just a little bit of your leech money would be fine if enough of you cooperate. I'll even start posting frogs if you do!

>> No.7988682

I hope the best for you in whatever you do and that one day you will find happiness.

>> No.7988683
File: 33 KB, 420x420, broken record.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hurr durr you're a bug

>> No.7988692


tell me I'm wrong

>> No.7988696

Damage control

>it's art
>artists who actually make art show images of it all the time
>they don't fear people knowing who they are because they are people worth knowing about
>they don't go on 4chan and hide thier shitty art while also bragging about it

>> No.7988698
File: 223 KB, 1058x1058, parrhesia pupper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't you realise your conformist shaming tactics do not work on those who chose the NEET life? When someone reaches this level of strength and confidence in walking his own path your shitposts will have no effect.

Do you honestly care yourself whether the common pleb considers you pathetic, by the way? That's seems like an unpleasant way to live, toiling your entire life not only in the service of your own spooks but in the service of the spooks of others.

>> No.7988703

that's why aristocrats are a dead class and the bourgeois are the next man, survival of the fittest bro, while you're fetishizing the failed, why not tell us about the glories of neanderthal man too?

>> No.7988705

Wrong about what? All you've said is that people who don't work for wages are bad. This is far from a credible basis of discussion.

I'll throw you a hint though. It's entirely possible to find sustenance by means other than the sweat of your brow, and there's little reason to believe this is somehow a universal "bad."

>> No.7988711
File: 388 KB, 540x636, gillian anderson with a banana in her nose.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being a NEET is fucking pathetic.

Getting mad at NEETs on the internet and arguing with them? Now that's the life of a real, honest man.

>> No.7988713

>aristocrats are a dead class
Not even. There are people right now, probably within a few miles of you, who are idly rich by way of owning arable farm land and leasing the right to use it.

>> No.7988715

I have to ask -- before you continue berating our poor friend to show his artwork just so you can say the only thing that will justify your own situation -- whether or not you have ever made any art and whether or not you think it was any good?

>> No.7988716

>All you've said is that people who don't work for wages are bad

i never said that you stupid pseud

>> No.7988717


>did you know that lazy faggots don't have the mental or physical capacity to get off thier asses if they tried?

Yes I did.

>living like a pig in society that was built in cooperation.

>> No.7988720

the working class will be dead soon, neets are just early adaptors.

>> No.7988725
File: 121 KB, 266x318, Epicurus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not living the pig life

>> No.7988730


My situation does not need to be justified, I'm not made at him for being rich.

Plenty of rich people live fufilling lives, where they contribute to the world.

I haven't had the luxury of shitting out something and calling it art. I'm not an artist.

>> No.7988731

I want to ask you how people cooperate today.

I also want to ask you how a NEET is not cooperating.

>> No.7988733
File: 102 KB, 1264x471, Remember+gentlemen+3dpd+_24342d919bbaf6f920e658adcd739752.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feel free to correct me any time then.

>> No.7988738


>but the fag still hasn't showed me has he

>> No.7988740

Does art not contribute to the world?

>> No.7988742

All right, since all of you conveniently get your resources through completely ethical manners, even if not working for them; would you NEETs concede that leeching off social programs while having the capability to work is ethically reprehensible?

>> No.7988745
File: 182 KB, 866x635, 1437536602103.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because they're the antithesis of working people. They go against everything they believe in. Wouldn't you be upset if you were a slave and had to work while another jerkoff just says "fuck it", sits back and gets by anyway? Normalfags need to see others doing what they're doing or they get scared.

The thing about aristocrats is the proles despised them too for being 'lazy', 'privileged' and basically being able to do as they pleased rather than toil for a living and die after an unremarkable life. Envy is normally a part of it, to have the life normies could only get living vicariously through characters in movies or get lucky scratching lottery tickets.

>> No.7988747

>living in some corncobby underdeveloped dump with "farmland"

bwahah, stay plebby

moreover, buying investment property is capitalism, but most of the people i know with investment property also work anyways, so like most people whose life experience consists of cartoons and video games, u have no fucking clue about anything

>> No.7988748


Don't know how your parents make thier money, but if you didn't those poor people who work you'd just be a fat faggot eating berries in a jungle.

>> No.7988750

First, I want to reiterate my request for you to define "leech." What is being leeched. From who and to whom? If it really is so obvious, why haven't I gotten an answer yet?

>> No.7988756
File: 2.55 MB, 1936x2592, bruce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if that little faggot was making worthwhile art he'd be selling it and supporting himself with it but he's not even proud enough of it to show it off like any reasonable artist would.

I'm not either of those people but I'll show one of my drawings (as an artist that sells his work I'm not a little bitch like yon neet)

My art is irrelevant to the conversation though, because I'm not the one bragging about my shit, the neetbitch is. But I'll indulge you because I'm feeling magnanimous.

>> No.7988761
File: 161 KB, 640x640, 1458696339515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have the good fortune of being born in a safe first world country but the bad fortune of being a complete autismo fuckup. Life is swings and roundabouts, innit.

>> No.7988762

I think it's clear to anyone that both my questions went unanswered. And I think your sentence needs editing.

>> No.7988765

So would they be bad people if they quit working and just lived off those properties? What if they inherited the properties or at least the money to buy them? Just how much do you demand a man bleed before you'll offer him your worthless respect?

I'd be mad if my tax dollars were precious enough to get weepy about.

>> No.7988771

you're so much of a passive bitch you didn't even ask your stupid worthless questions, you just said you wanted to, holy fuck you're a worthless piece of shit i bet you weigh 300lbs

>> No.7988772

Not every work of art is as anonymous as a pencil sketch. Nice work though.

>> No.7988776

If you were anywhere near the public eye you wouldn't accept one iota of being associated with this website.

>> No.7988778

mfw my uncle tried to convince me out of NEETdom by asking "don't you want to show people what you're capable of?"

top kek

I have never cared

>> No.7988779


Whatever your parents do for money, if poor people aren't around to help, they'd be fucked and youd be too.

NEETS mooch off of someone else, they don't contribute to anything but the mass of their asses

I know your art is shit because you would brag about it and then show it, were it any good

>> No.7988783

I think more life experience will reveal that what I said was a perfectly acceptable and respectful way to ask questions, but if you insist:
How do people cooperate today?
How is a NEET is not cooperating?

>> No.7988786

I wouldn't have become an artist if I gave a shit

>> No.7988791

>neet art is shit

exactly, if neets had any talent or intelligence they wouldn't be neets in the first place, i feel bad for their dad

>> No.7988796

>wah a basic action like working is "bleeding"

>> No.7988799

Listen, I'm not going to entertain you.

If you're genuinely curious then look it up yourself.

If not, then find some other way to say what you're trying to say cause you still sound like a faggot bitch

>> No.7988800

I was not the one who claimed I was an artist, but I don't think you really can know what his art is like. I think you want it to be bad because it would make you feel better, which is reasonable.

What is it about poor people "being around" that keeps me and my parents from being "fucked"?

"Mooch" functions the same as "leech" and is probably less descriptive.

>> No.7988801

Before I answer you, explain to me where the money used for the social benefits that NEETs take advantage of comes from.

>I'd be mad if my tax dollars were precious enough to get weepy about.

So you're completely fine with having a part of the paycheck you worked for taken away so some lazy person can live care-free? Are you that charitable?

>> No.7988807

>being this mad

yfw I got free university education and now spend all day drinking coffee and reading. Enjoy your "basic actions" for 40+ hours a week

>> No.7988809

So what? Even Jesus said the poor would be with us always.

Nobody is denying that we mooch. You fail to give a reason not to.

It's mainly a matter of cheaters and contributors, where of course too many cheaters will collapse the game. Instead of analyzing the possible benefits of having some cheaters, however, you're dogmatically insisting that there be none. This is an emotional reaction to envy of the cheaters.

>> No.7988810


I really want to see his art though, I'm guessing something thats been done millions of times before

>> No.7988816

>What is it about poor people "being around" that keeps me and my parents from being "fucked"?
they operate the machinery of civilization which supports how are you this out of touch

are you acting stupid on purpose

because that's still stupid you're not clever for that shit

>> No.7988817


>But I'll indulge you because I'm feeling magnanimous.

Your work isn't good enough to be getting this snarky over. This is average art student good.

I could easily work at this level. And I have in the past. But that is nothing. Even I know that. Are you being serious with this post?

>> No.7988818

>Before I answer you, explain to me where the money used for the social benefits that NEETs take advantage of comes from.
I don't know. That's what I'm asking you. But I'm glad we're at the point where we are talking about money instead of blood.

>> No.7988825

>implying i give a shit what you think
>implying your opinion means anything

you are dismissed

>> No.7988827

Literally a part of my paycheck is taken away so the F-35 jet can continue to be a piece of shit

People living care free should be the FIRST usage of abundance, not the last.

>> No.7988828

Exactly this. What incentives do I have to not be a useless piece of shit? What do I gain from working every day? Materialism is a quick path to constant discontentedness.

>> No.7988831


I assume his art is bad until he proves me wrong, because he's a cocky neet fag.

You aren't him, but poor people do all the jobs that let rich people do thier money collecting. Sometimes you earn it, sometimes you are born into it.

When all you do is suck suck suck from the world, and you don't even try to create a better person or something achievable with it, you sit on your ass why everyone else builds the future.

It's not really the laziness, its that neets enjoy watching people suffer while they just sit next to their cheese and water and drink and groom themselves.

We are in the rat paradise from the experiments in the 60s and they are the beautiful ones. They die most horribly though, becuase they are huge pussies

>> No.7988835

because I want you to stop relying on inaccurate metaphors and explain in real terms what is going on. if they are accurate, explain to me why.

for example it seems to me there is no such thing as the "machinery of civilization." and if there is, then what is one example of a machine of civilization and where might it be found?

>> No.7988839
File: 50 KB, 486x500, 1454814536424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wageslaves itt trying to make themselves feel important by saying they "contribute to society"
When Wall Street steals billions from you poor suckers and make you rage, I laugh.

>> No.7988841
File: 7 KB, 180x180, pepe fingers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't know so I'll tell you to just "look it up"
There's not going to be some one-shot published answer to such a large question. What you think about it would probably be more interesting.

>paycheck you worked for
Try to imagine not working very hard at all for your money and knowing that the part that goes to welfare fraud is absolutely miniscule.

Time out of one's life doing things that serve no purpose but to make someone else more money is not a reasonable thing to as of one who sees a viable alternative.

Try not working for a little. You won't die. In fact, you'll probably come up with things to do of your own volition that serve purposes like satisfying your own curiosity or helping you get better at something you haven't had time to train at before.

>I'm guessing something thats been done millions of times before
I'm sure that would feel nice to have confirmed. There can only be one alpha artist on /lit/.

Have you considered the possibility that he's a musician or writer or such?

>> No.7988845


>believing that materialism is the only one true thing in life
>not understanding the feeling of worth because youve never tried to be worthy of anything.

>> No.7988851

>People living care free should be the FIRST usage of abundance, not the last.

Even if those people are capable of working for themselves, and yet choose not to completely out of personal convenience? Why should you have to work so they don't? What makes them more special than you?

>> No.7988857

>show off art for others, allowing them to judge
>"I-I don't care what you think!" to mask anger
Like clockwork.

>> No.7988859

nah i don't care about your wellbeing enough to dedicate my time to improving you so instead I'm just going to call you a faggot and laugh


>> No.7988863


>try not working

I have people whom depend on me, becuase I'm not some spoiled faggot, I have to work to survive for what I want.

>maybe he's a writer or something

Pretty sure his cop out was that you can see his name on his art

>> No.7988866
File: 43 KB, 499x382, beavis_I-understand_your_frustration.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was arguing pro-NEET
Pay attention.

>They die most horribly though, becuase they are huge pussies
Wut? They're going to die in their sleep like 90% of all their countrymen. I suppose you're going to die in battle and be carried home on your shield by grieving maidens, you alpha stud, you?

>> No.7988868

There is more hatred for NEETS on this board than there is for cronyism with politicians and corporate profiteers who are the ones really fucking your tax dollars.

Proles always doing that crabs in a bucket shit.

>> No.7988876

It's not even the being lazy anymore.

It's literally that you like seeing the people who make the world turn suffer for your fat ass

>> No.7988877

I don't like cheese. I think you are imagining things.

But who is "building the future"? The poor people or the rich people?

>> No.7988883

stfu troll

>> No.7988884


>>implying i give a shit what you think

You gave a shit enough to post about it. Your skill is at the level of a woman who took up an art class again in her later years. Stay rekt.

>> No.7988886

That's okay. We hardly know each other. I care about helping anyone who needs it though, and I'm still here if you change your mind.

>> No.7988887

Every day I wake up and haven't been flung into outer space by my own momentum I thank the based wageslaves for keeping earth turning at a constant velocity. That must take some serious dedication.

>> No.7988891


This is what I'm talking about. At the end is a note about the rats that lay next to water and food and just eat all day and have the best looking fur. They are just mindless indulgents, and when thier world ends they usually can't defend themselves.

NEETS are a product of societies that don't beat the shit out of their faggot lazy kids so that we can move forward.

>> No.7988894

>I have people whom depend on me, becuase I'm not some spoiled faggot, I have to work to survive for what I want.
That's depressing. You admit you have no control over your own life. You work merely to survive and take false pride in that.

You poor wageslave, if only you knew how to live.

>> No.7988896

Childish sarcasm

>> No.7988897

>defining self worth by your job
w e w

And I was agreeing with you

No I just can't be made to care. The system is broken and if you want to be noble and "play your part" because of some morality you've invented, then that's your prerogative. But economically speaking you're making inefficient decisions. I have what I want and don't work for it. Getting similar satisfaction at the added cost of a commute and work week doesn't make sense.

>> No.7988899

We love you cogs. You keep the work turning to our benefit and provide us entertainment from your butthurt.

>> No.7988901

I posted my work and you said
>I-I could do that! It's not even that good!
but you haven't proven it and I have so I'm better than you.

>> No.7988905

What are you even talking about? You're complaining about neets, but EVERYONE could be working like 1 day a week if money was spent on enabling easy lives instead of making rich people richer and flushing money away on stupid shit.

>> No.7988906


>I was born with a golden spoon in my asshole you poor wageslave.


If I were to neet I would be stealing and sucking just like you, and false pride or not, I don't need to suck and suck and suck and parasite off of others.

It feels good to be thought of as someone who matters to someone else

>> No.7988909


>NEETS are a product of societies that don't beat the shit out of their faggot lazy kids so that we can move forward.

Agreed. If only parents would learn to raise their kids properly so they don't turn into a bunch of laughable faggots who piss all of their time on unproductive bullshit like "4chan".

Oh, wait.

>> No.7988911

So NEETs are the products of societies with excess resources? And you're the good guy for not taking advantage of those excesses?

Also with regard to those rats
>spending your life devoted to nothing but an aesthetic cultivation of the self
Maybe it's just me but that sounds like the ideal life.

>> No.7988919

Just because you would steal and "suck" from others doesn't mean a NEET would. Don't assume everyone has the same moral standards (or lack thereof) as you do, friend.

>> No.7988920


I wish that there was a way to eliminate you from the earth. Life is cruel though, but at least it didn't make me a fat neet

>> No.7988921

> I don't need to suck and suck and suck and parasite off of others.
Yeah, you choose not to and slave and slave and slave like the beast of burden you are.

Poor you, you'd take a dick in the ass to feel like you mean something.

>> No.7988923

LOL are you seriously threatening me with the /pol/ "day of the rope"? You're going to come beat me up when society collapses? I won't get to be on your zombie survival team? Jesus Christ.

>NEETS are a product of societies that don't beat the shit out of their faggot lazy kids so that we can move forward.
My parents were strict but fair and expected us to be top-tier in anything we took up. Keep making things up though. It must be hard to imagine someone making a rational decision different from your own.

>> No.7988927



I won't be on 4chan forever

>> No.7988928

How edgy. And I thought NEETs were the immoral ones.

>> No.7988932


Until the end, when the larger and crazed rats murder them

>> No.7988935


>>>implying i give a shit what you think

>posts again

I knew that line would trigger you and you wouldn't be able to help yourself lmao emotional ass.

>> No.7988939



Cool post on 4chan. Try to build a bit of contextual self-awareness for yourself here.

>> No.7988940


How else does a neet mooch off of someone unless they are sucking daddy's money cock or getting free money. I'm not rich, so if I were to neet it would be unethical, just like all the neets on welfare are unethical. I didn't say I would ever do it

>> No.7988941

N-no, I'm special! I'm not like you loser neets at all, I swear!

>> No.7988945
File: 25 KB, 500x375, Don't_forget_you're_here_forever.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7988946

adults correct children with dispassion

>> No.7988948

Is there some miracle neet who mooches off thin air?

>> No.7988949

>As a member of society there are responsibilities that we face

Way to say nothing, anon. Now present your 3 volume systematic work connecting an epistemology, metaphysics and Theology that concludes in that statement. Otherwise, gr8 spook m8.

>> No.7988951

All these asanas NEETS replying to you.

>> No.7988952
File: 36 KB, 268x237, 1462163370563.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fellow NEETs, I just remembered that tomorrow is Monday.

Valuable contributors to society, as fun as this was, I think it's time some of you turn in for bed. We wouldn't want any of you to be exhausted tomorrow.

>> No.7988954

>I don't get what your saying

Jesus, is this your first day in /lit/? No wonder you think in spooks.

>> No.7988955

>Neet rats live happily
>Other rats ruin everything by acting like the world is Mad Max when it's Eden

If you're trying to argue against NEET superiority I think you chose a poor example

>> No.7988956

I'm quitting my job tomorrow just to spite you, faggot.

>> No.7988957


Threatening you? No. But if your society were to collapse and your means of getting your free shit were gonez you'd be lost. And that's the point.

>> No.7988958

No one has explained to me how "mooching" works yet.

Terms like "free money" and "thin air" are highly suspect and don't seem to correspond to anything in the real world. I really wish you highly valued contributors to society would stick to more down to earth ideas. Not all of us can live in a fantasy world, though many would like to.

>> No.7988962
File: 264 KB, 1280x1920, 1363669048899.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


night night and tyvm

>> No.7988964
File: 99 KB, 649x650, 1391908674055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exhaustion? I'm sure their 9-5 job making money for other people will fill them with endless inspiration and energy, secure in their knowledge that they're making the world a better place and that it would CRUMBLE without them.

>> No.7988973

Uh huh, and your data entry and powerpoint expertise would fare better? Even most doctors are so specialized that they've forgotten how to heal without sophisticated equipment.

I, on the other hand, have a hefty ammo stash, weapons in excellent working order, a fit body that hasn't been allowed to decay under the demands of shift work, and intimate knowledge of how to till the soil from my years of cultivating a vegetable garden.

Try again.

>> No.7988977

As the rat society grows, more and more social issues occur, and being a neet is only one of them.

While you will be a syptom of a dying society, I will be what made it work in the first place and I'll be what makes the world turn for you lazy fucks, and I'll be mad now, but then later someone will look at me and think, "wow, he was someone to someone else" and the neets won't.

I'll admit neet life looks very comfortable, but its not the whole thing, not even close.

>> No.7988987

I want you to name one person who was ever remembered for simply doing his job.

Then I want you to think about what people actually are remembered for. I then want you to ask yourself why you aren't doing those things.

>> No.7988993

>lol I'm signaling look guys


That last part is a great point and I think it brings about the end of the neets. You see humans are too smart for extinction, our world will just shrink again. And in those times, nobody wants to hang out with the fat faggot who tried to signal he was fit on 4chsn. They are gonna want you to work, or someone better than you will take your shit. End of neets

>> No.7988994

nobody cares about what neets want hush now

>> No.7989007

NEETs want what we all want. It's just that we have it.

>> No.7989009

Yes, in a primitive, postapocalyptic society, I would probably work. Good thing we don't have one of those. If must be dreadful for you.

>> No.7989010


Everyone with a family who ate off the money from that job.

People are remembered for good or bad things.

How do you know I am not?

>> No.7989013


Your neet faggotry only pushes us closer over the edge. It's going to happen

>> No.7989018

>the story every deluded narcissist tells themselves
there it is again

>> No.7989019


>While you will be a syptom of a dying society, I will be what made it work in the first place and I'll be what makes the world turn for you lazy fucks

The homespun delusion here. Nationalism is either dying or dead. The world is being globally ransacked by huge corporatist interests who are literally giving sovereignty to companies and mentally gearing people for constant surveillance. They operate outside of regulation or accountability; we literally can't stop them.

The world is first and third world nations. The whole things runs by a constant wheel of exploitation. You country doesn't give a single solitary fuck about you, and any effort to project otherwise is just chicanery for the common man.

Culture is dying. Spirituality is dying. Ecological knowledge is dying. Everything is becoming whittled out from the inside.

And NEETs are your biggest problem?

>> No.7989020

That, to my point, is not a name.

The good things then.

Are you? Will they know your name, Anon?

>> No.7989025

what is it I really want then?

>> No.7989030

>the existence of an ownership class that is destroying society
It's been a long, slow process then.

To be perfectly fair, it's possible to be a real go-getter from a young age and situate yourself at the reigns of such a corporate entity. In fact, it could be argued that this is the smart way to go, but nobody in this thread has done that.

>> No.7989034


There's the issue, I never said neets were the biggest problem. But I hate you just the same.

The world will collapse, no matter what you tell yourself, you will have to work when it does, and by them you'll see the worth in being cared about and you'll wish you did more. That or you don't work and you die.

You may think that's not important being cared about, probably think its vanity because you are so fucking smug and cocky. But its not, it feels good, better than being a nothing. No society doesn't tell me to work, I do.

>> No.7989041

Why do I need a name does a name identify that people cared about someone.

I'm not talking about all the people in the world, you belong to that group and you are filth.

I'm talking about people that you care about, caring about you back.

>> No.7989044


Sure has. Life sucks that way.

Neets don't work for anything so what they get is all they can get.

>> No.7989048

I'm only a NEET because I'm cared about, friend. It's a wonderful thing but not the only thing I want to achieve in this life. I'm glad you're working towards that though.

>> No.7989052


>But I hate you just the same.

Well I don't hate you. I think you put too much hatred into this specific issue because we are of the same class. That is what the real issue here is with you: a class issue. There are people and entities fucking you over at far higher levels that would make what you deem to be our "transgressions" absolutely negligible by comparison. I think you don't like to know that there are people within your specific class who aren't doing what you feel obliged to. It's a myopic frustration.

That is what I think.

>> No.7989059
File: 124 KB, 600x446, Its happening pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>His behavior in current society is invalid because of THE HABBENING :DDDD

New fella butting into your conversation here, I'm not a neet but you're justifying your wagecuckery with the dream of an apocalyptic rapture that rewards those who conformed to the old societal rules

And that's bullshit

>> No.7989062

And maybe it collapses after I die, and I spent my whole life never working. Your comment makes no sense: "One day your life may change and you'll adapt." No shit. I'll cross that bridge when I come to it. Working because one day MAYBE neetdom will not exist is like wearing diapers in your 20s because maybe you'll be an old man shitting yourself in 60 years.

>> No.7989074


You are probably somewhat right.

And perhaps there is some thing inside you that feels guilt for whoever you are mooching off from time to time. But I doubt it. You don't care about them. That's why I hate you neet. We are necessary for the world you survive and fester in, and there's nothing we can do about it, parasitic to the core.

So we get over it. We can do even less about the people who fuck us over everyday.

Immoral as it is, if I saw a neet I would fuck thier life up.

>> No.7989078


It's all I got. The neets are right, but I cannot join them. Because I don't have a mommy or daddy to suck on.

If I were a neet it would literally be stealing from people in the same struggle.

>> No.7989083


Honestly the more you post in this thread the more you character is slowly being revealed, and job or not you sound like a pretty loathsome and vile human being.

I hope you curb that hatred. It'll eat you up, man.

>> No.7989085

>I take my frustrations out on easy targets because I'm too afraid to challenge the system!

Real heroic, champ

>> No.7989090


Maybe I am, but so are you.

>> No.7989093


Keep hiding neet.

Might be the first neet serial killer.

Maybe it will be fun.

You already said the system can't be challenged.

>> No.7989095


Nope. I'm a pretty great guy.

And I still don't hate you.

Just lighten up, Francis.

>> No.7989099


Maybe you'd be this way too if you didn't find a cock to suck all the milk out of and sustain yourself with.

>> No.7989102
File: 463 KB, 1200x975, airstrike pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Serial murder of people who keep a low profile sounds time-consuming. Not sure how you're going to do that and hold down a full time job at the same time. If only there were another option...

Ah well.

>> No.7989103



Because you say so.

Narcissism is the power source of the neet

>> No.7989107

Not really tbqh. You're like a whipped dog that lashes out at other dogs, while the neets are dogs that refuse to work for the whip.

>> No.7989108


Why are you being this goofy?
Rough day?

>> No.7989109

What the fuck do you even do that is so important?

>> No.7989110


You are right. I'll probably just find a really terrible neet and torture him.

This is really dark shit you neets are bringing out of me.

I couldn't kill someone, I couldn't even hurt someone.

I'll probably just kill myself so that I'm not a wageslave or a neet.

>> No.7989111

>You already said the system can't be challenged.

But I never said that at all, I just called you a coward.

>> No.7989122


>afraid of the stresses of life and work

>but calls others cowardly because I can't fight the system.

Oh you aren't afraid? Me either. I just can't fight the power

>> No.7989127

I'm a manic depressive arguing with sociopaths who care about only themselves.

I'm the crazy one

>> No.7989128


I can't tell if you're just really bad at banter or if you're having a bit of an episode right now.

Calm down anytime.

>> No.7989130

I'm losing my mind.

>> No.7989134


gl hf

>> No.7989141

Fuck you. Sincerely hope you die slowly.

>> No.7989142

Nigga I'm not even a neet

I'm just saying you admitting society has a problem, but then attacking people who are refusing to support a sick society?

That makes you a tool of the people exploiting you. That's just fucking Stockholm syndrome.

>> No.7989147

>Not supporting a sick society

They are FUCKING syphoning from it.

>> No.7989154


I didn't even mean that in a bad way.

Bro it's probably time to take a break for a bit. Relax. Maybe start to begin breathing again. Don't worry /lit/ will still be here when you get back.

>> No.7989158

They are stealing from the sick, the dying, mooching off them when they know that they can work themselves, and they don't care. They willingly help the sick get sicker and the dying did.

>> No.7989162


I think I'd like to just kill myself so I never come bsck

>> No.7989173
File: 80 KB, 1024x681, shkreli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>They are stealing from the sick, the dying, mooching off them

yes blame the neet for this. good. good. what a wonderful thing a useful idiot can be.

>> No.7989176

The ill effects of welfare are miniscule compared to the negative effects the 1% and the military industrial complex has.

90% of jobs serve no purpose. They are frivolous luxuries, managers managing managers and youths carrying food and bags for people too lazy to move. More people having these jobs doesn't help anything, it only devalues labor.

Society is sick, but everyone being employed only makes things worse.

>> No.7989181
File: 23 KB, 460x276, Marcel-Proust-009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this guy was a neet

>> No.7989183


plus automation will render most people neet soon enough

>> No.7989188
File: 41 KB, 576x463, 1454458481439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm not going to make you do anything, what I'm saying is your being selfish if you think contributing to the bigger plan of helping the human population is less important than whatever you do with your time. I just think if you're gonna live here help out. If you're not going to help, then move on.


Well then I suppose leechers gonna leech. But that's on you and if you feel comfortable being nothing more than a leech, (not even a leech), more like bacteria, then I'm comfortable with calling you a low-life, dead weight scumbag! Who doesn't deserve the air he breathes.


>It seems like the only way to be a 'member of society,' for the majority of people, is working for the profit of a few people up top while getting paid the least amount of money possible: a very real source of demotivation.

Very bleak outlook you have there. There are employment opportunities that don't factor to those problems. Check your area for what they are. Be a firefighter or ambulance medic. Nurse, or a school teacher. The world needs a better education.

I'm going to assume you're American and quote one of your ex-presidents famous speeches, I could be paraphrasing but here goes:

"Ask not what your county can do for you, but what you can do got your country!"

Now factor that globally.

>NEET-life is a pretty appealing alternative desu.

Because it's easy, safe, clean. Be a bubble boy but you're missing out on what there is in the world to explore, enjoy, experience!

Have fun mummy's boy!

>> No.7989191

socrates was a neet
jesus was for much of his life

>> No.7989196


Yeah, go ahead and try to rationalize it. "It's not as bad as someone else so that makes it OK!"

>> No.7989198


>90% of jobs serve no purpose. They are frivolous luxuries

Yep. Now the whole middle class have turned into vain burghers who only want to better streamline their consumer experiences.

Fuck 'em.

>> No.7989199


It's not just the neet, the neet is just a weaker version of the powers that be, and both are disgusting.

>> No.7989204

>bigger plan of helping the human population
What plan?

Also, most of the human population needs to die or at least not reproduce if we're to have tolerable conditions in the future, so if your plan doesn't include making that happen then it's a bad one.

>> No.7989205
File: 87 KB, 640x625, hustle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Congrats you proved what exactly? I'm not sure what you were implying with:


Plus the whole spook thing I don't get.

I very occasionally browse the chans and spend my time in more than 1 board when I do. Sorry I don't pick up on every meme that runs through. Do you think I'll flunk 4chan 101 class?

>> No.7989207

>you're missing out on what there is in the world to explore, enjoy, experience

dude, some fucking neets that's all they do is travel, explore, and enjoy

>> No.7989213

You'd fail Phil 101 at least.

>> No.7989214

>basic knowledge of political/philosophical thought is a meme

get outta here

>> No.7989215
File: 73 KB, 500x393, the road to serfdom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This guy is the perfect rube.

Are these posts elaborate satire?

>> No.7989218
File: 185 KB, 700x980, It-is-Forbidden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>implying I said anything about helping population growth

>implying helping the human population doesn't imply some sort of mass-global education system.

>implying you being lazy has anything to do with politics

>implying you're not lazy because you're scared

>> No.7989222

what do neets do when their parents die?

>> No.7989228

inherit everything

>> No.7989229


>implying you being lazy
>implying you're not lazy

he is wasting endless amounts of time on 4chan out of boredom like all the rest instead of working on his precious life goals and he still can't see how badly he indicts himself with these lines. what a fucking retard.

>> No.7989238

Mfw each of my parents has a $1m life insurance policy and I get half of the first one and inherit everything after the second one.

Life won't be extravagant but I will literally never work.

>> No.7989240


I've lived in a city, it's a little too self-important. All I saw were monkeys in suits and entitled hipsters who thought they had some sort of authority on anything. I met a heap of pseudo's who told me some hippy bullshit, and I meet a couple of ruthless, canniving, back-stabbing pricks who would sooner whore out their own mothers than give up a dollar.

Why would you not want to help your fellow man?

>> No.7989250


>implying you know what my life dreams are

>implying motivating your lazy arses isn't one of them

>implying I've done what I want to accomplish today,

Except for shopping for food, waiting until I think it'll be a little less busy.

>implying I'm not about to leave to get said food

>> No.7989255

"everything" is not a source of income

>> No.7989283


>he likes to waste time on 4chan but feels guilty over it like an absolute faggot so he makes little deals with himself and rants against "lazy" people as he lurks to ease his guilt over it

just leave already you fucking cornball

>> No.7989295

Behind everyone's mask you will find a wannabe NEET. The NEET goes about with no mask and therefore bears a very humble rank. -- Arthur SchopeNEET

>> No.7989304
File: 958 KB, 966x3054, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Massed capital absolutely is a source of income. Jesus, are we intentionally not teaching young wages personal finance anymore?

>> No.7989316

>neets grinding a man's spooks to dust so that he compelled to kill himself
Wew. These neets are like neo-cynics with powerful meme magic. I fully support you guys and wish you the greatest happiness desu

>> No.7989322

What' the point of making anything above the basic necessities? I don't understand how grown persons can enjoy "muh new bmw xD"
Just seems like a total waste of time

>> No.7989325

By definition the entire 1st world is selfish. The third worlders do back breaking labor for nearly no pay so we can wear cheap nice looking shoes or drink our coffee. First worlders are basically neets in the bigger picture

>> No.7989331

while massed capital can be a source of income, i think on closer inspection most people will find their parents' finances are not as robust as they think they are.

>> No.7989332
File: 1.11 MB, 679x846, 1460343758095.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anyone who doesn't waste his time in bourgeois bullshit is fat and probably unattractive!
He said as he rose from the small bed in the corner of his living space. He force feeds himself trash, for he hasn't the time to prepare a nutritious breakfast, not when he must make such a long commute. He hops into his tiny clown car. He is content that years of stress and sexless living have reduced his penis to a tiny, lifeless knob, thereby saving him the discomfort of crushing it between his thighs.

His commute is a disgusting thing. It is tedious and bumpy and as he walks away from his vehicle, an accidental side glance into the window of a pukegreen prius brings to mind the disheveled hair, the stresspimple blotches, the lines on his dry face. He has gained weight, an occurrence the effects of which have combined with those of stressful aging. His face appears to have melted slightly.

He begins his tedious bourgeois work. He can't wait to insult neet artists on 4chan.

>> No.7989341

The only good thing about neets is that there aren't many of them and they usually are just mommas boys who mooch off mom and dad, and there's plenty of those. They are just sucking up mom and dad's money, and they only mooch off the government if they have some real issues.

They are kidding themselves if they really want people to believe that they don't just waste their time anyway.

Oh yeah you did a bunch of wonderful things today neet? Leauge for 8 hours and then 4chan?


Lazy fucks.

Enjoy your life of doing nothing, but don't tell me you are using it wisely, you just spend it watching hentai or whatever other sadfags like you do.

>> No.7989343


That faggot still was too afraid to show his art to me

>> No.7989344
File: 34 KB, 317x400, William-Faulkner_young.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a neet artist for you

>> No.7989345


Oh wait, that faggot is probably you.

>calling yourself an artist.

Let's see you faggot

>> No.7989348


Does meet just mean not having an official job now?

>> No.7989349
File: 24 KB, 250x358, 2011_february_william_faulkner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wrote As I Lay Dying while shoveling coal in the basements of U of Mississippi
>Wrote Sound and Fury while working as a clerk in the post office
You sure about that Anon?

>> No.7989350

>Wrote Sound and Fury while working as a clerk in the post office
Kek, he got fired for playing golf all day and refusing to put in any work.

>> No.7989352


yeah that's exactly what it means. Not a student, worker on apprentice.

>> No.7989357
File: 143 KB, 300x420, 1461637470647.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao smhtbhfam at all these mad wagecucks. Feels comfy man.

>> No.7989358

The neets gotta have their heroes,

But why are you still talking to wagecucks if neets are obviously superior?

Weren't you so focused on not wasting your time neet? Go draw for deviantart

>> No.7989361
File: 7 KB, 259x194, averageneetartist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We wish to spread our gospel. Yes, even to you miserable bourgeois!

>> No.7989363


I was asking because you called Faulkner a neet simply because he didn't have an Official job.

If he was fucking writing, that was his job, he just wasnt on a salary.

You neets dont compare at all. You faggots are afraid to show me art.

>> No.7989366

There were many things I could do for two or three days and earn enough money to live on for the rest of the month. By temperament I’m a vagabond and a tramp. I don’t want money badly enough to work for it. In my opinion it’s a shame that there is so much work in the world. One of the saddest things is that the only thing that a man can do for eight hours a day, day after day, is work. You can’t eat eight hours a day nor drink for eight hours a day nor make love for eight hours — all you can do for eight hours is work. Which is the reason why man makes himself and everybody else so miserable and unhappy.

t. Faulkner in a Paris Review interview.

>> No.7989371
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>> No.7989375


Notice how Faulkner is talking about the state of working, wrote several masterful books, actually went out for jobs

And isn't a shitty little mommas boy on 4chin bragging about how he's free to shitpost all day.

>> No.7989379

Because he was a protoneet. His sole aim in life was to become a neet at a time when it was nearly impossible.
Here's a quote from Flaubert, another great neet artist:

It would have been better to do what everyone else does, neither taking life too seriously nor seeing it as merely grotesque, choosing a profession and practicing it, grabbing one's share of the common cake, eating it and saying, "It's delicious!" rather than following the gloomy path that I have trodden all alone; then I wouldn’t be here writing this, or at least it would have been a different story. The further I proceed with it, the more confused it seems even to me, like hazy prospects seen from too far away, since everything passes, even the memory of our most scalding tears and our heartiest laughter; our eyes soon dry, our mouths resume their habitual shape; the only memory that remains to me is that of a long tedious time that lasted for several winters, spent in yawning and wishing I were dead

>> No.7989380

mccarthy was also neet for at times

>> No.7989381

He says he would work two or three days out of each month. Thats damn near nothing and he clearly would have skipped even that if he could.

>> No.7989383

McCarthy is full time NEET and pretty much always has been. His parents are rich and he married two rich women before he was seeing money from books.

>> No.7989384


>being a lazy fag who doesn't do anything is the same as being an artist who needs free time to create his art.

There's two subspeices of neet, then. The do nothing, and the actual free spirit.

You STILL haven't showed me the art faggot. So I bet you are the first.

>> No.7989390


Notice how he still works at least once in a while, and isn't bragging about his luck like you fags.

Notice how he showed his art to people.

>> No.7989391

Buddy, I don't think the guy who said that about the art has been in the thread for hours.

>> No.7989394

>Notice how he still works at least once in a while
Only because he was forced to senpai

>> No.7989395
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>Working for other people
>Same as contributing to society

I'm not NEET, but working you only contribute to your employer. There's nothing moral in the act of working.

>> No.7989396

Hope he died.

>> No.7989397

Another great neet artist
When will bourgeois wagecucks come to terms with their delusion?

>> No.7989399


>Notice how Faulkner is talking about the state of working

Anon has been talking about this too.You are just too biased to see it.
>90% of jobs serve no purpose. They are frivolous luxuries
A lot of us share his attitude and aren't adverse to working for periods of time. We just don't want to devote career levels of time to something that we find pointless to our growth personally. We have no interest in a lot of consumer shit or hollow token of social status. It means nothing that you hate us for this.

If anything this thread has oddly made many wageanon seems like even unhappier people by comparison. Most of the NEET in this thread have been willing to talk but all wageanon do is hate and wish death on people etc. If that is the mindset you're wanting us to share in with you then thanks but no thanks.

>> No.7989404


this guy is nearing meltdown levels of triggered over this art thing. he really did a number on you didn't he.

>> No.7989406

1. You can do whatever you want, hopefully it kills you.

2. It's pure luck that you've made it this way.

3. Neets don't know shit about the real fucking world. Mommy pays for everything so they don't understand things like rent, paying for food, and the fact that not everyone gets neetbucks

>> No.7989408


You neets who are somehow proud that you got a lucky break in life and don't have to work are sickening, so yeah he really did.

>> No.7989413


There's nothing really wrong with being a spoiled kid, its about how smug you faggots are about being born in a good situation, it shows that you enjoy watching everyone else suffer, and us here who don't have that might be jealous, but its more about the rubbing it in, which shows just like hopeless suicidal aspiration author me, you have nothing better to do either!

>> No.7989416


>1. You can do whatever you want, hopefully it kills you.

This is the guy trying to champion himself as well-adjusted.

>> No.7989417
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>, it shows that you enjoy watching everyone else suffer
That's where you're wrong. We're here to spread the anti bourgeois gospel. Unlike pathetic wageslave philistines, we can only feel pity.

>> No.7989419


No somethings seriously wrong with me

>> No.7989420

Years of wageslavery has taken its toll I see.

>> No.7989422


See this makes me feel better.

With this I can clearly see that even though you are free, you waste your time anyway, being a fucking pathetic shitposter all the time.

Strange how that works

>> No.7989425

>Neets are all smug pepe memes

I'm neet, collect no neetbux, and have been paying rent in an apartment for three years, subsisting on college scholarship money and saved money from a past job.

Your 'real fucking world' is a hollywood meme and your conception of what a 'neet' is is patent nonsense. If you're trolling, here's your (you), if you're serious, try not to think of the 'real fucking world' entirely via cliche.

>> No.7989426


>No somethings seriously wrong with me

I'm starting to really believe it. You know you're a couple of sandwiches short of a picnic when you're the biggest mess in a NEET thread.

>> No.7989427


Say what you want, but only that faggot with the Silver spoon in his ass can really buy his girls, regular neets will never get pussy

>> No.7989429

>pretending that you don't see the neets acting smug

>> No.7989430
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It's okay, slave.I understand your denial. I understand your frustration. Maybe these lines from a compassionate neet poet will ease your pain:

Haie! Haie! 15
These were the swift to harry;
These the keen-scented;
These were the souls of blood.

Slow on the leash,
pallid the leash-men

>> No.7989433


Nobody is complaint about some guy just because he's not working right now or doesn't like work.

The neets people don't like are the lazy sack of shit ones who are proud that they don't do anything all day and someone takes care of them

A scholarship is obviously something you earned.

I don't see how anyone could be mad a guy just because he doesn't have a job

>> No.7989435
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>Every Stirnerfag poster is a philosophy major
>implying implications

>> No.7989443

Nobody who was anti neet in this thread was anti neet because of people who just simply neet, is this what neets actually believe? That people hate them because they don't work.

We hate cocky cunts who rub in it in for us who have to work to survive.

>> No.7989447

>I don't hate homosexuals. Only the ones who do icky things like flirting in public.

>I don't hate black people as long as they drink from their own water fountains so I don't have to think about them.

>> No.7989449

i think a lot of that attitude is reactionary to people who hate neets

>> No.7989450


Your examples are fucking ridiculous.

Flirting in public isn't the same as saying "hey faggot look you have to work I don't ha-ha"

>> No.7989451

>I don't see how anyone could be mad a guy just because he doesn't have a job

It's hard to hate the higher ups. They know how to hide. We are visible so naturally these guys are going to vent all their frustrations on us over the state of their country because they've little to no idea of the real machinations in the inner circles of power. We are a convenient means for them to feel powerful so they can temporarily ward off that greater sense of powerlessness that is imposed upon them.

>> No.7989452

Flirting in public is not being a fucking asshole

>> No.7989457

What do you mean >see

I was only mad at artistfag because he was bragging about his parents money

>> No.7989466

Following the comment chain, I only see an artist bragging that he has someone that appreciates his efforts and financially supports him for the sake of those efforts.

Which is literally what he would be doing if he was appealing to random rich artfags 'in the wild' so being mad that his parents aren't randoms is just a pointless prejudice.

There's also the guy who says he will never have to work because of life insurance, but so what? Are you saying people can't use their money to support their children? Literally the only reason money exists is so some people don't have to work because other people work for them, but I don't see you crying viva communism.

>> No.7989472

Will all you NEETs still be comfy when you realize the gravity of disengaging with society and the implications it has? Will you die a "comfy" suicide?

>> No.7989474

>implications it has

enlighten me butters.

>> No.7989478


Maybe you have a bias for them, but I felt that they are being smug little bastards.

Here look.


>> No.7989481

Because being a neet is being selfish and doing nothing to benefit humanity, you can claim to be a philosopher because you dont have a job and read but in reality you are no different to those people who live on council estates having 8 kids and saying they have a gammy leg so they can claim benefits

People need a purpose in life.

>> No.7989484 [DELETED] 

mad wagecuck :^)

>> No.7989485

At least we'll have lived for a little while. your bourgeois are already dead

>> No.7989487

how does working make one more engaged with society?

>> No.7989491


I agree with the neets here actually.

Sometimes the work environment isn't for everyone.

I literally just don't like the cocky attitude.

>> No.7989493

1. What exactly do you mean by "benefit humanity"?

2. How do you come to the conclusion that "People need a purpose in life." and how would you define "purpose"?

>> No.7989494

what do neets think of volunteer work?

>> No.7989497


>Literally the only reason money exists is so some people don't have to work because other people work for them, but I don't see you crying viva communism.

the top classes do the exact same thing. plus they live in luxury. and when they *are* doing something it's typically fucking up life for the world and people in it on a huge scale. but neet anon on /lit/ who read a lot and live quietly on a pittance are just as bad if not worse. right.

so many of these neet haters come across as servile middleclass apologists for a game that is rigged against them. this system is never going to magically correct itself. wake up.

>> No.7989498

Haha kys

>> No.7989502

You have no proof.

>> No.7989580

I want to spoon you, butterfly.

Let me spoon you.

>> No.7989599

Ever notice how working poor are never Marxists but enlightened spoiled college students and NEETs are?

>> No.7989606

Volunteer work for networking and unpaid internships is just discrimination against people who can't afford to work for free.

Volunteer work for the sake of doing good is what ALL work should be. Picking up roadside garbage better serves society than selling shiny rocks, but usefulness is not actually rewarded.

>> No.7989610

As a gommunist working poorfag no, I haven't noticed that

>> No.7989694
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Not quite, it's about class. The middle class ends up paying for everything and the poor end up being sacrificed because the "upper" class don't won't to help out. They don't understand what sacrifice means.


>thinks I'm waisting my time trying to change the world

>> No.7989699


>implying it can't be

>implying I work for private business

>implying my job isn't to keep people's power on

>implying that isn't a contribution to society

>> No.7989701

wow the butthurt and resentment against the neets are immense in this thread

what happened to /lit/s aristocratic spirit

>> No.7989709


>this system is never going to magically correct itself. wake up.

It ain't gonna change with that attitude you defeated little sad sack. If a disaster happens just kill yourself so you're not someone else's problem.

>> No.7989716
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>wow the butthurt and resentment against the neets are immense in this thread

This. And the NEET posters have handled this thread rather well by comparison.

>> No.7989723


The middle class and the poor are sick of carrying lazy pieces of shit.

You read for knowledge, or enjoyment, that's fine enjoy what you can. But at least give a little of your time to the community that allows you to do that. It's the first law of thermal dynamics isn't it? Energy in/energy out and all that.

>> No.7989732


>It ain't gonna change with that attitude

you keep telling people to kill themselves and you think you're even in a position to speak about maturity and having a right attitude. wage bros embarrassed themselves ITT to be honest.

and protip: it isn't going to change with any attitude. the higher ups will always exploit you. no amount of pulling up of the figurative bootstraps is going to somehow correct a system that is specifically designed and maintained to keep this corporate and political exploitation going. you really are having a hard time seeing the stark truth of the matter here through this quaint babyboomer logic of yours.

>> No.7989733


>says the NEET not realising why there is such resentment towards them

I will give you an anecdotal example:

You have a group project back in school and you are put into groups of 3. You and another person have to do the work of 3 people because one person thinks they don't have to put in. Would you feel resentment towards the one person who didn't contribute?

>> No.7989743

>2. It's pure luck that you've made it this way.
your parentage is the least luck-based thing in the world unless you believe in the blank slate theory

>> No.7989750

no I would tell the teacher and have them kicked

though actually I just had a bunch of group projects where I did do about two thirds of the work in a group of four people and it was fine by me

I wouldn't go onto 4chan and have a mental breakdown over a period of six hours or something

>> No.7989757


The only time I implied to kill yourself was in the case of a disaster because you wouldn't know what to do. You would only be a hindrance to the people who actually have a chance at surviving. Like a dead weight around someone's ankle in open water.

Cut the dead weight and the person's chances at surviving increase.

If you don't understand why your life is a waste of time I feel sorry for you.

>> No.7989764


what a brilliant example. but i'm still not getting what you mean here. could you maybe scan a diagram that you've drawn in crayon and post it to really show us what you mean?

>Would you feel resentment towards the one person who didn't contribute?

i would ultimately see that for the non-issue that it is and feel resentment toward the educational cronyism that is continually scheming to raise the exorbitant and unwarranted levels of debt for students to meet their own personal ends, knowing full well that they are running a monopoly that exploits every coming generation worse and worse every year with little to no other viable options for these students because of the specifically designed rigidity of the system.

if i were to feel any resentment it would probably be about that.

>> No.7989774

name three common first-world jobs which would be useful in the case of major civilizational breakdown

>> No.7989776


>no I would tell the teacher and have them kicked... I just had a bunch of group projects where I did do about two thirds of the work in a group of four people and it was fine by me

So what you're saying is your first sentence was a lie! Congrats on being a liar, it's suits your lazy lifestyle.

>mistaking dropping in and out over a period of time as being on here for an entirety of time

>implying I'm not just trying to motivate you lazy, worthless, losers into actually being apart of life

>implying you weren't excluded from group projects because you are literally a weirdo.

>> No.7989780


So what are you doing to change that? Sit in your room and get your mum to buy you more chicken nuggets?

>> No.7989784



I named 5 how did I do?

>> No.7989796


>If you don't understand why your life is a waste of time I feel sorry for you.

damn bro you've been projecting a whole lot of unhappiness in this thread.

a whole lot of it.

as much of an asshole as you have been in a weird way i am kind of worried about you. posting this level of sustained hate over hours is odd man. even by shitposting standards it's odd.

get some sleep maybe i'm not even trying to shipost or bait when i say this.

>> No.7989800

>So what you're saying is your first sentence was a lie! Congrats on being a liar, it's suits your lazy lifestyle.
there was nobody who did no work, they just did very little because I completely outskilled them at matlab, they are classmates and I am not a resentful psychopathic little gremlin who cannot stand to see other people not suffer through the same dreadful routine that fills my by all appearances awful life so I have to adopt the 20th century incarnation of slave morality to even have the faintest hope of surviving my existence, so I felt no need to report them

>> No.7989821


>damn bro you've been projecting a whole lot of unhappiness in this thread.

Lol. Sure bro keep telling yourself that if you want, if that's what helps you sleep at night.

>a whole lot of it.

Not hated resentment

>as much of an asshole as you have been in a weird way i am kind of worried about you.

If you won't understand why the working class people don't like the entitled adult babies then I'm sorry. And that is all.

>posting this level of sustained hate over hours is odd man. even by shitposting standards it's odd.

Says the guy whose been here from the start defending adult babies.

>get some sleep maybe i'm not even trying to shipost or bait when i say this.

Same to you bro. Same to you

>> No.7989827

resentment is more unhealthy than hatred

>> No.7989830


I love how you think I'm this ball of hate. I literally love doing what I do for a job, it's a great job and great pay. I don't plan on having this job when I'm 40/50/60 but I could do it and so love life.

What I hate is people who think it's okay to give up on life because they're lazy. Don't drag your parents through this.

>> No.7989836


Sure doctor Phil. I'll believe you


>> No.7989839

a job is not life

>> No.7989843


I never said that. You are connecting dots that aren't there. I'm saying you should be contributing to the community. If you don't have a job do community work. Stop being selfish.

>> No.7989845


okay i'm out this guy is too much he might legitimately be having some kind of breakdown and i don't want to antagonize him further.

this is only 4chan m8 don't get too unhinged over some random thread that is going to 404 soon.

>> No.7989854


I'm watching south park while replying to you guys. I really couldn't care less about what you do. What I do care about is that you don't seem to understand what contributing to and sacrificing for a greater cause than yourself means. I'm not angry I'm sorry for you. But like you said 404, so who cares?

>> No.7989856
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> I'm saying you should be contributing to the community. If you don't have a job do community work. Stop being selfish.

>> No.7989863

>What I do care about is that you don't seem to understand what contributing to and sacrificing for a greater cause than yourself means.
the west has no cause

>> No.7989904

please its so simple that the question just trolls them more.

they restent work life cause they are forced into it, they need to sacrifice their normal self development and need to take out that hate somehow. they thus choose those who have what they crave but cant have, no matter how many digits their account has to compensate.

its not like neets take advantage of their neetdom anyway, they just fap eat and vidya.

>> No.7990932

ITT: Angry wagecucks begging and threatening NEETs into work to no prevail. That is powerlessness.

>> No.7991161

If you don't find the challenge of a career fun or rewarding then I guess that's your prerogative, but experiencing the world from a working persons perspective is unlike any book you'll ever read

>> No.7991199

nobody would brag about being a NEET if they made something with that extra time worth bragging about instead

>> No.7991202

Someone should make a howto for neetdom, because I really don't know how you guys sustain yourself without working/ getting money from your parents / getting neetbux for being retarded. Is there a way for normal people to become neet?

>> No.7991245

So what's the difference between a NEET and a common household dog

>> No.7991283

The reason the NEET lifestyle sucks is because without the right life experience you end up only writing shit like this:


>> No.7991421

>writing is a goal in itself

top cuck

>> No.7991428

no leash, better food

mummy makes me wear clothes though