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7984469 No.7984469 [Reply] [Original]

If left to my own devices, I will drink a bottle of wine alone in my apartment on Friday and Saturday nights while I either read 4chan or play video games.

How do I rewire my preferences such that reading a book sober alone on the weekends comes as naturally to me?

Can habits even really be changed?
What if I don't have free will?

>> No.7984524

The more you run the easier it gets. Same goes for mental exercise. Unless you're willing to endure a little discomfort you'll never be the literary type. Start small and work upwards.

>> No.7984527


Just pick a book and read

why is this so hard for people

i've been reading as long as i can remember, so i really can't sympathize with those who struggle

>> No.7984535

i tried ada as my first book after 30, it's hard

>> No.7984536

I read when I sh!t. Sure I shit a lot.

>> No.7984537

i only shit twice a week, maybe that's a problem

>> No.7984552

You should have porridge for breakfast, you'll be a patrician in no time.

>> No.7984554

I skip breakfast, intermittent fasting bro

>> No.7984613

intermittent fasting and drugs are killing me anon, don't do it

>> No.7984669

you could use drugs to do it, or just a bit of will

>> No.7984682

why is nabokov such a genius and why is 50% of his writing about sex

is 50% of life about sex

>> No.7984702

Start by reading with wine and music, then switch to another drink and non-intrusive music, then cut the others as you see fit. You just aren't used to reading intensively.

>> No.7984704
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You've got mirrors for eyes...

>> No.7984708

What does the next state of the universe depend upon if not the previous state of the universe?

How deluded are humans to think they have a will that exerts itself on the giant machine of genetics and environment we're all in? If I choose to do something, did I really choose it?

>> No.7984712

what type of wine you drinking?

>> No.7984717

just a red mix. i'm not snobby. i just want it to be 1.) red 2.) have a high abv

>> No.7984862

It takes repetition to form new habits. I would say you should find a short book (or short stories) with a topic that interests you. Reading shorter books is easier (in general) and doesn't require devoting yourself to something that will take a really long time. After you've read a few, if you're into it, it will be easier for you to commit to something a bit longer. Before you know it, you will want to read in your free time.

>> No.7984865

What does /lit/ think about free will?

>> No.7984873
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Just do it you faggot fuck, I hate people like you so much, posts like this pisses me off so goddamn much, we should really begin punishing lazy piece of shit fucks like you with communal violence


>> No.7984886

dude I only make a shit post like this once every 6 months.

>> No.7984897
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You're not the only weak-willed piece of shit that frankly shouldn't be allowed to even choose their own socks that shit up this and other boards with your inane """"advice""""" threads

Kill yourself, I hope you get GRIDS, fuck you.

>> No.7984900

isn't that interesting that so many people post at a low frequency that you hate us all

maybe american culture just pozzed all of us

>> No.7984903

because you have been reading as long as you can remember.

why is it so hard for you to empathize?

>> No.7984909
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FUCK you guys even type like tremendous low testosterone faggots, I can't even pinpoint exactly what it is but that tone just screams FUCKING FAGGOT loudly over an air raid siren when I read it

>> No.7984910

why u so mad brah?
sorry i make 6 figures faglord

>> No.7984913

not him, but im curious as to whether what you are doing eases the pain.

>> No.7984916

alcohol eases the pain tremendously, but it probably isn't a long term solution.

i'm 35, all of my coworkers have kids and wives, i'm single and i only have video games, 4chan and alcohol, i'm already the weird guy, and now i feel self conscious about it. i love nabokov though.

>> No.7984925

Well I am only 20 and feel tired mentally all the time. Pretty drunk right now.

Do you see a path to being able to exist contently? I keep telling myself I will end it at 30. But I said the same thing about 20.

At the moment I just exist to read the unique perspectives of some authors and musicians.

>> No.7984930

Reading is very overrated.

Alcohol basically makes it impossible to read, for me at least.

>> No.7984932

No, now I just live to save as much money as I can and invest it, until I can have enough to live off the interest and don't have to have a job. It will take me 10-15 years I think.

>> No.7984933
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See what I was talking about?!?

These fucking wastes of space shouldn't have internet access, property rights or anything of the sorts FUCK

>> No.7984937

why shouldn't I have internet access?

>> No.7984946
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>> No.7984950

Yes. Read Epictetus.

Most importantly, stop pretending that someday you'll be one of the artists you're reading about, and stop thinking about whether it's too late to do it or if it's worth it or not. Just do. Being an adult means finding shit you'd rather do than nothing, and doing it in a consistent, methodical way.

If you're going to be a musician just do it. If you must, pretend you're watching a movie of yourself. You have to put in the work though, everyone who becomes successful or happy repeatedly go far beyond what they think they can take without cracking.

>> No.7984952
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Because you're retarded and waste your life on it, then shit up boards by airing out your miserable, squalid faggot life

Get GRIDS then kill yourself, faggot

>> No.7984956

do you contribute to gdp or just shitpost?

>> No.7984958

Around 2 glasses of wine is good, any more and I can't focus.

>> No.7984964
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It is sunday morning fuckface.

And no, I do not contribute to GDP, I work only for myself.

>> No.7984967

So you're a fag that lives in his parents basement or?

>> No.7984974
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I'm a farmer.

>> No.7984978

You mean stardew valley?

>> No.7984987

It doesn't affect me but means I can't focus.

I'm essentially an alcoholic that consistently drinks a bottle of cognac a day, so I just don't read. I write more than I read, excluding this and timewaste games.

>> No.7984988
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>> No.7984992

At least you're good at posting pictures. Get a job fag

>> No.7985011

>I will drink a bottle of wine alone in my apartment on Friday and Saturday nights

Get a load of Mr. Sober and Sensable over here.

First of all, I hope you're talking about the 1.5L bottles and not the 750ml ones. Second of all, you should be drinking at LEAST five nights a week if you ever hope to become any sort of serious writer or reader. At least you have the natural literary sense to be drinking alone I guess.

>> No.7985017

I started buying boxes of wine because 750ml wasn't enough, I'm not reallly proud of this though.

A friend of mine emailed me last week, I replied and told him I'm drunk. He said "I hope you're not drinking alone", I told him nah, since I live downtown now it's easy to walk to the bars. Of course I was lying and I was drunk alone as he called it out.. Sad..

>> No.7985560
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yes and yes and yes

>> No.7985659

Recommend me a beginner red wine fampai. I preferred Syrah Shiraz over Pinot Noir those are all I've tried so far in a few different vintages

>> No.7986011

literally just find a "red mix", it's a whole bunch of different reds mixed together

>> No.7986038


I quit a half gram a day heroin habit, usually mixed with cocaine or speed so I could function.. You can stop drinking wine and playing video games in the weekends, and really, it's not cause for metaphysical concern.

Meditation has helped me kick a lot of different addictions.

>> No.7986048

If you are a strong person:
Just do it, stop drinking cold turkey and read.

If you are weak willed faggot with some kind of depression trapped on low tier shit:
Do it progressively, make a schedule and stick to it, stop crying and thinking about it, stop browsing shit websites like this one. Start making yourself confortable without stimulation (tv, vidya, music, 4chan, etc), meditate

>> No.7986058

Do some online dating man

>> No.7986075

You have to get tired of it first. You're clearly not. Sit in your stagnant water and maybe you can accelerate the process by noticing without judgement what a lazy pos you are. You have to want to want to change.

>> No.7987222

Try valpollicella ripasso from bennati or zenato. Then go for some super tuscans

>> No.7987294

>How do I rewire my preferences such that reading a book sober alone on the weekends comes as naturally to me?
Once upon a time you didn't drink a bottle of wine alone in your apartment on Friday and Saturday nights while you either read 4chan or played video games. Then, one sunny day, the states of affairs arranged themselves so that, for the first time, you drank a bottle of wine alone in your apartment on Friday and Saturday nights while you either read 4chan or played video games. And you liked it. You liked it so much that you did it again. And then again. And then a bunch of times more. At some point you developed a habit. What you're asking of yourself *now* is a new habit, a habit where reading a book sober and alone on the weekends comes naturally to you. How to proceed? Stop drinking the wine and either read 4chan or play video games. At some point, you will modify your previous habit. That's all there is to it.

It pains me to read how grown adults can't figure how such trivialities as biological adaptation work.

>> No.7987345

I went from being NEET, playing WoW 10 hours a day and consuming 9k calories in pizza, beer, oreos, cheese, and burger king a day @ 300lbs to being married with kids, lifting heavy every day and crushing through books at 200.

Dont underestimate yourself.

>> No.7987640

Lmao Monsanto Drone.

>> No.7987661

How did you do it?
>married with kids

>> No.7987683
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>If left to my own devices, I will drink a bottle of wine alone in my apartment on Friday and Saturday nights while I either read 4chan or play video games.
Sounds comfy, I can see why you do it.

What is the reason you want to read sober? What do you hope to get out of it?

There is nothing to get, you know. If you don't do it for enjoyment there's no reason at all to force yourself to become a teetotalling canon crusher.

>> No.7987705

>There is nothing to get, you know.
U.G. was one charismatic mofo, but I feel that a lot of things that he said was questionable, if not dubious. Fun fact: one of the Indian guys that's often featured in his videos got his PhD--a PhD on Wittgenstein--under Dreyfus. U.G. himself was a psychology drop-out.

>> No.7987733

I agree, he's irl shitposting part of the time, but that's one of the reasons I enjoy him. He himself said that he's just a barking dog and that you shouldn't listen to him, after all.

Which particular claims do you have trouble with? I get a bit uneasy about the whole 'muh calamity' aspect of it.

>> No.7987753

Off the top of my head: The idea that you cannot know that you're alive or dead, and that he questioned evolution. There's more, I think, but I can't recall any right now.

Yeah the calamity thing just might be an act.

>> No.7988551

I feel like the drugs are more of a problem than the fasting. You shouldn't fast though, bad for your brain.

>> No.7988565

nonsense, fasting is healthy if you do it right.

>> No.7989317

oh my

>> No.7989400

>married with kids
Why would you want this your life sounded better before