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/lit/ - Literature

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7967913 No.7967913 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Books about fucking.

Trying to figure to out whether sex is worth caring about, as it generally leaves me confused and dissatisfied after the fact. Wanna read people (mostly men) who exalt sex as well as people who were disgusted or disinterested by it, preferably secular.

>> No.7967917

Sex for the sex itself, i.e. sex as an act sucks and is alienating no matter how you slice it.

Those who partake in it as activity are using it to dull themselves much like with alcoholism or drug addiction.

>> No.7967944

Sex as an act doesn't suck, neither do drugs as an act. Their implications might but the act is pretty great.

>> No.7967961

You're probably screwing someone who doesn't actually mean anything to you.

That, or you have a testosterone deficiency.

>> No.7967973
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>hear from every man, tv show, movie, song, etc. that there is literally nothing better than having sex with a bunch of women and being sexually desirable
>got over my social cowardice, got fit, got good at fucking, and had sex with a bunch of women
>was kinda fun, and other guys thought I was cool now
>realize my main drive was other people's admiration
>wonder how true that is for other men

I also want literature. I've literally had more fulfilling sexual experiences masturbating, but that's not as upheld as having even a mediocre encounter with a woman.

>> No.7967975

Unbarable Lightness of Being by Milan Kundera. It's pretty shit, but essential slut literature.

>> No.7967983

De Sade?
He certainly painted sex as some sort of rebellion against the world (especially the type of sex he described... like even fucking your relatives was a middle finger to God or some shit). He was secular too. Very.

I suggest Juliette. It is a sometimes frustrating read. The flow of the story is often broken by pages of monologues of pretencious edgyness. But the sex scenes are interesting and sometimes nauseating.

>> No.7967990

You don't get it.

>> No.7967996


>> No.7968129

Good point you made there, friendo.

>> No.7968149

wow. another /mu/ post.
what a surprise.

>> No.7968159

Sex is better with somebody you love. This is not a new, groundbreaking idea, but conventional wisdom which can be found in a variety of literature.

Look at why Odysseus chooses to leave behind immortality and sex with goddess Calypso in the Odyssey.

>> No.7968167
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wow, another shitpost that has nothing to do with literature
what a surprise

>> No.7968201

What about "Last Night" by James Salter? Although it's at a later point in life

>> No.7968219

are you the femanon i met at the libarary?
i was asking about anais nin.

>> No.7968223

just read bukowski senpai

>> No.7968268
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This is a good book about casual, everyday sex

>> No.7968272
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>> No.7968323

Kafka Zurau aphorisms talks about disinterest or disgust in a secular context sorta

>> No.7968385

Dennis Cooper, The Sluts.

>> No.7968408

why do you need books about it when you can just talk it out here?

Sex is like tapping into the fountain of youth.

You'll never reexperience the joy of ice cream on a sunny day after a farm-league baseball game, but you can mimic it by busting a nut inside an eighteen year-old virgin.

You'll never feel the way you did falling asleep to your mom giving your a back scratch, but cumming in the eyes of a Negress is damn close.

You'll never scrape together nickels and dimes to go to the local store and buy the latest comic book, but you can stick your fist into your great aunt's anus.

Sex is living for the second time. On a side note, I just visualized anal-fisting my great aunt in a public coffeeshop.

>> No.7969034

It is more the human desire to be desired. Having a sexual encounter with a woman implies that said woman holds you in such high esteem that she is willing to participate in what is cultural deems as the most intimate acts two people can have.

It is the same reason you may feel a pang of envy when you see someone who seems to have more friends than you, because they are much more "desirable" and you desire that.

In the end, I found that quality beats quantity in this sense, and it's better to have few and meaningful sexual encounters than a multitude of meaningless ones.

>> No.7969044

>he's a hedonist

>> No.7969231

Tell me more.

>> No.7969257

Maybe this is why I don't really care about having sex.

>> No.7969383


Before you, I never thought I'd see her mentionned here. I thank you.

>> No.7969425

Tropic of cancer and Tropic of capricorn arent exactly about fucking but there's a lot of fucking

>> No.7969454

My diary desu

I've fucked all the hottest pageant girls, all the most desirable porn stars, yet all I really want is an old lady to browse Antique Shops with. I miss you Grandma ;_;

>> No.7969456

Drugs are way better than sex.

>> No.7969471
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I miss my Nan too, bro

>> No.7969585

>Singular Pleasures by Harry Mathews
>describes 61 different scenes, each told in a different style (generally poetic, elaborate, or circumlocutory) in which 61 different people (all of different ages, nationalities, and walks of life) masturbate.

>> No.7969657

I'm not sure they feel the same

>> No.7969678

Does the same go for masturbation?

>> No.7969717
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What's with all the people ITT: that are talking shit about sex?

I'm a virgin and my literal lifegoal is to get bareback pussy (no fucking condoms don't count)

I'm dropping massive pounds, putting on muscle, in 4 months I aim to be buff, I'm wearing great clothes, have a the memecut (undercut), and am reading all kinds of shit to sharpen my social skills

Basically I'm this guy >>7967973
before he got laid

And yet ITT: all these people are like "it doesn't matter lol"

Also damn this is not what I expected coming to /lit/, all I wanted was a free pdf of A Billion Wicked Thoughts (a book about the neuroscience of female sexual attraction)

Again, more reading to try to learn how its done

>> No.7969722

i came to this

>> No.7969740

>reading to try to learn how its done
I think you're taking the wrong route there pal

>> No.7969746

When I say reading I mean how to get girls to want to have sex with me

>> No.7969752

The most virgin post I've ever read.

>> No.7969753

well no shit its in the 2nd sentence

>> No.7969755

Dude, you are trippin me out tbqh

>> No.7969773

I mean you didn't need to explicitly state it for it to have been communicated anyway.

>> No.7969777
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>I'm a virgin and my literal lifegoal is to get bareback pussy

Your life will suck even more after you have sex and realizing it fixes none of your problems

>> No.7969806

Houellebecq works with both ends of the spectrum in his novels, it might be what you're looking for.

>> No.7969834


>he's not a hedonist and dishonest with himself

>> No.7969839

>it's better to have few and meaningful sexual encounters than a multitude of meaningless ones.

>> No.7969849

>Your life will suck even more after you have sex and realizing it fixes none of your problems
Let him be, he has to experience that realization for himself

wait until he learns that all the years of desperate sluttiness afterwards were part of a pattern in a futile attempt to recreate his imagined ideal that his first time will ultimately fail to live up to

>> No.7969859

Roger Scruton- Sexual Desire

>> No.7969875

None of you are making any sense

>> No.7969881

Plato's Symposium is the obvious answer

>> No.7970014


>preferably secular.

There's your problem right there, buddy.

>> No.7970233

Gravity's Rainbow.

>> No.7970236

Zorba the Greek

>> No.7970268

>Already had around forty partners
>Dropped out of high school, returning to college in order to find passion in life.
>More stoked about the study of humanities than I am about the prospect of getting laid
>Regard women as individuals to be held by individual standards
>Never been more disappointed by my fellow humans in my life
>On the upside, independently happy and developing intelligence
>Need stims in order to continue with this path

Seriously, sex is so goddamn overrated unless you're a filthy rich Chad that never needs to worry about bills, car payments, debt, and "real-world" problems. I just hope my pursuit for higher education leads me to find a chick that is down to earth but highly focused and sexy.

>> No.7970296

>Already had around forty partners

>> No.7970300

Sex is also a lot better if you're in good shape. Just saying...

>> No.7970357

>Never been more disappointed by my fellow humans in my life

Dang. Opposite happened to me. Once I stopped being around women for the pussy, I could actually talk to them as just people, and a lot of them were way more interesting than I'd believed up to that point. They were also surprised I wasn't just trying to manipulate them into sex, which made me feel kinda shitty, but it is what it is.

>> No.7970361

You're making sex into all of this. For me it's 10 minutes of exhilaration and then an hour of essentially waiting to masturbate. It doesn't feel that great, and once the initial blast of hormones wears off it may as well be exercise with the added pressure of losing a relationship if you can't find some way to enjoy it or at least appear that way.

All in all, 5/10 there's worse ways to spend your time.

>> No.7970365

Women by Bukowski

>> No.7970367

Jesus you need to either dump your girlfriend or go monk and de-porn your brain

>> No.7970372

Live the dream anon.

>> No.7970378


>> No.7970385

>added pressure of losing a relationship if you can't find some way to enjoy it or at least appear that way.

There's something especially frustrating about having to pretend like sex is always incredible as a man, when its usually just kinda cool, like a decent song and not a full blown symphony.

>> No.7970388

Exercising and going monk do help to some extent, but it's an awful lot of effort for something so overrated.

I try to just think about it as a couple's activity like date night or going to the movies.

>> No.7970460

Sex usually comes by itself if you're a sociable person, and if it doesn't come for you then making it into something big will be horrible for your ego. The obvious conclusion is to not treat it as something big.

Moreover, sexual desire is regulated by hormones. Every man feels it regularly - wanting sex - and that never goes away. It a trick of nature in the first place, like the feeling of hunger. Eating is satisfying but not spiritual. The difference for sex is that it's betweeb two people. So the human-human aspect is what counts. Sex apart feom that is just like makimg you not hungry again and that's why in this case men will report it's not special.

The third aspect is that women choose who gets to breed and thus getting sex becomes ego validation - a spook.
Just get good with people and let sex be part of your life as it comes.

>> No.7970480

Well put, m8.

>> No.7970481

Are you a woman, anon? Don't bring me down; tell me you are.

>> No.7970507
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for u bby i can be

>> No.7970535


What you're saying is correct but my spirit won't accept it. I often wish I could neuter myself but I think that if I did I would become even more isolated and very fat and I'd lose all my gains. If taking testosterone boosts gains, then from my cursory understanding of biology, removing the wellspring of testosterone would vitiate gains.

I even fap more often now that I work out.

>> No.7970543
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not anyone that posted to you before, but to me sex CAN BE a spiritual connection, and cuddling afterwards is a high as well.

casual sex with no strings attached is the same as fapping, except you worry that you donn't get an std or worse

>> No.7970577


>> No.7970652

Sex is a nosense my friend, our reproduction drive and our intellect fused, comes out just as any other drug, as any other "mind killer", making everyone way too distracted, wasting their intellect thinking in the other sex, unable to controll the desire of reproduction, having to look for the other sex in order to feel complete, sex just goes by the hand of love and both of them are theorically the same, isn't interesting that love is more common in women and sex in men? Sex and love are nothing but reproduction

>> No.7970761

I've never had sex.

>> No.7970813

This confirms my suspicion that lit is a bunch of lowlifes and alcoholics. Sex is wonderful, even sex for sex. If you've ever had sex with a complete stranger that was beautiful, your whole day, your whole demeanor for days, changes positively. If you just immediately go at it and pound the pussy to try to get off, yeah, it's like shitty masturbation. But if you build it up and have fun and treat it like a really long, drawn-out, good meal, it is amazing. And I'm just talking about fucking strangers at this point. Having great sex with someone you love is also amazing.

>> No.7970873

Not anon, but you don't. Read Angela Carter's book on the Marquis.

>> No.7970884


>> No.7970890

If you plan to read books about sex to see if "it's worth it" , then please do not have any sex. You are not worth carrying on. People are not likely to sleep with someone who would think this way.

>> No.7971152

Choke, Palahniuk.

>> No.7971205

Henry Miller

>> No.7971244

DH Lawrence's pamphlet on pornography (which is in fact largely about love and sex) is very good, and short obviously.

>> No.7971270

>people actually believe the sex makes you a better person meme

>> No.7971281

I kinda get why people praise sex so much, while a lot of people here find it overrated. Sex is a human universal. A wast majority of people through history enjoyed sex. Not everyone is smart sensitive and educated enough to enjoy great works of art or philosophy or whatever you eggheads like. Not everyone has health or physical fitness to enjoy the height of an athletic competition. Most people can fuck.

>> No.7971367
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>implying when it happens it wont be choral music tier


>> No.7971373

>these people trying to imply that sex on a purely physical level is the same as jerking off

Get the fuck out, your so full of shit

Sex is gonna make fapping look like sticking your dick into a pile of sand, rocks, and glass

Its gonna be the best thing in existence

>> No.7971383

>Sex for the sex itself, i.e. sex as an act sucks and is alienating no matter how you slice it.

Goddammit, why don't you /r9k/ fags just fucking LEAVE!

>> No.7971385


>chads on suicide watch

>> No.7971386

>Sex for the sex itself, i.e. sex as an act sucks and is alienating no matter how you slice it.
your so full of shit

dude /r9k/ adores sex and has shitloads of mental pain over not having it

>> No.7971392
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I can't be a chad if I'm a virgin friendo.

>> No.7971417
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> not posting innuendo cover

>> No.7971732
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No, because after you've blown your load and sober up, you realize that she will never see the world as you see it because she is intellectually inferior. She will buy you Gregorian techno-beat chants and vanilla flavoured green tea for your birthdays because she won't understand the difference between a cheap mainstream copy and the real thing.

>> No.7971796

Study the Bible, then some Aquinas, Teresa de Jesus and other religious writers. When you've seen the light,you'll stop worrying about carnal pleasures and become a monk

>> No.7971813

Not him but yes. Sex without love is basically using an individual as a masturbartory device to fullfill your narcissism.

>> No.7971983

I get it differently from you that's all. Don't make a problem here please.

>> No.7971985

Why do I need to read someone elses opinion on someone? Why can't I form my own opinion? You shouldn't let others spoon feed you what to think.

>> No.7972096

Just had some the other day. I'm 20.
Maybe if you weren't such a tryhard faggot you would get some as well lmao

>> No.7972311
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what are you waiting for opie?

>> No.7972328

>you can't compound knowledge and understanding from different types of sources
>you shouldn't read about sunjects you find confusing and interesting

That's you.

>> No.7972348

That makes sense. Same reason everyone praises food and sleeping.

>> No.7972405

Who gives a shit about her mind? Your getting pussy, that's what matters.
Damn you guys are completely downplaying the glory of pussy on its own.
Same goes to you

>> No.7972429

>not becoming passionless towards material phenomena and transcending suffering

Sex is for plebs desu.

>> No.7972431

It's easier to let it flow and just be an animal, but unlike we, at least animals have no intellect, and do it merely for reproduction and surviving.

>> No.7972442

>the glory of pussy on its own

Jesus, the one redeeming thing sex has over masturbation is you do it with another person. I can't take you people seriously.

>> No.7972444

>becoming passionless towards material phenomena

I really wish the Christcucks would leave this board and take their limpwristed faggotry elsewhere

>> No.7972459

Listen faglord whats the point of sex if it feels no better than fapping?

>> No.7972461
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It's weird how people treat it as something totally normal, casual even. How can they not see how disgusting it is? So primal, so degrading. How can they even be sure that's their own choice and not their bodies?
We should have transcended it long time ago, just like any other need of the flesh. I hope we will, one day.

>> No.7972547


>> No.7972557

ITT: Triggered hedonists/sex addicts

>> No.7972565

Checkmate what?
I asked you a hypothetical question and you say "Checkmate"

I say sex is godly and I was asking you why you would ever bother doing it if it was as mediocre as you say it is
They make songs about it, movies, books, tv shows, theres references to it in vidyas, in real life, its everywhere

They all say that its godly

>> No.7972619


How often do you browse r9k?

>> No.7972675

Stop shit posting about /r9k/
The main problem for most /r9k/ers (myself included) is being a virgin

None of us would ever talk shit about sex like this guy is doing

>> No.7972676

>a book on the neuroscience of femal sexual attraction

You're doomed to total creep tier in the eyes of women.

>> No.7972748

>implying that finding out the following is bad
>women are attracted to independence because if you cant take care of yourself you cant take care of them in their eyes
>women dont actually care about your clothes or your hair themselves but see them as an extension of you and your independence
>they want you to have a decent social life because they feel like being with an outsider would be harmful to them
>they want you to be semi-dominant and take charge around them and others but in a nice way, because it shows leadership and they like leadership because it displays power and drive

>implying these things haven't been proven thanks to neuroscience

now go blow it out your ass you little defeatist piece of shit

>> No.7972749 [DELETED] 


Whatever's wrong with your life right now won't change once you're "not a virgin". Everything will be exactly the same except that your dick will have been in a vagina at some point in the past. Congrats, bro.

>> No.7972751

>whatevers wrong
What's wrong is never having your dick in a vagina
And once it happens it needs to happen regularly and consistently

So I think once it happens and happens often everything will be gravy

>> No.7972757


Whatever's wrong with your life right now won't change once you're "not a virgin". Everything will be exactly the same except that your dick will have been in a vagina at some point in the past. Congrats, bro.

>> No.7972764

Don't delete your post and then cause my post not to respond to the right one

is for you >>7972757

>> No.7972776
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>I say sex is godly
Normies and everyday couples have sex regularly. If it was "godly", then surely you wouldn't find most people being very far remove from happiness.
The desire to get off drives humans, and so it's a stead theme and part of everything. Doesn't make it any less of a burden.
It's a kick and a bonding experience + orgasm. Better than fapping, but 10 times as messy (sweaty bodies in large area contact, womanly fluids on the bed almost unavoidable and sperm gets in the mix too).
Everybody needs it and it's good to get it, especially if you didn't have it, because it releases the stress of being loaded. "Can be awesome" is the only way to describe it in 3 words, and the extend to which it's great depends on the partner, his/her skills as well, and the scarcity of it.





>> No.7972803


I'd agree with this to some extent. If youre with somebody you dont fully like or click with then you will feel that way.

If you are having sex with somebody who you get along with 100% romantically, sexually, etc then sex is a pleasurable act of sharing and experimenting.

>> No.7972841
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>tfw you ended up at the conclusion that sex and relationships are literally the most important things in a humans existence and you cant ever have it

>> No.7972923

Maybe if you stop posting frog pictures on the internet.

>> No.7972927

Everyone says that sex is to fapping what eating world famous chef prepared chicken Parmesan and other italian food is to eating piss soaked cardboard

that it totally eclipses and obliterates it

So I don't get why anyone would bitch about "oh no sweat", "oh no pussy juice"

And anyone who gets sad after it is a dipshit

>> No.7972952

>Everybody needs it and it's good to get it, especially if you didn't have it
Yeah no shit, it really pisses me off how much people will discourage you if you admit you've never gotten it, instead of encouraging you and giving you actually helpful tips, they either tell you your a loser sub human who should kill himself because your doomed, or to just "BBEE URSELF XD"

The first one is bullshit, and the 2nd is too

Only molding your body and mind into what girls want is acceptable, if you look around /lit/ enough you'll find some of my other posts where I talk about what I've been doing lately

None of it anyone has ever told me about, I've had to learn it all on my own

>> No.7972959

You're obsessed about something not worth obsessing over.

This guy >>7972757 knows what's up.

>> No.7972975

>Everyone says that sex is to fapping what eating world famous chef prepared chicken Parmesan and other italian food is to eating piss soaked cardboard

Sex is well and good, but this is obviously from people who never learned how to masturbate with love and care for themselves and that in itself is so unfortunate. Stop watching porn if you know you don't really want to, love yourself.

>> No.7972992
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>the most important things
I'm sorry there's too many spooks here to comprehend

>> No.7973002

this is how lonely virgin nerds think. notice how these posts only come from them while people who have had sex are like "it's good but not the end be all'

>> No.7973007



every book is a relationship between the author and the reader

that's literally the entire point


>> No.7973021

Just like people who have access to food dont think about food with as much importance as starving people

>> No.7973041
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so much this

even with access to food I still love it, appreciate it, and never waste it
I nearly always eat as much as I made/ordered and if not I save it for later

If someone else gets something and doesn't eat it all I insist they do the same or give it to someone

Wasting food is disgusting

>> No.7973047

Is there anything you like more than bareback sex?
List it/them if so

>> No.7973060

You dorks are pathetic.

>> No.7973066

Bareback sex on drugs.

>> No.7973070

wow good counter argument

>> No.7973072


>giving you actually helpful tips
Here's a helpful tip: It's not that difficult if you actually try.

>Only molding your body and mind into what girls want is acceptable
And then you have to keep that up, throughout the course of your life, this second you. It won't work, friend.

If you want to get laid so badly, just use tinder. Jesus christ, I'm a pudgy balding manlet and I got laid with a stunner on a fucking 4 day city break on tinder.

Lose your fear of failure and stop taking yourself so fucking seriously you dick fuck

>> No.7973080

wow thanks

>> No.7973090

>heres a helpful tip
>doesnt actually give a helpful tip

>> No.7973100


Not the person you're replying to but the point about food makes zero sense.

If human relationships aren't a central focus in your life you have missed the entire point of literature and art in general.

And also a huge nerd.

>> No.7973111
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Go to hell.

>Its not that difficult if you actually try

Guess what? That never ever worked for me in the past

>And then you have to keep that up, throughout the course of your life

Yeah I sure wish someone had stressed how fucking critical being /fit/ and knowing all this win friends and influence people stuff was back when I was just starting highschool

I wish someone had grabbed me by the shoulders, looked straight in my eyes and said "You will be a virgin going on 19 before you finally learn all this stuff I'm gonna tell you now, listen to it and obey it or its gonna be ages before you get pussy"

>muh tinder
Whenever I tried it it never worked, I dont know how you do it

>Lose your fear of failure
The fear of this being my life forever is what drives me to do all this

>stop taking yourself so fucking seriously you dick fuck

Oh yeah because back when I did that I didn't bathe for 4 days, had a bowlcut, dressed like a middle schooler, and was 307 pounds

So I think I gotta take this 100% seriously, friendo.

>> No.7973138

And a little more about the serious thing.
Want me to talk about how much people despised me years ago?

>> No.7973149


>> No.7973152

OK then mate if that wasn't helpful enough, here's an actual helpful tip:

1. Download Tinder.

2. Create a profile that comes off casual. On your profile, don't use deadass selfies you took in the bathroom you'll come off like a serial killer. Go find a wall with graffiti on it or some shit and have someone take the photo. Try to look like you're not dead inside.

3. Swipe right on cuties.

4. Clean up your fucking apartment.

5. Wait for a match.

6. Introduce yourself casually. DON'T MAKE A LAME JOKE. DON'T JUST SAY "HEY". Give it a bit of effort but don't pander. If it's hard to figure out what to say, pretend you're a functioning member of the human race and imagine what they might say.

5. Arrange a date.

6. Take a shit.
7. Shave.
8. Shower or bathe.
9. Clean your teeth.

10. Go on the date. On the date, ask her about her life and actually listen to what she says. Don't try too hard, don't try too little. Again, just imagine you're a human being instead of a garbage bag full of vomit being held together with electrical tape.

11. Kiss her. If she kisses back you're golden and the rest will fall into place naturally.

Don't make me write an article about how to fuck her as well you piece of slime

>> No.7973159

you cant even contain your disdain
thanks for further proving me right

>> No.7973160

Chuck Palahniuk's Snuff is great for the grosser parts of sex, though it mostly revolves around porn.

Jesus no. Stop sperging all over this thread and go to one of general boards if you only want to talk about yourself ffs

>> No.7973168

Yeah so you should be getting a clearer picture now of why I need to take this seriously.

I was making a point that you guys don't get how bad it used to be.

You left out the part where unless your buff its not happening.

>> No.7973173

But fine, next time I'm out I'll get someone to take a pic of me against a neat backdrop or whatever and try my luck with my current semi-/fit/ (still in progress) face and body, clothes, etc

>> No.7973180

>You left out the part where unless your buff its not happening.

jesus christ you are beyond help.

standards for male attractiveness are so fucking low it's unreal. all you have to do is listen, and be clean. that's it.

you know why women don't like you? because you say shit like

>You left out the part where unless your buff its not happening.

they can smell that a mile off.

>> No.7973185

>you know why women don't like you? because you say shit like
>>You left out the part where unless your buff its not happening.
>they can smell that a mile off.

What the fuck does that even mean?
Can you honestly ascribe any relevant conclusion to what youve just said?

>> No.7973190
File: 123 KB, 780x690, 1461214767813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a complete lie.

Look at most of the population. Stare at it. Fucking examine it. Most, if not nearly all, people are nowhere near 'buff'. A good portion of them are probably fatter than you were. They still get sex.

It's part, a large one, but still only part of the human experience. If you choose to partake and go in expecting something transcendent, you'll just get more fucked up, because it's never perfect.

>> No.7973210

See here Mr. I'm beyond help >>7973173

I never say shit like that in person shit for brains, are you even reading my posts?
Not only have I been getting /fit/ I've been getting mentall /fit/ too, learning how social shit works

>lolol autist doesnt know automatically

Guess I dont, but I can learn it like anything else and I'm not gonna not learn it just to feed into your sadism

>> No.7973221

OP here. Stop turning this into one dweeb's personal self-help thread. And stop shitting up the entire thread, dweeb.


>> No.7973222


yes very easily my self-hating friend.

when you say

>unless your buff its not happening.

you're projecting your insecurities on every woman you meet. you come into conversations with women with thoughts like "she wont find me attractive because i'm not buff". this kind of thinking (not the fact that you aren't buff) is what is turning them off, but i doubt that you'll come far enough out of your self-pity spiral to believe that this is true.

>> No.7973234

Im not him by the way
But are you implying humans are telepathic?

>> No.7973239

Duh. It's how you always know exactly who is going to kill you.

>> No.7973244

>Le sarcasm epic XD

>> No.7973250


>I never say shit like that in person shit for brains
>I've been getting mentall /fit/ too, learning how social shit works

You understand that when someone texts you at 1am saying "u up?", they aren't actually just interested in whether you're awake, right?

I'm in the /lit/ board, aren't I? Words have subtext and context you idiot, that's what "social shit" is. Word choices, body language, topics of conversation. The speed, tone, inflection and pitch of your speech, all of these things give you away. Normal people pick up on that.


OK fine. Book about fucking. Just finished "The Love Affairs of Nathaniel P." Big thumbs up.

>> No.7973255


see >>7973250

>> No.7973264

So your conclusion is you cant get laid unless you understand hundreds of sub intentional signals which you cannot control and havent learned unless youve already been socialising successfully for your entire life

>> No.7973307


No. Forgive yourself. Try to stop hating yourself so much. If you are desperate and needy and lonely you will come off that way because of these signals.

You have two choices.

1. Actually raise your level of self esteem. And let me tell you if you became buff, you'd just find some other reason to hate yourself. Like plastic surgery addicts. The problem isn't your appearance, it's the part of you that's always finding something to hate about yourself. I can't be bothered to list ways to actually raise your self esteem. Google it.

2. Fake self-esteem. This is called confidence.

In reality, the best way to do it is a mixture between the two. This is what most normal people do.

When you aren't desperate, self-hating and lonely, you won't come off that way. You'll just come off like some guy. Many or even most single women, especially ones on tinder, are more than happy to just fuck "some guy".

>> No.7973490

so what does u up at 1 am mean?
is it someone testing to see if your a "loser" for being up that late?
or is it asking if you wanna have sex?

and yeah I know that all these things have subtext and context, no one ever taught me them, I've had to learn them myself

my self esteem is actually going up because of how much I'm learning and how much better I'm looking

I also notice that the closer I get the more people on 4chan talk shit and try to deter me, I don't know why
"just stop trying, give up, dont lose weight, dont build muscle, stop stop"

>most normal people
I have never been "normal" and I never will be, all of this I've been doing lately is an act and no matter how much I tell you it's been working lately you don't seem to believe me

Don't all of you sex masters always say shit like "you gotta learn to walk before you can run" when it comes to sex?
Well I'm doing a pretty good job walking lately (social skills) and eventually (combined with getting /fit/) I'm gonna get laid

>> No.7973533


>so what does u up at 1 am mean?
going out on a limb and assuming you're not trolling. it invariably means "lets fuck".

>Don't all of you sex masters
never claimed that. I just have a reasonably healthy sex life. could be better, could be worse.

>Well I'm doing a pretty good job walking lately (social skills) and eventually (combined with getting /fit/) I'm gonna get laid
well then, good for you, best of luck.

>> No.7973553

Well hey alright, I said it was either someone testing to see if your up to see if your a "loser" or if you wanna have sex

So I said it was one of the two, so I wasn't that far off

>well then, good for you, best of luck.
Yeah, I wish more people would be encouraging instead of "lolol kill yourself faggot your doomed"

>> No.7973591

>reading a book on how to get laid

Guess what, women find that creepy.

>> No.7973617

Guess what, I'm not going to tell them that I read it and that its why they are enjoying talking to me right now.

>> No.7973690


"We Gathered Some Sticks and Soon We Had A Faggot: The Story of OP" - imam Naygar Fageet.

"My Twisted World" - Elliot Rodger

"Faggots" - Larry Kramer

>> No.7973695


not that guy but, they'll enjoy talking to you simply because you read a neuroscience book and now you understand them as a species?

hate to break it to you bud but people are a bit more complex than that.

newsflash buddy different people have different motivations that depend on a mind-boggling number of factors. the fact that you believe that women, unlike men, can be boiled down to a cookie-cutter set of motivations is going to be a real turn off.

if you're the sort of person who has to read about and understand women in the abstract, alone, and then try to apply that template ad nauseum to women in the real world, i have a feeling you aren't going to get great results here.

a much easier way is to just ask the woman about her, and then listen. it's really not hard you just have to not be wrapped up in your own head for like 5 fucking minutes.

>> No.7973719

I never read the neuroscience book I read how to win friends and influence people

>entire argument is they are not all the same

I know that, you have to use your own judgement depending on the context and the specific person, but everything I'm learning is giving me waaaay better tools to go in and work things out than I've ever had before.

>a much easier way is to just ask the woman about her, and then listen.
I already do that now, I learned about it from the book. Before I never gave a shit, I still don't, but now I know how to act like I do and it works like a charm.

>> No.7973724

fair enough. while you're at it you should probably get that ASPD formally diagnosed. cross that one off the to-do list.

>> No.7973732

I'd rather have ASPD and be happy and successfully and be getting laid, than be a miserable failure virgin NEET, buddy.

In all seriousness I don't think I even have it, but if I do I know it comes from people treating me like shit my whole life. Imagine standard nerd bullying ramped up to 11. And all the faculty hated me too.

>> No.7973737

But I will read that neuroscience book soon, also I watched this video to get a brief summary of the book


>> No.7973739

yeah you sound real happy, man. good for you.

>> No.7973741

Text her and say "ey bae wanna go watch a movie ill pay".

>> No.7973748

I'll be happy once I'm getting laid.
I don't care how it happens, just so long as it happens.

>> No.7973762

>I'll be happy once I'm getting laid.
i lost my virginity late and can confirm this won't happen. i wanted nothing more than to lose it and when i did, i was happy for about a day and then more miserable than ever. good luck tho

>> No.7973792

I hope you're trolling.

>> No.7973804
File: 294 KB, 800x711, 1461808407572.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You didn't understand shit about the book, you're dumb as fuck anon, every single thing you though that the book was about is incorrect.
tbqhwy reading this
> It is a sometimes frustrating read. The flow of the story is often broken by pages of monologues of pretencious edgyness. But the sex scenes are interesting and sometimes nauseating.

makes me nauseated

>> No.7973863
File: 111 KB, 641x720, 1461195661838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The fear of this being my life forever is what drives me to do all this
good thing you won't make it to forever

It was one to begin with anyway

not even mate, it shows on you if you're a sad lonely loser; language is just a very small part of the interaction


>> No.7973890

Oh yeah because as we all know Elliot never attempted to take any actual action to change his situation and just festered and brewed over it until 22 and then bam.

It's almost like people like you want people who are virgins past a certain age to stay virgins forever.

>> No.7973895
File: 64 KB, 404x118, sexangelion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7973897

i think if i had sex with an attractive girl between the ages of 18 and 22 i'd be happy, but if instead i had an impersonal one night stand with a marginally attractive girl in her later 20s, which is probably the best i could ever realistically hope for, i would just be more depressed.

>> No.7973906

take it from me, the hotter she is, the emptier you'd feel. like "even this? even her?"

sex isn't the answer. and but so i guess you'll like, find that out on your own

>> No.7974949

I hate that this is true :(

>> No.7974961

Sex alone won't make you happy anon, a lot of young men don't seem to understand this.

>> No.7975047

The elementary particles - Michel Houellebecq

>> No.7975114

Jesus christ fuck off. I lost my virginity by fucking a girl's pussy with no condom on after not fapping for 4 days or so. I fucked her for about one hour and a half and couldn't come because of how underwhelming the experience was. Dont act like your experience with sex is universal you cockhead

>> No.7975485

I'm nearly positive your cut.

>> No.7975490


>> No.7975494

Maybe you prefer men.

Also, that has nothing to do with it.

>> No.7975500

Eh, being desirable isn't a huge deal to me. I think it's like everything else: it depends on your personality.

I don't believe people when they compliment me, but making them happy make it worth it.

Applied to sex, that means that getting a girl off means more to me than being desireable.

>> No.7975512

Literally fuck off with your grammar faggotry
People who pull that *You're stunt need to be send to a labor camp

And it has everything to do with it mr skinned dick

It takes out like half of your nerve endings, and dries up your dick and causes calluses on the head, look it up

>> No.7975514

Infact Im pretty sure it take out more than half of the nerve endings

>> No.7975604

Sex is pretty wonderful, especially if you care about the person youre doing it with

>> No.7975660

Try Mantak Chia

>> No.7975789

Hey guys, do you think that its a good combo reading Dostoyevsky and listening to Tyler Ze Creator at once?

>> No.7975894

>She will buy you Gregorian techno-beat chants and vanilla flavoured green tea for your birthdays because she won't understand the difference between a cheap mainstream copy and the real thing.
this is the most fedora'd post I've ever read

>> No.7975919

Can you elaborate on this? My ex used to read this book and i'm very interested to hear your ideas.

>> No.7976011

Hori shet, penguin puts boobies on covers?

>> No.7976088
File: 175 KB, 800x1200, 18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In Praise of Older Women (Vizinczey)
Emmanuelle (Arsan)
House of Incest (Nin)
The Story of O (Reage)
Delta of Venus (Nin)
Little Birds (Nin)
Tropic/s of Cancer/Capricorn (Miller)
Juliette (de Sade)
Lost Girls (Moore, Gibbe)
Colette (Holmes)
Story of Eye (Bataille)

A Billion Wicked Thoughts (Ogas & Goddam)
Perv - The Sexual Deviant In All Of Us (Bering)
Bonk: The Curious Coupling Of Science And Sex (Roach)
Sexual Desire (Scruton)

>> No.7976116

I forgot two;
My Secret Garden (Friday)
Forbidden Flowers: More Women’s Sexual Fantasies (Friday)

>> No.7976310

Do you always get this worked up about grammar and penis?

How does one literally fuck off? Off of what?

I think you've been on /pol/ and/or /b/ too much.

>> No.7976337


>be passionless towards material phenomena
>feel the urge to write this post


>> No.7976346

Because people who go *You're are being passive aggressive little faggots

And it annoys me that you think that circumcision does no harm because it implies that you don't give a shit about it being done to people.

Luckily I was never cut, but I hate how many guys its done to.

>> No.7976360

I really enjoyed In Praise of Older Women, good recommendation

>> No.7976376
File: 305 KB, 800x1280, 77278c70-7dbf-418a-9e04-75e482719122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is all erotica written in the most pretentious of purple prose?

>> No.7976382

just finished it the other day - massive let down. the guy seemed so bitter and had very little in the way of praise other than "well, at least they don't snicker at me like the girls my age"

>> No.7976410

The most pretentious garbage i've ever fucking heard in my entire life.
The fact that you chose that picture to represent your pseudo-intellectual opinion, also reflects how much a fucking neet weaboo piece of human garbage you most likely are.
It sounds like you just read a few chapters from the Tibetan Book of the Dead, and finished yourself off with a circle jerk of Hare Krishna.

>> No.7976424

Has no one here ever made love? Sex is different from making love, one is a mere invention of the flesh and the other a perfect bond of lovers.

>> No.7976464

but lack of sex alone can make you sad, and the only way to cure lack of sex is to have sex.

>> No.7976575

>Sex for the sex itself, i.e. sex as an act sucks and is alienating no matter how you slice it.
not true for women.

women are the only ones able to be fucked for the sake of being fucked.

Sex is for women and men trying to please women.

Sex for women is always a potentiality to a life of more leisure, but women have no problem to stop at sex.

Sex for men is about being in touch with reality: you are validated, meritorious towards other men (because there is nothing easier than fucking a girl, since girls love to be fucked, but only by men promising a good fuck) and you feel in touch with reality when you make the girl moan.

this is the logic of hedonists, aka women, and betas.

betas are upset When a beta is deprived of the validation of his existence by women, either because the women validate him and other men (the beta will call whores these women ), or only other men (these betas will call sluts these women).
Betas become depressed and suicidal.

These men are not meant to go beyond the devotion to women. Alphas manage to stop trying to please women and can go beyond their desire to be validated.

>> No.7978184


Lost Girls is boring af, imo

>author of book about fuckin names Goddam


>> No.7978210
File: 51 KB, 317x265, 1350291540351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw superior ingeneering gf who supports you being a writter and buys you book for you to read after you cooked together
>tfw bourgeoisie's ideal of happiness is pretty comfy
S-srry Marx-sempai
Not sorry tbqh

>> No.7978305


>> No.7978321

Sex is not that much better than masturbation. Hell, sometimes it's worse.

>> No.7978339

If youre not really ugly and you keep going out eventually a slut will find you personally i love sluts but idk some people are offput and fancy themselves too good for a slut. but theyre honestly good people

>> No.7978479
File: 1.75 MB, 4276x3839, Desires.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sex is in the third section of the pyramid, so when physiological and safety needs are met, you start desire intercourse.

>> No.7978501

i dunno mang
I think thats the female pyramid

I think the male pyramid has esteem come before love and belonging.

>> No.7978515


if you're actually disgusted by sex, I suggest you do some S O U L S E A R C H I N G

>> No.7978522

egyptians were White OK

>> No.7978622

Can this thread just fucking die already?

>> No.7978667

Fuck you, because of this thread I am staying on /lit/.

>> No.7978688
File: 11 KB, 259x194, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm a virgin and my literal life goal is to get bareback pussy
>All I want is a boyfriend free girl !!!111

>> No.7978692

You have sex because you love someone. You don't love someone to get sex.

>> No.7978724


>> No.7978748
File: 6 KB, 275x183, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Before I never gave a shit. I still don't.

>> No.7978753
File: 12 KB, 184x184, 73e4d4585e60c54cce50bf93ce5e50191c25ed6d_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that has nothing to do with it
Keep telling yourself that, Mordecai.

>> No.7980010

You probably only posted this to brag, so good job, I am jelly, but happy for you. I hope you can fully enjoy it while it lasts.

>> No.7980137

Doctor Glas by Hjalmar Söderberg. A narrator that is a romantic while being disgusted by sex and many other things in life. Couldn't find that many relevant quotes in english but

>I believe in the lust of the flesh and the incurable isolation of the soul.
>A pregnant woman is a frightful object. A new-born child is loathsome. A deathbed rarely makes so horrible an impression as childbirth, that terrible symphony of screams and filth and blood.

>> No.7980543

>A deathbed rarely makes so horrible an impression as childbirth, that terrible symphony of screams and filth and blood.

Brutal. I'm into it.

>> No.7981247

Although I think you should pursue a goal more meaningful than just sex (what about love, Anon?) and I dont know how I feel about that neuroscience book you mentioned (don't know the book but it sounds sort of redpillish), I think it's great that you're trying to improve yourself. Don't listen to all of those lameos. Go after what you want instead of being a resentful shitposter. Be the best you can be.

>> No.7981289

A nice book about sex is Exquisite Corpse...

>> No.7981373

How is the whole

>le maymay XDDD

type of mocking any better than sarcasm?

>> No.7981705

>I'm a virgin and my literal lifegoal is to get bareback pussy (no fucking condoms don't count)

fucked a 9/10 jewish new york lit-chick bareback the other day, it was great

and i still want to fucking die

>> No.7982166
File: 710 KB, 938x1210, G_interaction_guides.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>meritorious towards other men (because there is nothing easier than fucking a girl, since girls love to be fucked, but only by men promising a good fuck)

>> No.7982182
File: 104 KB, 679x427, 1461535835775.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm a virgin and my literal lifegoal is to get bareback pussy (no fucking condoms don't count)
>bareback pussy (no fucking condoms don't count)

Enjoy your STDs.

>> No.7982202

Are there actually any chad's here commenting on?

The only way you can have a meaningful opinion on casual sex and whether it's fullfilling or not is if you have the ability to sleep with a lot of hot girls.

It's easy to say 'sex is useless, hedonistic, unfullfilling' if you had the misfortune of never being able to fuck a 9+ girl.

Let me tell you one thing, love is a meme. I'm currently in a relationship and I truly love her, but I accept that this is a feeling that will not last. It gets replaced by being comfortable and being ok with eachother, it never comes close to the thrill of having cocaine fulled threesomes with gorgeous girls.

To everyone in a position to fuck multiple hot girls, go out, try it and then comment on how unfullfilling it is.

>> No.7982218
File: 181 KB, 1078x1228, life.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not a "Chad" (I have to work to get laid), but at least I don't think I can improve significantly w.r.t. to the "qualities" of bodies of girls I fucked before. In particular, I had a taller lean dancer gf with great looking B cups, who knew her sex appeal - which is incredible sexy in of itself.
I think whenever you have "access" to a girl for a month, it becomes routine and you don't appreciate it.
Still the idea persists that sex is an end of itself and one seeks better sex: So what happens? People (me) start to fetishising the Chad idea ("If I was an sex god ubermensch then sex with hot girls would actually be BETTER then the sex I have with the hot girls, because the girls animalistic desire would show more") or ideas of fucking several girls at once like you propose.
I posted in this thread before where I said that wanting sex is a desire we can't get rid off and while sex is good, this desire is mostly just a natural need. The ideas describe above are silly and just push the want for more further into the absurd - if I get a threesome with two hotties, I know that I'll still find something else to dream of. Pretty silly. I love the chill I get from a good philosophical insight just as much as I like the moment of cuming during sex. The former changes me more, you reflect on your character and grow. The latter is a great feeling but just something you do and that leaves you the same person.

>> No.7982250


It's only worth caring about if you are trying to create a new human.

>> No.7982253


Pretty good insight. I agree that my first post wasn't nuanced enough.

While I recognize that having sex with loads of hot girls won't help myself improve as a person in the long run, the act in itself is still worth the trade-off especially in a man's prime 18-40.

>> No.7982278

Go home, Elliot.

>> No.7982334
File: 932 KB, 1500x1000, _MG_0119+(2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just gonna comment to that virgin dude that is posting a ton in here.


Change your self and work to become a better person because YOU want to become a better person. Not because you want women to see you as better.

Once you are able to find passions and confidence in yourself, then everything else will fall into line.

Going through this process all with the goal of just fucking girls will end the second you fuck a girl and it will all come back crashing down again and you will have to start over.

>> No.7982423

t. virgin

>> No.7982430
File: 545 KB, 966x546, modla.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What trade-off are you talking about?

Being sad can't be part of the trade-off because it not only gets you not laid, but also doesn't give you anything else. The message is to not let being with hot chicks be a spook - in fact don't let anything be one.
Making yourself a more successful and desirable person and then getting into a position where you can fuck hotties isn't a trade-off either. You don't lose anything, as long as you also enjoy the path there. There is essentially nothing that I'd want to achieve for myself that would not make me into a person who's more likely to get good sex - it's a byproduct.

>> No.7982470

Why do you wanna die, anon?

>> No.7982479

I thought this would be douchey red pill bullshit. I was pleasantly surprised.

>> No.7982499
File: 486 KB, 546x824, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sex book!

>> No.7982507

Every sexual experience seems to me vastly different. I sometimes wish I could escape my body to see what it would be like as someone else. I have a very hard time getting laid, mostly because of the way I look. And it's honestly just not quite worth the effort I have to put in. I'm glad some of you are able to enjoy it so much.

>> No.7982512

lmao i think you're taking this alpha-beta thing a bit seriously

i mean like, we all got rejected in high school there's no reason to turn it into an ideology lol just get over it

>> No.7982547

How can you know if you've never experienced it?

>> No.7982573


>While I recognize that having sex with loads of hot girls won't help myself improve as a person in the long run, the act in itself is still worth the trade-off especially in a man's prime 18-40.
Indeed, men are not meant to go beyond the devotion to women.
Men are meant to be happy spending their time, energy and money trying to serve, typically through attempts to the fucking, the few women who choose to notice them.
men even claim that ''it is impossible to stop willing to be noticed by women'', but contrary to women who are successful in hedonism (precisely thanks to these men who spend their time trying entertaining them, especially through fucking), this mantra do not save these betas, who always end up depressed and whining, some to the point of becoming suicidal.
Alphas manage to stop trying to please women and can go beyond their desire to be validated.

>> No.7982614


lmao dripping with bitterness

>> No.7982661

The insecurity.

>> No.7982688


The trade-off with starting a family before 40, obviously.

I consider having a wife and children to be a component of a fullfilling life, but not before the sexual lust with multiple partners, inherent in any male, has been satiated.

Basically a lot of men in their 40+ regret not fucking around more when they were capable, I don't want to feel that kind of regret